
The Pelosi Fortune Needs Cheap Mexican Labor

When contemporary social groups pursue power for-themselves as an end-in-themselves rather than strong and equal civil rights for individuals, power itself corrupts the social order and wealth in such an environment is concentrated. Democratic individual enterprise requires thought while the blind pursuit of power over others does not require democracy or support for individual civil rights. The Democrat Party today supported tax cuts for the richest and flooding the nation with cheap Mexican labor. They are a party primarily purped to enrich politicians and the 1%. 

http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/nancy-pelosi-border-wall-immoral-expensive-unwise-n749841 California grape-wine producers love illegal alien workers from Mexico



As the United States has so many groups and political leaders that pursue economic power blindly domestically and abroad, wealth becomes concentrated-even corrupt media organizations such as N.P.R. support a globalist agenda, and it has the same relationship to the U.S. Government as Sinn Fein had to the Irish Republican Army receiving partial financial funding from sympathizers.

Feminists should study the cultural, geographical and sociological structures and history to understand why various societies have found particular social structures biological and reproductively successful. They should think about the real economies in comparative cultures and recognize the role individuals have within them, and recognize the difficulty societies have in reconstructing economic structures willfully when most social groups are implicitly conservative regarding their class power, with liberal groups being liberal only so far as they seek to redistribute wealth and power to themselves from-others.

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