
Post I-Pad Evolution To Multi-Manufacturers of Components for Two Surface Hinged Platform?

Open source computer hardware packages ahead? A computer tablet is a packed video screen with a flat, minimal computer.. Two flat surfaces connected with a hinge was popular in 20th century binders. Using one surface for a solar panel and letting the two surfaces stand up as an upside down V is a practical way to set up a video screen-maybe with a flat processor in the other flat surface. Shouldn't development of the post-tablet era include a wireless full-size keyboard for writers? Why not a two-surface metal tablet into which component parts can snap from a variety of manufacturers so consumers could build their own screen, processor, solar panel, hard drive, keyboard unit as they can afford and prefer with competition from producers of individual components driving down the price?

It ought to be possible to use a hinged two-surface tablet with a minimal flat screen or a five-foot HD screen as need arises with use a square peg in a square hole kind of simplicity. Producers that do not manufacture entire computers could sell their computer components for a basic two-surface hinged tablet directly to users instead of as subcontractors  on occasion to computer manufacturers.

Packing a portable computer into one or two surfaces has evolved over the decades...


Conscientious Objector to Sin & Military Service; The New Paradigm

Traditionally conscientious objection to military service was in reaction the sin of taking human life. It might also be because a corrupt executive selects an impossibly dumb, uninteresting war to practice. The transcendent basis for conscientious objection is recognition of sin. All sin is sin. Because President Obama has made a new sin government policy- the sin of homosexuality and homosexual marriage- an official element of U.S. military service he has expanded the parameters for conscientious objector status to military conscription beyond homicide.

Biblically speaking one sin is generally equal with other sins in being harmful to human souls. The sin of homosexuality is proscribed equally with taking human life intentionally. Thou shalt not kill, commit adultery, steal, maliciously lie or perpetrate homosexuality and so forth with any kind of a clear conscience. One knows sin is wrong even in the era of an evolving Nietzschic Beyond Good and Evil social morality convenient to global marketing, added to by the commercial mass media and encouraged in schools around the nation to create a class of malleable dupes serving to redistribute wealth and power to global Plutonomy.

If the United States ever again has military conscription those compelled to federal military service probably will need to exclude straight Christians or other potential soldiers of faith whom could not war against God's laws in order to facilitate expansion of an immoral, sinful imperium.


Half of Ocean Phytoplankton Species Might Bite the Dust by 2100

Global warming of the atmosphere to recent record levels may bring many changes to the existing ocean phytoplankton content a recent report informs. Stresses upon the smallest level creatures of the ocean food chain could make them bite the water to be replaced by other species more suitable for a the ghetto ocean environment of low nutrient content and higher acid levels.The new cruel conditions may benefit some and make losers of others. Overall the ocean biomass could decrease I would guess. Half of the species may disappear or be reduced to a tiny, marginalized portion of ocean phytoplankton content.

A tougher, leaner ocean phytoplankton soup may make the menu change difficult for larger predators to adapt to. Scientists are studying the possible effects upon more than a 100 species of phytoplankton of global warming. One hopes they are coordinating with other scientists on how to stimulate the growth of phytoplankton that might maintain the present balance in warmer, more desertified, less healthier, more acidic and warmer ocean water. It may be that a natural balance is most suitable for the health of the future seas instead of phytoplankton species tweaking that would in effect be a transition to ocean farming. Earth land farms while wonderful productive of food tend to desertify the ecosphere's diversity.

Logic, Language, Truth and Philosophy

One might wonder what is the truth about words and their meaning? Is truth an abstract thing in-itself or is it just a correct presentation of language structure? Words are tools for expressing meaning. The meaning of words exists or occurs within language structure without which the words are just sounds or scribbling of art. It is probable that in the history of the development of a language that words acquired meanings in general use that become part of a vocabulary and lexicon in such a way that the prior use was an ossification and existed thereafter as a potential meaning that any user of the language might encounter. Even the potential for inventing new synthetic words combining existing word-meanings may be latent within a language. The potential for the development of a language may coincide with the actual emergence of words. 

