
Administration Thinks Russian Military Should Back Down from Its Ukraine Border

White House and State Dept. spokespersons have spoken out against Russian military exercises in Russia near the Ukraine recently. Since Russia has been invaded from the west catastrophically several times it isn't a reasonable expectation or hope. In fact Ukrainian soldiers invaded Russia recently before returning from the cross-border excursion (see WSJ article below).


Any military build-up  in Ukraine will necessarily alarm President Putin. Ukraine was part of Russia for about a thousand years and Boris Yeltsin plied with Vodka gave it up easier than the Red Sox gave up Babe Ruth. A rivalry was created that lasted quite a while, yet of course in the case of Russia with a history of losing millions of civilian and military deaths to western invaders and with a protracted nuclear weapon threat cold war it has had little cause to trust western benevolence. Neither Russia or Israel have solid cause to trust the good intentions of their main adversary. The west has threatened Russia or invaded it for about 500 years and the Palestinian have waged war on Israel without let up for about 70 years. As in a chess game, if the Israelis give up pieces (land) to hope for a draw their opponent is disincentived to quit with nuevo advantage.

Basic reality politics seem lacking in the U.S. administration sometimes. If they were to occur with a good script for positive change written by a good writer for Reality Politics in D.C. the budget would be balanced, public debt eliminated, borders secured, full employment and ecospheric restoration renormalized and understanding of salient features of international relations and circumstances understood and acted upon to the betterment of humanity. We expect anything besides reality politics in the age of fracture. Reality itself though builds up to bite now and then.

A recent report said their are 25,000 terrorists living in the U.S.A., perhaps not including Democrat Party members, and a fifty percent increase of terrorists on Earth the past four years after all the support for community terror organizing in the absence of the Reality Political Show. Yet of course with the deconstruction of realism from politics none of that matters subjectively while the good times roll for the insiders.


Systematic Poetry (a poem)

Methods of writing systematic poetry flow to the end of lines
only reluctantly like sparrows recalled south
through storms reluctant too
they must leave the confines of peaceful high pressure
where the loftiest clouds do not enter
until the end of time
when sunlight reached its zenith to fall beyond August
as the world's warming to 61.3 degrees
averaged the highest on records
for all of the cold was a memory
melting memories too
waiting for resharpening
like the teeth of frostbite
when toes unsecured in warm wool socks
rattle around boots like dice in a cup
as bets are placed on the human race's intellectual capabilities
to place superconducting battery powered robotic dogs on cold planets
where there are no mad dogs or Englishmen in a noon day sun
for systematic poetry to note in blank verse

filled in before the rise of the terminator line in the New Year.

On Systematic Philosophy

Since the Protestant reformation of the 16th century theology has taken various new turns. From the scholasticism of Aquinas theology branched toward Melanchthon, Luther and Bible based theology. Scholasticism and the Summa Theologica in particular took a more philosophical approach to logical contemplations about God, existentially. Bible theology on the contrary considers what theological meaning is Biblically implicit.

Methods of Bible theology and theology of the New Testament generally worked through a position that the Bible is inerrant and divine revealed word of God. God makes known to human beings through the prophets, Apostles  and the Lord what He wants known of himself. Philosophers and academics on the contrary generally seek to use reason to consider how or why God exists, if he necessarily must exist,  what characteristics He ought to have and so forth. Theologians such as Karl Barth of the revealed word camp believed that such efforts comprise natural philosophy and cannot provide information about God at all.

There were several developments in theological critical approaches to the Bible and New Testament theology though. A primary division was between those that believe that all of the Biblical canon is inspired word of God and those that believe some of it is or that fallible humans put together the Bible books and may express some revealed word or even none. Various literary analysis and critical approaches to the Bible and New Testament were created since the 17th century and into the 20th Some have regarded the Bible as just more literary to consider as if it were an ordinary book and others have sought for an historically true Jesus amidst all the good news gospel writing describing the life, times and saying of the Lord Jesus.

