Truth theories may be variable, and need to cohere with present definitions of what truth is. Christians believe the sole constant valid meta-truth is Jesus Christ as the Word of God. Some super-string theorists may find variability of constants as a fact, that is time and the laws of nature are not eternally static.
One may develop an infinite number of theories about anything, including of course, history and historical writing.
Regarding the numerous aspects of any ancient material such as the Bible, it is common that many offer opinions upon it from the basis of ignorance complete or partial. Such faulty reasoning is excusable generally only when guesswork is all that is possible. That is not the case with much of the Biblical discussion and content.
If one cares little about error philosophically, one should be inclined to promote ideas perhaps for political reasons or for receiving particular rewards rather than discovery of truth. Truth has a pervasive meaning of referring to accuracy between subject and predicate, or confirmation of a predication as accurate. Fundamentally it posits the coordinate relation of an internal or external object and verifies the relation as existing or not.
Truth theory itself of course has numerous forms in philosophy that I won't detail here. In physics and math there are numerous methods of discovery of various relations and representations in quantum mechanics I have been reading recently, that may present several courses for transformations about real and imaginary axes. What coordinate in a representational system is true except in a reference to it regarding something else?
One may formulate various verbal or conceptual descriptions of God, or the Creator of all that exists , yet one generally does not posit an internal, subjective idea as corresponding to any external object or being directly. Representation of exterior or transcending objects or material or spiritual facts may be made with ideas, or even necessarily are made with ideas and words or other abstract symbols, yet few would mistake those representations for the things-in-themselves. God obviously would not be mistaken for a subjective idea,or even a subconscious idea, any more than one would posit Mt. Everest to be just an idea within one's mind.
Epistemological interpretation of real objects make occur within Kant's noumenal phenomenology of mind. Quantum mechanics can describe incompletely various representations of eigenstates of particles without requisite that one visualize the states of quantum field elements. What Mt. Everest is for-itself without human cognitive interpretation or transformation into a realizable object is difficult to say. We would tend to regard Mt. Everest as a quantum field of certain characteristics, and might relate those to other reference structures in space-time abstractly, and with complexity. God would be far more complex, and really impossible, to describe with in terms of particular quantum field states--he is bigger than that, and more uncertain or undefinable regarding particular characteristics that might be quantified.
Germs have not always existed.They are said to be an evolutionary development of an historical nature. Bacteria and viruses developed at different times. Eukaryote and prokaryote evolved dissimultaneously it is thought--yet who can be certain? The soft tissues don't fossilize well at all.
To define the meaning of germs linguisticaly is to construct parameters in which germs have then potential to be said to exist. When germs were discovered and named,linguistically they might be said to exist thereafter.
In biological history, the existence of germs may again be contingent upon a definition and function of their relationships to biological life forms. Microbes are another term for germs. Micro-organisms are pervasive and earliest hypothesized things to live on Earth commonly. The wikipedia article link describes some of the history of micro-organisms.
It has little relevance to the veracity of a Biblical theory of life though, since Adam and Eve were interpolated from an extra-dimensional space-time or pre-space-time environment onto the Earth at the Garden of Eden (guarded by four cherubim possibly representing the dimensions of space-time (4). If the fated pair of fallen were translated into a fallen temporal Earth already in an advanced state of evolution, or if the entire universe were created at that point as if it had evolved, it makes little difference to the veracity of either science or religion. As in super-string theory there are lots of possible forumulae or structure to theorize with. We thank God for not providing Adam and Eve with advanced physics and biological data in the garden of Eden period, for their descendants might have blown up the world and even caused more offshore oil spills earlier in human history.
The Bible is not a book about science. The Old Testament may be considered a brilliant historical work and the New Testament a group of epistes or letters. The 66 books of the Bible each differ and yet have similarities. One might read...
by Chuck Missler for interesting ideas about it. Many authors have sought to learn more and deeper meanings from the Bible.
Many since the enlightenment have sought to make categorical denunciations of Biblical veracity-yet that isn't a very valid approach to reasoning about it. Following is one obvious equivalence of Biblical literals to American normal time literals--keep in mind that in real modern physics there are quite a few ways to refer to space-time, mass, energy and so forth that are very surprising to us not accustomed to thinking in terms of quantum mechanics. God's power to transform reality or even to create the present Universe exceeds whatever we might think about it as contingent, temporal beings. U1,SU2 and transformations of multi-axis coordinate maths extrapolated to infinite dimensions are probably trivialities to the Creator of all possible universes. We can admire Abelian and non-Abelian guage theories anyway. Or use simple math and Peter's multiple.
Methusela 187 Lamech 969
Lamech 182 Noah 777 years
Noah 500 Shem, Ham,
950 years
1,556 overlap subtotal 8,575 years
overlap minus 1,556 years
Adam’s birth to Noah’s death total 7,019 years
Noah’s time after the flood minus 300 years
Adams birth to the end of the flood 6,719 years
One Day to God as a thousand to man literal value
One year to God is for man 365,000 years
Patriarch’s before flood literal conversion x 6,719 years
Time with Petrine literal conversion 2,453, 235,000 years
2,453,235,000 years before Christ’s human birth is rather close to the geological, scientific time scale hypothesis of the creation of life on Earth in the Proterozoic era. The oldest life on Earth was considered by evolutionary biologists perhaps to
be cyanobacteria.
All (u)'whoman' knowledge is contained within the Universe that is contained within God. Some may to put up and knock down straw man arguments, or use ad hominems and other logical fallacies in order to attack the realms of absolute spirit and so forth. If one wishes to give them credit for good intentions and speculate that they art misled by other worldly or wrong ideas about the Bible and of God, one may do so though risking extending social credit too far possibly.
Good science is a process of learning. C.S. Peirce, inventor of pragmatism, believed scientific thought needed to have practical value. Some such as Smolin have written at length about the problems with the scientific method in super-string theory, in that testable, falsifiable hypotheses seldom arise. I think that engineering of scientific and mathematical knowledge has the potential for much malleability, of innumerable transformations of structural relations of mass and energy. Philosophically however the rash application of technique can be viewed as potential harmful.
Seldom are scientific ideas adequately reviewed by society before their application. We experience the complete incompetence of drilling offshore for oil in what is essentially a vulnerable food production area of the planet comprising 7/10ths of the planetary surface area, of Minimata chemical tragedies along with those of Bhopal.
Christians may fairly be skeptical about worldliness, yet J. Vernon McGee (I believe) said that the worldliness Christians are warned of is that of the cosmos, or the cosmopolitan community of mankind that is as inflammatory and unstable, oppressive and cruel simultaneously as all of the worst extremes of human history from Sodom and Gomorrah to Auschwitz and the Killing Fields of Cambodia, Rwanda, and so forth.
Christians hope to follow the Word of God and pursue enlightenment and salvation through the grace of the Spirit. Some wonder what the spirit is, or believe paradoxically in nothing except the formation of present quarks, dimensional strings and their changing forms.
One must be reserved in speculating about the meaning or meaninglessness of concatenations of strings of one dimension struck from a unified all dimensions phenomenality such that after a reduction into light speed and physical law parameters the dimensions create myriad different particles, atomic, chemical and spatio-temporal configurations inclusive of the living process we call life.
Life and spirit are things of God. One's poverty of faith and reasoning may bring one to find various mutually exclusive and exhaustive relationships where none exist including that of scientific inquiry and faith in God. I think that is a tragedy since the phenomenal nature and temporal phase-form of life viewed perhaps by those well--educated in quantum mechanical cosmology may have much in common with the Biblical point of view regarding the brevity of life expressed by Solomon and in Ecclesiastes.
-from the King James version
"13Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
14For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.
15She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.
16Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour.
17Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.
18She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.
19The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens.
20By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew."
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Design Parameters for A Better Notebook Computer for the Poor
The next notebook for the poor should cost $100 or less
2) Be waterproof and encased in plexiglass
3) Have solar voltaic charging panels on the back
4) Have a touch sensitive keyboard with little cup-indentations for fingertips
5) Have an external battery attached with twin magnets to an electro-magnetic field shaped to input electricity
6) Have a very short range (1/4'' ) wireless transmission data input-output to thumb drive storage instead of a USB port
7) Have no USB ports or any other sort of opening to let in watter or dust
8) The lcd screen could go under the transparent keyboard as well as in a space at top for text.
9) Should weigh less than 2 pounds when battery isn't attached.
