

I had thought of going to church Sunday. Yet there are not any Priesthood of Believers churches franchised yet so I wrote this slowly with a broke keyboard. . . Nothing about Erastian errors or the unsaved left on base.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently published a manifesto describing how Fbook can be a neo–governing political facilitator evolving new world order. Hegel thought the German state the highest stage of the world spirit realizing itself in history. Mr. Zuckerberg apparently believes its Facebook. Democratic nationalism is based on land and secure borders– a gold standard vs floating currency globalism.

More people than Mr. Zuckerberg may field websites as evolved, sophisticated new format news–packing–stuffing world governments. Domain name bidding may drive prices sky high (i.e. True Sedition, Carefree Government, Acme Government, Best Government, N. W. O. 2, Zipperflipper). Maybe will China start a clone site sharing advertising cash proplits with users.

A hypothetical CEO of a startup– Facetwits2 seems like a good name for a social networking site to organize a level 4 Multiverse (presence of mind traveling through universe permutations with branching).

Planet peoples get their own user ID and user page universe. I shall make a covenant with my users so they may form secret groups and nobody else shall know what goes on – except me. I shall give news feeds that nurture users in the way of Oz.

Oz shall be held harmless and all revenue streams from Facetwits2 shall flow to moi as long as rivers run untaxed. I may give billions away and have no tax liability decades. Everyones a winner.

Toynbee would have considered me just an Oz man making way to ending the Republic in the Universal phase of American civilization (rightly). Yek I am so much more. Marx knew dialectical (political) evolution led in stages to structuretopia under a benevolent central committee. Nietzsche knew a Super Oz man would arise to lead the underverse (women, homosexuals, ethnic minorities) to reason overcoming class enemies and serving as experimental vectors someday after genetic engineering and artificial intelligence are perfected.


Facebook's New World Order

Facebook has a CEO who got lucky with one idea in college during the rapid growth phase of social media on the Internet. For whatever reason it was welcomed and Mark Zuckerberg became a billionaire. Now of course he wants to rule the world, or rather, have the political thought of humanity exist within his vast leftist global empire on-line.


Actually independence and nationalism are requisite for meaningful democratic politics. Strong national boundaries are needed for the possibility of ecological economic transition to develop from the present non-renewable economics. Change needs to happen in particular areas rather than sort of generally. Zuckerberg would like to form millions of people into little regional groups where they are given appropriate news of public concern. Like the broadcast media owned by the rich those concerns cannot really be in conflict with the way things are.

The Unibomber also wrote a manifesto. He also wanted to change the world to conform to a radical vision. If he had owned Facebook perhaps he would have required humanity to be brainwashed in planetary groups that would support his goals for a new world order.

Mark Zuckerberg should write a few books on environmental economic theory and let the sophomoric approaches to a new world order go.


Everybody wants to rule the world. Logically the first guys with preferred network locations would want to get in on the action. Facebook would morph like the planet eating blob into an organism containing everyone. All would be subject to Facebook's ability to know what they write as if they were a super-N.S.A. toying with it's prey.

Facebook would become the real political means of being with overwhelming power to raise up or put down those that make the global corporate agenda function more smoothly. As the present media hates Trump now except for some honest reporters like Rush Limbaugh, it would be able to coordinate and promote attacks on political systems anywhere.

Facebook's goal seems to be to move directly to Mussolini's corporatist utopia that failed in Nazi Germany but in a brave new world order might fulfill Mao's ideal state with the central committee being a planetary oligarchy dwarfing even the Chinese Communist Party. It is a logical, evil turn toward the dark side of the force.


Questions of Matter, Space and Gravitons

Are gravitons attracted to mass or vice versa? Are there states of mass that do not attract gravitons (such as neutrinos) such that one might say it is in a state comparable to that of monatomic elements?

If gravitons overwhelm matter condensing its implicit forces and structure to a state of matter unique to gravitons; in fact a stable state of mass, it might have finite size. It also might have warped space around it in such a configuration that when released with the monatomic phase of the graviton solid it unfolds with an apparent faster-than-light speed.

