
Euthyphro Rewritten- Socrates and Euthyphro Dialogue about Troubles

 Dramatis Persona;



S- Good day Euthyphro; how goes it bud?

E- Fine my friend. So you are out of jail again?

S-Indeed Euthyphro, the charge of hate speech won’t stick. It was just petty calumny by establishment insiders throwing shade. What about yourself? I hear you have a day in court ahead?

E-Quite so Socrates. It’s payback time for my old man. He murdered one of our slaves so I have charged him with that capital offense.

S-No, that can’t be; he is you blood.

E-Makes no difference Socco; he did the deed and need pay the piper.

S-Yes Euthy- the piper must be paid. How did this crime occur?

E-My drunken da thought the slave was a killer and chained him to the gallows while he went to ask the prophetic oracle of ChatAI what the right moral action is; should he ang the lout or just keelhaul him beneath the largest trireme in the Athenian fleet. While da was on his mission to talk with the oracle of ChatAI the slave died from hypothermia overnight in the snow. That was a cold blooded murder by da I say.

S- Yes, piety need be pursued to the logical spring of truth. Are you confident your decision to have your Da punished for not attending to the well being of the slave is just and pious?

E-Same difference Socco.

S-What is justice and piety Euthy?

E-It’s what is fair and just, and God loves it.

S-I see; God loves it because it is pious or it is pious and just because God loves it?

E- Were you smoking crack in gaol Socco? Those seem like pretty fine hairs to split.

S- Indeed the Spartan in gaol had some fine green yet I did not inhale for I have been charged by Miletus, a youngster with a scraggly beard and a hooked nose, with corrupting youth and inventing false gods of science for the masses to worship with legal dope and free brothels for everyone.

E-None of that is true, plainly.


E. Now what is justice?

S-You don’t know Euthy?

E-Just saying, if you remember, because crack makes you forgetful, or is that age? Never mind; piety is doing the will of God in all things because God is good.

S- Is God good because he is God, or God because he is good?

E- God is a great mathematician that built the Universe with math. Everything is a triangle or a portion of something like that; strings, quarks, gluons; you know; a math Universe.

S-So sin is to provide wrong answers to questions involving the underlying order of the Universe?

E-Certainly. Would you like me to be your instructor?

S-Yes Euthy, I will be your disciple for you have the wisdom of youth.

E-Modestly speaking Socrates, I post at Facebook and Iinstagram a lot. People wait to watch me post at Tik Tok sides.

S-Excellent! I can tell the court that I was misinformed about dope, brothels, abortion, illegal entry to Athens, hate speech and sundry items that I supported and that may have corrupted youth. I will say that now that I am your disciple I attend to the strait and narrow path of proper mathematics underlying the constructions and order of this Universe or any other with reasonable quarks, scintillations of excited forms and virtual energy emerging from fields such as the Higgs that are pervasive though sometimes imperfect copies of forms in the mind of God.

E- Yes Socco; I can see that I have corrected you in part already; for you must know that morality simply means conforming to the will of God and the order of the Universe he has constructed of real, irrational and rational numbers with righteous gage theory, Abelian algebra, Lie groups, Eigenfunctions, Differential equations, Hilbert Space with machine language content quantum computed etc. The underlying order of the Universe may be interpreted as natural law sentient beings need comply with to avoid being folded, spindled and mutilated through time, or in the beyond. Willful sin and impiety means being odd when evenness is required for passage through innate filters of structured order.

S- Do you take American Express Euthy?


Could 81 Year old Joe Biden Coach a Pro Football Team if he was Competent at Football?

 Would you hire Joe Biden to be coach of a pro-football team if he was competent at football? Does being President of the United States take less skill or energy than coaching a pro football team?

Joe Biden is already 81 years old. Donald Trump is 77. If he is elected when he finishes a single term he too will be 81. Thankfully he won't be able to run for a third term.