10) Processor speed should be at least 3G, and wireless transmitter/receiver long range and short-range
2) Be waterproof and encased in plexiglass
3) Have solar voltaic charging panels on the back
4) Have a touch sensitive keyboard with little cup-indentations for fingertips
5) Have an external battery attached with twin magnets to an electro-magnetic field shaped to input electricity
6) Have a very short range (1/4'' ) wireless transmission data input-output to thumb drive storage instead of a USB port
7) Have no USB ports or any other sort of opening to let in watter or dust
8) The lcd screen could go under the transparent keyboard as well as in a space at top for text.
9) Should weigh less than 2 pounds when battery isn't attached.
10) Processor speed should be at least 3G, and wireless transmitter/receiver long range and short-range
1993 Democratic Congress Retarded U.S. High-Energy Physics and Set Future Economy Waning
When the U.S. Congress cancelled construction of the SSC project in 1993 during the Clinton administration it capped long-range U.S. leadership in particle physics research. The eleven billion dollar particle accelerator was a Reagan-era challenged that was given up on by Democrat politicians.
The Waxahachie Texas 87 mile superconductor may have nettled profit takers in the Democratic majority Congress because it was an obvious continuity of high-tech republican leadership into an era when gaying up the military and outsourcing jobs to China were big on the political agenda. The Democratic waning of special Texas science projects coincided with the rise of flam finance, mortgage trading and Wall Street flummery and eventually the present economic collapse. It would be appropriate to immediately vote to restore science in the national budget and build the Ronald Reagan Moon Base with full funding taken from the Iraq and Afghanistan extraction industry protracted lackey nation building boondoggles.
The Obama administration cancelled another Republican high tech project-the planned return to the moon of U.S. astronauts in a ditch a Texas political lead effort (G.W.H. Bush) like that of the earlier 1993 democratic-led U.S. Congress. The consequences of killing long range U.S. big science projects may be to make the U.S.A. a stumbling, reactionary, ineffective at leadership nation of small science followers struggling to top-kill tampons on Gulf oil spills for several months or years (when at least 90% containment should be achieved) along with sundry unforeseen scienceand technology failures.
I suggest that the U.S. Congress restore both projects, combining them with immediate design funding to build a very large particle accelerator on the moon exploiting its low temperature for super-conducting. The United States government should become more intelligent and innovate ways to combine several different missions in one project. The moon base and Constellation plus heavy lift system should create a lunar science and physics research facility along with a high-tech electro-magnetic transportation line to move personnel. Robotic tunneling machines, solar photon capture and production locally of select technology should be packaged in a project methodology including housing. Low temperature superconductors attached above ground on the slopes of very large craters in perennial low temperatures could be innovated at lower cost than those of present high-energy particle physics research facilities on Earth.
The United States should not acquiesce in worldly economic failures and a backward-looking operations ideology war-heavy set against foreign ‘small peoples’ in large numbers. It is better to defend the U.S.A., proximally at the borders and invest abroad in peaceful economic interventions than the social horror and virtual economic hallucination of modern high-tech war. Of all the possible scenarios for historical development to choose from-an ability a powerful nation often has, it is desirable to select optimal, utopian kinds of actualizations rather than dystopian, profligate and environmentally deleterious. Stupidity is perhaps the reason why choices in foreign policy are limited to just a few frequently. Like the U(1) SU(2) rotational axis of physics, political imaginary space may have an infinite number, rather than just a few, possible courses of action that may be brought into being.
Transformative political paradigms may be represented in Hilbert space as well as quantum mechanics. If there is one thing that might be learned from superstring theory and Lie groups that might be usefully applied to the formulation of U.S. foreign policy, it is the point that the perceptual challenges are interactively configured with personal epistemology and though paradigm constructions that can always be improved or even transformed without losing a desired identity or constant value.
An advancing civilization with new global demographic and resource challenges cannot simply continue along economic lines forged in historically different circumstances when the global resources to continue those inefficient methods no longer prevail. With billions more people on Earth today than formerly consuming far more resources and polluting the finite planetary ecosystem incessantly a transition to a higher civilization with simplified supporting structures appropriate for the demographic facts is necessary.
The surface of the Earth is heavily scarred and exploited by us human life forms. We are devastating other life on Earth creating a mass extinction of other species and even affecting the atmospheric temperature. Oil, coal, nuclear, hydroelectric and other energy production technologies are leaving vast and harmful primary and secondary effects. Billions of people more want the ‘benefits’ of such economic technologies that presently do not have access to them—and that is bad news for the health of all life on Earth including human beings. Constructing roads, bridges, dams and pipelines in the present era continues technologies deleterious for the future health of the world’s people. More advanced, efficient technologies of a simpler, less harmful displacing insinuation into the living world ecostructure are required for progress now. Breaking with the inertia of actualized technologies in a transformative progress is exceedingly challenging for political reasons.
A simplified planetary geothermal energy infrastructure of well design deep-mined thermal heating energy corridors to collect Earth heat for electrical production of steam and wind turbines could be created to eliminate all the other previously mentioned technologies of producing electricity. Excellent, low cost, energy efficient housing designs should become zoned into law along with a no-net-loss of biota principle. Economic theory needs rectification to advocate for environmental health as a fundamental goal. Minimum income for all and a free planetary transportation infrastructure should be created while strong national boundary controls are reinforced to keep order in economic and social construction. Business needs to adapt to become a more like science research projects. Business research may be conducted, but business development would need to be screened, reviewed and selected for social and environmental value before being allowed to go ahead. An advanced economy needs to recognize implicitly the significant effects upon the health of the world ecosystem of all real-world developments and democratically elect the most useful projects from amidst a competition of projects for selection.
If the needs of all citizens for adequate food, shelter, clothing and privacy are met through economic rationalism, and economics advances to the support of volunteer and private liberty time for investment in restoration of the world environment, pursuit of learning and health as lifetime activities of a normal kind. Local agriculture of an organic kind should receive public political support. Kimbell’s ‘Fatal Harvest’ details some of the problems with the present industrial agriculture totalization of food production.
It may be possible to politically attain maturity beyond the venal and ideological denunciations of cooperative political review of economic reality as socialistic or capitalistic. All matter is a kind of ‘capital’ that may be formed or transformed into various uses. The most efficient social economy is one in which basic needs of all citizens are met at a satisfactory level, and with the liberty then granted for free time, research into most optimal business or scientific developments are pursued as a kind of art activity in-itself.
These are not unrealistic or unattainable social changes. In fact they are necessary if the ad hoc yet interminable reduction of the health of the finite global ecosystem are to be stopped and reversed in order that quality human life may continue.
With population stabilization and aging global populations a low maintenance energy infrastructure is highly desirable, along with transportation. The elderly with secure housing and high tech communications and artificial intelligence in health monitoring and diagnostic software should reduce the need for much labor in home health care. With adequate universal food production and housing quality and security for the aged and all people more free time and work will be available for scientific and business research. Democratic selection of business proposals that will best materially advance the nation and world interests will be active phenomena.
Citizens will be free to acquire capital and buy products, yet no citizen should have more than 20 times the capital of the most poor. The basic social capital would become something like a right to actualize ideas in material form when basic economic needs are met for all. Inventors with accumulated social capital would have a better opportunity to actualize their proposals, yet not too much better, for it is a democracy after all.
The social theory held over from a Darwinian-Spenserian past that competition for-itself confers the right to victimize other humans and the environment is a sort of legitimization of economic cannibalism in the modern world. Large science projects such as the Orion-Constellation moon program and Super-Duper Super Conductors on the moon need to go ahead even while the usual economic messes of potage are made on Earth with unnecessary protracted wars for economic reasons and vast oil and chemical pollution continue. If the Arctic Ocean has offshore oil wells to match those of the Gulf of Mexico all the world’s fisheries and marine health will be in an industrial pincer’s lock of death. The next war that attacks and looses those oil wells could set a lake of fire to burning along with beaches and marshes flambeau.
The U.S. government seems like a government unconcerned about the long-range ecological and economic security of the people of the United States. It seems to support a disposable business product phenomenalization that reapportions political power internationally through economic methodology. The U.S. Government should at least make the Arctic Ocean and oil development free ocean through international treaty in order that at least one clean ocean will exist on Earth for a time. Water flowing north through the Bering Strait with contaminates might be filtered in theory, while the Greenland currents tend to flow south.
The Waxahachie Texas 87 mile superconductor may have nettled profit takers in the Democratic majority Congress because it was an obvious continuity of high-tech republican leadership into an era when gaying up the military and outsourcing jobs to China were big on the political agenda. The Democratic waning of special Texas science projects coincided with the rise of flam finance, mortgage trading and Wall Street flummery and eventually the present economic collapse. It would be appropriate to immediately vote to restore science in the national budget and build the Ronald Reagan Moon Base with full funding taken from the Iraq and Afghanistan extraction industry protracted lackey nation building boondoggles.