Monatomic elements

Of course gravitons might be something that pushes space. They might be something like virtual particles surrounding a particle wave like a digital field that activates into being briefly then switches off. Gravitons may be embedded within space and when drawn to mass release a certain amount of weight from space taking it to mass.

One wonders about being and nothingness. Smallest particle-waves theoretically like strings or membranes perhaps with virtual fields of their own. It seems though that all particle-wave are emergent characteristics of potential energy unpacking from a big bang-inflation field possibly emitted by the monatomic equivalent state of the graviton solid. Or not.

The idea that a digital field without space is entirely subject to the will of God is interesting.


Yazdgird, Islam and Sassanids; Leashing the Wild Bitches

When ISIS tried genocide on the Yadzi people of upper Iraq they were following an ancient Muslim tradition. The last great King of the Sassanid Empire was named Yadzgird III and he was killed by Muslim forces after the conclusive battle of ending the Sassanid Empire at Qadisiyya in 637. From then on the Muslim advance increased inexorably until being revered in 1061 by Roger the Norman at Palermo Sicily. Sicily had been invaded and occupied by Muslims since 831. Innumerable interesting historical facts can be found in Michael Angold’s 2001 book named Byzantium.

The left have developed a narrative for decades whereby the Crusaders one day decided to invade south of the Mediterranean. Nothing is mentioned of the real history of the Middle East’s history of the Sassanid, Byzantine, Muslim and Carolingian Empires meeting and interacting militarily and theologically. The Sassanids worshipped fire. Isis described the Yadzis as devil worshippers. When Islam expanded the Sassanind was it first rival followed just later by the Byzantine.

The book Byzantium; The Bridge from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages is a brief, informative read. Perhaps the examination of iconoclasts vs iconodules would be too much theology for today’s godless atheists of the Democrat Party. Angold notes that some theologians actually used polemic in their writing and policy expressions. It seems that politics were fused with religion in the day. Even Charlemagne brought together theologians and scholars to form opinions and works for the western church that was not subordinated then to the church under the Papacy at Rome. Angold’s treatment of the relationships between the Frankish Church, the Roman Church and the Byzantine as well as from theological and political points of view is quite interesting.

The three major civilizations of the day outside of China were all devoted to religion. If one thinks about it, illiteracy, images and popular ideas about God and government were inextricably meaningful and continue to shape the politics of the world. Classical civilizations, pagans (an equivalent of modern atheists in some ways especially if they worship string theory) and even scientifically inclined philosophers receded into the past.

When Muslims ruled Sicily from 830 to 1061 it is written that the major export was Slavs south as slaves. Roger the Norman ended that, however slavery of Europeans continued for hundreds years more elsewhere in Islam. It is thus ironic that the Byzantine Empire itself disassociated itself from an Arab tribe of Christian monophysites that guarded 'the desert approaches' (to the east) for Byzantium because they were monophysite Christians (from Yemen). The byzantine Emperor's decision to get rid of those Arabs with a theology somewhat at variance with their own allowed an easy avenue of attack for first Sassanids and later, Mohammadans.

It is important for American policy makers to be aware of world history beyond the rather narrow viewpoint of far western Europe and the transatlantic migration that at any rate misses the history of Irish and Viking journeys to America. As wild feminists go about their intifada of the new Potus as unleashed wild bitches without historical reason they should be aware that the world is not a potential Utopia, that Soviet communist sentimentality still is alive and well in many municipal, state and federal government workers, that Soviet collective bargaining and godless atheist bureaucratic power is not an actual supporter of civil liberties beyond those required for conformity to Bitchdatorship bureaucracy.

Not all American women voted for the Bitchtatorship of the proletariat that felt Zillary was entitled to rule. Americans should support individual excellence and likeability in their politicians though when they worship money instead of educated, selfless service to the Republic the choice is slim pickens indeed.Copulation without consequence is a feminist fact and ideal since the 1960s and birth control pills. Methodical destruction of moral sensibilities of tradition and increases in abortion were partners of the rise of the ideal of feminist dictatorship through the ballot box and coalitions if if it required flooding the nation with illegal aliens. Perhaps they should have been content to trust a little in the people of the U.S.A. Over time women would naturally have found an acceptable opportunity for social personal expression and participation in work without going over to wild bitch status hateful of men.

