
Small Worlds/Illegal Aliens/Decreasing Democracy


First I must acknowledge that evil race smears are used by some proponents of illegal Mexican immigration to the United States upon those for legal immigration only policy.

It is wicked to associate Americans for national sovereignty with world war two era fascism much less extermination of Jews effort in the holocaust. Of course there is only so much to history, and the lines are fine, and many just bum-rush right over it substituting fiction for truth.

The essential causes for the flood of 22 million illegal aliens into the United States is pure economic and political avarice by Mexicans encountering in their own nation repression from an elite plutocratic social environment that has 40 people owning 30% of the nation's wealth.

If all those Mexicans were Germans today, wouldn't it matter if 20 or 30 million just volkerwanderrrunged over the border, and their Furher campaigned in Utah, California, Washington and Oregon for more?

The United States easily could develop rational and self-serving immigration policies with fair apportionment of racial components proportional to that of the world if it had the will to do so. The U.S.A. might bring in one million new citizens annually by consent rather than by the force of Mexicans illegal will (President Fox is visiting his newest state 'conquest' Utah first)


The actual cause of Democratic Party perfidy (Senator Max Bacchus of Montana supports the flood in votes it seems) is probably traditional state and federal corruption caused by redistricting and computer programming (see the current U.S. News article) and the expense of defeating incumbents. U.S. politics may not even be fairly called a democracy anymore some are speculating and globalism and greed, including the Bush administration's perfidious approach to environmental law is essentially reforming the United States. Why the Democratic Party is so much for just Mexican illegal immigrant favoritism is perhaps also related to the wealth of globalism and Democratic incompetence. Senator Dorothy of California just needs Mexican votes. Of 52 Representatives in California in 2004 no incumbents were defeated. The odds of winning a U.S. House seat in a race against an incumbent may be about 5%, and it costs a couple of million to finance the campaign spin.

Environmental liability may be a reason for the flood of illegals too. While Reagan and G.W. Bush scuttle the EPA Superfund and mining tax legislation is defeated, superfund sites and thousands of mines still seep toxic waste all over the U.S.A. Grupo Mexico bought Guggenheim’s Colorado mines at Leadville and a number of others in a purchase in 2003? With their out of country incorporation they can just not pay for clean ups, but the federal administrators believe the taxpayers should pay anyway instead of the polluters.

All this globalist political anarchizing attacking on democracy is a consequence of perfidious subtle reorganizations possible with globalism purchasing federal and state democratic representation. With good democratic government and secure borders the people can have a better chance of a fair and orderly, lawful and rational political environment...without it they will indefinitely sell out to opulent glitz of Colonel Sanddoom at home and abroad.
Points about racial genetic differences and what causal effects they may have on politics are interesting as made above, yet I will comment on a few points of the past 100 posts generally...

Capitalism does have an inadvertent tendency to exploit the poor, concentrate wealth and so forth, yet it may also increase the new wealth of society and though previously free, happy, independent people may become comparatively poorer with oppressive rulers with corporatism removing their liberty, they may be in the materially absolute sense richer.

Pres. R. Reagan's trickle down didn't work; inequality in wealth distribution has increased in the U.S.A. Lateral reallocation of wealth ensued instead, with women and non-whites increasing their comparative share.

Capitalism isn't unique in concentrating or distributing power, in the small worlds theoria preferred attachment, or the rich getting richer, builds in a way not unlike the aggregation of 'spurs' on snowflakes in predetermined patterns, or numerous other physical examples. Communism and other mass political organizations tend to accumulate power through preferred attachment, aka excremental affluent derriere smooching., direct purging and consolidation and other organizational forms that are an aspect of human interaction.

Perhaps original sin is the best explanation for why people are cruel, exploitative of others and so forth so often hiding behind 'big lies' or 'use-truths'.

The American political system has ossified into two polarized political parties that each support globalism in their own way and subvert democracy. Americans are against amnesty for illegal aliens, against illegal immigration, and haven't confidence in the Republican Party in Congress or in the White House presently. In an actual democracy uncorrupted by computer-designed and state legislative approved gerrymandering, the Democrats would retake both houses of congress easily in November. With the ossification of incumbency and politics competition for voters is ended, and blind party fealty for trophic position blue/red is insinuated to advance global corporatism.

Humanity should be able to work out their sociologically based oddities, yet social differences are the rational behind much of human organizing phenomena. Not only is liberty enhanced for creative purposes with civil rights, sound borders and property rights, rational allocation of opportunities, interests and social rights are delineated by differences amidst individuals and classes. Differences and classes aren't best 'exterminated'.

