
Media Deceit is Fake News Too

President Trump has many enemies in the political realm amongst who some of the foremost are the Washington Post, New York Times and even some tech companies with a global agenda. They report fake news is a problem and would like to censor it.

Are tech companies a judiciary or rather biased?

Democrats have sought a way to keep the national polity divided since Hillary blundered away the election. Homosexuals have sought to retain their increasing power to intimidate and hostile takeover traditional family values; they too have reinforcement from feminists that cannot accept that vagina power is not top now over U.S. politics.

President Obama has flown the coop after years of degrading the U.S.A. so it would not be respected overseas by Muslim nations. The President appointed federal judges that would approve homosexual marriage and that paid off eventually as the Supreme Court forced that quackery upon the people of the U.S.A. With a de facto anti-white agenda the President took steps to increase racism and degrade the U.S. political system. He promoted division in Europe with Russia over the former Russia Ukrainian heartland. The President promoted a Syrian civil war that could have been avoided with the ensuing exodus of Muslim refugees to Europe appealing to the European left. The media never reported things that way. Instead they were all in for the Syrian war, conflict with Russia, homosexual marriage and flooding the U.S.A. with illegal aliens.

Solid fake news such as reporting that Donald Trump will demand that the Chinese pay for exporting their Great Wall of China to the U.S. Mexican border where it will be reassembled to de frappe the Mexican hostile annexation of the U.S.A. may be less harmful than misdirection news from major news agencies such as the Washington Post that is running a veritable neurotic intifada against the new President they oppose. The public should not forget that it is also possible to support the President’s policies as well as to oppose them. Fake news can be simultaneously true and rather false in that it can be implicit misdirection too.

Major news agencies may also report opinion as news. Opinion may be true yet no more so than opinion about the same events 180 degrees different.

David Brooks of the New York Times is a rabid anti-Trump activist. His posts are apparently generated by pure hate of Trump and ideas about his own intellectual supremacy.

Consider Bill Clinton though. The left like him. He was the ultimate programmed Arkansas backwoods neo-Elvis selected and groomed to be a leader. In graduated school in England he was stuffed with more Britishism than one got in public schools regarding western civilization in the 1960s. Frankly he was probably a complete idiot about Russian history as ignorant as most of the establishment were then especially with the cold war still on-going. Thus he blundered on wresting the Ukraine away from Boris Yeltsin and founded a new lasting division with Russia. That would not be reported as news. The insider narrative is false in their overall analysis yet they regard it as true. It is true fake news done with falsehood-unintentionally-that is as false anyway as intentional lies.

The left like lawyers from Harvard in the White House; wise guys that are smarter-than-you-entertaining and don’t really know anything about economics or foreign policy in a competent way. The public hates that except for feminists, homosexuals and globalists that want to degrade ordinary society and reduce it to broke-dick status permanently.

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