
Romney Surges to 7 Point Lead in New Gallup Poll

Mitt Romney has taken the lead in the Presidential preference poll among likely voters by seven points. The electorate may yet take direct action against the Obama plan to add another five trillion dollars of public debt if he is re-elected.
The Obama team seemed to  have lost some support with comments on the issue of the killing of  U.S. Ambassador Stevens in Libya September 12th. The President now maintains that he did not blame a video for stimulating the assassination, but terrorists instead from the start. The C.I.A. reported the fact that organized terrorists perpetrated the event within 24 hours through official channels. Vice-President Biden blamed the intelligence community as well as the President. There is no question that the public was made by the administration to believe that a 15 minute comedy video on the life of Mohammed that few Moslems had seen was the reason for the violence. Instead, a planned Al Qaeda assault made because of the opportunity to organize terror in the vacuum of Libyan law enforcement  transpired.
http://m.startribune.com/politics/?id=174996631&c=y An administration friendly timeline
The President has taken to general smears against the rising Romney with yippish 'witticisms'  (i.e. 'Romnesia' )that may backfire since there are so many voters of Romney's generation offended by the age bigotry of Mr. Obama. If the Romney-Ryan team cannot reform the problems of inefficient government retirement and disability support structures for the poor and middle class its unlikely that a better chance will appear before the U.S.A. piles of 30 trillion dollars of public debt within the next decade.


Why President Obama Doesn't 'Get It' About the Unemployed

President Obama and Mitt Romney each may hold foreign citizenship. Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama's father are foreign born (George Romney in Mexico to U.S. citizens) so the children likely inherit citizenship. Does the U.S. electorate care that jobs are being outsourced, free trade agreements to prosper cheap foreign labor are advocated equally by each candidate or that the 23 million out of work are about equal to the number of illegal aliens in the United States?
I wanted to write something a little bit counter-cyclical to the politically correct 'We are a nation of immigrants' theme commonly dumped as a justification for failure to secure the Mexican border against illegal entry by cheap foreign migrant workers and terrorists. Everyone has a right to exist and have a good way of life, yet the citizens of a nation should be first rather than long-term incidental casualties of political correct indifference.
Is America a nation of immigrants or instead the soft underbelly of nature that naturally predacious human beings swelled in to because of the natural repulsiveness of the tribe in the old world? In Europe, Asia and Africa human beings exterminated rival species and they still do including their own kind so a certain extent. Traveling to the frontiers to escape the oppression of tribes, nations and primitive bureaucrats ordering the infidels into the stew pot is not a new thing at all. America may be a nation of immigrants from its earliest days yet that is no commendation. Instead it is a proof that mankind cannot live within its environmental means.
The world today is over-populated regarding demographics and resource base. It is headed for mass social die off from one or more of a variety of causes. It also has the possibility of encountering mass economic collapse and a Soviet style state developing in the United States down the road as a dictatorship of the proletariat allocates scares remaining resources. The United States like all nations should live within its boundaries, secure those boundaries and make sure that all citizens have a job and adequate shelter plus productive and meaningful research prospects.
President Obama has unrealistically declared that all Americans should have highly skilled, high paying jobs and that is just a pie in the sky platitude satisfactory to CEO's that enjoy having an excuse to hire people from around the globe and to outsource jobs in order to find 'highly skilled workers'.  My college education was never worth a dime financially speaking, and the years and expense of college for today's youth is quite impractical as half are already out of work and they start life with vast personal debt to match up the vast public debt.
The majority of Americans are C students. Many have neither aptitude for nor interest in 'highly skilled' job training requiring years of education at large personal cost and years wasted without personal earnings. Sending a nation of C students to college for several years may train a generation for jobs that become obsolete before they graduate. The dark side of high skills training is the general uselessness of aforementioned skills for anything besides highly specialized work-those workers is the easiest for management to manipulate as the workers depend upon that corporate structure.
The future administration should lock out the illegal unskilled and semi-skilled workers and not undermine the millions of Americans that hope to be able to earn enough to earn a living wage at simple work. They are not all naturally feminist government bureaucrats expecting a cinched career of middle class privilege-many simply want the ability to get at least some work when they need it without needing to find a state where there are not so many thousands of Mexican workers standing around on the corner ready to hop into a truck to go work for the middle class for 2 dollars an hour.
Both parties should not write-off the unemployed and the need to provide real work and not simply foist unrealistic high-skills training. Though the middle class and rich may be accustomed to a certain standard of living so they cannot understand the interests of the poor at all for a minimum annual income even with part-time work-and providing incentives to the private sector to  hire the unemployed triaging those out of work longest first is the better approach in comparison to government programs-the aloof comfortable quantitative consumer pursuing their quantitative high-consumption and entropy lifestyles is not an acceptable excuse for the political incompetence of both parties in this election.
The next administration should be aware that the world population is 7 billion and that intelligent global planning for continuity of the ecosphere and all life on Earth at present levels needs to continue with a purposes rather than waiting for disaster to accomplish too little, too late. The United States and the world no longer needs immigration to exploitable soft underbellies of nature-it needs to realistically improve the quality of life where the people live. 