At any given time in politics, as in history, there are inertia social forces of organization that de facto place a macro-morality from the primary power upon accompanying economic methods. Small world theory may demonstrate how power 'fuses' more power and wealth upon itself as gravity draws mass although it is within a different structural pattern. Individuals may choose to resist the affects of adverse political forces, as is the case with the illegal immigration, and encounter opposite forces to disorder their own organizational principles.

Immigration isn't about race, but about the subversive impact upon U.S. political self-determination for the masses that are being ill-served by globalist corruptions of congress. One must read today's 'Dilbert'.


55 Senators Oppose Rule of Law

"The vote was 55-40 against a proposal by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga, who said that anything less than a border security-first approach amounted to "a wink and a nod one more time to those who would come here" unlawfully."
An element of choosing to vote to legalize crime and approve of illegal entry to the United States as a legitimate course to citizenship may be caused by the investment in Mexican oil, and lobbyist’s contributions to/of the 55 Senators.


It is interesting that Senate Democrats lead the way on opposition to border control before negotiating with border bounders. Having sovereignty is a prerequisite for making sound law, simple following after lawbreakers and providing support is the function of a crock congress.
The Democratic Senators are acting in support of elements gutting the minimum wage in the United States and the value of U.S. labor. It isn't really surprising though. Senators are wealthy and wealth tends to accumulate globally in the rule of the 80-20 principle. That is in Pareto's law twenty percent or less of the people have 80% or more of the wealth simply because of preferred attachment, the ability of people with excess wealth to invest or gamble more, and other flow dynamic factors having nothing 80-20 principle is suitable for communist nations too, in which 20% or less of the communist party rule 80% or more of the national wealth. Global corporatism also follows those wealth flow phenomena and adroitly unifies communist and corporate governance and management through a number of interties from boardrooms to global media ownership, pseudo conflicts and state surveillance of citizens etc.

The Senators being quite wealthy investment in non Chinese or non-India political directions would be difficult, as that is the region in which wealth is currently finding the easiest pickings. A vast flood of cheap Mexican labor is as well beneficial to the wealthy in the United States in accord with the 80-20 principle. I should point out that this fits in quite well with the small worlds networks theories that explain a.i.d.s. distribution social and a number of other network transmission phenomena. It isn't necessary that someone have a political theory to get it started.

In the United States decent social philosophical theory just doesn't make it into politics as far as helping to elect enlightened Senators. With the historical debate between Adam Smithianites and Marxists and the social psychological trait of people choosing sides, stopping to think and dogmatically following 'leaders' theories convincing the U.S. public that their could be more to economics than the 'invisible hand' of Adam Smith or the state authoritarianism of Marxism is very difficult.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad using Smith's principle of personal greed being the best way to develop a society rightly rejected EU offers of a light water nuclear reactor if he would stop building a heavy water reactor saying (I paraphrase)'It would be like giving up gold for smoke and mirrors’. Page 188 'Nexus' Buchanan explained that many economists believe the market isn't rational entirely, and greed won't get it done. Behavioral economists have modeled market economics based on herd behavior with success.

Mexican Presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the Welfare for All Party is the only Mexican candidate that has rightly comprehended the ill-effect on Mexico's economy by the loss of migrant workers north. The wealthy candidates support the principle of 80-20 unknowingly, which in a limited global environment will lead to technological and enterprise stagnation within a vice of plutocratic deadbeats.


Will President Bush Oppose House of Representatives Tonight?

President G.W. Bush has been a willing tool for corporatist government. To drive down wages in the United States federal policy requires nearly a half million illegal immigrants annually to gut the labor side of the value negotiations. With Mexican president Vicente Foxx soon to leave office Mr. Bush chooses tonight to seek a last opportunity to misunderestimate and throw in the towel on U.S. border sovereignty to Mexico and give amnesty to millions of illegal workers in the United States.

Once again I will suggest more effective remedies in keeping with the will of the U.S. House of Representatives and the people of the United States.

1)Dig a Gulf of California to Gulf of Mexico Border Barrier Pleasure Boat and Desalinization water production Canal over the next ten years under the supervision of an enhanced Army Corp of Engineers. The southern border beyond the California Mountains is generally flat an easy for shallow canal building all the way to the Gulf of Mexico although Texas has some fine hills in the Laredo region. Taxpayers should get something for their investments besides kickbacks to Halliburton. Guardsmen serving along the border for defense should receive substantial hiring preference by the U.S. Border Patrol.