That existence of a real of forms of language that exists as scaffolding for making meaningful expressions may be the truth about a Platonic realist paradigm apropos for a language. Once a word is added or developed for a language it enters a realm of forms existing for all users in potential. Words are nominal in themselves and with have realist characteristic perhaps something like Kripke described simultaneously. There are great and perhaps even an infinite range of definitions of a word even as it has a particular bound value. It is something as if a word was like a quantum particle with limits expressible in Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. A word quanta might be anywhere or have any meaning until used or sampled at which time its meaning arrives as a waveform collapse into a meaning. Even so there is a realm of forms that a word might be able to take, and that meaning is implicit in the Higgs Field slots for it.

We might wonder if the analogy to quantum world lines and words doesn't differ a lot at that point where a Higgs field and slots available for the emergence of any quanta is predetermined with the general scaffolding of a language or of a force field. Word quanta seem to have more freedom for use than the somewhat natural determinism of a quantum field in which the allocation of force overall conforms to the boundary condition.

Still, words are just symbols of sound utterances with meaning in the modern context with similarities to numbers that may be placed in lists, classified as types or grouped in various ways with whatever meaning-values a user may give them with whatever distribution of understanding the users have. Truth theories are many while falsehoods are simpler to define. Jesus Christ is the Truth in-Himself yet for others truth is a relational concept, or verificationist of meaning, accuracy and relevance to a relationship amidst words and propositional logical about it.

Words have an implicit meaning uncertainty that accommodates the capacity for unlimited expressions of meaning in whatever form is selected or developed. A word may mean different things to different people, between the sender and receiver as well as in different social lexicons. Falsehoods made intentionally within a given social criterion may have a negative or positive effect contingent upon the circumstance, yet generally dissimulation creates erosion in the meaning of the language structure something like a continuum of false accounting practices or dissimulative securities trading may erode the health of Wall Street besides excess concentration of wealth. Social structures determine the effect of falsehoods in social exchanges of words.  Individuals have different ideas and expectations about words and concepts expressed by others. More than a few view language use today a substitute for productive material and social reform-sophism to grease the skids of corruption, concentration of wealth, globalism, environmental exploitation and ossification of an oppressive hierarchical media, government and business infrastructure. Use-truths promulgated for power by organizations may be just noises made rather thoughtlessly by the organs of state in the perennial input of energy. 

Because Jesus Christ is Truth itself social structure develop or decline through the vicissitudes of evolving decades of belief or unbelief with determinative effect upon moral theory and practice. It is interesting that when Jesus was talking with the women at the well he could look inside her thought, perhaps discerning her character and describe her past. On occasion The Lord looked into the deeper thought of an individual mind-spirit and discerned the relation of an individual to the realm of of truth. A philosophy of language and logic might have a similar, lesser ability to discern the relation of the nominal to the real realm of forms in which it exists.

A New Evil Empire

An agency of evil and immorality must needs be resisted by the conscientious. Federal policies away from perennial reform and renormalization of democracy that reinforce sin, Plutonomy and an emerging planetary imperium are onerous burdens to place upon U.S. citizens that are not rich. The latest evil is the change to military policy announced by Sect. of Defense Hagel regarding homosexual marriage.

When Sect. Hagel said that he would make homosexual marriage normalized in the U.S. military within 30 days since the Supreme Court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional he in effect made sin the official policy of the U. S. military following the lead of President Barrack Obama and the corrupted Supreme Court. For many people of faith the acts of the U.S. Government seem consistent with the description of the Babylon the Great political role of the book of the Revelation and the U.S. Government's movement toward the sin of homosexuality and serving as the killing tool of the global oligarchy of the new world order confirmation of the drive toward apocalypse. Conscientious objector status to military service of evil may develop a new and unconventional reason. Besides objecting to taking human life, and the U.S. Government has killed more souls than any other in the world the past 30 or 40 years, conscientious objectors to homosexual marriage may refuse military service for a government forcing homosexuality upon the masses of the United States and the world so far as it can.

The reason for the trend toward the U.S. Government becoming evil instead of reformed has two simultaneous explanations. One is the secular Plutonomy that has taken over the world order co-opting democracy and ruling through corrupted elites while concentrating wealth. Those people may be concerned with planetary over-population and also need a new militant corrupt cause to use as an excuse for war upon poor, underdeveloped nations that resist homosexual social increase. The U.S. military has evolved to become the tool for enforcing the will of plutocrats upon the world. With broadcast media outlets a torrent of propaganda paradigms to support plutocratic policy has emerged. Local political autonomy is suppressed and the will of plutocrats for the masses becomes a string pulling game with sycophantic masses.

