

I had thought of going to church Sunday. Yet there are not any Priesthood of Believers churches franchised yet so I wrote this slowly with a broke keyboard. . . Nothing about Erastian errors or the unsaved left on base.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently published a manifesto describing how Fbook can be a neo–governing political facilitator evolving new world order. Hegel thought the German state the highest stage of the world spirit realizing itself in history. Mr. Zuckerberg apparently believes its Facebook. Democratic nationalism is based on land and secure borders– a gold standard vs floating currency globalism.

More people than Mr. Zuckerberg may field websites as evolved, sophisticated new format news–packing–stuffing world governments. Domain name bidding may drive prices sky high (i.e. True Sedition, Carefree Government, Acme Government, Best Government, N. W. O. 2, Zipperflipper). Maybe will China start a clone site sharing advertising cash proplits with users.

A hypothetical CEO of a startup– Facetwits2 seems like a good name for a social networking site to organize a level 4 Multiverse (presence of mind traveling through universe permutations with branching).

Planet peoples get their own user ID and user page universe. I shall make a covenant with my users so they may form secret groups and nobody else shall know what goes on – except me. I shall give news feeds that nurture users in the way of Oz.

Oz shall be held harmless and all revenue streams from Facetwits2 shall flow to moi as long as rivers run untaxed. I may give billions away and have no tax liability decades. Everyones a winner.

Toynbee would have considered me just an Oz man making way to ending the Republic in the Universal phase of American civilization (rightly). Yek I am so much more. Marx knew dialectical (political) evolution led in stages to structuretopia under a benevolent central committee. Nietzsche knew a Super Oz man would arise to lead the underverse (women, homosexuals, ethnic minorities) to reason overcoming class enemies and serving as experimental vectors someday after genetic engineering and artificial intelligence are perfected.

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