Vice President Cheney and General Hayden’s corporatist telephone data acquisition presents something of a conundrum. Why did it take four years to implement Mr. Cheney’s spy on American’s corporatist plan—was Sect. Rice unwilling where General Hayden was?

2)Permit no more than 75,000 Spanish speaking immigrants from all sources into the United States the next 20 years. Preference should be given to Portuguese, English and aboriginal language speakers from Amazonia

3)Create a bilateral control group of the Brazilian and U.S. State Departments to conserve the Amazonian Rain forest drainage and its vital world role in life and biota diversity right away. The goal is to depopulate Amazonia of human occupancy except for a small number of shirtless savages wonting to live in a Neolithic fashion. Everyone else would relocate with government assistance elsewhere in Brazil or to the United States, as both nations would offer guaranteed permanent residence and duel citizenship to any citizens that need or desire. This would keep Amazonia intact until more savages with vast machine chain saws gain influence such as Mr. Bush and Cheney are apt to sympathize with such as to annihilate the rational planning and investment by each government in intact ecosystems conservation to avoid a cascade of extinction perhaps dragging humanity along with it.


General Hayden's Calls, Small Worlds Theory/Himmler-Stalin-Corporatists

Gen. Hayden (Lake) if made the C.I.A.’s main spook would provide his boss Negroponte with valuable experience at forming vast databases to categorically violate the privacy of the American public and business too, although the rich may be exempted from the minimum tracking and surveillance structure’s of their phone calls such as perhaps 200 million other American’s reportedly experienced under General Hayden’s direction at the N.S.A.

The internet and small world network mathematical graphing theory had its very first start toward today’s sophistication in an Air Force funded research program in 1962 aimed toward creating nuclear attack survivable communications structure’s from various defense nodes. It was discovered that random computer routing of communications through the network was implicitly more survivable than dedicated hierarchical formal channels; in the formal and bound network a break in the chain blocks communication and requires formal rerouting, while in the small worlds random association alternative communications like a flow of water than can go through any channel at will instead of just downstream would easily avoid blocked or destroyed nodes. Small worlds modeling of the U.S.A.’s phone calls into networks are a dictator’s dream than even Stalin would have drooled to possess.


http://www.coseti.org/osetimap.htm small worlds graphs may be used iin the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence too

“Social networks showing the links of acquaintance between” Americans and anyone else through phone records permit the complete comprehension and manipulation of business and family contacts with probabilistic knowledge of who and how to affect networks of suppliers, implement disruptions to weaken targets of takeover, or distribute disinformation about through ancillary broadcast media tools for whatever authoritarian purpose is deemed useful. In the 2002 book ‘Nexus’ on small worlds theory Mark Buchanan wrote on page 31 (the quotation above is from the same source) “Is it possible, and if so, how is it possible, to draw a graph of six billion dots in such a way that one could link any two dots by traveling along just six line?” The answer was yes, and General Hayden may not have had much difficulty in placing the phone records of some 200 million Americans into such a small worlds paradigm-the equivalent of placing a tracking device on everyone’s auto for life and keeping all that information and graphed concurrent locations into a database.


Perhaps Americans won’t care, nor believe it a fundamental violation of the constitution intent of the founders for the government to have a real-time and historical database of the phone records of 2/3rds of the citizens and the ability to leak that data to foreign governments or global corporations to subdue and manipulate national independence. President Bush will talk to the nation tonight about why some illegal aliens should be given amnesty and flood the U.S. workforce while assuring the public that new security measures of 20 Toyota Land cruisers and new agents will help stem the tide of Mexicans annexing the nation for globalists. The 5.15 and hour U.S. minimum wage hasn’t gone up in decades, and real wages after inflation of Americans during the Bush tenure have decreased by more than 3.5%. The President’s true goal of flooding the nation with millions and millions of Mexicans is probably to reduce the minimum wage to 3 dollars an hour without insurance or other benefits the norm.

... commentators have already thrown much darkness. on this subject, and it is probable that, if they continue, we shall soon know. nothing at all about it." - Mark Twain

One would expect an authoritarian government such as the Communist Chinese have or had, the Soviet Union’s Second Directorate, Himmler’s Gestapo, etc historically to use a tracking and association tool of phone calls or physical vehicles if possible, yet it is unthinkable that such corporatist approaches (invented by Mussolini) should become usual for Americans, if they weren’t already trained to rave by broadcast corporations with immeasurable disrespect for the privacy and civil rights of Americans. For civil rights in a marketing strategy of corporatism would mean merely race or gender rights instead of universal human rights in order to divide and conquer the public with ongoing perennial social conflict.