A Comment on Space-Time Expansion

I wanted to write a few words about space-time expansion, or the philosophy of. There is much description of various models for it, and paradigm criteria about what it is. It is a field with much prospect for conjecture and construction of hypothetical models as well as plain astrophysical observation and strict inference.
Time expands rather than passes. Time is a way of describing the relative positions of mass rather than of energy. Energy is always in motion whereas mass is not. When time changes because of the conversion of mass into energy partially it is the relationship of mass that has shifted with motion-even through radiation.
It is  said that the space of the Universe is expanding however it is possible to differ even with observations based on astrophysics. Most likely space is simply nothing at all and it is more correctly a field within space that is expanding for some reason.
The Higgs field is a candidate for such a space-field that gives mass and energy particles an opportunity to exist phenomenally. As photons are emergent characteristics of electro-magnetic fields, mass and energy are emergent, entangled quantum characteristics of a Higgs field. The Higgs field is another ponderable field of unknown constitution.
So what are the potential shapes for fields within the nothingness of space that may be regarded as a Universe-field? It is conventional to use the bubble or empty sphere arising with an inflation from an infinitesimal point as the model universal field. As that field expands it is like a bubble membrane in 360 degrees. On the surface of that membrane the field energy allows entanglements because of original anisotropy or uneven distribution of the field and that leads to entangled clumps of energy accumulating as mass in the field. The field has clumps of mass drawing in other mass through characteristic force protocols such as the nuclear force and gravity. Stars, galaxies and Mitchellian objects (black holes) arise and draw together in clumps as the field membrane Bubble Universe expands.
The Membrane Universe could have four dimensions and more small ones yet still be finite in area in real space (nothingness). One bubble Universe after another could be issued to arise and expand within the others preceding that have expanded outward.
A transcending bubble universe from within or without slowing down to contract or increasing speed to expand could create intra-Universal collisions or mergers. Yet there could as easily be transcending forces that pass through all of the bubble Universes in every dimensions like neutrino-Universes.
It seems that because a Universe-field is a continuum that the speed of light is limited to the field that allows it to appear sustaining the existence of all phenomenal particles. Quantum entangled particles seem to convey information faster than light because they are not part of a direct continuum. Their instant motion is not measured by the relational position change of subluminal mass.
It is good to consider a little how God might issue consecutive Universes with expansion characteristics within a space-nothingness without mass-time necessarily. I find it useful to regard absolute spirit as the intelligent creator of substance.
A Gravitationally Lensed Quasar


Alpha Centauri B Discovered to Have an Earth-Size Planet

The planet has been in orbit in the closest star system to the solar system for some time. Alpha Centarui B's planet is about the size of Earth and probably very hot. There may be more planets looping Alpha Centauri A and/or B and some  might be just right (or not).
Alpha Centauri is a triple star system. It is Alpha Centauri B with the Earth-size planet. 
image credit: E.S.O. Alpha Centauri A & B illustrated with circles. Proxima Centarui 4.22 light years from Earth is not visible in this picture.
Alpha Centauri system

'Proof of Heaven' by Eben Alexander

Dr. Eben Alexander's new book recounting his experience discovering heaven while in a coma for seven days seems worth reading. The neurologist explains that his neocortex was shut down during the seven days when he experience a deeper reality. 'Proof of Heaven' is a first person description of the afterlife by a scientist.
Dr. Alexander is a physician and has worked at Harvard-well, even so his story seems as credible as this sort of thing gets, and is encouraging. Human experience is subjective-even of reality, so unless several people experience the same event (such as visiting heaven) it tends to be classified unproven.
Extra dimensions beyond are a topic of physical cosmological speculation on the leading edge. Whatever mankind can do or imagine, God can do it better.
I noticed the story on the cover of the 15 Oct. 2012 issue of Newsweek. They published a brief excerpt from the book with a narrative of the experience. There are numerous reviews of the book (that I haven't read yet myself).

