
The Innocence of the President's Flip Flop on 'The Innocence of Islam''

Initially President Obama blamed the comic video 'Innocence of Islam' for the killing of four Americans andincluding Ambassador Stevens in Libya September 11, 2012. In the second Presidential debate the President denied that his administration had blamed the video rather than terrorists. That was a flip flop on the administration's explanation as well as its actual history.
The President's dissimulation was reinforced by the debate moderator who has since recanted her point. The Innocence of President Obama of his own recent administration positions leaves a few people incredulous.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2E55rwmKSyg Innocence of Islam (the video)
The President condemned all acts of terrorism or violence yet for nearly two weeks his administration misled the public advocating that wrong premise that 'The Innocence of Islam' drove a Libyan mob to a frenzy of violence that took the life of Ambassador Stevens instead of an organized criminal conspiracy of terrorists.
For nearly two weeks a Coptic ex-pat video maker endured the blame of administration mouthpieces for stimulating the mob of Libya to rage against all tings American. The poor video producer struggling simultaneously to find some way to speak out against the cruelty in Egypt given to Coptic Christians by Moslem members of the only major religion in the world that explicitly supports the notion that they have a right to rule the world and to use death and deception upon resistors and perhaps to make a buck became a felon in the video production by over-extending charges on credit cards. Following in the Wall Street banking bad debt tradition is no excuse for building up vast public debt of course. It is understandable if not excusable.
The poor man from Egypt was arrested in the middle of the night in Los Angeles, interrogated and made an object of government and media abuse. So much for free speech when it runs afoul of the leftist narrative.
The Obama team seemed to have lost some support with comments on the issue of the killing of U.S. Ambassador Stevens in Libya September 12th. The President now maintains that he did not blame a video for stimulating the assassination, but terrorists instead from the start. The C.I.A. reported the fact that organized terrorists perpetrated the event within 24 hours through official channels.
Vice-President Biden blamed the intelligence community as well as the President. There is no question that the public was made by the administration to believe that a 15 minute comedy video on the life of Mohammed that few Moslems had seen was the reason for the violence. Instead, a planned Al Qaeda assault made because of the opportunity to organize terror in the vacuum of Libyan law enforcement transpired.

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