
Some Welfare is Good for the Economy

Welfare has a very tarnished reputation. In a society with a work ethic it symbolizes urban ghettos and repressed minorities that spend generations in rat-infested public housing projects. The well being of a society does include the standard of living of the worst-off individuals as well as the best. Some theorize that the stimulus of poverty and its negative reinforcement drives the poor to seek work if they don’t have the alternative of living on welfare. The criterion is maladroit.
Political economy lacks sufficient positive mechanisms made through law to enable people to escape poverty readily and work. Without food stamps, some employers would use starvation as a lever for lowering worker wages. It is a social insurance program in that respect to prevent corporations from using starvation as a tool of extortion to force people to work at low wages in harsh conditions. People are not all really wonderful, and would enslave others if they could, if not eat them.
The Democrat Party does not know how to reform a capitalist economy in a democracy. They try to get as many people as they can on some government pay-out in order to implement socialism through the back door. That problem differs a lot from trying to make a free enterprise foundation workable for every citizen. Democrats will even flood the nation with illegal workers in order to subvert the wages and labor-side of employer-worker wage value and negotiations. There is another benefit of flooding the USA with illegal aliens for Democrats; it degrades the ecosphere faster creating environmental emergency and additional Democrat leverage for socialism through government environmental powers.
It would be practical to pass a law that provides tax breaks to employers in relation to hiring and employing people that were out of work longest. Putting the hardest to hire people to work would relieve welfare rolls. Democrats have no interest in that.
American youth had to pay a sort-of-tax for Obamacare. Now the Democrats would like to force youth to pay for Medicare for everyone not presently qualified. Today people over 65 qualify for Medicare. If those under 65 get Medicare too then the worker contribution for that might rise ten or twenty time. Democrats might say they would tax the most rich to pay for that, however the tax if passed- and that would be very hard to get done, would bring money to the general fund and perhaps instead pay for the soon to be trillion dollars of interest bill dues annually for the 22 trillion dollar U.S. Government debt.
Democrats should have expanded the V.A. hospital system and joined it with community hospitals and clinics for the poor and simply provided free direct medical service to those that are screened by the federal Government to actually be too poor to afford medical treatment. Such a non-profit is the least expensive way to bring medical coverage to all citizens. Single payer systems are a further support to enslave the public and bring corporatism and socialism in a world government into being.

Present administration of the V.A. hospital system may be somewhat inefficient at delivering quick, quality health care however reform is always possible. One issue may be the problem of tenured government employees without production incentives. That might be corrected with contractors to provide services in the V.A. equivalent to contractors employed in the military, motivated for production. Some leaders are incapable of improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness while others rise to the challenge.
Reducing the period of patent exclusivity to three years with 10% royalties to inventors after three years when anyone produces profit from using the idea would accelerate economic innovation and progress and give a better chance for poor inventors to profit instead of reinforcing the trickle-up system now in effect. The entire patent process as well as defending it is simply not something a broke, intelligent American can reasonable afford. Poor people often don’t prefer to gamble 300% of their life savings on speculation, yet they may have good ideas.

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