
Infinite Speed and Black Hole Terminal Velocity

A simple blog entry on infinite speed. People speculate that infinite speed may mean no time elapses in transit between point a and point b (regardless of the distance). That seems something like quantum superposition at all possible locations of wave-particles.

So it is interesting to speculate that black holes with event horizons that have material swirling about them near the speed of light have a terminal velocity of light speed instead of accelerating to infinite speed. In the general theory of relativity there are infinities spatially, yet not infinities of speed. That seems like an inconsistency. One might wonder if  super-position of mass that reached an infinite rotational velocity would occur and if it would be dimensions that are super-positioned as well as scale in 4-dimensional space-time.

Speed is relative of course, so gravitational infinities of black holes with a rotational velocity spin approaching infinity may seem like nothing at all-especially if it were something like a black hole at time=0. Alternatively infinite rotational velocity might entail centrifugal force outwardly to strip content from a black hole before it has overall infinite gravitational power in-itself.

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