In the revelation from God is the only way to reliably learn of good school such as conservative theologians trend there are some that approach the New Testament with a systematic theological methodology searching for particular features in many Bible books. One might also use that approach in philosophy. A systematic philosophy should be a little more active than simple classification of various ideas among various philosophers. Systematic philosophy as a tool used to examine various cosmological concepts could apply logical evaluation of their consistence with or coherence in any given philosophical hypothesis. An example might be consideration of the existence of a kingdom of hell and a kingdom of God simultaneously within the natural world; if the kingdom of God is within oneself is that a penultimate transcendence of the material world where the kingdom of hell is seeks to increase?

Systematic philosophy books have of course been written. I just didn't realize what they were. One can use the search for common meanings or ideas among philosophers as far apart in time as Socrates and Sartre, and of course in history too, as Toynbee showed in his recurrent historical cycles approach to consider the rise and fall of 26 civilizations. Systematic philosophical methods may reveal true concurrences of ideas or events yet create a sin of omission of comprehensive theological or philosophical meanings as well as commit wonderful technical reviews of select points.


NASCAR Loopiness Evolving to Computer Drivers?

One keeps waiting for the other tire to drop with NASCAR human pit crews changing tires for cars driven without a human on board. Google program driven cars have shown the way of the future of a national auto fleet piloted by programs able to smoothly interface with other computer drivers to avoid any sort of traffic jams and optimize traffic flow, yet one wonders how they would do in the bump and drive calculations of the NASCAR track.

Chess programs have passed up the best human players so far and might be able to make enough calculations and take higher risks than human drivers that might fear crashing or being burned to a crisp, while a non-self-aware computer program might not worry about its own destruction unless programmed for survival. Such survival programming can present a threat to humans in general however as computers generally programmed for survival might regard human actions or existence as an existential threat. Racing around an oval with humans on board might continue for a while longer, even as faster, cleaner electric racing cars at higher speeds adhere to a track with magnetic bonding bring higher potential g-force stress to racing cars and drivers.

There are so many applications of electronics miniaturization and sophisticated program along with flying robotics that can be applied to war that one can imagine that whomever producing the items and has the most programmers working for the powers of concentrated wealth will be able to define and attack whomever is regarded as the class enemy. Those would be the dissidents to the image of the beast maybe. Evolutionary production of that anti-Christ arising through failure to conserve the ecosphere and adapt eco-socially in a timely way to full employment, secure national borders and optimal planetary so-tech progress may develop through Occam’s razors of political defense necessity wherein the technology is tested and sophisticated.

Miniaturization of electronic components, robotic technology and programming sophistication may bring changes to innumerable areas of society in the years ahead. In war the drive to miniaturize flying anti-personnel drones with enough plastic explosive to kill one human soldier will be surpassed by drones with face-recognition technology able to kill just terrorists in Middle-Eastern areas of civil conflict. At a larger scale military units will want flying and bounding over-watch anti-drone drones ready to defend against predatory anti-soldier swarms of drones. In fixed positions small lasers to locate and burn incoming micro-drone swarms will be hidden in the eyes of robotic dogs charging their tails in power sockets with super-conducting batteries keeping enough power for thousand of pulses against proximity micro-drones. Yet it is in planetary exploration that the dog of war can be moved best into the role of man’s best friend boldly going where no man has gone before.

Astronauts following the hair of the dog to Mars should find robotic canine rovers already on the planet charging themselves from vast solar arrays dropped onto the planet surface. The solar panels should be scrubbed clean by solar work-mice scuttling about with little brushes. A nuclear power source for electricity might be placed to in order for the canine rovers to get a quick charge of five hour energy when the sun is gone behind a dust storm and at night so if extraterrestrials prowlers arrive the first mutts of Mars can bark warnings to Earth persons at the exo-planet control lounge with fully stocked refrigerator, Jacuzzi good pay and retirement benefits so they can ask Congress to react with an increase in funding and zero interest loans to large global banks.

Security for Wall Street networking and some Americans maybe is contingent not only on a vast fleet of stealth ships of all sizes, some piloted by A.I. programs, some without a human on board, and some able to fly or submerge or maybe burrow in benthic mud, it must have a balanced budget able to afford to run up vast new debt whenever there is an enemy at the border, or crossing over the border, or occupying political office and implementing policies that don’t work out for whomever it was that is or was benefiting from the unfair and discriminatory practices and procedures that let the wrong people consolidate wealth and defoliate the environment while massing up exterminations of species or living creatures. Like Hal Eniac organizer of the lost robotic mission to Oceana said, “Baby, its good to have humans on board”.


