
Dirtocrat Demolition of Democracy Failing to Employ the Unemployed

If workers cannot find work and exhaust their saving eventually they will end up on some kind of federal relief like as not. It would be far less costly to taxpayers if employers were encouraged more to provide at least part-time jobs so single people would not need to use food stamps.
A good society comprehends the real needs of individuals economically speaking an actually takes the bull by the horns and discovers innovative ways to provide employment for all.

Yes one might drastically reform society to make the economy more egalitarian and less stratified. One could cap the annual salary for any American at a million dollars and tax at 90 % over that. Inheritance taxes on more than a million dollars could be 50%. etc. No individual could own shares in more than three corporations, and no corporation could employ  more than 5000 persons. Quality rather than quantity and increased opportunity for competition would follow. Yet few Americans would regard humanizing the scale of business as anything less than whatever archetype of the collective political unconscious they believe exists as a good or bad mythic form.
The present godless atheist Democrats seem to be quite vicious in contrast to prior eras in public discourse. Some seem to have more antipathy toward Christians than Al Qa'eda of Iraq or radical Moslem elements and communists that have expelled to imprisoned the elect. Dirtocrats seem to have no value for the public debt as if it were fiction or a Republican lie to ignore. Neither have they found a way to encourage employers to hire those without a job for the longest time first.
Discouraged workers aren't counted in the D.O.L statistics for the unemployed those are people that haven't looked for a job in the last 4 weeks. Neither are the 'marginally attached' counted in the unemployment stats. Those are people that have looked for and can't find a job the past 12 months. There are 2.5 million of those.
There were 8.6 million people working part time in September that couldn't find full-time work. The stats are fairly simple, and Romney is correct that the real number of people is higher than 7.8%
It isn't just the stark numbers and the lack of adequate progress at reducing unemployment alone that is of concern. It is the poor way of managing the economy of the Obama administration that makes the need for top-level change desirable.
The administration has relied on Fed Reserve printing money to buy bonds and deepening of public debt while making little progress on reducing unemployment that has the unemployed hoping to swap out the President. If they can't fix it in four years the non-decadent public needs to put a new President to the task. The Obama administration seems to be leading toward a series of national financial crises in 2013 that a guy better at business might deal with better.
The Democrats seem to have forgotten so many fundamental governing principles of Executive leadership that they appear to rely on natural economic equilibria helped by Goldman Sachs & Harvard Alumni to pass on pearls of wisdom to the genuflecting President. The Congressional Democrats may be bold on transitioning toward queerocracy yet on the economic concerns they are timid and far away from being capable of any sort of significant reform.
That is not what America was about. The founders weren't timid or shy about reform. There are several reforms possible that would make free enterprise work again yet Democrats have become dirtocrats rather than innovative leaders. Independents must look elsewhere for actual democracy with respect for individual rights and American traditional values.

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