General Hayden at the N.S.A. has implemented egregious violations of American privacy and freedom to conduct business without federal surveillance and corruption of privacy. Without privacy and proprietary contact data it is quite impossible to do any competitive business at all. If the government knows whatever anyone is doing at any given time it has the power to exploit whatever data, promote or degrade whatever social elements though numerous means, it cares to for the aggrandizement of its own will to absolute power. General Hayden should be safely retired and left to draw his full salary as Generals are wont to do with free air travel around the globe as retired military personnel enjoy. Some Americans merely struggle to have food and shelter, or enjoy the first amendment while the glorious federals piss on their life opportunities to better their physical, spiritual, economic and political status.


In the Absence of Post Cold War Political Philosophy

In the post cold-war world the change of political polities, political leadership and business, economic and military did not allow for much time for new political philosophies to emerge that would exist alongside the usual social criticisms of in the free west that influenced government policy formation to a certain extent. Instead the ‘new world order’ ideas of President George H.W. Bush (41) described the advantage certain global businesses would have in interacting with the security of American military insurance policies of constructive engagement with the communist entity in China and with the moderated chaos in the former Soviet Union. In time the political philosophy of corporatism united with a Chinese socialist move toward corporatist business would dominate de facto along with all the negative consequences that implies.

Globalists attempting to dominate world politics by design and corporatists seeking to compile political power and influence simultaneously with market domination may attack nationalism and democracy as obstacles to the eradication of democratic nationalism rooted within proprietary borders. Corporatists and authoritarians of all sorts prefer a global polity without real local self-determination or capacity to resist their will to absolute power.

In the modern world ad hoc global networks replace any need for the elimination of the security of local national political control. Global ad hoc networks assure that human and civil rights violations will be discovered and opposed by the global majority that in theory would still have some independence from corporatist, socialist, authoritarian or fascist global powers.


Border Barrier Control/Patrol Elevated Highway on Mex Edge Sole Way of Halting Inflow of Revolutionary Internal Proletariat Next 30 Years for U.S.A.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arnold_J._Toynbee The late (d. 1974) Arnold Toynbee described in his 'A Study of History' the way a civilization may allow an internal proletariat to grow exemplified with such as the mass relocation of Mexican workers illegally to the United States which eventually becomes a revolutionary class replacing the prior formerly creative majority that dwindles into becoming a repressive minority in power.

The wikepedia has a brief article on Toynee that has a paragraph describing the phenomenality of this one method of national self-destruction (it arises through greed and bad political leadership obviously). Toynbee believed that challenge-response was the fundamental nature of the social structure of civilization...

"When a civilization responds to challenges, it grows. When it fails to respond to a challenge, it enters its period of decline. Toynbee argued that "Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder."
For Toynbee, civilizations were not intangible or unalterable machines but a network of social relationships within the border and therefore subject to both wise and unwise decisions they made. If leaders of the civilization did not appease or shut down the internal proletariat or muster an effective miliatary or diplomatic defense against potential invading outside forces, it would fall.'

For the United States globalist forces politically overreaching advantage on borrowed money following the end of the post-world war two economic advantages have followed up the end of the bankrupt Soviet Union with an effort to de facto create a Toynbean version of a universal phase of a U.S. led civilization.

The Universal phase of a civilization is its last before decline. The process can be arrested however, and a standing waveform can be made to exist with a self-sustaing yet progressive independent economoy environmentally and socially interacting still with the global economic forces. Instead of leaving it in abstract forms what the government myust do is this...

1)Halt all illegal immigration into the U.S.A. peaceably, focus federal policy upon stimulating and supporting non-trade deficit producing policies through a cornucopia of national invention in macro-social energy and transport technology that allow citizens to become independent from centralized power and transport global controllers.
2)Immediately promote electric cars, home fuel ells for recharging, power lines in freeways for metered recharging, strong environmental zoning promoting zero net loss of biota.


Electric Car Reaches 112 M.P.H. in 11.1 Seconds/Galbraith Dies/Generators

Defeating a Ferrari and a Porche, an electric powered vehicle won a 2005 Infineon Performance Test accellerating to 112 m.p.h. in 11.1 seconds. http://www.kron.com/Global/story.asp?S=4122234

ETS and World Class Exotics have built electric cars that achieve 85 miles per hour, more than enough speed for a variety of commuter and urban applications.


