
Quantum Set Emergence & The Cave of John the Baptist

Set theory replete with brackets serves to illustrate for some the concept of quantum creation of a Universe de novo (from nothing). Some mathematicians have actually found that through logic one might create subsets of an original empty set and end up with the appearance of something. So obviously one might postulate that virtual particles emerging from the jitters of quantum uncertainty might emerge to create enough mass and energy space flow to create a universe.

If that isn't an exact description of creation-oh well. For God the entirety of creating a universe from a null set is likely to be a significant issue. Transcending empty sets the infinite being of God may be free to regard all of creation and the universes that might ever be as something like any given period at the end of a sentence. All scale would be relative.

Of course some things cannot be scaled up or down and still exist we might believe without changing the essential nature of the elements used to comprise the things existing in a universe. Shrinking down a human to the size of a pinhead wouldn't work because of the comparatively absolute value sizes of atoms, neurons and the forces of nature. Shrunken down they would not function. We might expect God to transcend that sort of limit and if sending a universe into any particular space time with its temporal and expanding nature He would make things with constants or variables appropriate to the criterion.

Any sort of abstract representation of constants and variables of mass-energy and or space-time made mathematically could be regarded as comprising a local subset of any possible or potential enclosing metaset of constants and variable values that might encapsulate the constant and variable values of space-time, mass and energy that coincide with the physical description of this Universe. A comparatively finite set of values within the observable universe and a potential infinite number of sets beyond that would allow the variables and constant values of this universe to exist collaterally.

So that brings me to the topic of the interesting book on the cave of John the Baptist-he had to have a cave you know. The archeologist Shimon Gibson actually excavated a cave in the year 1999 and in subsequent years a few miles west of Jerusalem that very likely was used by John. The hills were then regarded as a wilderness.


There are some carvings on the walls of the cave that were made I believe during the Byzantine era by a monastic of the evangelist. The book that Shimon Gibson wrote 'The Cave of John the Baptist' on the excavation has a lot of really fine material on the region that the author is familiar with from youth.

God may set any sort of detail into any given universe ever willed to exist I would think. The entirety of the realm of quantum uncertainty would be his quantum computing capacity if it were significant enough to represent even a fraction of His infinite construction capability. That implies neither that the Universe or all possible universes are determinate, nor indeterminate. It is simply reasonable conjecture extrapolating from the given knowledge of existence floating about the modern world.

So God chose to send His Son to what is effectively the crossroads of the world at an important time in the evolution of mankind on Earth and of Gaia-the short name for a self-regulating ecospheric biosphere. If people were able to use even a fraction of the good nature and intentions of God they could overcome their demographic and biochemical environmental abuse problems easily and move on to points beyond in good speed. Yet we know how that goes and though striving to work for the best are too aware of the sort of apocalyptic potential fundamentally innate in the phenomena of human life concatenated on Earth as all are somewhat insecure and striving to accomplish a large pile of wealth and security before dying without enough philosophical thought.


No Sign of Life on Mars/Gaia Criteria

Findings of what appears to possibly be flowing water on Mars, seasonally in small rivulets does not much stimulate the odds of life existing on that planet now or in the past. It is interesting to consider though, within a quantum Gaian paradigm though.

Not being a scientist these comments are not to assert a scientific opinion-just my own. Since I recently read James Lovelock’s ‘The Vanishing Face of Gaia; The Final Warning’ it seems reasonable to apply something of his life as a quantum field that moderates its environment including the atmosphere point of view to the Martian criteria.

Mr. Lovelock mentioned that living organisms emit gases that show up in an atmosphere. Quantum levels for the existence of planetary life may exist that allow just select quantitative ratios of life to environmental resources to occur-somewhat analogous to conditions required to create hydrogen atoms and more complex elements.