Alaska Man Killed by Brown Bear

A 54-year-old forest worker from Sitka Alaska was apparently killed and partially eaten by a sow brown bear and her two cubs on Chichagof Island. The man, Tomas Puerta, evidently had engine failure in the skiff he was using to journey to a job tree thinning and put ashore to camp.
This time of year bear might be topping off their fuel supply before hibernation, and they must have found the camp site and groceries interesting. Puerta's body was dragged some distance apparently-perhaps from a tent. If one is inside a tent and a large brown bear attacks one has little chance for defense unless packing a .44 mag in a shoulder holster to draw and shoot through the tent wall as the bear is munching down on a shoulder or whatever...
image credit-Alaska Department of Fish & Game
Photo of a Brown Bear


Team Obama's Empty Economic Quiver

The next President of the United States will face challenges the Obama team spent its economic arrow on with the January 2009 stimulus package and years of trillion dollar plus deficit spending and Federal Reserve quantitative easing. A group of 41 economics recently said they anticipate 2013 unemployment to be 8% while the nation's public debt deepens.
The Obama economic team seems to have signed off on the age of fracture existential do-your-own-thing style of hands-off management. If the nation were to re-elect Barrack Obama and continue the same policy that is a sure loser (the selling point is the Reaganomic maxim that increased growth and increased tax revenues would balance the Federal budget in a decade or so) they would probably get what they deserve.
The trouble is that even Mitt Romney would have a difficult time transforming the national economy and federal budget right away to a  rosy scenario. Romney might be able to perform much better at economic management since that is his strength rather than Mr. Obama's homosexual, middle class reinsurance and foreign Moslem revolution community  organizing skills. Certainly the Democrat party would have someone to blame the next four years as the debt continues to increase yet at a slower pace.
The down side of course are the externalities to the national job and security picture that aren't at all addressed by the happy valley Sunday crowd  monkeying around with the American Dream while planetary ecospheric and demographic catastrophes continue to build.


Curiosity Rover Finds Dry Streambed on Mars

The history of Mars may have been more Earth-like than is commonly held. The early solar system had much more water-ice drifting around and Mars may have been saturated had a much thicker atmosphere. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas.
The curiosity rover examined a dry streambed in the Gale crater and water-transported rocks.
Scientists believe that most life on Earth was rubbed out about 560 million years ago. It is possible that the entire Earth was covered by a mile deep glacier and that the iceball Earth epoch ended with Volcanic eruption breaking through while deep sea plate margin vents with water emerging as much as 1000 degrees kept a third branch of life alive (such as those large worms).
Because there were many collisions from more meteors and comets then some Martian rock may have been blasted off that planet into space and since Mars is farther from the sun than the Earth, gravity might have made that rock with Martian microbial life inside cracks drift over to Earth orbit and reach this world over time. Life on Earth may have a Martian as well as an  Earth origin. That is an interesting point about Martian exploration.

I should stipulate that though life on Mars may have grafted onto or even comprise land life on Earth with the seafloor vent worms being the surviving life form that evolved here (or not), that hasn't any effect on interpretation of the Biblical book of  Genesis as I see it for a number of reasons involving the literal time values of Genesis, the composition of Genesis as a record of the earliest human pre-historical general history acts of society in the Middle East  etc. I suppose one could find some context in which Eden was on Mars f(as improbable as that seems) from which humanity was locked out in a theistic evolution criterion.
One cannot be certain of ancient name-meaning values applied to particular geographic referents. In the day many nouns were actually used as verbs that linguistically ossified over time.
If one prefers one semantic value paradigm over others without Petrine values of a day to God being equal to a thousand years for mankind an determines the lifespans of the pre-Noah patriarchs the time values is near that of the appearance of Eukaryotic life on Earth .
image credit of Hottah streambed : N.A.S.A.
Martian Streambed (splash)


Tuesday's Foggy Debate Tactics

The debate between President Obama and challenger Mitt Romney next Tuesday could bring explanations of why another five trillion dollars of federal debt, a balanced budget in a decade, a resurgence of Al Qaeda in the Middle East, the 'new' Syrian war and leadership to global economic brinksmanship rate another 4 years to develop.
Os bin Laden is dead yet Pakistanis chant 'We are all Osamas' . Debate tacticians will develop the main line for millions of unemployed discouraged from looking for a job and essentially ignore their existence to plump up the political picture for the campaign. The next four-year term will bring more rational economic and environmental plans to fruition.


