
Democrat Party 'Hit Squad' Continues Attack on President

The Democrat party self-styled 'squad' of radical pro-illegal immigration advocates is continuing its vociferous, interminable attack on the President of the United States. He is labeled a racist every opportunity they can get. Some interesting points about at least one member of the Democrat Party hit squad has emerged concerning Rep. Ilhan Omar; that she did have false elements with her own asylum claim.

It is challenging to know if that is real or fake news. A Minnesota State ethics panel is investigating the issue. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/07/18/powerline-blog-ilhan-omar-married-brother-asylum-false-name/#

Rep Cortez is claiming that U.S. border control policy of the Trump administration is entirely racist. She is a Hispanic herself advocating lax enforcement of border control of illegal Hispanics primarily (though people as far as Africa also enter illegally). She apparently is unaware of the racism implicit in her own position.

Americans have been concerned about over-population since the 1960s. It was a cause for Planned Parenthood to exist and for a good part of three generations of American babies to be aborted. There have been more than 60 million abortions since Rowe vs. Wade in 1973. It was not just about women not wanting to have babies. Neither was that the problem with China. China forced a one-child per family policy because of over-population. A.O.C.'s policy of supporting millions of illegal immigrants is blind to demographic reality. 


There are already more illegal aliens in the U.S.A. that the entire population of the country in 1860 when the civil war started. Bringing in millions of people more illegally is fundamentally crazy politics. People that don’t pay income tax yet live in the U.S.A. still require government services and spending for that. With twenty-one trillion dollars of public debt increasing public spending won’t help to reduce that or the nearly trillion dollars of annual payments for interest on the debt. Sober, legal immigration control is requisite for any sort of environmental policy of conservation to have a chance to become law or work in the U.S.A.


The illegal immigrant attack on America is the present live manifestation of the global north-south hemisphere divide issue that has been anticipated by academics since the 1960s. Poor, highly fecund southerners would seek to migrate north. The numbers are so huge however that it presents issue of national survival to norther nations. The compassionate plan was to better the lives of southerners. How and what to do, and who would pay for a practical intervention was subject of debate. To do nothing and allow the worst case migration of hundreds of millions with other world ecosphere problems increasing plainly seems very dangerous for all. Like the national public debt, politicians tend to want to ignore the real challenges of addressing the issue. Awareness of the long-term consequences of doing nothing are substantial.


Three hundred and twenty million people in the U.S.A. already, is huge. The environment is in decay- and A.O.C. is one ostensibly concerned about the environment with the Green New Deal. It was apparently more of a Red New Deal than an environmental concept. 

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