The initial starting conditions for the growth of a life field should be quantitatively favorable to copious production of life even of a simple form. That environment ought to take a substantial time to develop, and it should have some stability to it. With the inception of life and its increase in a favorable environment its presence may immediately begin shaping environmental balances toward its own benefit.

Observing bacterial cultures growing on a uniform medium is not the same as growing cultures in a mineral and resource diverse environment. Perhaps it is possible to produce modular environments in which bacteria moderate their atmosphere, environment and its temperature substantially selecting to convert select chemical reactions from amidst a range of alternative possibilities.

The biosphere project of several years past that tried to have a sustainable enclosed environment for a few people-perhaps to model a future space station habitat for humanity, might be used a paradigm for creating miniature Gaia self-regulating life/planetary ecosystems so far as possible. I suppose they might be constructed in a variety of sizes and with various permutations of organic components, inorganic material and moisture as well as differing amounts of sunlight. Manufacturing such self-regulating biospheres might enable replication on Mars within geodesic domes constructed by robots. In the event that global heating increases to make a Gobi desert in the Midwest the production of self-regulating ecosystems in enclosed spaces-perhaps hollow artificial mountain ranges-might is of some value.

If Mars ever had life its planetary life field must have died a long time ago-maybe Earth’s life field-the quantitative concatenated presence of all life on Earth and its quantity and quality-is dying or on the downward slope. Lovelock points out that in regard to its age and likely maximum life span it has already used up 88% of its time-life on Earth is old, and on Mars it was probably aborted maybe a billion years past.
Human investigators and scientists of the past have considered individual portions of things rather than complete systems-necessarily so as the complete system was unknown while the piece was present.

Boulders rather than complete mountain ranges and time-elapsed progeny (mountain building) were easy to examine. Particular plants rather than the cellular profusion of life over billions of years as a field were considered. The relationship between living things and the minerals were set aside as secondary to the primary functions of a plant itself. The relationship of the plant and of the field of all plants and mobile living things to the inorganic status of the Earth and its atmosphere were for later scientists to regard.

The advance of science toward the study of complete, holistic bio-chemical life fields, and of quantum, discrete planetary Gaia self-reinforcing for a viable habitat biosphere units within the Universe is a process of advancing the frontiers of knowledge to integrate knowledge of portions of a unified field to a quantum level analysis of structural functions. Even quantum mechanics moves toward understanding of a field of quantum uncertainty and of all possible place or velocity that in some way allows the emergence of mass from the unknown concurrent with space-time. Even in the field of cosmology reductionism tends to produce models of an infinite profusion of separate evolving universes growing from roots in a primordial vacuum providing emergence of virtual particles. A holistic view of the infinite field of all possible universes is set aside, as is the study of complete holistic planetary ecospheres, as a little too difficult to describe mathematically or biochemically for now.

Shell Oil Eco-Pirates Set to Plunder Alaska’s Arctic Ocean (Beaufort Sea)

Shell oil was given permission by the Obama administration to drill three wells offshore in the sensitive, critical habitat of the Arctic Ocean (Beaufort Sea region) on the northern Alaska coast. The extrusion of foreign oil extraction interests in Alaska’s rarefied arctic waters is an example of polyanthroponemia driving the world politicians lemming-like toward the environmental survival global over-heating edge-of-night.

Since the Dutch East Indies revolted throwing off their tribal oppressors (the event is annually celebrated) international natural resource extractors have scrounged the world for new backward places to plunder. Over time, after whales were decimated, and carbon rich crude oil was discovered to be a substance valuable for wasting energy, powering expensive, inefficient SUVs and producing global greenhouse gases, new oil deposits beneath pristine wilderness landscapes awaiting despoilment, drilling, pollution, toxic chemical dumping, unnecessary tramping roads, noise and light pollution, killing of local wildlife for sport, opening of cathouses and corrupting of politicians were sought.

Alaska fits the criteria today as an ecospherically uneducated people unaware of the encroaching doom of Gaia poised by ecospheric oil despoilers wasting the oil on riotous foreign banking deposits opportune for purchasing political influence and increasing the acidity of world oceans killing its algae.