 American sanctuary cities should support internal refugees from the U.S. economy as well as non-citizen Muslim ‘refugees’ from Syria driven from their homes by U.S. foreign policy of the Obama administration that threw fuel on the fire of that civil war so far as it possibly could. The radical left should be leashed and harnessed to the sled of bettering the U.S. economy for all Americans including straight, white males. The sole competent policy for any party calling itself democratic should be the economic betterment of the poor and middle class-not just placing feminists and homosexuals in high public places. Perhaps they are so cinched economically that they are concerned solely with power for-themselves.


All the Marbles

There is an app for Linux named Marble. It's a scalable map of Earth in the form of a movable sphere-somewhat like Google Earth. It would be great if someone produced a topographical relief global app;-able to show planetary landmass and-sea-level area at any time in Earth history. People should be able to extrapolate future theoretical contours with reciprocals of-ice-sheet melting andf sea level rise. In fact topo-globes of every substantial world and moon of the solar system would be good.

State-of-the-Union Show not Until January 2018

Waiting until next January for the President Trump state of the Union speech may be tough yet worth the wait; it could be great. Press conferences will be-an acceptable substitute if the Washington Post and N.P.R. stay away. What would the President say to that globalist pack?



One-Party Corporate Politics and Non-Sense Policy

With Republicrats going about wasting time in Congress deciding how to put the most meaningless pork forward, that is with the fundamental plan to enrich the rich and people in government while impoverishing the poor and stagnating the middle class, some must look to silly non-sense for political hope.

Where will President Trump's first foreign visit be? What about Antarctica where he can choose to ignore global warming any time of year? With luck the President will visit Alaska and declare it an economic disaster zone since it is hemorrhaging jobs.

The great wall of China gave Chinese a national sense of identity for a few thousand years. Maybe they would sell it to us to use on the Mexican border. Perhaps Russian troops would patrol the Mexican border since U.S. troops are forbidden with posse comitatus discouragements. Poland could pay for the cost of the troops as a quid pro quo for U.S. troops sent to Poland to protect them from a Russian invasion. Brits and Germans are closer than the U.S. and also in N.A.T.O. Why don't they go to Poland to protect Poles?


Former Joint Chief Chair Michael Mullen's Bad Bannon Advice

Adm. Michael Mullen's effort to let the military determine foreign policy keeping strategic Presidential-advisors out of the National Security Council is consistent with a globalist that with Secdef.Bill Gates were agitators for bringing open homosexuality to the military-and that did endanger the Republic throwing accelerant on Muslim conservative hatred of the U.S.A. President Trump needs rational as well as killer butch military opinion yearning for battle.

2- It is well known that globalists prefer a homo-hegemony over the 180 nations including Russia. Theorists believe homosexuals are safer in a Sodom-Gomorrah paradigm wherein they would be just like anyone else. Probably that is an incorrect assumption. Muslim and some Catholic nations will look askance at having any sort of relationships with a nation that has a homosexual military. Perhaps it will cut down on foreign troop deployment costs though.

3-Mr. Bannon could point out that there are solutions besides military for select international issues. One could, for instance, change the way people think about Russia-that is-evolve the military and political thinking-to a point where at its considered a good idea to let Russia be Russia so far as the Dnepr River while reassuring frightened NATO allies that the big bad queer military really will blast the former commie forces to h and gone if to steal polish sausage or anything like that. It is difficult to interpret the leadership paradigm of the queer movement's ideas about security. Probably it would be a good idea to get rid of homosexual marriage and compel them to form some sort of institution of their own that does not muddy up family present, future and past.

