
On the Hierarchical Priesthood Error

Jesus Christ is the only high priest, humanity of faith are simply believers associated with Jesus through a priesthood of believers. Jesus ended the era of temple worship, and foretold the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem. Because no temple worship is to exist, naturally the anti-Christ will appear at a reconstructed temple at Jerusalem.

A priesthood of believers have entered into God's rest of faith and the seventh day sabbath on Earth ended with the era of temple priesthoods. Perhaps a better way to describe the sabbath is that all times are holy unto the saving work of Jesus Christ.

Most Protestant Churches and the Catholic Church too have erred in believing that a hierarchical priesthood is the right way when in fact it misses out on creating an ecclesiastical organization of peer believers in common worship together able to reinforce the secular and soteriological efforts of the faithful.

Too many hierachical temple priesthood structures are tithing temples dedicated to supporting one individual 'superior' Christian and his or her family as a 'priest'. Because the hierarchical priesthood is in error, in may be opportunistically allied with worldly, secular forces of business an political power dedicated to elevating its own fiduciary and power goals.

Certainly honest intellectual believers can err on right forms of church organization, yet Paul in the book of Henrews admonishes the beleievers to get on from the milk of nursing Christianity onto the strong meat of maturity. Right ecclesiastic structure of a priesthood of believers is need to renormalize faith-in-God on Earth unto the narrow path leading to salvation through Jesus Christ.

It is undesrable to have a Temple of Mike, or a Temple of Bill, or a Temple of Prissy to lead a collection of weekend worshippers to faith in God and the GOP, or faith in devilwood and the extreme homo, or extreme illegal alien immigration agenda, even if the point is a common worldly struggle to get rid of nations and individual civil liberties in order to bring every soul under the mark of the beast in a global dictatorship of corporatism. A priesthood of believers would train citizens in democracy and responsibility, church leadership and social justice, while freeing up tithing funds for right allocations where they are most useful even if it means that the 'priests' need to get regular work.

Of course there is a role for commercial Christian work perhaps in scholarship, counciling and such on an external contractual basis. It is amazing that two millenia after Christ nearly have passed Christian church organization is mostly not cognizant of the error of continuing a hierarchical temple worship model instead of an association or 'priesthood' of believers.

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