The Obama administration cancelled another Republican high tech project-the planned return to the moon of U.S. astronauts in a ditch a Texas political lead effort (G.W.H. Bush) like that of the earlier 1993 democratic-led U.S. Congress. The consequences of killing long range U.S. big science projects may be to make the U.S.A. a stumbling, reactionary, ineffective at leadership nation of small science followers struggling to top-kill tampons on Gulf oil spills for several months or years (when at least 90% containment should be achieved) along with sundry unforeseen scienceand technology failures.
I suggest that the U.S. Congress restore both projects, combining them with immediate design funding to build a very large particle accelerator on the moon exploiting its low temperature for super-conducting. The United States government should become more intelligent and innovate ways to combine several different missions in one project. The moon base and Constellation plus heavy lift system should create a lunar science and physics research facility along with a high-tech electro-magnetic transportation line to move personnel. Robotic tunneling machines, solar photon capture and production locally of select technology should be packaged in a project methodology including housing. Low temperature superconductors attached above ground on the slopes of very large craters in perennial low temperatures could be innovated at lower cost than those of present high-energy particle physics research facilities on Earth.
The United States should not acquiesce in worldly economic failures and a backward-looking operations ideology war-heavy set against foreign ‘small peoples’ in large numbers. It is better to defend the U.S.A., proximally at the borders and invest abroad in peaceful economic interventions than the social horror and virtual economic hallucination of modern high-tech war. Of all the possible scenarios for historical development to choose from-an ability a powerful nation often has, it is desirable to select optimal, utopian kinds of actualizations rather than dystopian, profligate and environmentally deleterious. Stupidity is perhaps the reason why choices in foreign policy are limited to just a few frequently. Like the U(1) SU(2) rotational axis of physics, political imaginary space may have an infinite number, rather than just a few, possible courses of action that may be brought into being.
Transformative political paradigms may be represented in Hilbert space as well as quantum mechanics. If there is one thing that might be learned from superstring theory and Lie groups that might be usefully applied to the formulation of U.S. foreign policy, it is the point that the perceptual challenges are interactively configured with personal epistemology and though paradigm constructions that can always be improved or even transformed without losing a desired identity or constant value.
An advancing civilization with new global demographic and resource challenges cannot simply continue along economic lines forged in historically different circumstances when the global resources to continue those inefficient methods no longer prevail. With billions more people on Earth today than formerly consuming far more resources and polluting the finite planetary ecosystem incessantly a transition to a higher civilization with simplified supporting structures appropriate for the demographic facts is necessary.
The surface of the Earth is heavily scarred and exploited by us human life forms. We are devastating other life on Earth creating a mass extinction of other species and even affecting the atmospheric temperature. Oil, coal, nuclear, hydroelectric and other energy production technologies are leaving vast and harmful primary and secondary effects. Billions of people more want the ‘benefits’ of such economic technologies that presently do not have access to them—and that is bad news for the health of all life on Earth including human beings. Constructing roads, bridges, dams and pipelines in the present era continues technologies deleterious for the future health of the world’s people. More advanced, efficient technologies of a simpler, less harmful displacing insinuation into the living world ecostructure are required for progress now. Breaking with the inertia of actualized technologies in a transformative progress is exceedingly challenging for political reasons.
A simplified planetary geothermal energy infrastructure of well design deep-mined thermal heating energy corridors to collect Earth heat for electrical production of steam and wind turbines could be created to eliminate all the other previously mentioned technologies of producing electricity. Excellent, low cost, energy efficient housing designs should become zoned into law along with a no-net-loss of biota principle. Economic theory needs rectification to advocate for environmental health as a fundamental goal. Minimum income for all and a free planetary transportation infrastructure should be created while strong national boundary controls are reinforced to keep order in economic and social construction. Business needs to adapt to become a more like science research projects. Business research may be conducted, but business development would need to be screened, reviewed and selected for social and environmental value before being allowed to go ahead. An advanced economy needs to recognize implicitly the significant effects upon the health of the world ecosystem of all real-world developments and democratically elect the most useful projects from amidst a competition of projects for selection.
If the needs of all citizens for adequate food, shelter, clothing and privacy are met through economic rationalism, and economics advances to the support of volunteer and private liberty time for investment in restoration of the world environment, pursuit of learning and health as lifetime activities of a normal kind. Local agriculture of an organic kind should receive public political support. Kimbell’s ‘Fatal Harvest’ details some of the problems with the present industrial agriculture totalization of food production.
It may be possible to politically attain maturity beyond the venal and ideological denunciations of cooperative political review of economic reality as socialistic or capitalistic. All matter is a kind of ‘capital’ that may be formed or transformed into various uses. The most efficient social economy is one in which basic needs of all citizens are met at a satisfactory level, and with the liberty then granted for free time, research into most optimal business or scientific developments are pursued as a kind of art activity in-itself.
These are not unrealistic or unattainable social changes. In fact they are necessary if the ad hoc yet interminable reduction of the health of the finite global ecosystem are to be stopped and reversed in order that quality human life may continue.
With population stabilization and aging global populations a low maintenance energy infrastructure is highly desirable, along with transportation. The elderly with secure housing and high tech communications and artificial intelligence in health monitoring and diagnostic software should reduce the need for much labor in home health care. With adequate universal food production and housing quality and security for the aged and all people more free time and work will be available for scientific and business research. Democratic selection of business proposals that will best materially advance the nation and world interests will be active phenomena.
Citizens will be free to acquire capital and buy products, yet no citizen should have more than 20 times the capital of the most poor. The basic social capital would become something like a right to actualize ideas in material form when basic economic needs are met for all. Inventors with accumulated social capital would have a better opportunity to actualize their proposals, yet not too much better, for it is a democracy after all.
The social theory held over from a Darwinian-Spenserian past that competition for-itself confers the right to victimize other humans and the environment is a sort of legitimization of economic cannibalism in the modern world. Large science projects such as the Orion-Constellation moon program and Super-Duper Super Conductors on the moon need to go ahead even while the usual economic messes of potage are made on Earth with unnecessary protracted wars for economic reasons and vast oil and chemical pollution continue. If the Arctic Ocean has offshore oil wells to match those of the Gulf of Mexico all the world’s fisheries and marine health will be in an industrial pincer’s lock of death. The next war that attacks and looses those oil wells could set a lake of fire to burning along with beaches and marshes flambeau.
The U.S. government seems like a government unconcerned about the long-range ecological and economic security of the people of the United States. It seems to support a disposable business product phenomenalization that reapportions political power internationally through economic methodology. The U.S. Government should at least make the Arctic Ocean and oil development free ocean through international treaty in order that at least one clean ocean will exist on Earth for a time. Water flowing north through the Bering Strait with contaminates might be filtered in theory, while the Greenland currents tend to flow south.
Develop Geothermal Power in U.S.A. for Energy Independence & Desalinization of Seawater for Mexican Boundary Canal
Geothermal power draws upon the extreme heat from the interior of the Earth for energy that could be 3000 to 5000 degrees Celsius. States such as Alaska and California could supply one hundred percent of their electrical power needs from construction of advanced geothermal power stations below the surface of the Earth.
The United States of America had 3,086 megawatts of geothermal power capacity in 2010, the potential power is far higher.
Extending unemployment benefits until the November election, a catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil wellhead rupture that flows on for months, decades of millions of illegal aliens entering the U.S.A. from Mexico, twin foreign extraction industry resource wars that cost trillions running on for a decade in Iraq and Afghanistan—these are discouraging facts that make the packing of the U.S. Supreme Court with the Harvard Alumni Association pale in comparison. We find Federal incompetence discouraging. Geothermal power is one way the government could do something right theoretically.
Mining and drilling techniques are easily capable of reaching very hot temperatures two or three miles down. Instead of relying upon natural geothermal vent extrusions to the planetary surface, public utilities could employ mining and energy engineers to design deep tunnel water and air heating systems to convert seawater into steam for power turbines, or in Alaska to power large wind generators placed in tunnels exploiting loop circuits of wind created by the temperature differences between the old outside air temperature and the very hot temperature deep below the Earth. Needless to say, the air would be completely renormalized to the ambient air temperature before release in order not to add to global warming.
The interior of the Earth is several thousand degrees in temperature, and with careful design hundreds of miles of hot water and steam or hot air tunnels could be built to provide environmentally clean energy of a renewable kind. Such structures might also be used to desalinate seawater in California.
One should encourage the governments that are inactive presently in pursuit of a mass exploitation of safe structures of geothermal power (not inclined to create avenues of extrusions for volcanism) to do so. It is a reasonable domestic energy source available with some work, energy and investment of intention for national energy independence.