Spooky political action at a distance is a result of dark pool; computer guided trading transfer beyond public review even with a Cray super computer and splices into fiber optic routing stations. Concentrated global capital means concentrated global political corruption. Shell is one of the planets most rich extraction organizations.

Like oil fume-intoxicated cormorants staggering atop a bouncing fuel oil barge, local peoples react like pinballs on a fire warped plastic 4-dimensional slope to the development flames of powerful global oil corporations killing the hopes of rational, sustainable, alternative energy powered well insulated economic development with liberty and justice for all. Releases of carbon dioxide from burning tundra and the confusion of narwhales with engine and drilling noise are subtle possibilities of increase hyper-exploitation of chthonic resources.

If Shell does exploit Alaskan or Federal oil along the arctic littoral it should be required to pay for construction of a new M.I.T. quality scientific and arts college addition at the University of Alaska Fairbanks for Gaia research contributing 100 billion dollars to start compensating for its ecologically deleterious influence.

All high latitude drilling worldwide should pay a 90% tax for Gaia geo-engineering research and development to defeat the destruction wrought by corporate oil drilling wraiths. Shell oil is a significant environmental subversive sapping the Earth’s resources, leaving disaster in its wake as in its oil spills in the Niger River delta. It may issue public apologies or provide inadequate compensation to victims of its oil disasters, shift blame to the poor and deny its responsibility; yet private individuals that perpetrate equivalent environmental crimes would not be likely to get off so easy. If Shell oil makes a Deepwater Horizon or Exxon Valdez sort of spill they make expect to get a Judge Holland to adjudicate their case. Shell has said that it will seek to keep its Nigerian spill litigation out of British Courts and in Nigeria where they can have much influence since they provide a lot of cash as well as oil spills and social chaos to select people and locales.

Perhaps litigation against offenders perpetrating oil spills that are transnational oil corporations could be heard in a special world court as an option for poor nations with easy to corrupt judiciaries. With quant stock and securities trading transnational corporations find speed of light dark pool bribery of foreign officials of nations with weak S.E.C. oversight simple. Who would notice in country A if someone’s relative in country B has a trading account that made a profit from a dark pool temporal short selling of holdings in country C if the poor country’s global trading integrity surveillers have insufficient Supercomputers and analysts to monitor millions of trades and account transactions every day that might concern their own judiciary through foreign relatives?

Shell, BP and Exxon might be more accountable for damages to a national or world environment before an international court for environmental crimes against individuals, nations and humanity. The Special Environmental Court should not be at The Hague or Rotterdam where Shell may think it would get special treatment. Zurich Switzerland might be a good place to try environmental crimes by world corporate environmental perps-for it may survive the desertification growing like a dark cloud of doom over much of the Earth in the hot decades ahead produced by burning fossil fuel and keeping cattle, sheep and swine for food products.

Oil gives up 1,822.0 pounds of carbon dioxide per Mwhr of energy it produces. There are numerous far less dangerous to world temperature heating increase resources available.

The world’s atmosphere already is far over stressed with carbon dioxide, the oceans ability to absorb and sequester it nearly used up, and there isn’t even a very high progressive tax on drilling offshore- as there should be- to discourage it-since it is an environmentally high risk region especially for the Arctic.

Of course the only reason for the activity is for cash profit-no rational soul would offer the opinion that establishing oil wells and offshore drilling islands, burning more fuel and emitting more greenhouse gases in the high Arctic would is good for the ecosphere of the Earth.

In as little as 15 years there may be no summer polar ice cap; sea level may continue to increase, acidification of the world’s oceans probably will increase and make much of the oceans about void of life. Holland may find its dikes overcome by rising sea level and hurricane surges drowning their country.

The environmental effects of burning so much oil on global heating may be irreversible and the world temperature may rise 9 degrees and stay there by the year 2100 according to some scientists.