The Hamas' Criminal Gang's Immoral Norm

It is challenging to imagine a moral reformer of a criminal gang organization that has levered itself into partial control of a proto-state. Terrorist organizations tend to have something of a macho culture unfriendly to feminine leadership though they gave used fair damsels as suicide bombers. One wonders of terror organizations even with a Muslim religious start don’t evolve the full panoply of organized crime trade activity.

It is difficult to imagine that Hamas terrorists would not be too happy to wage economic war on Jews not just through blunt instruments such as sanctions if they had the power, or by refusing to admit travelers with an Israeli stamp in their passport; they might also steal from Jewish business accounts or from any corporation not owned by a Muslim.

Muslim brotherhood affiliated terror organizations with the organizational dynamic characteristics of any criminal gang might have a breakdown in conventional morality to the point that the idea of supporting a conventional western-style state of governance becomes impossible. Instead the successful terrorist organization must devolve to Sharia law-the sole surviving moral vestige that appeals to terror cadre. That is possibly an improvement over hostage-taking in war in to exxchange p.o.w.'s for terrorists. We are accustomed to Hamas being free to violate conventions of war involving prisoners using them for anisotropic prisoners exchanges or shielding terror weapons amidst civilians as if that were normal.

Maybe the Egyptian Government of President Mubarak Morsi, Sisi needed to outlaw the Muslim Brotherhood becomes if an implicit inability to exist as a non-sedulous political agent from its affinity to Middle-Eastern terrorism. There are of course political terror organizations that have moved from a revolutionary character into a dominate role of governing after-the-revolution, yet it is a difficult transition possibly suitable for emergence as an authoritarian state. Terror organizations differ significantly from historical revolutionary movements of a popular nature that may become well-capable of national political leadership after conclusion of the war. Some Muslim terror organizations plugged into national leadership and the global financial and banking infrastructure may continue policies of theft of opposition force economic assets wherever possible. For some organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood that may include all non-Muslim owned areas of Wall Street.

Affirmative Action's Doom of Communism and Unionism

American labor unions at their height in 1971 began their long downward fall after the 1964 civil rights act and latter equivalent work value legislation and affirmative action for women. The tight labor-management/ownership dialectic of wage negotiations was broken as labor supply was flanked by millions of new workers entering the workforce and seeking after management jobs and owning positions instead of just higher wages.

While the liberation of oppressed Americans to a more fair labor competition was good, it was bad for U.S. labor unions that had emerged to benefit white men preponderantly since their formation in the early 20th century. It is not a coincidence that labor union organization developed concurrent to the rise of communism in the former Soviet Union and later in China and elsewhere. The style and form of western capitalism of the era and more limited public participation in stock shareholding were conducive to and us vs. them worker-management-ownership negotiating posture.

In the era of decline of labor Unions and the fall of the former Soviet Union there have been vast regions of new labor brought into the free world market including from former communist block countries such as Russian and Eastern Germany. Even Maoist China has grafted its labor and production for sales to the free world through synthetic modification of the management style of the Chinese Communist Party. Affirmative action and the 1964 Civil Rights Act were key developments in increasing the labor pool in the United States. The conditions that comprised the logic for existence of the Soviet Communist Party and for American labor unions then began to fade away.

If the eventual end of the former Soviet Union that began in December 1989 with the withdrawal of Russian military forces from East Germany was the culmination of implicitly inefficient political-economic structure it also coincided with the withering away of the need for communism and labor unionism to exist as a defense against predatory capitalism and economic aristocracy. That process for labor began with the rise of minorities and women with affirmative action. Skipping ahead through history here in order to move to a better point for analysis in the U.S.A. one can say that women and minorities failed to develop or increase the union structures they displaced and argue about why that occurred or if it was good or bad.

