
Philosophical Issues With Darwin's Theory

 Philosophical problems with Darwin’s theory might be taken to mean generally that people don’t support the evolution paradigm. Some believe the Bible and Genesis especially are in opposition to evolution. I don’t see it that way having learned science and Christianity together from early youth.

So one might want to explain more fully to people why one can find everything natural- not created by humans, as created by God, in default. God, after all, has lots of time. All of eternity is a lot of time to create a Multiverse or Universe and set it working. If every last atom and quark was foreknown by God, and planned, that would include evolution too.

Really it's quite an interesting topic and the better one is informed of the Bible and of Cosmology the more interesting it becomes. God is a lot smarter than humans. It's good he left the Bible for a guide and sent His Son to the world to help out.

I wrote a lot of brief essays on the topic and published two books- free to download with those essays. They are here…



I have learned more and thought more about cosmology and creation since I wrote those. Maybe sometime I will add a third collection.

I have read the KJV more than a half century and believe God evolved the world, and the apocalypse occurred in the first century A.D. when Jerusalem was destroyed, Christians scattered and martyred, and the building of the Kingdom of God was then new for the passing generation of the old era. Some believe it wise to repeat the pre-tribulation philosophy and to believe their own interpretation of Genesis is infallible. 

 I would say that evolution theory is natural, and God created all natural things. Scientific atheists and some reactionary Christians are just wrong about things. Making a dialectical opposition of evolution and the Bible is wrong- it misleads many souls and government decisions.

A fine-tuned Multiverse is implicitly a little contradictory- every possible Universe that could exist does exist in some form is the theory. Each Universe should be fine-tuned for it to be what it is. That's nearly a principle of identity. The Universe has a built-in Occam's razor compelling it to lack a surfeit of alternative variables and constants. Yet God is spirit and the constants and variables of any given Universe aren't really germaine. They are downstream in a manner of speaking.

G.W.F. Hegel believed the Universe was the world spirit trying to realize itself through history (paraphrase of someone- I cannot recall). He thought the German state of his time was the highest evolution of the intelligence. Dialectical evolution loosely would have been the Universe trying to be and become interacting with itself. 

An analogy might be that the world-spirit began its material paradigm self-awareness program as a tiny seed at the big bang and evolved through interactive change into something larger and more pluralistic with sentience being the highest phase achieved within a government and society that was Germany. That was a practical way for a philosopher to get some approval from the Aristocrats of his nation, though I doubt that Hegel invented the theory just to kiss a of the most rich rulers.

Hegel was rightly called an idealist; all of this dialectical progress was working of Spirit. Hegel wrote a nice, smaller version of The Phenomenology of Mind titled- Realms of Absolute Spirit (in a version I read).

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