''The Vanishing Face of Gaia'...comments

James Lovelock’s ‘Final Warning’ published in 2009 is a reminder of the high level theory of life on Earth regulating climate to maximize life. I suppose life acts on climate as a kind of bell curve of moderation interacting with geochemical processes at it base to bring temperature to the optimal range for growth.

Dr. Lovelock is a respected biotheorist who for decades has regarded the world biosphere as a complete monism in-itself while traditional bioevolutionist researchers have considered mostly the individual bio-elements as organisms. Dr. Lovelock’s approach regards the earth biosphere as a living body while the traditionalists see no body but only a concatenation of cells.

Dr. Lovelock foresees a drastic reduction of the biosphere ahead in response to human insults to its health. That will pose grave challenges for human survival. Humans are perhaps supposed to be the proximal conscious brain-thought unit of Gaia, yet it seems politically to be getting dumber and dumber with existential moral relativism and free market libertarianism creating an ethos of yippee idiocy.

The biological theorist Richard Dawkins was an early, existential, meaningless critic of the Gaia theory along parameters of phenotype properties. Dr. Dawkins role actualizes as field marshal of the atheist ideological offensive in the transfinite battle front of biologists against God. Select bio-evolutionists enjoy twitting the intelligent design crowd who they seem to believe encapsulate the essence of Christian theology-in error. Value critics of the intelligence or design of the Universe are phenomenal for-themselves. An infinite recursion of varieties of possible universes would comprise an inadequate basis for comparing their implicit, individual designer’s intelligence. If all universes are actualized which ones would be dumb ones and which are the smart? What meta-universal gradation would exist to give an ‘A’ or an ‘F’ to any specific universe? The value of universes actualized if graded may be assigned variables and constant on the curve of general relativity’s temporal, corresponding solid state actualizations from the field of quantum uncertainty. The Daisyworld model of life’s interactive role moderating atmospheric temperature seems worth a prize or two. At any rate, designs, like questions, are for those that are not omniscient and omnipotent. God is.

Human experience and reason are inadequate for apprehending the concept of an infinite being of infinite goodness for some, therefore no such being could exist in those communication string thought formations of finite null set subset biological phenomenality the narrative goes. The Gaia hypothesis must seems like an ideological threat to atheist theorists for being something of a metaphor of the relation of God to all possible universes. Theorists might speculate that God plugs in values of physical constants and variables in universes to make them able to evolve life eventually-why not one might ask? The topic has little possible relevance to the function of the Gaia hypothesis. Biological atheism as an unintelligent, discrete phenomenality has nothing to fear from the Earth’s transcending regulatory role with life of moderating atmospheric temperature to benefit itself. The Gaia hypothesis does note require acceptance of G.W.F. Hegel’s phenomenology of the spirit evolving itself and consciousness through biological processes. Dr. Dawkins warred on Gaia as well as God instead of making intelligent designs to green the moon and Mars by 2070.

It is possible to see that life at many levels interacts with elements and minerals of earth sea and sky in a natural equilibrium rather than as an anisotropic dependency. The Gaia theory is simple, a work of genius and seems useful for basic, intuitive comprehension of life as a self-bailing cockpit as it were making its own healthy living conditions from the basic exophysical inputs available.

Today the concept that the whole may be greater than the phenomenon of the individual parts is an accepted system analytical premise. Pluralism may be simultaneously founded within monism. Evo-biologists have found evolutionary vectors of life synergizing the promulgation of more life of different forms, the intuition that all of life itself may be a regulator of climate temperature adapting the world’s atmospheric temperatures range eccentricities from straying outside optimal life atmospheric comfort zone changes such as are caused by volcanism and increasing solar output back to a range optimal for life seems quite elegant.