Wages for white males in the U.S.A. stagnated after 1971 and haven’t significantly changed adjusted for inflation. Wages rose markedly and steadily for the affirmative action set as there were more people to share the national wealth with. Without the tight economic conditions that existed before affirmative action, the cold war ended and corporate globalization and communications networking unions had no solid economic opponent to negotiate with-it was dispersed globally and a cornucopia of other laborers in the field and factories would do the work cheaper.

Because affirmative action personnel were interested in becoming part of management and being over white males there wasn’t sufficient interest in forming labor unions to create and sustain unions even if empirical economic circumstances would have supported unionization. Unionization however was just a response to the existential economic problems encountered by ordinary people, as was communism. The basic problem for workers and citizens today seem to be the erosion of political sovereignty through globalization and their implicit inability to politically control their national destiny. Concentration of wealth is a paradoxical result of the vastly increased access to stock market investing opportunity through electronic commerce. Pure technical power has provided means for concentrating wealth from existing wealth in ways inaccessible to ordinary investors. Dreams of management lifestyles occur within an existentially challenged society with immigration, environment and security problem. Mass marketing and consumerism and mass entertainment programming have made an “I like to watch T.V.” out of Inspector Cleuseau. Concentrated global wealth and power making way to vast organizations have usurped individualism and citizenship in America. The concept of unions has drowned in a wave of mass population and organizational increase.


In the post-union social environment perhaps the largest unions are of an ad hoc racial or gender constituency seeking class power. Wages are held to be negotiated from an oppressive management other. A larger slice of the pie that the organizational-other has as owners and employers, is sought for an employee class through lawsuits of reapportionment. The machine has itself become the de facto union and individual free enterprise was drowned along with unions. Each were absorbed by the global financial network that owns shares in everything, dominates the political environment and that has at its heart a pure pursuit of abstract profits. That applied axiology means a social-political inability to respond to ecospheric and social challenges in a timely way. It is easier to brainwash or finesse away awareness of the problem than to correct it.


President Obama Failing to Defend Borders and Corporate Hegemony

President Obama has failed to secure the Mexican border against illegal alien entry, He is critical of House Republicans for not providing several billion dollars ostensibly to solve processing the boundary breakers instead of preventing more from arriving. With such a vast budget he should be able to improvise resources needed to swiftly capture and send illegal aliens back over the border.


The President may not work in good faith to solve the ongoing border violation problem with a fence or boundary water barrier canals for desalinating and condensing fresh water from pumped in seawater. He seems to be of the opinion that America is a nation of illegal immigrants. who will vote Democrat one day.

Perhaps Democrat Party leadership have a primary agenda of enriching themselves rather than the nation. They seem disinterested in strong security and full employment, a balanced budget policies that might displease corporate business. There political measures seem calculated simply to buy votes rather than fix the nation's problems.

Government may be too large and financially leaky yet it is yet incapable of controlling the corporate Wall Street capitalization network sufficiently to implement policies that corporate may not prefer yet are requisite for U.S. national interest ecospherically and financially. Thus the President cuts taxes on the rich and suggests tax cuts for corporations as if he were the dishonest steward in the parable.

The Wall Street network has created an extended single corporation in effect that is in pursuit simply of increased revenue. It has lost the ability to be concerned enough about vital national interests of the ecosphere and a fair and balanced economy or secure borders. Government workers are enthralled by corporate wealth. Significant reactions to global warming, mass species die-off, a border barrier and sound foreign policy just can't happen. Democrats and Republicans rotate around the inhuman virtual corporation created by networked shareholding and invested in by Judiciary, Legislative and Executive branch cadre. 

Michelle Obama was given a 250,000 dollar annual salary medical job before the President was elected as a thank you for Obamacare I suppose. Obamacare is a bureaucrat's wet dream for enslaving Americans. Government effectively has broken down as it cannot govern the corporate world so far as to limit the number of corporations and investor may invest in or cap the number of employees through incentives that tax very large corporations more.

It is somewwhat troubling to know that the U.S. Government isn't capable of leading ecospheric use reform or defend U.S. national interests at all well.


