
Why President Obama Doesn't 'Get It' About the Unemployed

President Obama and Mitt Romney each may hold foreign citizenship. Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama's father are foreign born (George Romney in Mexico to U.S. citizens) so the children likely inherit citizenship. Does the U.S. electorate care that jobs are being outsourced, free trade agreements to prosper cheap foreign labor are advocated equally by each candidate or that the 23 million out of work are about equal to the number of illegal aliens in the United States?
I wanted to write something a little bit counter-cyclical to the politically correct 'We are a nation of immigrants' theme commonly dumped as a justification for failure to secure the Mexican border against illegal entry by cheap foreign migrant workers and terrorists. Everyone has a right to exist and have a good way of life, yet the citizens of a nation should be first rather than long-term incidental casualties of political correct indifference.
Is America a nation of immigrants or instead the soft underbelly of nature that naturally predacious human beings swelled in to because of the natural repulsiveness of the tribe in the old world? In Europe, Asia and Africa human beings exterminated rival species and they still do including their own kind so a certain extent. Traveling to the frontiers to escape the oppression of tribes, nations and primitive bureaucrats ordering the infidels into the stew pot is not a new thing at all. America may be a nation of immigrants from its earliest days yet that is no commendation. Instead it is a proof that mankind cannot live within its environmental means.
The world today is over-populated regarding demographics and resource base. It is headed for mass social die off from one or more of a variety of causes. It also has the possibility of encountering mass economic collapse and a Soviet style state developing in the United States down the road as a dictatorship of the proletariat allocates scares remaining resources. The United States like all nations should live within its boundaries, secure those boundaries and make sure that all citizens have a job and adequate shelter plus productive and meaningful research prospects.
President Obama has unrealistically declared that all Americans should have highly skilled, high paying jobs and that is just a pie in the sky platitude satisfactory to CEO's that enjoy having an excuse to hire people from around the globe and to outsource jobs in order to find 'highly skilled workers'.  My college education was never worth a dime financially speaking, and the years and expense of college for today's youth is quite impractical as half are already out of work and they start life with vast personal debt to match up the vast public debt.
The majority of Americans are C students. Many have neither aptitude for nor interest in 'highly skilled' job training requiring years of education at large personal cost and years wasted without personal earnings. Sending a nation of C students to college for several years may train a generation for jobs that become obsolete before they graduate. The dark side of high skills training is the general uselessness of aforementioned skills for anything besides highly specialized work-those workers is the easiest for management to manipulate as the workers depend upon that corporate structure.
The future administration should lock out the illegal unskilled and semi-skilled workers and not undermine the millions of Americans that hope to be able to earn enough to earn a living wage at simple work. They are not all naturally feminist government bureaucrats expecting a cinched career of middle class privilege-many simply want the ability to get at least some work when they need it without needing to find a state where there are not so many thousands of Mexican workers standing around on the corner ready to hop into a truck to go work for the middle class for 2 dollars an hour.
Both parties should not write-off the unemployed and the need to provide real work and not simply foist unrealistic high-skills training. Though the middle class and rich may be accustomed to a certain standard of living so they cannot understand the interests of the poor at all for a minimum annual income even with part-time work-and providing incentives to the private sector to  hire the unemployed triaging those out of work longest first is the better approach in comparison to government programs-the aloof comfortable quantitative consumer pursuing their quantitative high-consumption and entropy lifestyles is not an acceptable excuse for the political incompetence of both parties in this election.
The next administration should be aware that the world population is 7 billion and that intelligent global planning for continuity of the ecosphere and all life on Earth at present levels needs to continue with a purposes rather than waiting for disaster to accomplish too little, too late. The United States and the world no longer needs immigration to exploitable soft underbellies of nature-it needs to realistically improve the quality of life where the people live. 

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