The second reason is teleological for the lead of a corrupt and most powerful world government under the authority of the anti-Christ is a well-known aspect of the end time's prophecy of the Bible. These things were inevitable for political and teleological reasons.

Satan has exploited homosexual encroachment of marriage-a ludicrous oxymoron-to make folly of humanity again on its way toward doom from a variety of social and ecospheric causes. When the government of the United States under the influence of atheists evolved a financial Plutonomy with a broadcast media as its propaganda and dissimulation outlet democracy was slowly neutralized and subverted by the lackeys of Satan without much interest in U.S. national interest. The globalists ruling the U.S.A. from Wall Street are an evolution of evil, a personification of Satan and an abomination to private enterprise within a human scale context of fairness and economic justice for all. They also repressed Gillette's best-ever shave crème-The Hot One-and have made the patent process unresponsive toward the real needs of poor inventors.

One might hope for the destruction of the U.S. Government's evolution into the beast of abomination. The Obama support of Bush Two tax cuts twice was a plain vote for Plutonomy and the evolution of wickedness with a permanent hegemony of treasonous international Wall Street oligarchs having their way with things political in the U.S.A.  One must wait upon the Lord with these things.  The Lord Jesus did foretell all of these things two thousand years ago approximately. It is not as if we weren't informed.


U.S. Blunt Instrument Diplomacy With Russia

The administration is unhappy with Vladimir Putin for giving temporary sanctuary to N.S.A. whistle blower Edward Snowden. Sen. Chuck Schumer calls Russia a bully for giving refuge to the man that revealed the N.S.A. is monitoring all of the phone calls made in the world so far as it can. The Democrat approach to surveillance seems closer to that of Stalin than Putin's these days. There must be alternative means to disclosing information to the public-perhaps a list of phone intercepts two years from violation, without giving the terrorists helpful data.

Iran's new President has also made overtures to America on better relations. Traditionally America takes a blunt instrument out way or the highway approach to diplomacy and that should change. Pouting and taking the ball home instead of continuing play cuts off every available alternative opportunity for progress. It isn't simply a coincidence that America's economy is in decline because of the absolutarian approach to global capitalism concentrating wealth in the upper .01%. Maybe U.S. politicians rise too their level of incompetence and are used to a das baughed electorate that doesn't effective protest anything so they assume that they can bully everyone on the planet too.

Sect. Kerry should pursue other avenues of progress and human social development with the traditional 'enemies' of the United States while the administration ought to tone down its blunt instrument approach to international diplomacy.


Hamburger Grown From Cattle Cells in Holland

One wonders if there are any moral issues about growing meat in a laboratory? It could free up land for conservation perhaps, yet the cattle growing business is technical quite sophisticated these days. Would it be wrong to treat biological life in such a way? It is not a wild sort of thing obviously and rather distasteful. It could be practical enough to develop though. Meat grown in warehouses could be a way to provide food for the hungry.

If the laboratory meat could be fed just chemicals easy to get from dirt it might be really practical.



The Affirmative Action Sonata and the Ultra-rich

The affirmative action movement in the United States had the unintended consequence of forcing middle class white males to let go of their end of the rope in the economic tug of war with the white male 1% that owned the corporate world. The affirmative action class didn't take up the middle class end of the rope, but were content to just bump out the white male middle class or viewed another way, to surge into its ranks diluting the wage values of the middle class with new surplus labor supply. Still optimistic about the future, the affirmative action middle class is still looking forward to rising into the elite rank of the 1% themselves having failed to realize that they have served the interests of the 1% in keeping no tension on the rope.

The rich are concentrating wealth; taking 3/4s of the earnings in the economic recovery since 2009. The more the corporate economy grows, the more the affirmative action middle class working for corporations and government downsize the portion of national income 230 million citizens take. Presently 230 million Americans take just 15% of the national income. The majority needs at least 50% of the national income to have extra cash to spend to make the economy work for the U6 people underemployed, unemployed or defeated and dispirited in job hunting. The 230 million pay taxes to help their own numbers that government or the corporate world won't hire stay alive with food, phones and disability payment. Who really expects the long term unemployed to hitchhike around America broke to compete with illegal aliens for agriculture jobs in West Texas or California?