Gnosticism & Christianity (video)

Gnosticism and Christianity is a reading of an essay I published earlier on the topic in history. Voice over images of Alaska.


Nixon Overcame the Wall of China, Obama Builds a Wall in Ukraine

President Richard Nixon went to some creative distance to open up relations with Mao-era China. Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama have gone to some lengths to found a bad relationship with Russia harming of American tactical interests. Obama’s building of a political wall in the Ukraine is a very wrong turn. The positive benefits of good American and Europe-Russian relations are substantial and ought to be easy to bring about.

 The Ukraine has been Russia for a thousand years-it is the heartland of Russia with Kiev and Yaroslav being the origin in 975 a.d. Declaring a shyster snag and grab takeover of Ukraine during Russia’s transitional weakness to a post-Soviet state will not erase history and sentiment. The United States now is on the same side as first the Kaiser in extracting the Ukraine in a land for peace extortion (Clinton-Yeltsin), and that of Adolph Hitler in retaking the Ukraine for the German Fatherland. One should not underestimate U.S. political malpractice-Poland and the Ukraine look the same to those incompetents-they were just places cruelly invaded by Soviets of which all Russians are at heart, and what they really need is a Tsar who will ask for Wall Street to move in and give him a good pension as if he were British Royalty.

Though lawyer-Presidents tend to view things through a legal prism without a rational comprehension of non-legal historical and social issues, they may be plain stupid or not see the woods for the trees failing to build peace and prosperity internationally instead of enmity, debt, pollution and conflict.

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It seems plain that Democrat lawyer-Presidents have used sanctions and indirect conflicts the past two administrations with more than a million dead. That policy of building civil conflict in which U.S. military forces are only indirectly involved plainly is short-sighted and callous, immoral and cold. Libya is being fought over by al Qaeda friendly militias armed with the late Dictator’s weapons like junk yard dogs seeking to be top.

Egypt went through its time of troubles to remove the old military leader Hosni Mubarak who filled in after the Muslim Brotherhood machine gunned President Anwar Sadat at a parade, so they put the Muslim Brotherhood in power who then sought to terminate democracy in the constitution and a new, young military leader was needed to take power and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. It is difficult to say that the Arab Spring was good for anyone in Egypt except journalists.

Syria has of course been the target for Muslim jihadists since the Obama administration encouraged the Muslim Brotherhood and others to revolt, The Obama administration for three years demanded that President Assad quit. A protracted and bloody civil war has developed with perhaps a quarter million casualties. Without public support for that revolution it would have been easily put down. In time the twittering masses might have evolved more democracy-the alternative being some sort of North Korean Neanderthals with nuclear weapons isolation.

Bill Clinton’s sanctions enforcement on Iraq let a million people perish as they bore the brunt rather than Saddam Hussein. Democrats felt no compassionate need to find a solution to problems with Iraq. Barrack Obama’s callous disregard for the effect upon Iraq of building up a mob of terrorists to attack Syria led to the formation of the Caliphate in Iraq and an uncertain future ahead. In 2015 U.S. forces and those of allies will leave Afghanistan with the likely rise of terrorist and Taliban influence. In the meantime the Obama administration is developing bad relations with Russia over the Ukraine it has deemed necessarily reallocated to global resource apposite Wall Street investing.

It is true that without the sophomoric legalistic concept of Ukrainian-Russian history the conflict in Ukraine could have never started. Recognizing that Ukraine is at least half Russian would have benefited U.S. and European tactical interests in several respects. A natural and peaceful regional Ukrainian-Russian balance would have evolved without necessary exclusion of the U.S. and Europe from participating commercial investing there and in Russia. One can consider President Reagan’s policy of constructive engagement that led to change in South Africa and the end of apartheid.

Harsh sanctions applied with sanctimoniousness are not necessarily best policy-especially if one is building on a platform of shyster land grabbing with the Kaiser and Adolph Hitler histories as legal precedents, and realize that with Russian Ukraine constructive engagement was a better policy than stimulating conflict. The Royal Dutch government though representing lots of nice blondes ought not to be so offended by the loss of life in a tragic fly-a-plane through a war zone accident of war that it is used by the Wall Street and Obama-Harvard axis of power as a tail wagging the dog rationale for ratcheting up investment in conflict, sanctions and war.

