
What is Wrong With America (ref.Jamie Diamond)- Inefficiency!

J.P. Morgan chief Jamie Diamond recently read a litany of what is wrong with the U.S.A. Besides congress the answer is inefficiency. U.S. leadership just doesn't get much bang for the buck.

America wastes trillions of quagmire conflicts and nation rebuilding without creating a semblance of ecological economics at home or abroad.

The U.S.A. sends too many foreigners with graduate degrees back home. Plainly K.S.M. should not have been given an extended visa for North Carolina, however one should be able to keep a select few good apples in the U.S.A. while sending the remainder back. U.S. immigration policy ought to have just 300,000 people annually from the entire world with half of those being the poorest of the poor.

Building the wall with Mexico should afford a vast solar voltaic electricity or salt-water evaporating-condensation to make fresh water from a piped-in saltwater supply for a canal barrier or some other practical application of border control technology that does more than seem like an extended 2-dimensional domino modeled from 2001 a Space Odyssey-more bang for the buck.

Students should be allowed to bankrupt on student loans as any business person may. However students should not need to take out vast loans to get qualified to pursue jobs that never occur. For-myself I wanted to get a graduate degree in order to be an educator a couple years a decade and then be a free educator in Africa or someplace living on my savings the rest of the time until retiring to Alaska. 

I could never afford a year of graduate school working as a house painter around the nation.  I rode a bike 35,000 miles searching for regular work on-the-clock. 

The social environment was adverse for getting even a stable minimum wage job annually. I believe the left hate the idea of strait white Christian males building any captital. Instead much of the nation seeks ways to disqualifgy people from working. They are fundamentally sadistic airheads without much truth.

 My retirement lot in Alaska was targeted as a Lem by the broadcast media amused with persecuting a poor individual. From my point of view a nation that compels a vet with an honorable discharge and a couple of college degrees to be homeless and unemployed or live on food stamps ( they make suicide difficult and painful as well if one is inclined to spare the public the cost of food stamps while rich bankers get trillions of zero interest loans enabling them to mint five e-dollars for every dollar the federal reserve deposits) deserves to be broke.

It is remarkable that I could train as a chemical specialist, combat engineer and in air defense and get an Associate and Bachelors- even completed a graduate program in theology at TNARS except for the thesis it was too modern) and published perhaps 35 books comprising 3 or 4 million words largely while homeless and can't get work that is sustainable. Having recovered from hernias and pneumonia it there should be some reasonable work that could be done. I guess women expect men to be like 'the rock' and lift boxes until reaching 80.


I believe the Obama administration created a neo-yippie society that discourages people over 50 to work. It would have been easy to create tax incentives for hiring those out of work the longest. As it is the corporate world has made it difficult for real people to find work if they have been unemployed or self-employed some time. 
With the volatility in the labor market individual spending on education is very dicey. It often leads to nowhere except debt.

The U.S. military is brave yet far over-paid. The draft should be restored and Americans made to serve as adults for a couple of years and that might slow the general leftist drift toward homosexuality, dope, abortion and so forth.

While Wall Street regulation should be improved the basic problem is a failure of ecological economic education in government. The present economic methods badly need reform, Bad economic technology by overly greedy bankers are not helpful.


Solid State Dream (poem)

Solid State Dream

April’s concentrating growth starts when
time’s clocks accelerate intemperately
sprouting, budding, righteous leaves entitled
to live growing and die
-green disrupts so many silent hexagons,
sliding like freedom down the face of a mountain

Contemplating eternity with frozen light
solid state dynamics processing recursion
in-itself quantum fields echo time
hypercubes coated with reasoned tension
stuck upon surface-tensioned inner angles
where equal and opposite conflations shine
like dueling bureaucracies thinking of five’s
ways of working Klein’s bottle brigging loops
untroubled with cilia elsewhere
provide timeless answers

The rhymer sanctioned plain fractal’d down
buildings built time-in lines
to markets plus or minus forests
lacking a spiritual dimension
called and unchosen

Crassing through dozers
push over scrub trees shrubbed
sounds of sweet turned Earth smelling organic
pipes of sun-day morning
engines, cat-tracks little-feating
reluctant fields’ clocks
rushed to wind down
main-springed and broke

Primers of extra-terrestrial, terra-formed interiors
spit-wadded, shaped, placed just so
where nothing grows.


Citizenship & U.S. Chess Championship

If So isn't a citizen of the United States, why is he taking a spot in the limited-to-12 field? What about Wei Ye, Magnus Carlsen and Vladimir Kramnik? Shouldn't the U.S. Chess Federation have a guest pass for them too? Some of those globalist chess organizers /commodities traders invested in Carthaginian shipping probably wouldn't have complained if Hannibal arrived at Rome to play a game. If Wes becomes a U.S. citizen then he should be allowed to enter the field for the U.S. championship and not before.
My theory is that billionaire sponsors are used to buying a winning team with trades.  While Lebron James might go if traded to the Thunder, that would diminish public regard for the city of Cleveland. Global oligarchs may be more comfortable globally viewing citizens as pawns of little consequence. Residence is not the same as citizenship. Remember when that little league team from Chicago had to forfeit the national championship for playing ringers from outside the district?
Luckily So panicked in his game vs Shankland in round 2 settling for a draw. After 30 or so moves and with about 18 minutes remaining before the time control So and Shank had given up just a pair of pawns each. Wes then went on an exchange/simplification spree and he ended up nearly mated. The logic of that was not plain. He has that laid back style waiting for the opponent to advance and then clobber a vulnerability perhaps not finding one he just blitzed it.
Nakamura nearly crushed Caruana yet that too ended in a draw. Some American chess player was bumped from the competition so the chess federation coulod field an all-star team.


