
How Conservatives Have Experienced Trickle-Down Economics

Conservatives don’t get an equal share of corporate profits when they don’t own the corporations. That is plain. If one compares the average lifestyle and standard of living of a conservative American citizen over the past century, during which time the rich got richer, the standard of living of conservatives has improved. Many can now afford to go on surfing vacations in Hawaii or farther (South America has good beaches for surfing?), few are barefoot and most don’t need to grow their own potatoes.

Many things trickle down in economics including prosperity, crap (the sht runs downhill principle), bad moral examples, good moral examples (yes there was one once and it’s not a myth) etc. Trickle down economics is never implemented; the rich might prefer to stop such leaks, it simple follows that some prosperity escapes the concentration of wealth because of the necessity to pay some kind of wages instead of the cheaper mode of enslaving workers.
In environmental economics there isn’t much of a trickle down or supply-side. 

The average conservative has a worse hunting-fishing experience than fifty years ago. The rich have fewer elephants to kill on safari. The supply of available wilderness is decreasing on Earth. Liberal economic policies of globalism and planetary human versus natural capital implementation have trashed environmental prospects.

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