
Democrat Investigation of Trump Proved Vladimir Putin Really Won 2016 Election (satire)

The monumental, precedent shattering Mueller Investigation Intifada of the Democrat Party and allied mainstream media has come to an end; at least phase one. President Trump has failed to prove his innocence once more, thus he is by default and Democrat demand, guilty, of letting Russia win the 2016 election.




Before Democrats made the point plain with three years of public education reform, the nation had forgotten the legal principal that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Some future Democrat Congress may overcome onerous rules of habeas corpus that prevent locking up Republicans on sound moral principals for beating Democrats in elections too often.

President Trump has been a puppet of Russian marionette Vladimir Putin and hops to every whim of Moscow's bagpipers and different drummers. Democrats; thanks to their interminable conviction and actions to prove that Vladimir Putin the Elector is the real leader of America and President Trump just a figurehead representing Russian control of Wall Street and all red things in the White House and across the heartland brought America to focus on election stuff for three years instead of other stuff. Who knew Russia ruled the rubes so easily? 


Democrats have shown the way that Russia will again win the White House and after 2021's January inauguration force the American East coast to drown in Sky and Stolichnaya vodka on the rocks in celebration.

Luckily for the nation, Democrats can be counted on to inform the nation of what's what when it counts- year after year.

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