
A Comment on Omniscience

 I tend toward belief in God's omnipotence and omniscience. For instance, in the Mathematical Universe paradigm of Tegmark's with a level 4 multiverse, IMO, the entire construct is actualized thought of God in which human subroutine's experience what God wills. Evil in the Bible is natural disaster while wickedness i human malevolence to others. The capacity of God exceeds human understanding- humans are contingent being, wot.

Plotinus' Enneads (Plotinus was a neo-Platonist) illustrates some of the mystery of The One (God). Being omniscient he has no questions to answer or choices to make...those are temporal phenomena of contingent beings that do not know the past present and future of everything including every possible actualized form of multiverse.

Omniscience is not like temporal phenomenon including sentient minds. Everything that exists is temporal, God is more than that of course. All human or theoretical sentience of contingent beings is less than a fraction of everything that is God. Sentient besides God that wants more knowledge has questions, needs to learn etc. It is endemic to the criterion of temporal, thermodynamic being. God is more than everything he creates including Multiverse(s). There is much temporal language not well suited to describe the non-temporal, eternal that yet encompasses the appearance of temporal, thermodynamic change that contingent beings experience.

To answer the second paragraph first; God said; "I am". He does not need to prove His own existence. That would seem somewhat neurotic from a human point of view.

It is interesting that he encompasses temporality yet is eternal. God is spirit. The temporal thermodynamic, physical Universe is always in change. It seems to be made of quarks and strings. Strings have one dimension- points have zero dimensions. Leibniz believed that one-dimensional monads were the primary element of matter.

However one regards the smallest component, particle-wave pieces of matter, it is built up from basic, very basic field components of some unknown kind and the protocols add up to form the steady state of matter and energy comprising the Universe. Pure spiritual foundation in the mind of God is challenging to understand, yet the size or scale is relative unto God and His own being.

Tegmark's book is worth reading- The Mathematical Universe. He does not intend for it to be a theological paradigm at all; simply math. He believes math makes up the Multiverse at the fundamental level. A Multiverse may be fully actualized (it is very large), yet static; mind travels through the Multiverse and each though one has switches a mind through it to another Universe with the correct corresponding structure for the thought. Thought is all that moves. Heraclitus and Parmenides-two pre-Socratics, commented on what change is and how it might be viewed relativistically

There are innumerable ways to have a purely spiritual Universe and Multiverse. It may appear from some perspectives to grow and expand, and from other perhaps not. People are familiar with the paradoxes of general and special relativity, so one should be able to imagine what scale and how a Multiverse might be just a thought of God’s within his other non-temporal stuff.

If humans are comparable to real numbers, and to a small fraction between zero and one, at a virtually infinite level of reduction between those numbers- a set of some arbitrarily small number repeated equal to the population of the Earth, and are unaware they are of that scale and made of spirit set aside by God, they have a challenge before them in understanding all numbers and number theory that could possibly exist to its infinite scale. And the numbers and math are just a single aspect of God’s nature.

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