American Presidents don't need to be the blasters for the master political theorists of Europe seeking to take lands of the former evil empire. Russia has suffered invasions from the east and west for thousands of years; especially from Poland, Germany and Mongolia. America need not be stupid. Split the differrence with Ukraine to the Dnepr and move on drawing a line in the suerkraut or whatever.

Media Deceit is Fake News Too

President Trump has many enemies in the political realm amongst who some of the foremost are the Washington Post, New York Times and even some tech companies with a global agenda. They report fake news is a problem and would like to censor it.

Are tech companies a judiciary or rather biased?

Democrats have sought a way to keep the national polity divided since Hillary blundered away the election. Homosexuals have sought to retain their increasing power to intimidate and hostile takeover traditional family values; they too have reinforcement from feminists that cannot accept that vagina power is not top now over U.S. politics.

President Obama has flown the coop after years of degrading the U.S.A. so it would not be respected overseas by Muslim nations. The President appointed federal judges that would approve homosexual marriage and that paid off eventually as the Supreme Court forced that quackery upon the people of the U.S.A. With a de facto anti-white agenda the President took steps to increase racism and degrade the U.S. political system. He promoted division in Europe with Russia over the former Russia Ukrainian heartland. The President promoted a Syrian civil war that could have been avoided with the ensuing exodus of Muslim refugees to Europe appealing to the European left. The media never reported things that way. Instead they were all in for the Syrian war, conflict with Russia, homosexual marriage and flooding the U.S.A. with illegal aliens.

Solid fake news such as reporting that Donald Trump will demand that the Chinese pay for exporting their Great Wall of China to the U.S. Mexican border where it will be reassembled to de frappe the Mexican hostile annexation of the U.S.A. may be less harmful than misdirection news from major news agencies such as the Washington Post that is running a veritable neurotic intifada against the new President they oppose. The public should not forget that it is also possible to support the President’s policies as well as to oppose them. Fake news can be simultaneously true and rather false in that it can be implicit misdirection too.

Major news agencies may also report opinion as news. Opinion may be true yet no more so than opinion about the same events 180 degrees different.

David Brooks of the New York Times is a rabid anti-Trump activist. His posts are apparently generated by pure hate of Trump and ideas about his own intellectual supremacy.

Consider Bill Clinton though. The left like him. He was the ultimate programmed Arkansas backwoods neo-Elvis selected and groomed to be a leader. In graduated school in England he was stuffed with more Britishism than one got in public schools regarding western civilization in the 1960s. Frankly he was probably a complete idiot about Russian history as ignorant as most of the establishment were then especially with the cold war still on-going. Thus he blundered on wresting the Ukraine away from Boris Yeltsin and founded a new lasting division with Russia. That would not be reported as news. The insider narrative is false in their overall analysis yet they regard it as true. It is true fake news done with falsehood-unintentionally-that is as false anyway as intentional lies.

The left like lawyers from Harvard in the White House; wise guys that are smarter-than-you-entertaining and don’t really know anything about economics or foreign policy in a competent way. The public hates that except for feminists, homosexuals and globalists that want to degrade ordinary society and reduce it to broke-dick status permanently.


Ecospherically Transitional vs. Crude Economics

Americans realize the nature of economics have changed since the Reagan administration. Deficit spending increased as if public debt was no longer consequential. Presently it has reached about 20 trillion dollars. Why has economics changed?

The Nixon administration took the U.S.A. off the gold standard. The dollar was given to float and its value was fly-by-wire based on the generally loose parameters of the worth of the U.S.A. overall. Machines, automation and mass communications along with computers reduced the value of traditional labor. Abundant cheap foreign labor plus cheap illegal iigrant labor drive U.S.labor wages down. Combined with the factors mentioned above herein the tight value of a dollar based on the requirement for human work to get things done in exchange for some real commodity such as gold, ended.

Real economics still exist though. Even in an era of zero-interest loans from the Federal reserve to big banks so they can pile up cash or electronically mint through making their own loans five times the value of loans from the Federal Reserve people keep track of cash and debt. The M0 money supply-the amount of actual cash in circulation is surprisingly small; just 1.2 trillion in 2013 and at least half of that was held overseas. 