Mankind unfortunately attacks life on Earth as the basic optimal predator or super-moderator of the ecosphere. With mankind’s best-on-the-planet number of high speed neuron connections-10 to the 77th power it should be possible for human beings to maintain a viable ecosphere and themselves in a comfortable life simultaneously, yet it isn’t so.

I have enjoyed reading Mr. Lovelock’s no frills explanations of his scientific theory. It has made ten testable predictions that have generally been confirmed. He is skeptical about the prospects for the prospects for the environmental movement to turn back the damage it has inflicted upon Gaia.

I will thus provide my own objective theoretical parameters that might serve to recover some of the health of Gaia even though it is politically impossible and certainly not the best possible way to organize human society-that would be entirely voluntary on founded in smarter and more conscientious people generally.

Dr. Lovelock writes of nuclear power as the best practical way to reduce carbon production for sustainable energy. The problem with nuclear power is that when it fails it is catastrophic. When population pressures push up world population to 9 billion by 2050 and as human demographics sprawl to destroy healthy wild areas wars, plagues, designer virus death and even accidents may bring cataclysmic destruction of some or all nuclear plants. It is much better to become geniuses at new ways of staying warm and cool, of new and healthy ways to produce food for all in minimal area-perhaps growing food in zero g or on the moon and sending it down to Earth, or creating better artificial indoor growing areas and space utility. The difficulty- probably one that can’t be overcome, is getting people to voluntarily accept basic culture revisions or upgrades to a modern land and resource use criteria and letting most of the Earth go fallow for a thousand years.

Humanity ought to devote itself to making the most possible efficient productive efforts of invention and quality living while maintaining the dignity and freedom of all for all people. The liberty of the human spirit that Jesus Christ brought to the people of the Earth needs to be reinforced by human actions in the well being of everyone and of life itself. That would require a new renaissance, a new age of humanism and that within a spiritual recognition of the infinite extent of the Universe and of potential universes and all that encompassed within the infinite mind of God. That all is a tall order.

Some practical yet impossible to politically implement possibilities-simply move all human living environment away from all coasts and use just a third of the land it does today on continents for living. Allow no ocean shipping or commercial harvests of seafood. Let no pollutants be added to any area or water supply reaching the oceans.

With a new zoning and land use principal of zero loss of biota it might be possible to support a little more geographic distribution of human population while still letting a minimum of 50% of land area of the Earth rewild.

It seems that biodiversity may be necessary for Gaia’s health. Otherwise the collapse of the web of life and its processing abilities may make Gaia run hot. A hotter atmosphere with far reduced life may have no people on it either allowing Gaia to recover and slowly expand its planetary coverage and optimalization of temperature for the benefit of life.

If two-thirds of the Earth is rewilded and species evolution allowed to continue directly letting Gaia (not a conscious being itself or demi-urge/just a useful concept term) moderate the climate, and if the asphalt heat absorbing roads are removed, if new high quality, super-insulated, low energy human dwellings are made for all, if population growth is just one kid per family and if universal health care for the poor and a guaranteed minimum income exists for all, if free enterprise is forced to exist within the boundaries of human use of Gaia-sharing the planet as it were with the monistic climate regulation of life, humanity may have a chance to build a moon base a peace at a time and eventually elsewhere too improving quality of life on Earth and in space with the most efficient practical use of resources, and in creating rather than destroying life.

Fundamentally creating life rather than destroying it may be the greatest challenge for humanity on Earth. To create life rather than destroy it is in contradiction to our social history of destroying life, displacing life, killing other human beings and so forth. Millions of pollutants, complex chemical compounds and insults to thermal and biochemical continua are the normal products of a society given over to the production of comfort rather than of health for itself. Humanity thus poisons itself in a variety of ways every day failing to value life in its own engineering principles well enough.