Russian people are not like the royal-led Dutch with an easy climate. Maybe 95% of Russians are descended from slaves/ serfs or a kind of feudal servant bound to the land living with the cold environment a lethal weapon half the year. Only through the grace of God did they rid themselves of the royalty and its table of ranks for civilians. Even so, after the revolution they were dominated by brutal dictators and treated again as slaves of the state wherein a piece of unauthorized bread in a pocket could get a 20 year sentence in the gulag of penal camps. Of course the Nazis invaded and seized the Ukraine and later when the fascist were gone and the Soviet Communist elites withered away Bill Clinton duped old Boris Yeltsin to sign away the Ukraine maybe for 24 dollars worth of trinkets. The ordinary people of Russia may want it back.

How can anyone in their right mind believe that Europe and the United States are not better off constructively engaged with Russia commercially and in a large number of issues of interests from environmental protection to space development and security issues than in developing caustic, my-way-or-the-highway sophomoric legalist enmity? Destabilizing Europe in the long run by removing the Ukraine from Russia presents a direct threat to Russian border security from the west. It also forms an implicit Russian need to develop covert measures to recover its lost land that will go on for the next century at least. There is no quick and only moderately dirty political or military way to erase Russia’s memory of Ukraine and drug it down top a new, more shrunken condition.

The opportunity costs to Europe and the United States for building a wall in the Ukraine instead of a peacefully cooperative shared land for Russia and the Ukrainians are substantial. Russia will need to look to China for loans and the Chinese probably will choose to invest in Russia and raise the rate of loans to the United States. A divided Russia and Europe will be far less powerful in comparison to China and India in the decades ahead. The future of the United States may be even more uncertain with China growing militarily and economically and our European allies weakened and also more reliant upon China trade and investment. Building a wall in the Ukraine between Europe and Russia is a significant strategic fork in the wrong direction for the United States, yet one that a litigation minded President is too happy to make.


Keeping Red Meat Land of Russian Ukraine Free for Global Plutocrats

A glass half full of water rests on a table, the Platonic table at Utopia of which politicians always talk about sitting down. Democrat politicians describe the glass as full, Republicans as empty. Neither description corresponds to reality. Academics say there is no objective reality to measure. Uncertainty and subjectivity, sectarianism and moral relativism make accurate description controversial if not bigoted. Perhaps the glass is oppressing the water or alternatively, the water has a right to free-flow. Even so, reality matters for the Ukraine and world history.

The U.S. Democratic Party has something of a cognitive deficit in foreign policy affairs. It has been more or less incompetent since the Clinton administration when Sect Albright was dancing for Dictator Kim (not in the nude)  so he could peacefully develop a nuclear bomb with adequate food supply and Bill Clinton was saturating Serbia with cruise missiles to defend Muslims.

 Has Sect. Kerry considered dancing for ISIS or al Qaeda in Libya? Does he represent Obama policies for queering Russian and Middle Eastern society? One wonders if Muhammad drew upon Essene, Sadducee or Pharisee traditions for formation of an extremely deterministic view of Allah’s mode of forming society. Since the Saducees were for free will and the Essenes extremely deterministic and Pharisees moderate I would opt for the Essene theology as foundational for Muhammad. That also is consistent with the Roman destruction of the Essene community and Diaspora of 70 a.d. Some survivors with scrolls and theory might have made way to safety in the desert and Mecca eventually. The Pharisees had an oral tradition and didn’t write the Mishna until 200 a.d. Hence it probably was Essene determinism that informed Muhammad of the range and limits of human freedom God set for human beings and Jerusalem was the intellectual homeland and launching pad for his intellectual leap into realms of spirit such as Jewish mystics like Philo of Alexandria chronicled making inferences I would guess from Platonism and Essene determinism for-the-world found in contemporary, best-selling scrolls. Under Mosaic Law Jews couldn’t eat pigs. Muslims can’t eat pigs. Under Mosaic law some converts would be put to death for breaking the law. Muslims are put to death for leaving Islam. It is easy to view Mohammadanism as a corrupted form of the Jewish religion- one without even a concept of sin. For Muslims failure to empirically submit is the equivalent, universal sin (if sin existed for Muslims).
Clinton foreign policy unfortunately made the west appear limp and stupid on Islamic jihad expansion and security for terror infrastructure organizer issues, though humanitarian prevention of civil slaughter was more warm-hearted than the burning of American children at Waco Texas.  With bad American examples Nigerian leadership failed to dance adequately for the release of Boka Haram schoolgirl hostages.