So Democrats have simply taken to being a party without much concern about public debt. Free money lets the rich get trillions and wealth was concentrated in the 1% of the richest of the nation. Barrack Obama encouraged people to retire and shrink the reported numbers of the unemployed. The most rich that own the corporate world controlled the media and were rather in-synch with Obama’s tax cuts and free Federal Reserve loans policy. The poor and middle class were let to survive with two jobs, social welfare benefits or retirements since there was a paucity of good new job creation in the U.S.A.

Democrats also encouraged illegal immigration with that cheap foreign labor being equivalent to that of slavery in the ante-bellum south. Working white women that were an important element of the new Democrat party were not laborers and enjoyed cheap lower-class, non-competitive labor that subverted preponderantly just Republican men they regarded as political rivals. The Democrat Party became one concerned solely with race, gender and homosexuality special interests entirely quitting the traditional focus on objective economic class concerns. The new age economics encouraged Democrats to become indifferent about economic class reason.

Transitional economics are needed to fill the gap generated by the decrease of Federal revenues and spending on infrastructure renewal of public works. It is a rather felicitous moment in history where the need for the United States to be a leader and ground-breaker in transitioning to an economy founded in environmental right-reason and sustainability occurs with a concurrent need to correct the new age floating economy to one of sustainability for-itself as a reality check of falling to the ground from the top may be a natural correction for the vast U.S. economy if it continues to pile up debt and let infrastructure rot while degrading the ecosphere.

Any American party that wants to lead with Transitional economics to environmental and fiscal sustainability together also will need to assure the transition is smooth for all of the poor and middle class of the U.S.A. today that may be regarded as just so many consumers that for work purposes have already substantively been augmented by if not replaced by machines, computers and such. A guaranteed minimum income should be made to exist along with medical and housing security while people are intentionally put out of work through regulations that requires economic production to meet new environmental economic criteria (see Daley’s ‘Environmental Economics-  https://archive.org/stream/fe_Ecological_Economics-Principles_and_Applications/Ecological_Economics-Principles_and_Applications_djvu.txt

A primary purpose of government would be to bring to business ventures to ‘zoning’ conformity such that there would be obvious economic benefit with low-impact on environment. Competition between business proposals would exist such that the best would be fielded to determine if they would work in the real world.

In the present economy with the Internet perhaps susceptible to moving into de facto oligarchic control of free expression equal to that of the broadcast media eventually, billionaires with very low taxes and a global footing may pay very low taxes and effectively neutralize national democracy and the capacity for democracy to evolve to an environmentally rational, sustainable paradigm. The tension between oligarchy and democracy has existed forever. Plato wrote about it in effect in his book The Republic.

Socrates and friends actually supported an oligarchy in opposition to the Athenian democracy. He was executed for attempting to convert youth to the side of oligarchy. Today billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg are exceedingly influential and can oppose publically the policies of a President of the United States with much public support from the rich that own the broadcast media. Lost in the smoke and mirrors is the political opinion of the average citizen. President Trump attempted to speak for that somewhat though he probably lacks any idea of Transition economics with an ecologically sustainable goal. Instead he needs to Trump the frumps of media and European leaders that seek to increase tensions with Russia through Ukraine in order to stop a reduction of military spending for arms manufacturers. The late Tom Clancy had a good idea about the benefits of a close U.S.-Russia relationship in his book ‘The Bear and the Dragon’. The east of Ukraine to the Dnepr should be Russian rather than German or Polish as traditional invaders of the region along with our friends the British have sought to divide and spend.

Plato and Aristotle apparently believed the Demos-or people-are too stupid to make democracy work in the long run. Perhaps that is so, yet people must try though it’s like tilting at windmills, for wind and solar power with energy use efficiency, fuel cells and etc. can go a long way.

Humans May Have Evolved From Rats; Adam and Eve Were Spliced In

 Humans May Have Evolved From Rats Named Purgatoriuos 65 Million Years BC I had a concentration in history in college and learned a lot from...