It might be fun to continue writing this way along in the platu nicto barata school of useful gortisms. With the Hatfields and McCoys in Congress over the debt ceiling recently one can imagine that hillbilly feuding would be humanity’s may concern even if their days were numbered. As a Christian I believe humans still have a responsibility to be as bright and effective at stopping the killing of Gaia as they can. They must be more than funky monkeys mobile with spray deodorant and personal digital assistants. Maybe they can’t though, and perhaps the two basic alternatives of rule by the corrupt rich or by a dictatorship of the mediocre won’t work. Well then, writing dystopian science fiction might be the third alternative while turning down the temperature on the thermostat.

Even in Alaska the changes to natural thermal balances are created anew by politicians annually. Our Governor has funded a study to build a large hydroelectric dam on the Susitna River. If it is ever built the water in the reservoir will be heated up under the summer sun and then add warm water to the river and to Cook Inlet. Just another small change foe Gaia to adjust to along with auto exhaust, new roads, high arctic machines, oil drilling and spilling, coal mining, urban areas absorbing and emitting heat, loss of forest cover, loss of arctic sea ice and heating of Beaufort Sea waters, killing of land and sea life that are part of the naturally balancing Earth ecosphere. It just hasn’t got the ability to naturally balance and moderate the temperature changes that are harmful to the propagation of life. Maybe lots of jobs could be made fixing the problems accumulated through the historical dumb war upon Gaia.


Brain Size & Global Warming

An article on brain size in animals and the correlation to intelligence is good reading in the July 2011 issue of Scientific American. Douglas Fox describes a relationship between the number and size of neurons in a brain as well as the axions or connecting wires between neurons. There seems to be a maximum size of brains and intelligence efficiency. Making a brain bigger creates problems in scaling its size up-it won’t necessarily function as well.

The processing speed makes the difference. With more wiring less space exists for neurons-what a problem! It’s like the problem of increasing the size of axions and neurons with greater spacing slowing down processing time. Dr. Fox may be skeptical about the prospects for evolving a better human brain yet I am not. It won’t be necessary to burn heavy, heavy fuel to make the brain run cool either.

Human intelligence of course has to design something intelligently and evolve the brain along to increased efficiency someday if it wants to accomplish that. The human brain and body exist within a complete, complex of physical compresence with all kinds of extra things that work sometimes and others not. It has the potential for adaptation in 4 dimensions.\
One might discover a way to interface quantum computing within individual brains some day being careful to screen out data overload. Ten to the 77th power neuron connections could be filled up right quick with quantum calculations and suitable infinities.

Brain engineers might want to make model brains (they probably already are) and experiment with increasing the efficiency of existing brains-its not like a space shuttle that needs to be junked and cannot be improved or upgraded at all; the human brain won’t belong in a spaced museum anytime soon.

It may be possible to introduce faster infrabrain communications circuits in addition to adding different molecules at various locations to enhance processing speed. Obviously potential changes should not be made to an entire species, but compartmentalized because of the risk inherent within any unitary architecture.

If the human brain gets smart enough it may be able to slow down global warming. Another article in the same issue-one by Lee Kump-describes the last significant global warming era on earth (56 million years ago). Today’s global warming input is far worse, and has much greater potential for the end of human llife on earth. Well, that may not matter much to those with good SUV’s and beachfront property on the Arctic Oceaan, yet to those that don’t want warmer oceans to release the methane hydrates on the seafloor, or that don’t want carbonic acid flavoring of their fish the release of 25 petagrams of carbon each year now compared to the 1.7 petagrams per year that got the last global warming, mass extinction era rolling is discomfiting.

Large brains adapted to quantifying the stock market may help the invisible hand of random selective adaptation to solve the problem after all the permafrost has melted and burned or been eaten by carbon burping microbes.

My Philosophy Books at Lulu.com

My philosophy books at lulu are basically compilations of my philosophical essays on a variety of topics I have written on the Internet since about 1999.

I would think that essays on ethics that I might write would tend to be inclusive of political and social philosophical paradigms and a real world tranching of values. I learned that word -tranch recently in reading 'The Age of Greed' and also 'Quants'.

