
Democrat's Goon Squad Does Seem Racist

The House of Representatives' Democrat Majority Goon Squad of Four does seem consistently racist. As self-described 'colored women' they represent an external proletariat of Muslims and non-whites that hate the straight white male President for being white and male. The Goon Squad belligerence represents the face of the world to come as a result of Democrat Party politics. The interests of women seeking to expropriate male wages in the United States, the interests of global proletariats and the interests of the most rich that wanted to cap and degrade middle class male wages in the U.S.A. since women got birth control pills and entered the work force in larger numbers have aligned. Saul Alinsky had some theory that has inspired the Democrat party too-


With the Democrace solid in its existential will to sprawl, expropriate, redistribute and empower the future for a few generations probably will be more Orwellian with vague elites of 1%ers in communist and capitalist casheconomic infrastructures manipulating their daily haters from afar with technology.

Space exploration is at least becoming a bright spot once again, with hope not yet occluded even by Muslims of the Goon Squad.


It is funny about the latter. Muslim civilization was the primary rival of western civilization. It was contained in the Iberian Peninsula and driven out in 1492- the same year Columbus discovered America and aboriginals living there. Through the sheer Democrace existential hate of straight white males and global redistributionist theory the Muslim society is being imported into what was founded as a Christian nation of western civilization to become an implicit threat after 500 years. The kind of incompetence that required to get done is breathtaking.


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