
Curiosity Rover Finds Dry Streambed on Mars

The history of Mars may have been more Earth-like than is commonly held. The early solar system had much more water-ice drifting around and Mars may have been saturated had a much thicker atmosphere. Water vapor is a greenhouse gas.
The curiosity rover examined a dry streambed in the Gale crater and water-transported rocks.
Scientists believe that most life on Earth was rubbed out about 560 million years ago. It is possible that the entire Earth was covered by a mile deep glacier and that the iceball Earth epoch ended with Volcanic eruption breaking through while deep sea plate margin vents with water emerging as much as 1000 degrees kept a third branch of life alive (such as those large worms).
Because there were many collisions from more meteors and comets then some Martian rock may have been blasted off that planet into space and since Mars is farther from the sun than the Earth, gravity might have made that rock with Martian microbial life inside cracks drift over to Earth orbit and reach this world over time. Life on Earth may have a Martian as well as an  Earth origin. That is an interesting point about Martian exploration.

I should stipulate that though life on Mars may have grafted onto or even comprise land life on Earth with the seafloor vent worms being the surviving life form that evolved here (or not), that hasn't any effect on interpretation of the Biblical book of  Genesis as I see it for a number of reasons involving the literal time values of Genesis, the composition of Genesis as a record of the earliest human pre-historical general history acts of society in the Middle East  etc. I suppose one could find some context in which Eden was on Mars f(as improbable as that seems) from which humanity was locked out in a theistic evolution criterion.
One cannot be certain of ancient name-meaning values applied to particular geographic referents. In the day many nouns were actually used as verbs that linguistically ossified over time.
If one prefers one semantic value paradigm over others without Petrine values of a day to God being equal to a thousand years for mankind an determines the lifespans of the pre-Noah patriarchs the time values is near that of the appearance of Eukaryotic life on Earth .
image credit of Hottah streambed : N.A.S.A.
Martian Streambed (splash)

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