If Ralph Nadir was 77 instead of 89 he would be a viable candidate against these two guys. If buying a horse though, one might take the younger of the too because it might trot around the track better than the other one.

Time and Its Place in Nature (a poem)


Plato in the Timaeus wrote-" Now of the two triangles, the isosceles has one form only ; the scalene or unequal-sided has an infinite number." -Something to consider…imperfection takes countless forms from the most basic, like nature, yielding countless varieties until the power runs out.

The unified field
was a dot with all time
without extent
as if exiting non-being
a suggestion from the progenitor
a thought of extension
expansion and inflation
sending time and gravity to be and become
nature with Timaeus’ guideposts
mile markers if gravity splitting
with the strong next
leaving the electroweak to full throttle Higgs, Electro-magnetism and the Higgs
crashing particles acquiring mass with hydrogen and light
flooding being the Universe called the scald
cooled down over eons clumping together
pie crust galaxies forming
quantum foam noaming
agitated like a can of spray wax
disinclined to wane

  Nature was born like a gumball machine of stars and planets
gimbaled and symbols with black hole pockets
centering in galactic sprockets
Newton’s Liebnizian wheels of machines
where sentients could dream
additional things

  Thales speculating of the nature of water
and how time is interpreted like roaring shockers of ink blotters
moments in temporal fields crash like waves of rhymes
life arising from circumstance designed before time
struck a thin vacuum hosting fur fields
like a dream unknowing of anything real

    Heraclitus and Parmenides believed nature would grow
and things emerge from that which does show
yet lizards as large as a barn would command
researches of wizards of mathematics and cans
excavating below furrows for bones of the beasts
grown like artichokes, persimmons and leaks

    It’s green and red and black and white
stone and magma, cellular and light
with leaves complied like shadows buried in years
millennia deep crenellations before stratifications keep
records with carbon dated peaks

  Membranes and dimensions grow with damped force
changing with pressure from a pre-destined course
order from a point of time in null-space
extracted relatively, minus eternity prima facie

  Nature is spun with Abelian gauged fields
contrary to nothing, everything reveals
more of the something; the stuff that dreams are made
shaking spears with strings and quarks
are punctuations to momentarily go dark

  The spirit of God
is the host of nature
thermodynamic waterfalls and quantum rivers
with sharp, stark hot and cold
that may give life shivers
and wonder about all that breathes
everything rising and breaking down to knees.

Fourteen Point One Percent (a poem)


I thought I would journey to Proxima Centarui B
4.26 light years from away
electro-magnetic field accelerated
somewhat less than the speed of light
ten years round trip with a couple of months on-site
141 years would pass on earth
before I returned to the fight

  14.1 percent more time occurs
to those stationary in comparison
to those that at .99% light speed go
places in space-time through relativistic fields
patched up with the Higgs 
gravity will yet slow

  Observation of G at the speed of light
mixing with mass in vacuum’s cold night
to unify massless theory and probability cues
where insertion elsewhen renders everything new
the separation at time=0 plus
without coercion a mysterious fuss

  Conversions of echoes to field strength data
harmonic deontology chords for Zeubin Mehta
classified whirls wrapped in geometries
created time dimensions melted down
a song of salvation sends progenitor’d sound

  Time minus extension has one point to disappear
where everything is potential
and the distant is near
it waits for differentiation from the state of the same
reverse courses from the construction of fields blown apart
take travelers toward the beginning
to one field-separating start

    A Proxima Centaturi shear black field of layered forces
left time to overcome with evident dimensional courses
to venture for everywhen that fell from the night
and pluralism’s glories of beingness’ roses
time’s seas in all directions
are an index for sight
where we saw the vision
and discerned dark and light.


Regarding Extremism

 Extreme views are nothing more than those that are not mainstream. For quite a while and even continuing today the green economic movement was regarded as extreme by the fossil fuel and coal mainstream votaries. The result is global warming. Mainstream opinions are driven by social inertia and are not necessarily the best. Instead they simply dominate for sundry reason including the concentration of wealth and power invested in the established order.

The historian Arnold Toynbee pointed out that one of the basic reasons for the failure of a civilization is that once its economy becomes established it is very difficult to get it to change. Not just economics; politics too. He used ancient Greece as an example of a failed civilization with a cause of being unable to upgrade to a Republic like Rome with a unification of all of the city-states into one nation. Without unification they were easy prey for the Roman legions.

Common mainstream views need be upgraded for a society to continue to advance after it has already reached maturity. Usually societies do not. If they are successful the wealthy become globalists so far as possible and neglect upgrades to their own country. I suppose the United States is a contemporary example. Fundamentally anything that would actual change the established social structure is considered extreme. It is the media that presently defines what is or isn’t extreme anyway.
Leading, new ideas are often perceived as extreme in comparison to established mainstream ideas. I believe that some ideas are good and others bad. Mainstream views are safe because they have been around a while. new ideas may be good or bad because they are untested and haven't been implemented. Remember that in the ante bellum south abolitionists were regarded as extremists.


At Last (a hypo-test stanza)


Beginning and end are nothing to mend
alpha to omega are stars just to spend
being and becoming eventual days
from childhood memories to twilights' last rays
emptiness found that forest all around
devoid of the people one knew like the sounds
echoing laughter to shelter the now
silence has overtaken time with the Tao
over the edge of the waterfall it flows
finally with the Lord one may at last go.

Some Kind of Being Has Always Existed

Energy always exists, or something does. As Parmenides said being exists and nothing is impossible. Virtual energy from a vacuum is energy from a field. A singularity is something. Some phase of something always has existed. Science doesn't understand all about fields. They speculate a gravitational field emerged first followed by the strong force then the electroweak breaking up into the Higgs, electromagnetism and the weak force, yet certainty about that isn't plain. Virtual particles appear and disappear yet they are from some kind of field- maybe fluctuations of the Higgs as some kind of leftover. Imagine that the Higgs covers the entire region of space-time in a very thin way yet enough to entangle massless particles and give them the appearance of mass because they acquire a third dimension rather than the usual 2 dimensions of massless particles. The Higgs field must have energy or potential energy as a field that yields virtual energy. There could be micro-dimensional slipping of energy occurring too. Even God exists (or if for the atheists and agnostics out there) and is 'something' always existing capable of issuing stuff. Some people want to believe in nothing as a kind of moral reverence reassuring their faithlessness . Parmenides was right; being is the sole possibility

Trump or DeSantis; Does Either have Virtue/Arete?

 I'm enjoying taking a second course in ancient philosophy. It's a great review since the days when I read the Socratic dialogues and other ancient works passed long ago. Within the course the concept of virtue appeared; what did Socrates mean when he investigated virtue, or rather what did others mean when using the term.

The Greek term for virtue was arete. Classical virtue is somewhat vague to moderns. Apparently in the Meno politicians like Pericles and Thermistocles were held to have virtue. I would think that Winston Churchill 'had it', as well as Franklin D. Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. Virtue was bravery and great, effective leadership that benefits the nation rather than just the politicians and his family members.

Modern ideas of virtue or classical virtue were about good character, wisdom, patience, stamina, sound judgment, benefiting the state, moderation in use of materials- rather Stoic characteristics to a certain extent. And one must include self-sacrifice or personal risk to benefit others. Numerous example exist such as a young woman in Portland that risked electrocution to save a baby in danger of being electrocuted where three attempts and deaths had already been made.

DeSantis may have elements of both types of virtue, whereas Donald Trump has more of the be-like-Pericles kind of virtue. Modest demeanor-not being a braggart is a classical virtue and Donald Trump tends to fail at modesty and excel at international relations rather than waging unjust and superfluous wars. It is a virtue to seek after peace when reasonable prospects for it exist instead of running willy-nilly into wars in pursuit of glory and profit at the cost of other's lives.