Perfection in Moral and Political Philosophy

Perfection in moral and political philosophy, or rather, theories of, rated an entry today in the Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Having just completed reading a fiction book named 'Litigation' about some Chicago lawyers I thought I would comment on the topic.

For one thing, the phenomenon of developing a formal philosophy of moral perfection with the accompanying political system that perfectly develops human society toward an ideal good requires an objective construction. Some brilliant Spartan long ago developed a political philosophy to create perfectly moral individual citizen-warriors in the ideal civil structure, or believed he did and so Socrates and Plato built their own version of that system synthesized with the good, such as existed in the Athenian democracy they sought to overthrow, in the little book named 'The Republic.
Today we tend to regard the Athenian democracy as racist, quaint and for short-lived people supported by slaves and the Republic as fascist. In America the unexamined life is regarded by some as the perfect moral synthesis with political philosophy united with copious public deficit spending that can be repaid later by the rich or by uneducated immigrants or transferred in some way offshore through perhaps, quantitative easing and various extra-dimensional fiscal perfection of making pure profit on paper without making anything physically for trade. Of course I am a little skeptical about the idea of perfection in political or moral philosophy myself.

We know that if one is fundamentally opposed to business and supportive of government expansion, business may move offshore to China and production decline in the U.S.A. It is important to reform business with intense public support in politics of business and of its reform-perhaps downsizing it too so it doesn't develop further as a a tool of blind historical determinism to the detriment of individualism and life on Earth.
The unexamined life shot out of a cannon in Chicago has unreflective fat persons mass consuming and producing without regard for making philosophical considerations of the ideal way for humans to live. Mortimer Adler could do the moral and political agonizing for Chicagoans while the rest could take pills to stay alive and litigate about everything. Lifestyle of the masses in that context can adjust its moral and political criteria for perfection to impulsive, dedicated-even passionate consumption continuing until one drops dead and is outsourced to the Zen oblivion beyond the edge. Politically one might quantitatively ease the left and right fringes or advance radical adjustments in allocation of resource-yet it's all regarded as the phenomenal political acts of apostles of existential throughput for whom all things must pass.
In perfect moral and political actualization of phenomenalism the transcendence of the mass political gestalt is accomplished is implicit metatheoretically by the economic engine of history. We may view the city amidst the former stockyards and meat processors from a distance with a neo-cynical view influenced by Paul Tillich however we can be sure that actual moral and political reform is probably much simpler than developing a theory about it.
Creation of a perfectly moral paradigm with political reason would need to embody a Kantian synthetic a priori social judgment about the environment and mankind's relation to it-the kingdom of God lies within the soul and manifest as it relates perfectly to the environment without including the body for oneself and for-others.
In the midst of the rush of mass civil society with billions of souls toward a moment of eclipse of their own experience on Earth by the biological destiny all human beings share the reifying drive toward elevation socially is something of a way of avoiding the existential or even empirical facts of life that everyone shares. Recognizing the facts of life and deriving the most efficient and free political method to secure the maximal possible efficient free state for every citizen is the paradigm for shaping political actualization toward perfection.
Perfection is of course only relative. God confers with grace whatever could be regarded as perfection about anything inclusive of consciousness. Yet the networking of physical structures that could be a billion versions of maximally efficient individual dome dwellings synergistically allocated with nature's simultaneous own best interest as a free biosphere evolving for-itself might simple detach like stitches after construction. (alternatively it could be living a Fibonacci series like progress through realms of absolute spirit, conservation and rightness with God so far as possible etc.) For space-time allows no ossification of effort or end to be reached that is not surpassed by subsequent moments and the ongoing effort to correct the course of politics toward moral perfection requires liberty as well as discipline to comprise a continuum.
A world set with troubles
given unto created beings with things
like clouds and rain, dreams and plains
rumbling, crumbling across the first person narrative of experience
amidst buildings and ossified constructions
dumped upon nature's destruction
that too few understand
with galactic lenses of several dimensions
shaping gravity's paradox
that it works at the speed of light as if it were massless
like a photon following curved space-time
through four dimensions held together a little

As a field with variegated contents of probability entanglements
Universe (1) is a net without a cause
for plausibility enough waterfalls flow
somewhere with time this place one knows
given a few of infinite dimensions
restricted to hues of mathematical uncertainties changing
forms of orbital selections
viewed from Earth.

Capitalism is More Natural Than Socialism

 Capitalism is probably more natural than socialism although economically challenged people are probably happy enough if either works reason...