The government and corporations are increasingly the only two income sources in America. The middle class gets paychecks and credit from the 1%. The company store in effect owns America's affirmative action soul and is exploiting that to the hilt. Instead of trickle down prosperity from the rich middle class America gets the minimum necessary class wage and trillions of public debt so the rich can network up the world investing abroad. Illegal aliens by the tens of millions arrive from the south to cut down wage values of the poor and anyone that might think of working in agriculture or even corporate farms.

Consider the situation if no illegal aliens were available and no migrant farm workers were allowed in to the U.S.A. The cost of vegetables and fruit would increase with labor shortages and wages would rise for Americans willing to work in the hot sunshine all day. Fewer people would be unemployed. With the higher cost of food more Americans would plant their own gardens. One can grow enough food on half acre to feed a family of four all year. Because the affirmative action class wants two jobs per family and more money, they like to hire illegal alien maids for work around the house and cheap laborers. Without illegal aliens or foreign servants more Americans would be hired to tend a productive home garden, paint a house or clean up the kitchen, living room and bath. Better mechanization would develop of corporate farms and more mechanics would be hired in addition to operators.

The affirmative action middle class somehow needs to focus on the relationship to the rich that they have and not be spineless jellyfish yes-men signing off on politics that outsource jobs, kill labor unions, destroy the world's ecospheric health, undermine U.S. citizenship's value, U.S. legal meaning and supports a global mercenary policy of intervention without meaningfully developing alternative energy infrastructure at home and abroad.

Liberals of the former era put the affirmative action class into mainstream economic America. That Main Street economy was transformed after the end of the cold war, and after the white male middle class was bumped out of its single-minded rope pull balance with the rich by the affirmative action class. The rich buying politicians and deregulation made corporate capitalism a global religion that all are permitted to worship at franchise stores in every town, village and point in between. President Obama twice extended Bush II era tax cuts making them permanent and exemplified the slave mentality useful for keeping the majority in bondage to an extreme minority.

Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to raise the tax rate on the most rich to 100% but had to settle for just 90%. Until the Reagan administration the rate was still 70% and the economy was balanced even with the vast cost of the cold war and a policy of perennial government infrastructure and social spending. TO rectify the present American economic doldrums would require redistributing the broadcast media airwaves to citizens so the people have an equal voice on political development opinions with the rich. It would require an accentuation of limited size corporations with fewer than 5000 employees over vast global ones in order to stimulate local hire. It would benefit from an ecological sustainability ethic practically applied to any government business loans or support. It would require a higher tax progressive tax rate and a determination to let the wealth flee abroad as a negotiating tactic the 1% would lever to prevent a tax increase.

The public debt is increasingly a problem for the middle class and poor because of the chicanery of international corporate financing. Wall Street is a different economy than that of Main Street and the global franchise store is a fifth column extracting American dollars the corporate economy issues to its ensnared middle class. Yet nothing is likely to change as the world moves to ecospheric decay. The President certainly hasn't the will to do anything more than advance homosexuality transforming the middle class into the Lewinsky class for the 1%.



Obamanomic Downsizing of the American Majority

A majority of Americans, about 230 million, take home just 15% of the income of the U.S.A. The top 20% take 85% of the income and the ultra-rich take 3/4s of income growth. In other words a growing economy primarily benefits an oligarchy and counter-cyclically degrades the political effectiveness of democracy.  As the economy recovers and expands the poor and middle class become politically and economically poorer. The top .01% for-themselves take ten percent of the income in the U.S.A. today. As global economies rise and consume more non-sustainable economic product the cost to U.S. consumers may well rise.

The capital gains rate is just 15%. The ultra rich only pay only about 20% income tax. With Wall Street and bank networking raking in profits everywhere-since the 2009 recovery began the rich have taken in 90% of the wealth. Outsourcing of jobs continues with better investment opportunities abroad for the international class of the ultra-rich. Obama economic planning does little or nothing to address economic reality. The President's Harvard-Wall Street advising crew seems to have him dancing and golfing on strings.