The Porche 959 style car ETS markets sells for a little more than 32,000 dollars and reaches top speeds of around 100 m.p.h. ETS has kit cars as well. FUll performance electric powered vehicles are available to day, and with electric power lines installed into selected freeways for metered electric draws by consumer vehicles direct power recharging would become possible permitting a larger range of partially battery-powered electric vehicles converted from fossil fueled vehicles.

http://www.eaaev.org/eaalinks.html The Electric Auto Association

The economist John Kenneth Galbraith has died. Galbraith was a student of John Maynard Keyenes and headed a federal Economic Agency during the second world war for President Roosevelt. Galbraith was a brilliant popularizer of economic history with analytical-explanatory books, and said that this is the era of bureaucratic corporations. Galbraith recognized implicitly the deleterious impact of corporatism on the prospects for global capitalism and its inability to adapt to changing environmental and social-economic needs. Fossil fueled vehicles and the social reality that reifies the dominance of global oil companies are generally responsible for the malaise of the nation's economy mired in maintainance economic policy. Exxon mobils profits for this last quarter were nine billion dollars. It is a global corporation.

http://www.greencarcongress.com/2005/12/toyota_affirms_.html Toyota home fuel cell plans for 2008/Japan

http://www.time.com/time/2003/inventions/invgenerator.html coleman fuel cell story

http://www.fuelcellstore.com/cgi-bin/fuelweb/view=NavPage/cat=32 a residential fuel cell system for under $10,000

http://www.ballard.com/be_a_customer/fuel_cellshttp://www.ballard.com/be_a_customer/fuel_cells/airgen 1000 watt portable generator

http://www.otherpower.com/otherpower_wind.html advice about building a wind generator

http://www.nbizz.com/thorhamy/listings/8.html 1000 watt wind generator complete system with batteries and tower


Retrograde Inefficiencies of Mass Distribution Networks Within Concentrated Capitalism Paradigms

Corporatism permits a global infrastructure of informal monopoly to exist over political liberty to invent and successfully market items that would replace existing heavy capital investment infrastructure. Adam Smith probably did not anticipate global stock exchanges and a pervasive ossification of the salutary effects of capitalism at discovering new markets, discovering and promoting new methods of production as well as rewarding inventiveness.

Neither would Smith have foreseen that formerly efficient mass distribution networks of commodities such as oil would impare the ability of a society to quickly adapt to changing financial and environmental conditions. I am not at all certain that Smith was aware of the potential for mass distribution networks with such pervasive effects as exist today, as his era was far more decentralized and independently situated.

The retrograde inefficiency of mass market distribution of fuel supply to consumers in the commodity of oil-petroleum products(gasoline) exists because of the pervasive existing infrastructure and governmental dependence upon maintainence of the status quo in fuel phenomenality when another paradigm would be desirable in a number of ways.Gasoline mass market, mass distribution power is overwhelmingly repressive socially so far as to retard technological and sociological paradigm shift to new energy sources such as electricity for electric powered cars with consumers becoming produces of their own energy supply through wind-generators, solar voltaic cells and in-home fuel cells.

While the government should be encouraging home-electricity production to produce personal vehicle energy supply in order to avoid the 'tribute' to globally owned power or fuel companies that deleteriously effects the national debt, trade balance, and consumer savings and capital build-up it accepts the paradigm of mass distribution from global energy companies as normal.As an American citizen with an awareness of the history of the nation it is easy to realize that the founders would have been revolted by such political brain-death, dependence and political sloth.


On the Hierarchical Priesthood Error

Jesus Christ is the only high priest, humanity of faith are simply believers associated with Jesus through a priesthood of believers. Jesus ended the era of temple worship, and foretold the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem. Because no temple worship is to exist, naturally the anti-Christ will appear at a reconstructed temple at Jerusalem.

A priesthood of believers have entered into God's rest of faith and the seventh day sabbath on Earth ended with the era of temple priesthoods. Perhaps a better way to describe the sabbath is that all times are holy unto the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Most Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church too have erred in believing that a hierarchical priesthood is the right way when in fact it misses out on creating an ecclesiastical organization of peer believers in common worship together able to reinforce the secular and soteriological efforts of the faithful.

