
U.S. Political Economy and Potential for Collapse; Seriously?

If Democrats retake the House and the Presidency in 2020 there is a good chance recession may follow. Democrat policies concerning the economy are very weird and there are innumerable serious spending plan increases in the party for a variety of programs that would tend to be recessive. Collapse is a strong word though.

The U.S. economy has always grown with brief times of recession or depression occasionally. It always recovers after periods of irrational exuberance, too rapid and unsupportable expansion and collapse and recovery as in the 1929–30 crash. It is because the basic structure and resources of the United States are strong.

When the federal government fails to adapt in time to empirical challenges internationally that can bring about economic problems requiring rectification of means. Several challenges face the United States today that seemingly are not being adequately addressed.

One is too much illegal immigrant population. The U.S.A. has about 320 million people presently. That may be regarded as about 100 million too many for ecospheric health. If another 20 million illegals arrive, and though the population growth rate for American citizens living here is zero, the birth rate increase for the next illegal generation could drive the U.S. population up to 400 million very quickly, and that would require a large increase in the cost of government.

Another challenge is simply globalism and the desire for Democrats to ensnare the U.S. in networks of global treaties for ecological reasons. It would be better and more effective to simple direct U.S. economic policy toward constructive, synergistic environmental economic infrastructure changes.
Global trading competition, global corporations and multinational ownership and finance along with global electronic currencies present challenges that are fairly complex for national political economy to correct. because the majority of Americans have only a small percent of national income and so much goes to the 1%, economic collapses can be regarded as sometimes intentional or acceptable readjustment losses that might harm ordinary Americans but profit the 1%. That is, the nation does not experience economic shocks together. The specialized nature of employment occupations has also reached the economy of the nation. One business on Main Street may close down while another across the street expands. That principle applies to the entire planetary economy now.

U.S. public debt appears to be a problem. At the least it is offensive to those citizens that do not want debt in their personal accounts. Public debt seems to indicate incompetent management in U.S. Government policy. I have no idea what can be done to repair the damage of 22 trillion as it is presently.

When the British financed the revolutionary War defense costs of the battle against the United States their government debt borrowing wasn’t repaid until near the start of the First World War. The effect of financing the debt was to cost the people of England reduced social benefits for a very long time, and taxation to pay for it. The U.S. public debt may have the same effect. It may not bring about an economic collapse. Instead, with global electronic currency and multinational corporations the economy of the United States may with away as global financial systems transcend it. That development would be unfortunate yet should require a decade or so to fructify.

A few good researchers have suggested the carrying capacity of the world is two billion people at the present rate of consumption. The United States seemed good enough when it had 200 million people. With 320 million it seems overpopulated and going through the ecosphere at an alarming rate.
The nation mostly has zero population growth voluntarily except for a few minorities and the notable exception of Hispanics and illegal alien. A few million more illegal aliens with the large birthrate could fairly rapidly drive the national population to 400 million. That seems somewhat crazy, although the new normal phenomenon and brainwashing media would make it seem o.k.

What is of little help is the wrong eschatology theory popular with some fundamentalists that there will be an Armageddon and apocalypse to usher in a new age. The Bible actually, read correctly, in my opinion, provides more evidence for an end-times apocalypse occurred in the first century A.D. as Jesus said it would before the end of that generation. After that the kingdom of God was supposed to slowly increase, and it has with more than a billion believers today. Muslims share the wrong pre-tribulation theory- even Iranians with their Twelvers that believe a hidden Imam that disappeared in a well will reappear after Armageddon.

Establishing sustainable, discrete national economies with zero net loss of biota is a very good idea.

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