The United States of America had 3,086 megawatts of geothermal power capacity in 2010, the potential power is far higher.
Extending unemployment benefits until the November election, a catastrophic Gulf of Mexico oil wellhead rupture that flows on for months, decades of millions of illegal aliens entering the U.S.A. from Mexico, twin foreign extraction industry resource wars that cost trillions running on for a decade in Iraq and Afghanistan—these are discouraging facts that make the packing of the U.S. Supreme Court with the Harvard Alumni Association pale in comparison. We find Federal incompetence discouraging. Geothermal power is one way the government could do something right theoretically.
Mining and drilling techniques are easily capable of reaching very hot temperatures two or three miles down. Instead of relying upon natural geothermal vent extrusions to the planetary surface, public utilities could employ mining and energy engineers to design deep tunnel water and air heating systems to convert seawater into steam for power turbines, or in Alaska to power large wind generators placed in tunnels exploiting loop circuits of wind created by the temperature differences between the old outside air temperature and the very hot temperature deep below the Earth. Needless to say, the air would be completely renormalized to the ambient air temperature before release in order not to add to global warming.
The interior of the Earth is several thousand degrees in temperature, and with careful design hundreds of miles of hot water and steam or hot air tunnels could be built to provide environmentally clean energy of a renewable kind. Such structures might also be used to desalinate seawater in California.
One should encourage the governments that are inactive presently in pursuit of a mass exploitation of safe structures of geothermal power (not inclined to create avenues of extrusions for volcanism) to do so. It is a reasonable domestic energy source available with some work, energy and investment of intention for national energy independence.
On Western Religion and Science/History
I consider science to be less than philosophical today, unlike in the era of the enlightenment. String theory has predominated for about thirty years, and writers such as Woit and Smolin have been critical about the sociology of science of recent times. This global corporate era demands conformity and immorality upon all including scientists-individual thought is rather derided and pure materialism along with crass social power over 'the small people' is demanded.
I had some ideas about parameters of cosmology that fit a little with philosophy. Philosophical thought about cosmology today may be a way of thinking about making selections amidst a zillion theories and considering how each might select ontology, world-view, teleology, significance , meaning and so forth.
This is an example of a cosmological concern.
Double Special Relativity I and II are newer ways of applying the special theory of relativity. There may be a minimum constant as well as a maximum constant (the speed of light). I am not very knowledgeable about either, yet with a minimum and maximum scale relativity takes on a different context not just physically,but philosophically.
I simply wonder about the phenomena of existence as a circumstance given by God, with the backdrop of theories about construction of the universe.
My hope is that in some future insight I will have a better idea of how relativity theory parameters cohere with a construction of one-dimensional units underlying everything--especially if there are minimum planck length constants that would seem necessarily to be at least one-direction limits rather than isotropic. We can infer that fact at least with the speed of light, since cosmologists speculate that faster than light inflation of the universe occurred at Time=O. The accelleration may have been infinite to start with for a fraction of a second until decellerating to sub-light speed--and that must have been a heck of a jolt for any passengers on board.
So what about religion and science? Religion is about transcendent affairs with a requirement for a little metaphysical faith. Science may exploit intuition for a fell swoop conceptualization of the unknown aspects of universal phenomena, yet that is a dissimilar activity from general religious activity, and of course we cannot reasonably lump together all varieties of religious experience.
Science is specialized while philosophy is generalized. Specialized data may support general theory, yet generalities are not as readily falsifiable as are special theories. Religions may represent immanent and transcending categories of meaning and fact irreducible to testable hypotheses.
It is worth considering that the French revolution was against an old regime that included conservative church property holding more like feudalism and aristocracy possessions than not. The political and social history of society is different than the consideration of the veracity of particular concepts of religion--of the truth of Jesus Christ in particular.
Jesus Christ in the parable of the sower explains to a crowd about receiving the word of God, and if the meaning 'sticks'. Then His disciple asked him what the parable meant. Jesus explained that he spoke in parables in order that those listening might not understand, and then explained the parable to the disciples. Our Lord seemed somewhat sarcastic I think, as he was talking to the dolts (strikethrough that), the 'small people' who are human beings without an oil company free to pollute the oceans. Two thousand years of retrospect and somewhat more comfortable circumstances make The Lord's brevity and clarification appear strikingly effective.
Jesus explained the meaning of the parable to the disciple completely. Providing the correct level of implicit meaning to mortal man at the right intellectual level must have been a little challenging,or at least it would have been for a human instructor.
Elements of the historical evolution of science through the enlightenment toward a different time paradigm than that held by the ancien regime and their co-religionists of conservative catholicism of the era may be considered. Science and democratic politics sought an objective or perhaps 'fair' social basis without special privilege for hereditary classes or beliefs. Thus the heritage of bias against religion by scientists associated with the overturning of pre-revolutionary political circumstances developed an atheistic inertia for-itself. Delimiting right realms of civil rights for the new social boundaries of individualism would be difficult and continue to the present era when homosexual efforts for hegemony over heterosexual institutions would overturn natural reason for itself in an effort to make the helium reverse radiation to yield hydrogen or deuterium in effect--neither the direction of time nor the nature of sexuality as isotropic in structural composition.
The land holdings and sociological facts of that time and since have little or no relationship to the objective nature of the truth of the Bible or of objective enquires of reason. Yet that point was one of the main points such as Rousseau and Kant held that differed with the three classes of pre-revolutionary French society.
The authority of royalty was held to be absolute, and the commoners were considered blessed to be ignorant and encouraged to remain so. The oppression of would be authorities can be extreme. The will to power may be intense and pervasive as minorities express the desire to rule without consent as many subjects as they may acquire.
I had some ideas about parameters of cosmology that fit a little with philosophy. Philosophical thought about cosmology today may be a way of thinking about making selections amidst a zillion theories and considering how each might select ontology, world-view, teleology, significance , meaning and so forth.
This is an example of a cosmological concern.
Double Special Relativity I and II are newer ways of applying the special theory of relativity. There may be a minimum constant as well as a maximum constant (the speed of light). I am not very knowledgeable about either, yet with a minimum and maximum scale relativity takes on a different context not just physically,but philosophically.
I simply wonder about the phenomena of existence as a circumstance given by God, with the backdrop of theories about construction of the universe.
My hope is that in some future insight I will have a better idea of how relativity theory parameters cohere with a construction of one-dimensional units underlying everything--especially if there are minimum planck length constants that would seem necessarily to be at least one-direction limits rather than isotropic. We can infer that fact at least with the speed of light, since cosmologists speculate that faster than light inflation of the universe occurred at Time=O. The accelleration may have been infinite to start with for a fraction of a second until decellerating to sub-light speed--and that must have been a heck of a jolt for any passengers on board.
So what about religion and science? Religion is about transcendent affairs with a requirement for a little metaphysical faith. Science may exploit intuition for a fell swoop conceptualization of the unknown aspects of universal phenomena, yet that is a dissimilar activity from general religious activity, and of course we cannot reasonably lump together all varieties of religious experience.
Science is specialized while philosophy is generalized. Specialized data may support general theory, yet generalities are not as readily falsifiable as are special theories. Religions may represent immanent and transcending categories of meaning and fact irreducible to testable hypotheses.
It is worth considering that the French revolution was against an old regime that included conservative church property holding more like feudalism and aristocracy possessions than not. The political and social history of society is different than the consideration of the veracity of particular concepts of religion--of the truth of Jesus Christ in particular.
Jesus Christ in the parable of the sower explains to a crowd about receiving the word of God, and if the meaning 'sticks'. Then His disciple asked him what the parable meant. Jesus explained that he spoke in parables in order that those listening might not understand, and then explained the parable to the disciples. Our Lord seemed somewhat sarcastic I think, as he was talking to the dolts (strikethrough that), the 'small people' who are human beings without an oil company free to pollute the oceans. Two thousand years of retrospect and somewhat more comfortable circumstances make The Lord's brevity and clarification appear strikingly effective.
Jesus explained the meaning of the parable to the disciple completely. Providing the correct level of implicit meaning to mortal man at the right intellectual level must have been a little challenging,or at least it would have been for a human instructor.
Elements of the historical evolution of science through the enlightenment toward a different time paradigm than that held by the ancien regime and their co-religionists of conservative catholicism of the era may be considered. Science and democratic politics sought an objective or perhaps 'fair' social basis without special privilege for hereditary classes or beliefs. Thus the heritage of bias against religion by scientists associated with the overturning of pre-revolutionary political circumstances developed an atheistic inertia for-itself. Delimiting right realms of civil rights for the new social boundaries of individualism would be difficult and continue to the present era when homosexual efforts for hegemony over heterosexual institutions would overturn natural reason for itself in an effort to make the helium reverse radiation to yield hydrogen or deuterium in effect--neither the direction of time nor the nature of sexuality as isotropic in structural composition.