Too many hierachical temple priesthood structures are tithing temples dedicated to supporting one individual 'superior' Christian and his or her family as a 'priest'. Because the hierarchical priesthood is in error, in may be opportunistically allied with worldly, secular forces of business an political power dedicated to elevating its own fiduciary and power goals.

Certainly honest intellectual believers can err on right forms of church organization, yet Paul in the book of Henrews admonishes the beleievers to get on from the milk of nursing Christianity onto the strong meat of maturity. Right ecclesiastic structure of a priesthood of believers is need to renormalize faith-in-God on Earth unto the narrow path leading to salvation through Jesus Christ.

It is undesrable to have a Temple of Mike, or a Temple of Bill, or a Temple of Prissy to lead a collection of weekend worshippers to faith in God and the GOP, or faith in devilwood and the extreme homo, or extreme illegal alien immigration agenda, even if the point is a common worldly struggle to get rid of nations and individual civil liberties in order to bring every soul under the mark of the beast in a global dictatorship of corporatism. A priesthood of believers would train citizens in democracy and responsibility, church leadership and social justice, while freeing up tithing funds for right allocations where they are most useful even if it means that the 'priests' need to get regular work.

Of course there is a role for commercial Christian work perhaps in scholarship, counciling and such on an external contractual basis. It is amazing that two millenia after Christ nearly have passed Christian church organization is mostly not cognizant of the error of continuing a hierarchical temple worship model instead of an association or 'priesthood' of believers.


Oil Prices $75 barrel and Up/Electric Engine Conversions of Used Classic Cars



http://www.acterra.org/ev/ Electric engine conversion of classic used cars


http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petroleum/data_publications/company_level_imports/current/import.html U.S. Oil Import Data

http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/Usa/Oil.html U.S. Oil Reserves Save it for U.S. industry in the future when America goes to electric engines solar powered and Chinese industry drives up prices with inflationary oil consumption

Electric cars or hydrogen now? A more creative Chief Executive of the United States would use the opportunities of mass illegal immigration and the energy failures of administration policy the past six years to synergize and innovate a high-tech border barrier highway along the Mexican border using federal highway funds (perhaps some pork exists such as The Murkowsky/Young Bridge to an island with 300 people for millions and millions) that would exemplify federal commitment to honesty and integrity in government and managaement of public funds (only joking).

President Bush could ask congress to develop funding and project guidelines for a zero tolerance of illegal immigration border patrol highway that would have as much solar collection and electric vehicle technology as is rasonably possible. President Bush choose to hide a lack of interest in real competiton for fossil fuels by advocating hydrogen fuel that would not be available through fossil fuel outlets until a decade or so after he leaves office while there are billions and billions of electrical outlets not owned by global oil companies.

The control highway should be elevated on rip rap rock with a smooth wall facing Mexico, a 20 foot deep trench should be constriucted along the U.S. side. Laser and other motion sensor devices should monitor illegal movement and offer intercept coordinates. President Bush of course offers surrender to Mexico policies in his push to foist globalist conquest of the political future of the United States.

During the federalist era of the United States there was much striving to form the future of the country politically that resembles the way things are today politically to a remarkable extent. Deviationist domestic policies such as that of President Bush were defeated, while constructive foreign policies such as that of President Bush were successful paradoxically.

Phase in Variegated Electric Engine Cars instead of waiting for another Stalinist Five Year Plan to profit Globalist New World Order Auto Producers

The administration should be out talking up electric engine conversions of classic used cars...take a chassis and add the electric motor to a vehicle wiith a standard transmission. Create rental fleets or sell the used electric engine classics. Costs to make-over a gas guzzler into a sleek rechargeable electric car run 7000 to 20,000 dollars.Solar power panels, fuel cells, and a variety of sources allow low cost refueling.

The better the car one selects the better the mileage-which can be 150 miles per charge-up at a speed as high as 80 m.p.h. That is a useful around town or commuter tool.U.S. oil prices should drop significantly before the 2008 election in order to help the Republican candidate become elected, while the prices may drop only slightly before the 2006 congressional election.

The House voted patriotically to tighten up the Mexican border to halt the flood of illegal aliens into the United States while it’s still possible, and globalists will punish the Republican members that voted for the bill by taking enormous profits until the 2008 election. Secretary of Exxon Rice is organizing U.S. politics moderately toward oil profit conducing positions, and President Bush will not by a used 65 corvette and begin converting it to run on batteries during his spare-time for C-Span as a way to lead the people toward energy independence.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...