
Extinction Rebellion; Too Many People With Too Few Reform of Capitalism Ideas?

The Extinction Rebellion movement in reaction to global warming danger is handicapped-severely, by a paucity of good ideas about how to reform capitalism such that it would be transformed toward a sustainable ecological economic foundation. 


Capitalism and democracy are the best tools for reforming economic infrastructure quickly, with structural adaptations to combat the world of environmental problems created as a result of human technological evolution and too many people living on Earth consuming its natural resources and polluting the air with greenhouse gases.

The leftist approach is to use global treaty agreements that reinforce global government and repress individual human rights. It is a wrong approach that leads to social conflict with great opportunity costs in dividing the electorate and rendering the default of concentrating wealth and power for corporate and communist elites inevitably reinforced. They need to understand that simple actions can go a long way toward reforming economic infrastructure that pollutes and harms the ecosphere; there are far more ecosphere problems than global warming that require remedies directly.



The best tools of national government for ecospheric remediation are being left unused. Not a single nation on Earth has a sustainable ecospheric economic infrastructure. Global treaties won't change that.


http://www.ussee.org/ U.S. Society for Ecological Economics

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