The cosmological circumstance of the Universe humanity experiences and the state of the environment and human nature existentially are essential elements of interest I think in describing an ontology of experience. My philosophy writing thus isn't specifically limited to purely ethical issues, although it depends a little upon what one means by ethics.

Meta-ethical human behavior is a function of phenomenal linguistic parameters inertially flowing along as well as historical aggregations of social experience. Reading Sartre's 'Critique of Dialectical Reason' may develop a foundation for tossing in all the later scientific facts and economic history that also go into forming a 'complete complex of compresence' as Russell might have put it.

A Jacob's Ladder of Market Libertarianism With Bet-Worthy Economic Simulations of Partial Reality Permutating Monist and Pluralist Contingencies

Rep. Waxman to Greenspan "You found a flaw in the reality?"

Greenspan to Waxman; "A flaw in the model that I perceived is the critical functioning structure that defines how the world works, so to speak."-at a 2008 Congressional hearing

Economic market libertarianism guided government deregulation since the Carter era. That allowed Fama's efficient market hypothesis to become actualized in the financial sector of Wall Street over time.

Theoquantologists could speculate that a divine invisible hand of the free market would optimally allocate resources to feed the poor and deliver health care at lowest cost. Budgeting five seconds annually for responsible thinking about society, the middle class, poor and environment would be a worthwhile investment of sacrificial giving for the new quantitative highest priests of money.

By 2007 more than 35% of Wall Street profits went to the financial sector; a collection of investment banks, hedge funds and trading firms producing nothing at all.

Computerized trading allowed mathematical programs to quantify speed of light transactions making quantitative profits. The presence of mass quantity leveraged trading brought more volatility to the market.

What is the market though? It isn't ancient Athen's Agora. It is the sum total of all of the firms listed on Wall Street and interconnected globally, electronically. Increasingly stock transactions occur in computer circuits without government review-even virtual transactions. What does that mean for the U.S. economy?

Reliance upon quantitative abstract synthetic reality may increase politically and militarily. In Afghanistan quantitative expenditures of billions and billions to purchase occupational compliance paradigmata may be scaled down with alpha and beta geographic tranches in that nation at a third of present troop and contractor costs in order to stabilize the northern tranch alpha and support Afghan remediation of the southern, rebellious beta tranch.

Maybe the quantitative parameters and statistical analytiques will be less than flawless. Perhaps state subsidized small village newspapers with valuable clip coupons will proliferate to offset the raving militancy of the broadcast media. A 19th century Chicago newspaperman and polar explorer got a free newspaper started selling ads. Free newspapers with comics, literacy help, photos and news sections might be popular in the hill country.

The free for all market is an evolution of libertarianism in economics into a survival of the most fit; obviously creation of complexity, virtual corporations and virtual trades exclude ordinary people from any meaningful participation or oversight. The transactions don't get recorded in N.S.A. computers for quantitative analysis of honesty or national security interest.

A vast quant fund-Renaissance Technologies approached a 200 billion dollar Chinese Government owned fund during the 2008 financial meltdown (ref. 'The Quants'. Shouldn't Americans care if The Street sells out to foreign government at least a little?

Free for all markets without regulations reflecting a proprietary democratic popular nationalism may become Darwinian evolutant chimera metaphorically speaking. An evolution of capitalism into an abstract mathematical predation upon material value capital through its listed abstract value is a fairy dumb thing for the U.S. Government to allow to exist.

Some might argue that ideal allocation of capital liquidity is facilitated by the "vast risk management and pricing system" (that "has evolved") "combining the best insights of mathematicians and finance experts supported by major advances in computer and communications technology"-Allan Greenspan to Rep. Waxman. That free for all market did not respond with ideal benevolence to social needs-it crashed taking down much of the U.S. economic health with it. The market is not a practico-inert phenomena corresponding to an efficient market hypothetical object or mathematically representable thing-for-itself organically existing with Brownian randomicity in its behavioral abstract value quantitative labels.