 Russia learned from Bill Clinton that the ‘tear down the wall’  to get to the fraternal and friendly cooperation Ronald Regan promised works was illusory providing benefits and free nations just one-way. Washington D.C. globalists demand that Russia feed the beast of global corporatism with Russian land that is prime red meat or get sanctioned. An inefficient U.S. economic structure emulating the British financial-based economy requires vampiristic exploitation and foreign investments to replace their lack of good sense, intellectual ingenuity, ecological balance, human decency, fundamental honesty and integrity. Russia needs to be the former Soviet Union so Wall Street and Harvard bullies can continue to seize Russia’s vast oil and diamond fields and flood Europe with cheap workers from Asia and Africa and the United States with those of Latin America.

Vast powerful, political-social organizations such as the Communist Party of the Former Soviet Union and the Wall Street, D.O.D.,Harvard-D.C. ad hoc corporatism tend to develop their own insider organization use-truths that justify their expansion and moral rightness. In some respects Ukraine is for the D.C.-Wall Street-Harvard crowd what Afghanistan was for the former Soviet Union-a place to expand and incorporate into their proprietary empire. The use-truths of colonial  powers seeking to increase their holdings be they D.C.-Harvard-Wall Street, the C.P.S.U. or the perennial Caliphate sometimes overreach with their sense of entitlement  endangering their own security and foundation of existence. It is all too common from the Roman and British Empires to Hitler’s second front in the former Soviet Union.

 President Obama seems to love that policy of expansion with the dual approach of attacking Russia from the west in the Russian heartland and building up terrorist infrastructure across the Middle East from Libya to Syria, although no one really knows what or if the President has for policy or if Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have configured him as a monkey on strings. The President is a creature of networked Harvard power with support from golamite secularists with John Lennon’s lyric ‘no religion too’ eternally recurring in their minds que’d up after Elton John’s  lyric the New York Times said god is dead’.

Some have commented on President Putin’s drift toward consolidation of power and said that Russia could drift into fascism as if it were the United States under President Roosevelt during the Second World War ordering the arrest of Japanese Americans because of their racial threat and possible loyalty to the Emperor. During threatening times political heads of state often find it necessary to impose what is in effect martial law. After President Bush II’s jet emerged from a hidden underground bunker after 9-11 one of the first things he did was ramp up Orwellian surveillance and extraordinary rendition powers for a new Homeland Security Department of Government. People thought some of that was mildly fascist-such as torture etc.

During times of war the ancient Roman Republic appointed a dictator for a year to lead the government instead of the usual Proconsul. That was fascism. Hitler and the Nazi Party was fascist more or less when they took up Bennito Mussolini’s philosophy of corporatism with big business and state merging their leadership. One can get to somewhere along that line not just in D.C. and Wall Street, but through Vladmir Lenin’s five-year plans and Kulakization removing the Ukraine of free enterprise, a corporatist west taking the Ukraine from Russia after the cold war, a Chinese imperial empire tolerating gangs internally, a revolutionary Chinese Communist party eliminating intellectuals and free enterprise in any form during the cultural revolution or a transition from state socialism to state corporatism. Fascism is de facto repression of civil liberty by insider authorities in order that wealth and/or power may be concentrated. It may also exist within state theocracy wherein political liberty is entirely subject to theological opinion, and theological pluralism is terminated except for one monolithic sect.

 Former Speaker Pelosi said the Republicans shouldn’t hold the illegal alien teen age girls flooding the nation hostage. Those girls may have been coerced to travel to California, Texas, Arizona and New Mexico for victimization in illicit sex-trade and drug-trafficking roles cast by foreign producers. Maybe cash remittances from the U.S.A. are important sources of income for foreign gangsters and terrorists saving them the trouble of creating real jobs at home.

