
Gel Concrete Blocks That Don't Dry Until Uncovered Could Be Useful for Desert Areas

Some kind of pre-formed gel concrete block in a plastic package that wouldn't harden until activated after being put in place- such as in a building foundation ditch, would be useful for construction in very dry areas without water.

Concrete dries with a chemical reaction rather than when exposed to air. Even so some chemist experimenter might have design concepts in mind that would make pre-formed wet concrete blocks available for production and sales in building supply stores.

Concrete blocks can have a high thermal mass. When  mostly solid they can collect solar energy and release it at night warming a building interior and cooling it during the day. With a few layer deep of concrete pre-formed blocks rising from the foundation simple desert buildings that are solid might be easier for individual home builders to piece together.

It might be desirable to be able to readily lock the pre-formed wet concrete block packages together in place to facilitate corner and multi-level installations.

While on the topic, it is worth mentioning that current methods of making concrete produce a substantial portion of human caused Co2 emissions. Redesigning the process to lower that percent could be useful too, synergistically.

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