The land holdings and sociological facts of that time and since have little or no relationship to the objective nature of the truth of the Bible or of objective enquires of reason. Yet that point was one of the main points such as Rousseau and Kant held that differed with the three classes of pre-revolutionary French society.
The authority of royalty was held to be absolute, and the commoners were considered blessed to be ignorant and encouraged to remain so. The oppression of would be authorities can be extreme. The will to power may be intense and pervasive as minorities express the desire to rule without consent as many subjects as they may acquire.
Democrats Reformed Health Care For The Advantage Of Economic Insiders
The national health care structure foisted upon the nation in March of this year seemingly created a gerrymandering of implicitly biased health care convolutions structured to strip the poor of health care coverage. With a patchwork of health coverage systems varying in differing states and localities, the poor struggling worker moving across state lines in search of work to afford food, boots and books finds that he not only is ineligible for a local library card as a homeless person, but that the Oregon, Washington or California health care coverage is designed to be as intransigent as the legal bar requirements for an attorney to practice law has placed the invisible shield of proprietary advantage against him. The health care systems of the states are designed to serve advantaged local citizens. The poor are lint or trash largely excluded from the establishment eligibility of the advantaged. The Roman Empire in France made the same kinds of errors during its decadent phase in making its Transalpine Gaul haciendas comfort zones disregarding the external reality of things. The Romans had of course many servants from the internal proletariat.
The poor may find themselves in today’s urban-suburban interface to have few avenues of egress for avoiding the concentrating snares of control placed by advantaged economic insiders. If the poor are not welcome inside the economy they are inevitable processed out through a variety of means including overlapping modalities of concentration, labeling and eventual deletion.
In the Alaska city of Anchorage this year several poor homeless people living in the city’s abundant semi-wild parks froze to death. The compassionate conservativism of the Mayor and city responded by making camping in city parks illegal. During cold late winter weather the poor in homeless camps were given four hours notice before their belongings were seized and destroyed. Because of an A.C.L.U. lawsuit, the notice requirement before eviction was raised up to two weeks more or less. The poor are not simply inebriates though. In a city such as Anchorage with the totalization of theoretical places a poor or broke worker might physically exist to sleep limited to zero places legally outside of concentrating facilities downtown in a very deleterious environment regarding personal privacy, the advantaged have again created structures anisotropically to their own advantage and total power.
The body of an unidentified individual was reported to have been found today someplace in the city of Anchorage’s cardboard recycling facility. It is quite likely that after the homeless camps were raised, ostensibly so they would not freeze to death, that some homeless person sought in vain for new cardboard to build a new survival shelter before the cold overtook his life. Such configurations of public policy to the advantage of economic insiders and non-service to the poor force the poor to fall though the gaps of a health care system designed for the middle class and wealthy.
The poor may be homeless and travel to find employment—often temporary. The poor may comprise a de facto caste system element in America finding that the advantaged consistently deny the opportunity for employment security. Social traits of aggression and dishonesty of such advantage in today’s entry-level corporate world may be characteristics lacking in many of the poor. The health care system is another deficit producing utility for the advantaged, while the poor must even barter property if they have it to afford to pay for basic work-related injuries.
The advantaged in the Boston-Harvard-DC axis of iniquity have forced a corrupt leavening of homosexuality upon many corporate and Internet employment paradigms to cull those opinions of dissent. The Harvard-DC concepts of health care allow illegal immigrants from Mexico admission to the United States to take jobs away from the nation’s poor workers. The Boston-Harvard-DC axis of iniquity invariably caves in to economically advantaged pleas to let in illegal workers to ‘do the jobs Americans won’t. Such iniquity allows the perennial destruction of labor scarcity and better employment prospects for the nation’s poor as a surfeit of Mexicans trample over the labor side of the labor-employer wage negotiation value relation.
The poor of the United States thus remain career outsiders in a caste system created by the political economy of the advantaged insiders of the Harvard-Boston-DC axis of iniquity sucking up to corporate globalism, outsourcing of jobs, insourcing of illegal aliens and totalization of the urban-suburban cores of the nation along with electronic control of health records, police records, charity records and employment records. Like a game of musical chairs in which the poor are perennial losers, the insiders also do not acquire labels of disadvantage as they sit as insiders comfortably in adequately compensated positions. Time passes.
What the axis of iniquity should have done was to create a national health service for the poor that are not of retirement age. To keep costs down that service would provide just basic medical services such as might result from on-the-job injuries. Basic treatment such as repair of broken legs, hernias, head injuries, infected blisters and so forth are easy to diagnose and correct. Nation wide health services for the poor on a rational, measured basis would cover the vast majority of medical services required. Catastrophic injuries or illnesses of the poor not of Medicare coverage age would need directed toward different solutions and would require alternative public policy innovations.
If medical coverage of perhaps the poorest 10% of Americans could be delivered at low cost-even if the coverage isn’t for everything but just perhaps 80% of medical problems the poor experience, it would be much better and cost effective than the ongoing development of an implicitly biased health care and social structure determined to destroy individualism and inhumanize the poor in order that the advantaged might receive better reports from their manager; Satan.
The poor may find themselves in today’s urban-suburban interface to have few avenues of egress for avoiding the concentrating snares of control placed by advantaged economic insiders. If the poor are not welcome inside the economy they are inevitable processed out through a variety of means including overlapping modalities of concentration, labeling and eventual deletion.
In the Alaska city of Anchorage this year several poor homeless people living in the city’s abundant semi-wild parks froze to death. The compassionate conservativism of the Mayor and city responded by making camping in city parks illegal. During cold late winter weather the poor in homeless camps were given four hours notice before their belongings were seized and destroyed. Because of an A.C.L.U. lawsuit, the notice requirement before eviction was raised up to two weeks more or less. The poor are not simply inebriates though. In a city such as Anchorage with the totalization of theoretical places a poor or broke worker might physically exist to sleep limited to zero places legally outside of concentrating facilities downtown in a very deleterious environment regarding personal privacy, the advantaged have again created structures anisotropically to their own advantage and total power.
The body of an unidentified individual was reported to have been found today someplace in the city of Anchorage’s cardboard recycling facility. It is quite likely that after the homeless camps were raised, ostensibly so they would not freeze to death, that some homeless person sought in vain for new cardboard to build a new survival shelter before the cold overtook his life. Such configurations of public policy to the advantage of economic insiders and non-service to the poor force the poor to fall though the gaps of a health care system designed for the middle class and wealthy.
The poor may be homeless and travel to find employment—often temporary. The poor may comprise a de facto caste system element in America finding that the advantaged consistently deny the opportunity for employment security. Social traits of aggression and dishonesty of such advantage in today’s entry-level corporate world may be characteristics lacking in many of the poor. The health care system is another deficit producing utility for the advantaged, while the poor must even barter property if they have it to afford to pay for basic work-related injuries.
The advantaged in the Boston-Harvard-DC axis of iniquity have forced a corrupt leavening of homosexuality upon many corporate and Internet employment paradigms to cull those opinions of dissent. The Harvard-DC concepts of health care allow illegal immigrants from Mexico admission to the United States to take jobs away from the nation’s poor workers. The Boston-Harvard-DC axis of iniquity invariably caves in to economically advantaged pleas to let in illegal workers to ‘do the jobs Americans won’t. Such iniquity allows the perennial destruction of labor scarcity and better employment prospects for the nation’s poor as a surfeit of Mexicans trample over the labor side of the labor-employer wage negotiation value relation.
The poor of the United States thus remain career outsiders in a caste system created by the political economy of the advantaged insiders of the Harvard-Boston-DC axis of iniquity sucking up to corporate globalism, outsourcing of jobs, insourcing of illegal aliens and totalization of the urban-suburban cores of the nation along with electronic control of health records, police records, charity records and employment records. Like a game of musical chairs in which the poor are perennial losers, the insiders also do not acquire labels of disadvantage as they sit as insiders comfortably in adequately compensated positions. Time passes.
What the axis of iniquity should have done was to create a national health service for the poor that are not of retirement age. To keep costs down that service would provide just basic medical services such as might result from on-the-job injuries. Basic treatment such as repair of broken legs, hernias, head injuries, infected blisters and so forth are easy to diagnose and correct. Nation wide health services for the poor on a rational, measured basis would cover the vast majority of medical services required. Catastrophic injuries or illnesses of the poor not of Medicare coverage age would need directed toward different solutions and would require alternative public policy innovations.