Human social organization without governance may well become chaotic, evolutionary survival of the most ruthless and predatory. Unregulated free markets evolving in some historical circumstances may function well without regulation, while in others the lack of regulation allows the Ghengis Khan of Hedge Fund quants to plunder the populace entirely and perhaps lever government besides. The free market is an abstract representation of competing corporate values that should have some regulation so the corporate and national corresponding things-for-themselves are not adversely trimmed or destroyed at the Wall Street global trading end.

A better capitalist function would be for an evolving corporate solution structure to the needs of each individual citizen realistically. That basic teleology of capitalism would coincide with an ecospheric integration into conservation and care for the being of life on Earth in-itself. Sustainable ecosystems and conservation of biospheric D.N.A. diversity are consistent with an evolving capitalism personalized and integrated with free enterprise individualism demographic utilization of intelligence design.

A free market represents the concatenation of the freedom of citizens to produce and offer for sale goods of their manufacture. The marketplace itself obviously may become an object of sophisticated gangs trimming the marks through a variety of financial instruments made with extreme mathematical complexity.

I wanted to write something about mathematical constructions briefly while on the topic. Why not write programs for computers to construct an infinite number of new mathematical systems, geometries etc? Since a rational and viable new math requires largely self-consistence, a program might be written to experiment with changes to existing systems and make permutations in order to evolve new structures testing each out until a dead end is encountered. A random approach might in time discover viable new extra-dimensional maths even if it started as a completely ordered search.

The market as a target for math genius algorithmic analytical safe cracking was not a basic intention of Adam Smith I would guess. With such levels of safe cracking of the market evolving it is possible that Wall Street quant firms or virtual quant firm hackers might introduce market viruses to halt the market for some purpose unknown.

The Tea Party and Republicans in Congress brought the potential for volatility to The Street once again because of their brinkmanship on federal debt ceiling and budget negotiations. They believed in the market as an existentialist clay every investor should be able to freely sculpt. If each investor and every citizen had their own simulated reality to exist and function in, a pure libertarian political philosophy might be reasonable. In the real world though all citizens must share this one ecosphere and its resources, and defend their own time and equal right for free enterprise work and inventiveness with everyone else in a nation and on the Earth.

There must be regulation of concatenated market structures in order to simulate or support the principle that each individual has his or her own existential reality simulation in which no powerful corporations, distant manipulators or oppressive rulers will interfere. Free enterprise and capital values are not standard, constants or uniform though currency is. Currency and monetary dominated cultures run the risk of extirpating free enterprise values that differ from the zeitgeist. That is, prevailing values may eliminate alternate value developments through inertia of monetary impulse reducing free enterprise diversity comparable paradigmatically to the reduction of biodiversity by an overly successful predator. Global market monoculture may arise from super-predation as well as from super-efficient material resource use.

With just one world keeping absolutely effective free enterprise opportunity firewalls isn't possible. Empirically there are large commons including markets. The markets or commons should not be the channel through which the free enterprise of individuals and capital of persons is expropriated.

If human beings are an intolerant super-predator as a species on Earth destroying all others that they do not find useful for food or amusement, they do not neglect victimizing their own species. The market too is a target of predation. Without sufficient regulation it will be overcome in the usual biological aggression common to protozoa. The use of human intelligence for invention and creative purposes tends to me defeated by the predator drive of organicism of humanity as a super-predator. Capitalism is itself perennially endangered by new methods of predation.

In 2007 thirty-five percent of Wall Street profits went to the financial sector and that makes the real production sector fairly over-exploited. Like the conservation of Alaskan salmon fisheries Wall Street s a free market requires sufficient government regulation to conserve its use as a factor improving the economic circumstances of all Americans.

The financial sector in a healthy economy especially with increased efficiency through computerization should be no more than 10%.

Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attor...