
'Proof of Heaven' by Eben Alexander

Dr. Eben Alexander's new book recounting his experience discovering heaven while in a coma for seven days seems worth reading. The neurologist explains that his neocortex was shut down during the seven days when he experience a deeper reality. 'Proof of Heaven' is a first person description of the afterlife by a scientist.
Dr. Alexander is a physician and has worked at Harvard-well, even so his story seems as credible as this sort of thing gets, and is encouraging. Human experience is subjective-even of reality, so unless several people experience the same event (such as visiting heaven) it tends to be classified unproven.
Extra dimensions beyond are a topic of physical cosmological speculation on the leading edge. Whatever mankind can do or imagine, God can do it better.
I noticed the story on the cover of the 15 Oct. 2012 issue of Newsweek. They published a brief excerpt from the book with a narrative of the experience. There are numerous reviews of the book (that I haven't read yet myself).

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