Does Oregon Get too Much Federal Funding?

Rich states like Oregon may get too large a share of Federal revenues while powerless states like Alaska with only Don Young representing them in the Congress don't get enough. Doesn't the University of Oregon get a lot more than the University of Alaska-Juneau in absolute federal revenue sharing and support for various programs?

One wonders why states that pretend to be ecologically progressive like Oregon get more in support for public transport busing that still use fossil fuels, why there is no coordinated ecological scorecard not only for Oregon but the entire nation equivalent to the public debt registers on the Internet? The national and world ecosphere status salient feature numbers should exist and continually be upgraded. CO2, amount of deforestation, reduction of ecosphere area, corruption of oceanic health, amount of new asphalt and concrete sq feet poured, remaining species (not yet exterminated) etc.

Progressive states that are rich should be on a from each according to their ability tax basis while poor red states should be on a to each according to their needs basis in order to let blue states feel good about themselves. 


New Greens to Congress in 2018?

With Republicans accomplishing little except to assault ecospheric health so far in Congress even with a friendly Republican President in the White House the public may look toward the Green party more so than historically in 2018 as an alternative third party possibly interested in getting something positive done for the U.S.A.

Republicans passed bills ten times to get rid of Obamacare while Mr. Obama was President, and yet with complete control of two branches of government (Democrats largely control the Supreme Court of the United States) they cannot pass an Obamacare reform bill even once.

The Democrat Party obviously lost public trust after the Clinton era started that still seems as if it will never end. They became a celebrity party concentrating wealth for the rich and running class tokens while cutting taxes for the rich. Their primary appeal to the masses was debauchery in some form or other prioritized instead of reasoned legislation to economically better the poor and middle class. Republicans don’t have much incentive to be creative or reformist when Democrats enrich them so well.

The public for several election cycles has looked toward various combinations of Republicans and Democrats to get the nation working right eliminating debt, restoring the ecosphere and building quality life for all U.S. citizens without satisfactory results. The Clinton effect was like a gas giant planet sweeping and clearing all the little planets out(other candidates of quality like Bob Kerry in 1992) of a solar system leaving nowhere for poor and middle classes to live. The rich can afford to buy up exclusive space station property around gas giant politicians-not the poor.

The Green party may realize that national environmental legislation and strong border security are requisite for having sufficient sovereignty to lead the U.S.A. toward and ecologically sustainable economic policy using free enterprise with direction. Though the Greens would find it challenging to win even ten seats in Congress, where else can the public look?

With no limits on campaign spending contributions via PACS that are heavily corporate and that perhaps don't support less corporatism or ecological economic transformation it may be inherently challenging for Green candidates to afford the 2 or 3 million dollars it costs to run a successful House campaign.

No Hay Nurolink-Avocado da recha Por Favour!

No Hay Nurolink-Avocado da recha Por Favour!

Riding an articulated bus a gentleman wearing a king kong suit suddenly jumped up and grabbed the handles to the back exit door shouting to the driver way up front ‘abogado avocado la recha cha pork favort!”. Plainly he had not only missed his stop, additionally his newrot-link battery had malfunctioned.

Brain implanted links to controlling corporate-communist central processing units began early in the 20th century as it freed the people from external devices and thinking. Computers programmed the public with nice voices and pictures moving them about society sometimes just in their imagination and sometimes in the real world. Unfortunately much of the technology became obsolete rather quickly and people such as Kong were left with the equivalent of vacuum tubes implanted within their brains.