If medical coverage of perhaps the poorest 10% of Americans could be delivered at low cost-even if the coverage isn’t for everything but just perhaps 80% of medical problems the poor experience, it would be much better and cost effective than the ongoing development of an implicitly biased health care and social structure determined to destroy individualism and inhumanize the poor in order that the advantaged might receive better reports from their manager; Satan.
Colorado Flees to Join Pac-10, Other Mid-West and Atlantic States May Follow
I am somewhat amazed by the decision of Colorado to join the Pac-10, yet Americans are famously bad at geography. Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Oklahoma State and Oklahoma may also move to the west coast or the Pacific 10 league.
The Pac 10 leadership has failed to bring in Miami (of Florida). That would be a good recruiting prospect as more mid-continent and Atlantic states want to get as far away as possible from deficit spending policies of the East Coast (by default) at Washington D.C., or the BP oil infusion of the Gulf of Mexico.
The trouble began when Arizona and Arizona State were allowed to join the Pac-8 several years ago. The federal government has since allowed Arizona to be flooded by illegal Mexican citizens, as well as Texas and Oklahoma--how could those state's Universities not want to move to the left coast (viewed from Mexico)?
Alaska and British Columbia are also good states or provinces some distance removed from the District of Columbia. Sheldon Jackson College (closed a few years ago) at Sitka Alaska is still for sale as an Iowa University decided to opt out of making a purchase. Some of these ocean-challenged mid-American colleges may decide to buy into the Alaska league or even the International league for football travel locations.
Reasonably, the Dallas Cowboys should not be in the NFC East, but in a Mid-American league that also rightly should include schools such as Colorado, alternatively a mostly landlocked southern and mid-American league might be formed profitably with Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma and Colorado if they could be induced move away from the Pacific league.
The Pac 10 leadership has failed to bring in Miami (of Florida). That would be a good recruiting prospect as more mid-continent and Atlantic states want to get as far away as possible from deficit spending policies of the East Coast (by default) at Washington D.C., or the BP oil infusion of the Gulf of Mexico.
The trouble began when Arizona and Arizona State were allowed to join the Pac-8 several years ago. The federal government has since allowed Arizona to be flooded by illegal Mexican citizens, as well as Texas and Oklahoma--how could those state's Universities not want to move to the left coast (viewed from Mexico)?
Alaska and British Columbia are also good states or provinces some distance removed from the District of Columbia. Sheldon Jackson College (closed a few years ago) at Sitka Alaska is still for sale as an Iowa University decided to opt out of making a purchase. Some of these ocean-challenged mid-American colleges may decide to buy into the Alaska league or even the International league for football travel locations.
Reasonably, the Dallas Cowboys should not be in the NFC East, but in a Mid-American league that also rightly should include schools such as Colorado, alternatively a mostly landlocked southern and mid-American league might be formed profitably with Arizona, Texas and Oklahoma and Colorado if they could be induced move away from the Pacific league.
On the Corrupt Foreign & Domestic Policy of the U.S. Government
The United States Government provides a special lack of leadership for world development toward a more utopian rather than dystopian direction. Yes special race mobility across borders and political power lines may be crossed, and of course gender lines transcended too in more ways than one, yet can we say that the United States isn't just becoming traditionally decadent?
While NPR and employed federal politicians are happier than flies in manure with foreign wars and pathos to report on, could alternative and intelligent directions be taken besides interminable nation building ala the Republic of Vietnam? Can the U.S. Government really be so stupid as to repeat that recent historical failure (yes!)? Would it really spend billions and billions to create a perennial civil war in a Muslim country so braggart pilots and drone bombers can have something to target? Does the Ivy League and yuppie artificial point of view require poor people always to blast to help or in Boston just confiscate earnings so homosexuals can wear the uniform in Gay Pride Parades?
The axes of human original sin take special weapons development to extremes. World competition to produce the best teams in sports or weapons developments globally requires individuals to dump blasts upon. Fortunately the original Al Qa'eda bargain basement box cutter assault squad has helped the rich find a way to spend an anticipated future public debt of 10 to 13 trillion dollars in perennial defense against the uncertain terrorist cells that are really training in today's foreign universities and perhaps Harvard as well.
For one dollar a foreign terrorist designer genius can buy a nice college ruled notebook and write up a hundred excellent terrorist mission procedures against U.S. targets. The designer can write up ten or a hundred such notebooks, distribute them to independent, unaffilliated cells and then retire from terrorism to resume work as a PhD in some corporation or government agency. The United States can respond to the first successful terrorist mission with another trillion or two of conventional military spending, and further transfer wealth to foreign corporations while American are given public debt owned by the Chinese Communist Party, Japan, Europeans, India and God knows who else.
The U.S. Government can make a second or third world nation out of the working class and poor, yet flood the nation with illegal aliens to keep wages down and cheap profits for corporations up. Then again, the 'defense' industry can produce a cornucopia of new weapons systems to use against poor people and rebellious working class people in first world nations eventually such as the U.S.A. should the people become restive with the foreign investments instead of national development. The U.S. Government and corporatist supervisors can keep a balance in weapons development such that no new technology dominates and revolutionizes the entire weapons manufacturing industry harmfully.
If a myriad new floating, stealthy, invisible air-to-air floating anti-aircraft platforms wear created to fire comparatively cheap rockets at very expensive aircraft for total air denial--that would be harmfully to the 50 million dollar and up fighter plane industry. If poor nations were able to afford high quality, cheap, anti-personnel robotic or remote control 'suicide' bomber platforms able to stalk soldiers, infiltrate bases and neutralize the effectiveness of many contemporary military concept structures, that just would be right would it? So the poor rather than the prosperous must always be the targets of the U.S. Government in unnecessary foreign engagements. The corrupt must rule those military juntas willing to play the role of democratic heroes, and religions that descry homosexual Defense establishment must be co-opted if the U.S. Government is to form a genuine global, depraved evil empire.
Well, it might not be that bad. The U.S. Government if destroyed could be replaced by one without a history of moving for depravity, treason, environmental corruption and disregard for human decency, security and individual rights. Yet that fiction scenario is unlikely to occur, and so those Americans that wish for a different approach to foreign and domestic policy built more on armed neutrality, strongly enforced border defense, ecological recovery, elimination of public debt and secure jobs with a minimum income for all U.S. citizens will need to look elsewhere than for the bolt of Thor to hurl vaporization upon the clave of corporate and federal bureaucrats from on high.
Perennial war upon the world's poor is a bad U.S. federal habit. National defense against terrorists can be accomplished with better spook and security work domestically and abroad. Investments in both U.S. ecological economics and full employment procedures at home and abroad would be a far better policy than the idiot media entertainment dullard's perpetuation of foreign government sponsorship. The U.S. Government cannot even do a competent job in the U.S.A.--how can nit hope to do so in central Asia? AS soon as the borrowed money reallocation is stopped, the more usual states of affairs will return. The U.S. Government could have de frapped the Taliban's tolerance for al Qa'eda through other means than war--they are simply too stupid to search for alternative means. Defense Secretary Gates should be fired a.s.a.p. obviously, yet the O'bomber is too busy sympathizing with the 50 or hundred billion gallons of oil released in the Gulf, and advocating for illegal immigration 'reform' instead of stoppage.
The President needs a more creative staff to innovate leading new ecological economic and defense policies that don't suck if this nation is to move ahead.
While NPR and employed federal politicians are happier than flies in manure with foreign wars and pathos to report on, could alternative and intelligent directions be taken besides interminable nation building ala the Republic of Vietnam? Can the U.S. Government really be so stupid as to repeat that recent historical failure (yes!)? Would it really spend billions and billions to create a perennial civil war in a Muslim country so braggart pilots and drone bombers can have something to target? Does the Ivy League and yuppie artificial point of view require poor people always to blast to help or in Boston just confiscate earnings so homosexuals can wear the uniform in Gay Pride Parades?
The axes of human original sin take special weapons development to extremes. World competition to produce the best teams in sports or weapons developments globally requires individuals to dump blasts upon. Fortunately the original Al Qa'eda bargain basement box cutter assault squad has helped the rich find a way to spend an anticipated future public debt of 10 to 13 trillion dollars in perennial defense against the uncertain terrorist cells that are really training in today's foreign universities and perhaps Harvard as well.
For one dollar a foreign terrorist designer genius can buy a nice college ruled notebook and write up a hundred excellent terrorist mission procedures against U.S. targets. The designer can write up ten or a hundred such notebooks, distribute them to independent, unaffilliated cells and then retire from terrorism to resume work as a PhD in some corporation or government agency. The United States can respond to the first successful terrorist mission with another trillion or two of conventional military spending, and further transfer wealth to foreign corporations while American are given public debt owned by the Chinese Communist Party, Japan, Europeans, India and God knows who else.