It is the majority with just 15% of national income that will pay proportionally more for Obamacare because of the increasingly regressive tax structure. If illegal aliens were made legal they would just be added to the majority dividing up just 15% of the national income. New citizens in the impoverished majority would require government assistance from that themselves in new schools, policing, training and social welfare payments. There seems to be a financial firewall between the rich and the majority such that federal legislation gets increasingly financed and/or programs cut from within the 15% tax base income portion. Maybe the 15% portion of national income consumed by the majority can be viewed as a distasteful allowance the ultra-rich must concede in order to keep the majority compliant with their program though it would of course be better consumed by the ultra-rich 1400 billionaires of the world and their lackey millionaire juniors.

Democrat politicians may argue that increasing the tax base with new citizens will help pay for the social welfare system, yet the only way to actually increase the tax base is to tax those with the money and that isn't illegal aliens or youth. President Obama twice was the cheerleader against ending Bush II tax cuts. The ultra-rich couldn't have a better lawyer-actor front man to occupy the time of the somnolent masses satisfied with a non-financial political agenda the ultra-rich tolerate.

Those with the money are the 1% global corporatists. As the demographic numbers of the poor and middle class increase their incomes remain the same or stagnate. Government just redistributes middle class and poor income to new members of the middle class or poor.

The demographic theory of increasing the insurance pool to pay health costs with young people required to buy insurance will just take more from the majority with only 15% of national income and redistribute earnings to the ultra-rich. A substantial tax increase on the rich is the only way to move outside the small income cluster of the majority and move into the preponderant, dominating income cluster of the teeny tiny minority with the money/

The majority are sold a bill of political goods concerning the majority's 15% of U.S. income while the vast pile of concentrating wealth income of the 1% and the.01% are regarded as sacred ground in the Church of Adam Smith's Libertarian Deregulated Capitalism. Owning the broadcast media helps control public opinion in favor of the lobbyists working for the rich like the politicians except for Bernie Sanders who unfortunately is a socialist instead of a reform of capitalism through downsizing.

Democracy requires egalitarianism of income distribution because money loosely converts to political power. It can be expressed in terms of Einstein's famous formula of E=MC2. Transformed to explain political economy it reads P=MLA2 (political power equals money times lobbying and advertising squared).

It is necessary to reform capitalism and free enterprise in the United States today to keep it at a pragmatic human scale rather than in inhuman, abstract, Satanic globalism of oligarchs. Plutocracy even if perpetrated by benevolent oligarchs develops the same inhuman characteristics as communism in nullifying the opportunity for individual free political expression and free enterprise although through different means of suppression.

It would be good to create an ecological economic shadow infrastructure in the U.S.A. through federal leadership that would favor local development of ecospherically sustainable jobs. The national ecospheric business infrastructure would be regulated by the state but not owned by the state. Businesses compliant with sustainability and employee number caps (fewer than 5000 workers) would receive tax breaks and be eligible for available contracts from the state. No American should be allowed to own stock in more than three corporations.

While business is global and taxes are avoided by Plutocrats leaving the vast majority of American income under taxed and over-concentrated national debt builds up. The President can talk about education for youth and spending on select obsolete physical infrastructure renewal all he wants as a way to create jobs for the middle class, yet he is appears to be entirely wrong about the prospects for the middle class.

If tax rates on the rich and capital gains tax rates were progressive, if the Bush II era tax cuts had been allowed to expire the U.S. economy might have had a chance to improve. Cutting federal spending and improving existing federal programs if not entirely reforming them to syntigrate more effectively in the economy were good objectives for the first and second Obama administration terms too, and neither was attempted.

National income should be such that the majority of the people take at least 50%.  Government policy should set that number as a prime directive. Money equals power. Democracy is about majority power. The majority should take the majority of income to conserve the majority of political power.

Income should be produced through sustainable ecospheric means. Maybe a full-employment economy can provide enough of a natural social welfare to negate the need for excessive government welfare. 

The transition to a high-income sustainable ecospheric base for the national majority can serve as an example for other nations. America should be a laboratory of democracy successfully adapting to the challenges put by the existential, and phenomenal physical and social environment.

Freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of speech and free enterprise are necessary, vital elements of a healthy democratic society able to adapt to heterodox challenges of empirical existence. Democracy is about necessary regulation that benefits equally well the majority of the citizens of a nation. The golden mean of deregulation is selected to conserve the real individual interests of the majority within then meta-regulations of democratic governance.

Taxing the economic extreme corrupting democracy by concentrating wealth in the .01% may drive globalists farther offshore, perhaps to the moon, yet it would help restore a democratic health to the U.S.A. and pay off national public debt. A basic plan for ecospheric economic syntigration should be ready to phase in as rich globalists paying low taxes find foreign fruits more to their liking than a democratic social environment. Economic liberty and economic justice for all does not come cheap.  An ecological economy of full employment could gradually phases in as plutocracy fades out if people are educated well enough to become pragmatic business activists.

A healthy democracy with limited size corporations and full employment within a sustainable ecosphere that supports individual free thought and free enterprise is a better direction to trod than an anarchic oligarchy of Plutonomy oppressing individual development using a soft networking corporate power to snuff out meaningful democratic dissent.

On The Existential Analysis of Jean Paul Sartre

The philosopher Jean Paul Sartre developed a method called existential analysis derived from Freud's innovative psychoanalysis. Existential analysis is probably under-utilized today. I read about it in his book written during the Second World War 'being and Nothingness'. I haven't read anything about it elsewhere.

Existential analysis can be used at several levels. It can be applied to collective social behavior such as government or plutocratic finance de facto nation formation with exclusive franchise or just individual psychology. Existential analysts should be part of U.S. Government V.A. counseling opportunity as well as for soldiers on active duty. Existential counseling could be of value to the population generally as a way to consider pomp, circumstance and phenomenality of being-for-itself as a thing-in-itself as if it were a mirage selected from an infinite realm of possibly better social mirages. For a democracy the population should take control of its own destiny and raise taxes on an oppressive minority concentrating wealth. Media archetypes programming collective unconsciousness would work against that suggesting the dreamers acquiesce in political economic myths. Existential analysis might consider objectively deeper structures an individual experiences that affect his or her subjective psychology.

Freud's analysis of repressed childhood memories is obviously a limited approach to solving adult psychological issues. Some or much adult behavior is the result of adult trauma, the Iraq war for example, instead of early childhood experience. Existential analysis might work better than a pharmacopoeia approach or even a Christian counseling approach to select psychological adjustment problems in secular reality. So what is existential analysis and what sort of things would it address?

Consider the military veteran traumatized by events in Iraq. A very hot dry place itself with a populace traumatized by shock and awe hyper detonations, heavy initial war casualties in bunkers bombed by B-52's, decades of state police terrorism, the anomie of a destroyed government followed by sectarian strife, economic privations, terrorism and foreign occupation with global mercenary contractors, the American soldier encounters a place with lower value of human life de facto, sustained disillusionment about the role of the U.S. Government and foreign policy implementation, meaning and value of life for-oneself and for-others and experiences first-hand sustained immanent death stresses, encounters with casualties and hate from some, duplicity and exploitation from others. Existential analysis might examine and reveal these things, while pharmacopoeia, Christian and Psychoanalysis might not.

Existential analysis might consider the objective experiences that stimulated adverse behavioral response for an individual. In The Critique of Dialectical Reason, Sartre's other major philosophical work, the social environment built up collectively from individual existential experience is described, analyzed and effectively encapsulated well enough even at a political level that it can serve as a procedural example of existential analysis even if not a complete repertoire of existential analysis.

It is possible to consider childhood experience as a character formation phenomenon that effects the responses of a soldier to war, trauma and recovery, yet the adult existential content is what needs analysis for the individual is not simply a machine that ought to have processed any trauma flawlessly except for manufacturer or assembly errors of youth. Existential analysis would consider objectively myths of political correctness as well as archetypes of the collective unconscious; it would develop an intellectual cache for the individual's mind allowing detached examination of subjective behavior and response to external, existential experience and memory.

Existential analysis might exploit some pharmaceutical tools when helpful, yet treating the actual existential history of an individual analytically so the individual objectively considers memory and reality as an existential phenomenality he can determine his or her own response to is requisite for restoration of individual determinism in the pursuit of happiness.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...