Flatterland and Hilbert Space

   Reading Flatterland by Ian Stewart (2000) I encountered a chapter about dimensions-a topic I am interested in. That led to information about what dimensions are described as (in physics it has traditionally been 3 directions plus maybe time). With non-Euclidean math and algebra it was possible for mathematicians to evolve the notion of extra dimensions. If one has a 2-dimensional quad/grid one can use that square or power of 2 notation. Eventually one finds cube roots or 3rd power and I guess extra, higher powers although I seem to recall something about Abelian algebra issues with some higher powers.
   Regular shapes from geometry can thus be described with natural and real numbers algebraically, although the product of such constructions can be fiction or consistent just in mathematics. Some physicists created the idea of dimensions as being a kind of set theory criteria apparently redefining what a dimension is. So any number of dimensions with what are in effect defined as a given set might coexist with Hilbert Space.
   Hilbert Space is a given area with four dimensions inclusive of time wherein any number of dimensions defined as behaviors of motions could exist. Nevertheless the dimensions tend to all exist within the boundaries of Hilbert Space rather than is alternate Universes made of different dimensions of the other kind of definition.
  Maybe Multiverse theory does not extend dimensions beyond real (Hilbert) space of necessarily within the implicit construction of its math. Obviously I am not a mathematician. Clever dimensional modeling remain simply theoretical constructions that physicists might infer something about reality with. Maybe Multiverse theory does not extend dimensions beyond real (Hilbert) space of necessarily within the implicit construction of its math. Obviously I am not a mathematician. Clever dimensional modeling remain simply theoretical constructions that physicists might infer something about reality with it. Some regard space of the Universe as expanding. Like upwelling ocean currents nothingness is thought to upwell into pre-existing space making evermore of nothing. Nothing times nothing equals nothing? The square root of minus one equivocates the reality of nothing? Maybe it is easier to regard nothing as omnipresent except where something is existing or made to exist. Rather than space expanding it is the Higgs field expanding or being active in some way. It might be some other more primary field of the Universe that is subject to change that gives rise to the appearance that space in-itself; nothingness, is expanding. The effects might be the same, although possibly not in present mathematical models.
What description encompasses the entire Universe of economic action? Multi-dimensional economic models would provide no finite and simultaneous infinite, accurate set descriptions of actual states of affairs. Economics is a purpose, an antinomy to art yet the flip side of it simultaneously. Economics is a clump of precision engineering of wishes to bring in a harvest of potatoes before the season's shadows grow long and frosts descend upon the fields. It is a complete world of opportunities and ideas interacting with material, finite material, of which planets are made of.
Economics of Wall Street physics can construct external reality such that if the theoretical models don't crash immediately they may crash later after dimensional cosmonuats have extracted a suitable profit-for-sponsers (ref. 2008 crash).


U.S. Congress Lacks Intelligence, Will & Leadership

Republicans as half of a dialectically bifurcated one party system lack the will and intelligence to get rid of Obamacare since it is Richard M. Nixon's old plan to enrich Wall Street. Democrats advance tax cuts for the rich or vice versa and the other party confirms them. president Trump has no capacity to get the one party elephant mule to move when it is too comfortable as it is.


Trashing Obamacare and replacing it with an expanded V.A. Hospital system that includes poor civilians and those that have exhausted their insurance coverage and are poor and uniting that with community clinics for the poor is plainly the cost-effective way to go, however congress never advances intelligent legislation. Instead they send Clinton-Obama-Bush II style junk to Presidents that never veto anything and the poor state of national public affairs continues.


A good congress with intelligent leaders could actually pass good legislation that benefits the nation so its affairs are in good order and health. Republicans could advance ecological economics and lead the world to a better way of business. Instead congress wants to delegate social responsibility for public concerns to the private sector and corporatist social structure. Capitalism however isn't dummy-proof and can't substitute for intelligent, thoughtful, creative public leadership in public affairs. Neither communism or capitalism can automatically produce good political works if the leaders are the idioso.

Around the nation people are holding vigils as seriously as ever the Klan did to assure their policies continued in the Jim Crowe south. The difference being for some the object of good government and for others simply having their way toward progressive socialism and national failure with losing being regarded as a virtuous, feminism characteristic leading to domination. Convoluted criteria for vigils do have political value in the media though and support ad hoc sedition of benefit to various special interests. The Congress should try not to fail.


The Strange Growth of Orthodox Atheism

Orthodox atheism supports content that was for prior generations of Americans and reproves content that does not acknowledge the orthodox line. It’s quite a change. Maybe Bill Clinton was a strong early element in its national development and president Obama was something of a tool for heresy and blasphemy in high political office with his homosexual marriage agenda that he said ‘evolved’. That is a blast from the past now though of course, and have been programmed toward heresy as a laughable, regressive turtlish sort of excrescence of dogmatism in video games such as HALO. Evolution theory and physical cosmology are ends-in-themselves for the orthodox without even philosophical thought.

Thomas Brooks in 'Precious Remedies to Satan's Devices' examines one particular satanic device to snare the soul that has wide-spread use today. One use of the device occurs in the attack upon Genesis in order to make just-worldly cosmology opulent and desirable in comparison to parchment of Genesis.

DEVICE 1: By presenting the WORLD in such a dress, and in such a garb to the soul, as to ensnare the soul, and to win upon the affection of the soul.”

Satan seems to use confusion about the construction of the Universe today as a way to draw people to faithlessness and frustration with the Bible. Those that wouldn’t know a proton from a quark leap to faith in electrons and football to disdain Genesis. The media love that. There is no need for frustration.

The orthodox atheism line doesn’t want to think that anything is true besides its own point of view on creation and the Universe as well as the social relativism of morality. It also tends to assume they are well-informed and have exhaustive understanding of the worthlessness of non-orthodox viewpoints and would even censor them in the corporatist way of they could.

I have thought that there are two basic forms of government; those that are voluntary and those that are coercive. Coercive governments require minority rule, and that is why communism breaks down into the sort of oligarchic-party-elite tyranny that corporatism has too with each form also having a dictator form if required to continue coercive social governance. The orthodox atheist way of thinking and acting leads toward the government by coercion direction even if it from the left.

Some Want Scientific Proof of God

The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors...