
The West vs Stalin before W.W.2

 An interesting historical point occurred to me recently. It concerns the practical reasons why Stalin signed off with a treaty with Hitler before the start of the Second World War. Of course the treaty didn’t last very long as Germany invaded Russia in 1941 in Operation Barbarossa costing three quarters of a million Russian soldiers their lives to repel. Americans often use the treaty made by Stalin as an excuse or justification for putting Russia down morally in the modern world.

So I considered the circumstances of the treaty. Some of the west denied diplomatic recognition of the Soviet government of Russia and the United States had even sent 2000 marines to fight in Russia for the White Armies versus the Red Army in the Russian civil war. In short the west was antipathetic to the existence of the Russian government so when Germany offered a treaty Stalin was perhaps quick to take it; it was better to have one neutral party to the west rather than face a unified block of opposition to communism in Russia.

Pragmatism was thus the primary motive of Stalin in seeking to find peace to the west. Joseph Stalin was of course a ruthless dictator; one of the foremost of world history, yet he was also a realist. Maybe the treaty bought him some time before the Nazis would decide to invade. Plainly Stalin had no prospect or possibility of a rapprochement with the west before the Nazi invasion, when thereafter England and the United States sought Stalin as an ally in order to combat the Nazi expansion east and west. So in the final analysis I won’t hold the treaty as a negative point against Russia. Stalin made peace with the only neighbor nation that it could amid a solid neighborhood of haters to the west. Germany had yet to demonstrate the kind of people the Nazis were to the world, and that is a point to remember. Generally Americans blame Stalin for signing off with Hitler before the war as if he knew what the Nazis would be like in the future, and obviously that is absurd.

Should a nation not try to be at peace with its neighbor nations generally? Stalin was wrong with his choice to invade Finland morally speaking, yet that I a different issue and one concerning the problems of communism and dictators rather than Russians as a people. Russians did not elect a communist government to replace the Kerensky government and legislature (the Duma). Instead a revolution by cadres of well organized communists accomplished a takeover and never looked back through most of the 20th century.


The Perfidy of Elective Wars in the Anthropocene Era

 Escalating war on our W.W.2 ally is terrible- inexcusable really.  Strategically it is completely daft. Russia lost 3/4 million soldiers to stop the Nazi invasion in 1941, and then it needed 2.6 million soldiers to remove the Nazis from Ukraine in 1943.

Ethnic Russians have paid heavily for defending their ancient homeland. Russia's September 1943 900 mile front enabled the American landings a month later in Sicily. About 6 million ethnic Russians perished in the Second World War retaking Ukraine and other areas that were part of Russia before the Soviet takeover. 

Germany had a million casualties on the Eastern front with operation Barbarossa. Russia and friends took away a lot of Nazis that otherwise would have met the U.S.A. at Normandy too. The U.S.A. lost 4,500 soldiers at Normandy on D-Day. Biden trusts Europe more than Russia for all the wrong reasons. Students of Biden's generation just learned western civilization in school- nothing about Russia  really-except cold war stuff. So the early learning was retarded. Joe Biden is the anti-Reagan.

People forget history and lack pragmatism in politics. The Clinton-Yeltsin swindle stealing Ukraine from Russia set the stage for war when Russia became strong enough to fight to get it back. Without a negotiated peace with Russia keeping what is has presently their isn't hope for anything beside escalating risk to the entire human race. The United States should really think about staying out of European lunacy instead of joining it. The U.S.A. should lead towards a free world with stable borders and people moving toward ecological economics.

  Joe Biden simply wants to be re-elected and maybe get a little glory. He is like one of the belligerent Diadochi in the Third Diadochi War that wants a piece of Antigonus's action circa 315-312 B.C  The national scheming is something U.S. rube Presidents are better off staying out of. Euros shouldn't be encouraged in such perfidies in the Anthropocene era.

Nuclear War or Border Security (a poem)


Seeking the impossible dream
of nuclear war before next spring
Joe Biden plants the flag of Mt. Suribachi
in Kiev to fly for modern Nazis

Russia paid with 3/4 million soldiers to beat Barbarossa
and Biden has reinforced Ukraine with La Cosa Nostra
his ego flies on automatic
re-election seeker forever
plagiarizing with heat-seekers

Trump would have a peaceful world
free trade globally until the whole free world
in recondite morrows knows its time to change
economic style to war on global warming pains.

Remembering D-Day and the Cost to Russia

D-Day in 1944 cost 4500 allied soldier’s lives. Russia, or the Soviet Union had spent 775,000 of its soldier’s lives repelling the German Nazi invasion in 1941 during Operation Barbarossa. Russians- Soviets, continued to advance west to roll up the Nazi Army thereafter. In August 1943 Russia had sent 2.6 million soldiers to the fray and had retaken the Ukraine from the Nazi horde. Without the diversion of German Nazi soldiers to fight Russia- just in operation Barbarossa Germany had a million casualties, life would have been more difficult for the allies attacking from the west and south. 

In September 1943 the allies invaded Italy. Russia's 900 mile front against the Nazis continued pushing through Ukraine and into other Nazi occupied nations of Eastern Europe. Eventually- in June 1944. The allies landed at Normandy on D-Day.


Nuclear Clockwork Orange at Midnight and the Global Heating Thing Too (poem)


A yellow bird with a yellow bill
was sitting on the window sill
lured in with crumbs of unleaded
global warmin smashed its bladdy head

Thermostats will just control
alien responsibility for the grassy noll
convictions of greenhouse gas may harm
don’t really strike the right alarm

Turn up the air
in summer it's true
someone will fix it
the rich can do

Nuclear war is a comparative bore
it don’t exist now so viewers aren’t tore
Netflix matters and asphalt too
when it's really bad use super-glue

Believe in iron, believe in steel
trust the benthos to carbon dinos seal
if voters are dumb wet diaper bills pass
not practical to care about common gas

Bear and wolves, tigers and flings
oil slicks over collateral damaged things
wild lives wild gettin more rare
city folks joke and sponsor mechanical tares

To be or not to be a minion alum
climb up the ladder and keep opinions mum
look just one step ahead to the fog of war
cloak the future in complacent cores.

King Canute said yada yada yada this morn
before rolling back the tide of rising sea levels scorned
revisions, reforms of mass economic ways
perhaps nothing will silence environmental end of days.

Biden 1 - Reason 0 D-Day Commemoration

 On the 80th anniversary of D-Day Joe Biden has brought his war against Russia via Ukraine into the conversation of commemoration. Yet President Biden illustrates what Winston Churchill would have been like if he had been born with his head up his ass.

  It may be that in the PRIDE month of June Gays, Queers, Lesbians and transneutered for nuclear war have pride in the President's policy. Even the larger Biden constituency of Democrats for Nuclear War might be offended by the opinion that the President has his head up his ass so far that he can't tell night from day on evaluating history and good points for peace instead of war. That will need to be worked out at the polls in November.

The world nuclear clock has reached midnight, and nuclear war could occur any day. If it doesn't happen before November and someone else elected there is a little hope of the world going on a while.

With Russia made by Mr. Biden as the public enemy from his point of view Russian leadership has mentioned reciprocating the providing weapons to anyone that wants to attack western targets including the U.S.A. (since Biden gave permission for Ukraine to American weapons to attack Russia. Pres Biden seems insane in preferring war to peace through a settlement with Russia yet Democrats are to blame for voting him in to office. That was a dangerous and possibly fatal mistake.

Russia was America's most important W.W. 2 ally. Without Russia absorbing more than 20 million casualties yet fighting on through axis occupied nations on the eastern front the allies on the west wouldn't have gone too far. Presidents Biden and Clinton have seized historically Russian land and annexed it to the west after the end of the Cold War; Democrats are now the Nazi occupiers and attackers of in quite a role reversal from 80 years ago.


Tools of Platonic Worlds (poem)


Universal tools of seven dimensions
reduce time to rubble with static conventions
fields with particles  wrapped with coruscation itself
are timelines grown and galaxies shared
days in construction,  moments aware

Plato's thoughts of a realm of forms
packed grand iterations for evolving world norms
received scripture after God breathed the first
words instructing time
to place the next verse

What is set circling compounds itself
recasting shadows from nowhere  juxtaposed
quarks atoms and molecules
right on the nose, where enters the day
while eternity flows.

Ukraine's Draft Dodgers May be Bumped Out by Biden Amnesty Reduction Act

 The President's executive order to limit amnesty seeker numbers that he made law in order to appeal to the Hispanic voting block


may adversely impact male Ukrainians seeking to flee press gangs sent to add dragoons in Ukraine. Un-elected President Zelinsky's ukase to round up all males of draft age and send them to the front line to await death, with little or no military training, has sent many that prefer life to flee the country and risk concertina wire, armed patrols and mine fields placed to prevent draft resistors from exiting Ukraine. Will the numbers of asylum seekers capped daily by Hispanics illegally crossing the U.S. border block Ukrainians really seeking to stay alive from receiving sanctuary in the United States?

Would President Biden offer sanctuary to Ukraine's draft dodgers as Canada did for Americans during the Vietnam conflict? The alternative is to force them to risk a high probability of death by FPV (First Person View) drones flying about with plastic explosives looking for people or combat vehicles to detonate, so infantrymen on both sides of the conflict can win not only combat infantry badges, but the Combat Joystick medals as well.

In time the FPV technology upgrades will reach the United States and Mexican borders for drug smuggling and terrorism as well. Already drones can fly as scouts for those bringing illegal aliens over the border and locate Homeland security vehicle and personnel positions.

Zelinsky Mines Borders to Stop Citizens Fleeing the Draft

 The Ukraine government has reportedly begun using land mines on its south western borders with Hungary, Romania and Slovakia in order to stop Ukrainians from leaving the country and forced service in its war with Russia. Zelinsky's term as President has expired so he is more or less an unelected comedian-politician forcing fellow citizens to be sent to the front lines. Therefore Ukrainians try to escape to non-extraditable countries where press gangs won't sweep them off the street or from jobs and homes in Ukraine to put on a helmet and get in a trench to wait for FPV drones to blow them up.

Learning from Biden Democrats, Zelinsky has discovered that power provides its own convenient lubrication for having things his way.

Herman Hesse (the author of Steppenwolf) wrote poetry about the brevity of life and its aging process. Certainly as one reaches old age the era of good youthful health and vitality becomes a faded memory leading one to wonder if that time was illusory, as might all of life be; that is the nature of temporality. Those citizens of Ukraine dragooned from peace and thrown into war and death may not have the opportunity to consider the phenomena of aging and the nature of the temporal experience; yet they should.


President Biden Seeks Intervention to Save Hamas from Defeat

 Hamas is on the brink of defeat in Gaza.Israel has discovered its industrial scale tunnels to Egypt and is securing the last Hamas stronghold in Rafa. President Biden wants a cease fire to allow Hamas to continue to exist as a kind of sourdough starter of terrorism against Israel in the future. It is as if he wanted Al Qaeda to have a secure place in New York to begin operations against D.C.


The rational end of the war with Israel eliminating Hamas requires that they control the borders of Hamas and vet a civilian Palestinian government dedicated to peace and not importation of rockets to use against Israel (as well as suicide bombers). War is a sad thing yet so is rescuing defeat from the jaws of victory. The removal of Hamas is necessary for the establishment of a secure, peaceful Palestinian entity on the road ahead. Meanwhile delivering food to hungry Palestinians should be encouraged with more effort from the international sponsors of relief.

Wars are terrible events and should be discouraged by politicians. Yet one cannot be on bloth sides of every conflict. To halt the war before Hamas is deleted from the Gaza is to allow a restoration of a terrorist government rearming its arsenals ASAP to launch another war on the Jewish state. One might believe that just giving Hamas another chance to attack is the policy of European closet neo-Nazis and fellow travelling radical Muslims.

Trump May Defeat European Russophobia

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interest...