
What is Wrong With America (ref.Jamie Diamond)- Inefficiency!

J.P. Morgan chief Jamie Diamond recently read a litany of what is wrong with the U.S.A. Besides congress the answer is inefficiency. U.S. leadership just doesn't get much bang for the buck.

America wastes trillions of quagmire conflicts and nation rebuilding without creating a semblance of ecological economics at home or abroad.

The U.S.A. sends too many foreigners with graduate degrees back home. Plainly K.S.M. should not have been given an extended visa for North Carolina, however one should be able to keep a select few good apples in the U.S.A. while sending the remainder back. U.S. immigration policy ought to have just 300,000 people annually from the entire world with half of those being the poorest of the poor.

Building the wall with Mexico should afford a vast solar voltaic electricity or salt-water evaporating-condensation to make fresh water from a piped-in saltwater supply for a canal barrier or some other practical application of border control technology that does more than seem like an extended 2-dimensional domino modeled from 2001 a Space Odyssey-more bang for the buck.

Students should be allowed to bankrupt on student loans as any business person may. However students should not need to take out vast loans to get qualified to pursue jobs that never occur. For-myself I wanted to get a graduate degree in order to be an educator a couple years a decade and then be a free educator in Africa or someplace living on my savings the rest of the time until retiring to Alaska. 

I could never afford a year of graduate school working as a house painter around the nation.  I rode a bike 35,000 miles searching for regular work on-the-clock. 

The social environment was adverse for getting even a stable minimum wage job annually. I believe the left hate the idea of strait white Christian males building any captital. Instead much of the nation seeks ways to disqualifgy people from working. They are fundamentally sadistic airheads without much truth.

 My retirement lot in Alaska was targeted as a Lem by the broadcast media amused with persecuting a poor individual. From my point of view a nation that compels a vet with an honorable discharge and a couple of college degrees to be homeless and unemployed or live on food stamps ( they make suicide difficult and painful as well if one is inclined to spare the public the cost of food stamps while rich bankers get trillions of zero interest loans enabling them to mint five e-dollars for every dollar the federal reserve deposits) deserves to be broke.

It is remarkable that I could train as a chemical specialist, combat engineer and in air defense and get an Associate and Bachelors- even completed a graduate program in theology at TNARS except for the thesis it was too modern) and published perhaps 35 books comprising 3 or 4 million words largely while homeless and can't get work that is sustainable. Having recovered from hernias and pneumonia it there should be some reasonable work that could be done. I guess women expect men to be like 'the rock' and lift boxes until reaching 80.


I believe the Obama administration created a neo-yippie society that discourages people over 50 to work. It would have been easy to create tax incentives for hiring those out of work the longest. As it is the corporate world has made it difficult for real people to find work if they have been unemployed or self-employed some time. 
With the volatility in the labor market individual spending on education is very dicey. It often leads to nowhere except debt.

The U.S. military is brave yet far over-paid. The draft should be restored and Americans made to serve as adults for a couple of years and that might slow the general leftist drift toward homosexuality, dope, abortion and so forth.

While Wall Street regulation should be improved the basic problem is a failure of ecological economic education in government. The present economic methods badly need reform, Bad economic technology by overly greedy bankers are not helpful.

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