The U.S. Government can make a second or third world nation out of the working class and poor, yet flood the nation with illegal aliens to keep wages down and cheap profits for corporations up. Then again, the 'defense' industry can produce a cornucopia of new weapons systems to use against poor people and rebellious working class people in first world nations eventually such as the U.S.A. should the people become restive with the foreign investments instead of national development. The U.S. Government and corporatist supervisors can keep a balance in weapons development such that no new technology dominates and revolutionizes the entire weapons manufacturing industry harmfully.
If a myriad new floating, stealthy, invisible air-to-air floating anti-aircraft platforms wear created to fire comparatively cheap rockets at very expensive aircraft for total air denial--that would be harmfully to the 50 million dollar and up fighter plane industry. If poor nations were able to afford high quality, cheap, anti-personnel robotic or remote control 'suicide' bomber platforms able to stalk soldiers, infiltrate bases and neutralize the effectiveness of many contemporary military concept structures, that just would be right would it? So the poor rather than the prosperous must always be the targets of the U.S. Government in unnecessary foreign engagements. The corrupt must rule those military juntas willing to play the role of democratic heroes, and religions that descry homosexual Defense establishment must be co-opted if the U.S. Government is to form a genuine global, depraved evil empire.
Well, it might not be that bad. The U.S. Government if destroyed could be replaced by one without a history of moving for depravity, treason, environmental corruption and disregard for human decency, security and individual rights. Yet that fiction scenario is unlikely to occur, and so those Americans that wish for a different approach to foreign and domestic policy built more on armed neutrality, strongly enforced border defense, ecological recovery, elimination of public debt and secure jobs with a minimum income for all U.S. citizens will need to look elsewhere than for the bolt of Thor to hurl vaporization upon the clave of corporate and federal bureaucrats from on high.
Perennial war upon the world's poor is a bad U.S. federal habit. National defense against terrorists can be accomplished with better spook and security work domestically and abroad. Investments in both U.S. ecological economics and full employment procedures at home and abroad would be a far better policy than the idiot media entertainment dullard's perpetuation of foreign government sponsorship. The U.S. Government cannot even do a competent job in the U.S.A.--how can nit hope to do so in central Asia? AS soon as the borrowed money reallocation is stopped, the more usual states of affairs will return. The U.S. Government could have de frapped the Taliban's tolerance for al Qa'eda through other means than war--they are simply too stupid to search for alternative means. Defense Secretary Gates should be fired a.s.a.p. obviously, yet the O'bomber is too busy sympathizing with the 50 or hundred billion gallons of oil released in the Gulf, and advocating for illegal immigration 'reform' instead of stoppage.
The President needs a more creative staff to innovate leading new ecological economic and defense policies that don't suck if this nation is to move ahead.
Regarding Philosophy and Abstract Art
I have been reading a history of the enlightenment and discovered several ideas presented differently than I had previously regarded them. The author went over the Romantic Movement and considered how that developed in opposition to reason. With much of the secularism and transition away from a more Platonic realist regime because of science and political advances that beset the continent of Europe in the 18th century it was rather natural that Rousseau, Coleridge and Kant arose as writers with opinions not at all reliant upon authority. The author of the book I read found Kant's thought about mind and morals to be apposite to the secularized approach of Rousseau.
It is the secularized or even existential paradigm in which Kant develops his Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason that is rather remarkable. The categorical imperative as a naturally inductable universal moral law does not of course rely upon hierarchical, revealed or political authority. Rousseau believed one should follow one's heart as a moral footing. That approach led to troubles in later politics, yet so does the alternative of detached intellectualism with particular object oriented goals.
Kant and the Romantics found morality and reason to be a little different than we might today. Yet I think that today perhaps we moderns do not reason as deeply as either Rousseau or Kant in the nature of mind, or of how emotion comprises an element of reason and morality.
It was in the author's description of Kant's term 'noumenon' that I found that my previous notion of the meaning of the term simply incorrect. I wonder if the author's term of use paradigm may have been incorrect rather than mine, yet I think not, for it does serve a salient philosophical purpose especially as regards art.
The author did in particular describes a critical transitional phase in the historical development of modern art that formed during the evolution from naive realism and philosophical realism to that of abstract thought about the natural world. The author (I can't recall his name presently or the actual title of the book--he was a Cambridge scholar) pointed out Picasso's approach to painting the natural world as an example of how modern artist might view the relationship between thought and perception... That is where I should return to Kant's concept of the nomumenal.
In the philosophical field of epistemology the Kantian categories of perception are fundamental for a significant portion of philosophical thought then and subsequently. From Schopenhaur's neo-Kantian pessimism to Empiricism and even perhaps Strawson and Quine there has been a search for the classification of what is perceived, what is perceived phenomenally, and what is subjectively added to percepts with thought or reason. The author regarded Kant's term noumenon as applying to self-awareness and sentience perceptions of the sensations (of the natural world). The things perceived are phenomenal, while the phenomenology of mind (no relationship to Hegel here) is noumenal.
I had made the error for some time of believing that the noumenal applied to those things that are things-in-themselves or things-for-themselves...The unknown and unknowable deeper realities beyond the phenomenality of things perceived. I regarded the noumenal as 'exterior' things belonging to reality of which we saw or heard a superficial surface appearance as phenomenality. The author on the other hand, regarded the noumenal as an interior experience of mind. Because mind can think, and does, the noumenal is a different perception than the plainly phenomenal and more--the noumenal is capable of a tremendous range of analytical thought. Some of that analytical thought may be found inn abstract art that implicitly recognizes the profound differences between naive phenomenalist percepts and the interior, noumenal phenomenology of mind.
Without self-awareness, the phenomenal realm is not even recognized. Slave devices such as cameras have no cognizance of the find snapshots they capture to provide for the use of sentient awareness. Art can have tremendous value to philosophers as a means of sketching or surveying interior and exterior relations of ontology. Art may provide methods of expressing phenomenalities of mind and experience in-itself. Art may be a tool for exploring that noumenal fact of conscious experience that shapes and conforms, liberates and sets aside, what can be known of space-time and being.
God has created the noumenon and the phenomenon, I have faith to believe. Nature in a sense is itself a great work of philosophical art, though of tremendous meaning as a challenge for the soul.
It is the secularized or even existential paradigm in which Kant develops his Critique of Pure Reason and Critique of Practical Reason that is rather remarkable. The categorical imperative as a naturally inductable universal moral law does not of course rely upon hierarchical, revealed or political authority. Rousseau believed one should follow one's heart as a moral footing. That approach led to troubles in later politics, yet so does the alternative of detached intellectualism with particular object oriented goals.
Kant and the Romantics found morality and reason to be a little different than we might today. Yet I think that today perhaps we moderns do not reason as deeply as either Rousseau or Kant in the nature of mind, or of how emotion comprises an element of reason and morality.
It was in the author's description of Kant's term 'noumenon' that I found that my previous notion of the meaning of the term simply incorrect. I wonder if the author's term of use paradigm may have been incorrect rather than mine, yet I think not, for it does serve a salient philosophical purpose especially as regards art.
The author did in particular describes a critical transitional phase in the historical development of modern art that formed during the evolution from naive realism and philosophical realism to that of abstract thought about the natural world. The author (I can't recall his name presently or the actual title of the book--he was a Cambridge scholar) pointed out Picasso's approach to painting the natural world as an example of how modern artist might view the relationship between thought and perception... That is where I should return to Kant's concept of the nomumenal.
In the philosophical field of epistemology the Kantian categories of perception are fundamental for a significant portion of philosophical thought then and subsequently. From Schopenhaur's neo-Kantian pessimism to Empiricism and even perhaps Strawson and Quine there has been a search for the classification of what is perceived, what is perceived phenomenally, and what is subjectively added to percepts with thought or reason. The author regarded Kant's term noumenon as applying to self-awareness and sentience perceptions of the sensations (of the natural world). The things perceived are phenomenal, while the phenomenology of mind (no relationship to Hegel here) is noumenal.
I had made the error for some time of believing that the noumenal applied to those things that are things-in-themselves or things-for-themselves...The unknown and unknowable deeper realities beyond the phenomenality of things perceived. I regarded the noumenal as 'exterior' things belonging to reality of which we saw or heard a superficial surface appearance as phenomenality. The author on the other hand, regarded the noumenal as an interior experience of mind. Because mind can think, and does, the noumenal is a different perception than the plainly phenomenal and more--the noumenal is capable of a tremendous range of analytical thought. Some of that analytical thought may be found inn abstract art that implicitly recognizes the profound differences between naive phenomenalist percepts and the interior, noumenal phenomenology of mind.