Original Sin Expressed/Contained Via Entropy Converting Order to Disorder

 Original sin is expressed as entropy converting order to disorder. Something of a bit of humor in that; ha ha hanahar!-הנהר. Human nature is embedded in thermodynamic fields that may be the containment for original sin. Converting order to disorder-energy to mass and the most disordered state of mass, expresses the nature of original sin. Humans require energy input and have drives for that, reproduction and sometimes power to increase the ability to input energy. Capitalism is a great converter of energy from a high state of order in nature to a low state of energy and eventually disorganized waste. Ecological economics would be more efficient and sustaining social stability and creativity with 8 billion souls on earth yet thermodynamic drives converting energy to mass make most people insecure, avaricious and in quest of expansion in the case of billionaires and eventually trillionaires. People want a lot more than they need and use the extra income to convert nature into disorder with thermodynamic entropy.

Will Africa be the Pot of Gold for Illegal Migrants Seeking the American Dream?

It just an idea suggested by the recent actions of the U.K. to relocate illegal migrants to the U.K. to Africa. The United States has a backlog of more than three million souls claiming political asylum in the United States and the federal government has turned them loose in a catch and release policy. There are millions more migrants here illegally that haven’t claimed political asylum. Since the government cannot deal with the problem with competence perhaps it could consider relocating detainees to some safe neutral nation until their court date arrives in a few years.


Plainly the special asylum seeking quasi-legal-illegal category is challenging for Democrats to address with a measure of intellect and competence. Rather than make them temporary legal guest workers and hand a victory to hundreds of thousands or millions of bogus claims it might be better to relocate them to some nation that could use the income of sheltering a few million should in refugee camps with good security and facilities.

It is useful to have order in a nation and not undermine the efforts of legal residents to improve the quality f their lives by dumping millions of workers and resource users that had not the consent of the people of the United States through their elected representatives to arrive here. In the United States the economy is stratifying between the 1% and everyone else. Though a reasonable standard of living is common there are many that don’t own a home these days. Wealth is concentrating. Presently the distribution of wealth is beginning to resemble that of a caste system. Flooding the nation with badly educated foreign workers with dubious legal status is a way to break down traditional America and the Middle class so it is more like that of India or Mexico. Perhaps Wal-mart shifted its door entrances to the left from the traditional right in order to help condition American shoppers to political ineffectiveness and prole status as if they were living in an updated Orwellian society. Could Namibia or South Sudan be the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for illegal aliens pursuing the American dream?

It is important that every human being on Earth has opportunity for a good life. That can only occur with order since the wild is no longer capable of providing a bountiful larder for eight billion people. The world political economy need change one an ecologically sustainable format, and civil stability need be the rule rather than exception.

A foreign diplomat was quoted recently in reply to a question asking him about the future of the United States. He said; “The U.S.A. is a fat buffalo trying to get a nap while a lot of hungry wolves are approaching.” Plainly he was trying to elicit military support for the European/N.A.T.O. was on Russia in Ukraine in the effort to exploit the west’s military advantage over Russia to benefit Western Europe. Europeans would like to seem like the victims of Russian aggression and expect the United States to be the military bully to provide advanced weapons to allow Ukraine to defrappe Russia’s efforts to recover some of the historically Russian land lost in the Bill Clinton era when Russia was basically helpless.

Yet the United States is largely divided between those seeking to make America a part of a global caste system ruled by the 1% with the masses being peons, serfs or communard proles living in a kind of open air prison/lunatic asylum happy with dope and slopped with jobs that allow payments on new cars and homes they don’t own until a new economic shock makes them lose everything they own to the 1% holding mortgages, and those that prefer a little civil order that isn’t ephemeral and disappears like morning dew.


Replies to a Hater of God

Following are my replies to a hater of God from a FB chatroom. I haven’t included his attacks here. I can however use the material again. si...