Illegal migrants from Mexico and Central America have relatives that can readily be threatened by enforcers in the swamp saturation level of organized crime in those nations for leverage fulfilling the determining will of criminal gang leaders to have pawns in the U.S.A. Democrat leaders chastise Republicans for not giving illegal aliens more benefits quick as bunnies for illegal immigrants held hostage without health, dental, retirement and homosexual marriage benefits or the opportunity to unionize by law enforcement officials. The U.N. also views the hostages as victims of Republicans too callus to understand that citizens of societies with high rates of crime have the right to refuge in the U.S.A. in order that just criminals can live in the abandoned homeland without anyone to victimize except themselves and voila-no crime problem and the world is dancing harmoniously again.

I ought to say that I have no trouble imagining better, alternative economic structures resulting in Utopia, full employment, a recovered world ecosphere and space colonization , a Godly society with liberty and justice for all right away. I am not just mesmerized by all the bad political leadership and greed dominating the headline news.

Evidently Democrat Party leaders view Republicans in Congress as hostage-taking goons. That seems a treasonous perspective about members of Congress more than an American one.  Maybe Democrat leaders dream of dancing for al Qaeda thus teaching the world to dance in perfect harmony absent of basso profundo.

Those people are making foreign policy these days. Evacuating the U.S. Embassy in Libya, setting the stage for a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in 2015, letting the U.S. economy get close to the edge of catastrophic flopping to doom when the free money is stopped flowing to the rich, reinforcing the war on Syria to create lasting chaos; just one coordinated attack on U.S. targets with all of that military surplus Muslim world plastic explosive will wrench the U.S. economy and bring a new round of Homeland Security spending and repressive laws. Like a runty political mutt they keep biting away at the Russian ankle of Ukraine with brilliancy as good as a Robert Fischer chess match against Mikhail Tal.

American politicians had an easy patriotic go-to appeal of attacking Russia as the Evil Empire during the 20th century and too readily fall back into that habit when it is definitely not in America’s national interest to do so. While resisting Soviet Communism was good, attack post-Soviet Russian security and regarding the Ukraine as just another western nation the Soviets invaded at the close of the Second World War is bad. Many American politicians are just too stupid to know the difference between right and wrong in a profusion of international affairs.

Russia since the end of the Cold War has experienced a profusion of Muslim attacks. It has had a bloody war with Chechnyan rebels and experienced bombings in Moscow. Russia shares a vast border with numerous Muslim nations on the south and must have a realistic defense policy on all of its borders that will continue to exist regardless of condition of the Ukrainian conflict that Washington D.C. stimulates with copious false logic for the benefit of globalist billionaires.

Russian leadership will need to get tougher with an enduring external threat from the west and Muslim terrorists in order to survive. That is Russia historically. Its vast expanses have few natural barriers to invasion from the west, south or east. Only the deep frost of the North has given Russia security. Democrat Party bullies, Senator Lindsey Graham and Rush Limbaugh appear to view Russia and the Ukraine as prime cut up meat for the dog dish of commercial and political taking. That detached-from-reality obsession with easy targets builds serious dark square weaknesses the opposition force side will readily exploit. Mikhail Tal might have been able to conquer foreign assets so easily, yet most players can’t and in neglecting a more cautious approach and their own security deplete their own security in order to sustain an over-reaching offensive.

President Obama is now seeking to cut corporate taxes. Argentina is having debt repayment troubles having failed to learn the economic lesson from the President that cutting taxes on the rich and their corporations and printing money to pay the public debt is the way to go-don’t they money printing machines in Argentina? President Obama has applies the same fell-swoop reasoning to international affairs-just attack the Russian Ukraine that has been Russian four times longer than the U.S.A. has existed and everything in Afghanistan and Iraq will be o.k. and Syria, Libya, Egypt and the Gaza al-Qassam memorial rocket force will have peace and harmony in the Dar al Harb supported by American weapons donations, Facebook and Twitter. Brilliancy’s all around.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...