Without self-awareness, the phenomenal realm is not even recognized. Slave devices such as cameras have no cognizance of the find snapshots they capture to provide for the use of sentient awareness. Art can have tremendous value to philosophers as a means of sketching or surveying interior and exterior relations of ontology. Art may provide methods of expressing phenomenalities of mind and experience in-itself. Art may be a tool for exploring that noumenal fact of conscious experience that shapes and conforms, liberates and sets aside, what can be known of space-time and being.
God has created the noumenon and the phenomenon, I have faith to believe. Nature in a sense is itself a great work of philosophical art, though of tremendous meaning as a challenge for the soul.
The Egdoppler Takeover (a science fiction short story)
The Egdoppler Takeover
All rights reserved
Since the piracy of one’s personal image became ubiquitous, there were those that set themselves the task of constructing personal visual face screening devices that could be powered with garment solar weave and power storage. Julius Egdoppler was the successful inventor of an electronic photon-bending field to make photography of one’s urban face impossible without consent. Millions of people sought to recover the personal privacy of an earlier age. In thousands of urban areas the blurred ‘Egdopplerface’ became a routine sight. Overnight Egdoppler became another of the world’s high tech billionaires. The face image-screening device was not his final project.
At age 38 Egdoppler moved offshore from Redondo Beach to a concrete dwelling ten miles offshore on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. From his dome laboratory he moved covertly into synthetic life physical interfaces with robotic and nano-composite structure ready-mix. In a few months of bringing together his ideas, the materials were broadcast worldwide and ready for use.
All of the brains were wired in a serial order for a maximally efficient computing array. Overnight a fast acting synthetic virus downloaded the human species into perpetual somnolence bordering upon coma. Scuttlebots connected such fallen humans where they lay with fiber-optic cables to the worldwide web taken over by Julius Egdoppler Inc and his human enhanced imaginative computing human serial processing unit.
Julius Egdoppler was a creative genius who had grown impatient in waiting for the progress of computer technical capability to reach human levels of dreaming and creative synthesis. Each human mind has trillions of synaptic connections and creative synthesis of the real world environment of sensation. Waiting for computer to develop sentience equal to that of humans was unacceptable for Julius. He needed the human race’s brain computation potential now in order to discover what new things could be discovered. Through his enslavement of human brains for his advanced computing projects, Julius Egdoppler would unlock the secrets of the Universe.
First things first. Just Los Angeles had six million viable salvaged human brains wired into his computing network. All of those former souls required biological maintainence, and scuttlebutts connected them to IV drips of synthetic nutrition. Eventually the bodies would be allowed to atrophy, after the human neural computing network discovered methods to isolate the brains in a healthy way while allowing the bodies to rot away in place. The brains might readily be encapsulated in neo-gel protein plexicases with advanced quantum computing circuitry through nano-technology infusion.
In the first two nights of human brain salvage in the United States 240 million bodies with conserved brains were brought into the Egdoppler Inc neural network. Eurasia yielded more than two billion more with the rest of the world providing brains for free computing power too. While chemical and nuclear plants broke down creaking global poisons, the scuttlebutt production facilities following custom Egdoppler designs increased the production of five basic forms of scuttlebutt required for the salvation of the human species as bio-stabilized slave computing units.
In most instances fine everwear webs were spun to encase the bodies of the brain processing units. These brains in the meanwhile were hard at work in a perennial rem sleep of dreaming for maximal work production. Given instructive suggestions, their minds were probed for content and neural circuits mapped. Synthetic duplication of their data contents formed with synthetic R.N.A. models of synaptic connections and arrays. The doubling of brain-mind computing or thought use by the twinned synthetic computing logic units would enhance eventual cluster mapping of thought processing of problems. For each human neural history had it’s own developmental historical programming traits that were unique programs formed through biological inheritance, experience and will. Julius Egdoppler’s plan was to exploit all of these billions of unique methods of problem solving to to solve the big questions he had to ask.
In several months Egdoppler had most of the former human minds and brains conditioned to using their maximum intellectual potential. The parallel processing capability of so many human brains was awesome-more than the contributing super-computers also wired into his network. The time arrived when he asked his network the three big questions.
Tapping on his computer keyboard, he posed the first question;
‘Why wouldn’t Shiela Liblosky go to the prom with me’?
Then he rapidly set in question two;
“How much does the Universe weigh?’
Followed quickly by the third question;
“Did Babe Ruth hate the Red Sox after he was sold like a cheap horse?”
The human neural network communicated globally with all of its translation and organizational capability for several minutes. An infinite number of answers were produced, and artfully at that.
The computer then died, before disclosing to Julius Egdoppler, what the answers were.
All rights reserved
Since the piracy of one’s personal image became ubiquitous, there were those that set themselves the task of constructing personal visual face screening devices that could be powered with garment solar weave and power storage. Julius Egdoppler was the successful inventor of an electronic photon-bending field to make photography of one’s urban face impossible without consent. Millions of people sought to recover the personal privacy of an earlier age. In thousands of urban areas the blurred ‘Egdopplerface’ became a routine sight. Overnight Egdoppler became another of the world’s high tech billionaires. The face image-screening device was not his final project.
At age 38 Egdoppler moved offshore from Redondo Beach to a concrete dwelling ten miles offshore on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. From his dome laboratory he moved covertly into synthetic life physical interfaces with robotic and nano-composite structure ready-mix. In a few months of bringing together his ideas, the materials were broadcast worldwide and ready for use.
All of the brains were wired in a serial order for a maximally efficient computing array. Overnight a fast acting synthetic virus downloaded the human species into perpetual somnolence bordering upon coma. Scuttlebots connected such fallen humans where they lay with fiber-optic cables to the worldwide web taken over by Julius Egdoppler Inc and his human enhanced imaginative computing human serial processing unit.
Julius Egdoppler was a creative genius who had grown impatient in waiting for the progress of computer technical capability to reach human levels of dreaming and creative synthesis. Each human mind has trillions of synaptic connections and creative synthesis of the real world environment of sensation. Waiting for computer to develop sentience equal to that of humans was unacceptable for Julius. He needed the human race’s brain computation potential now in order to discover what new things could be discovered. Through his enslavement of human brains for his advanced computing projects, Julius Egdoppler would unlock the secrets of the Universe.
First things first. Just Los Angeles had six million viable salvaged human brains wired into his computing network. All of those former souls required biological maintainence, and scuttlebutts connected them to IV drips of synthetic nutrition. Eventually the bodies would be allowed to atrophy, after the human neural computing network discovered methods to isolate the brains in a healthy way while allowing the bodies to rot away in place. The brains might readily be encapsulated in neo-gel protein plexicases with advanced quantum computing circuitry through nano-technology infusion.
In the first two nights of human brain salvage in the United States 240 million bodies with conserved brains were brought into the Egdoppler Inc neural network. Eurasia yielded more than two billion more with the rest of the world providing brains for free computing power too. While chemical and nuclear plants broke down creaking global poisons, the scuttlebutt production facilities following custom Egdoppler designs increased the production of five basic forms of scuttlebutt required for the salvation of the human species as bio-stabilized slave computing units.
In most instances fine everwear webs were spun to encase the bodies of the brain processing units. These brains in the meanwhile were hard at work in a perennial rem sleep of dreaming for maximal work production. Given instructive suggestions, their minds were probed for content and neural circuits mapped. Synthetic duplication of their data contents formed with synthetic R.N.A. models of synaptic connections and arrays. The doubling of brain-mind computing or thought use by the twinned synthetic computing logic units would enhance eventual cluster mapping of thought processing of problems. For each human neural history had it’s own developmental historical programming traits that were unique programs formed through biological inheritance, experience and will. Julius Egdoppler’s plan was to exploit all of these billions of unique methods of problem solving to to solve the big questions he had to ask.
In several months Egdoppler had most of the former human minds and brains conditioned to using their maximum intellectual potential. The parallel processing capability of so many human brains was awesome-more than the contributing super-computers also wired into his network. The time arrived when he asked his network the three big questions.
Tapping on his computer keyboard, he posed the first question;
‘Why wouldn’t Shiela Liblosky go to the prom with me’?
Then he rapidly set in question two;
“How much does the Universe weigh?’
Followed quickly by the third question;
“Did Babe Ruth hate the Red Sox after he was sold like a cheap horse?”
The human neural network communicated globally with all of its translation and organizational capability for several minutes. An infinite number of answers were produced, and artfully at that.
The computer then died, before disclosing to Julius Egdoppler, what the answers were.
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