
Stealth Tenting Through Hard Social Times

For internal economic refugees from the corporate-media networking using the mobility and low profile tent is a practical option for independent living in the U.S.A. It is easy for insiders to subvert professional education career development cutting off graduate school finance. Without a practical trade that can be worked without much social networking individuals are quite vulnerable to the corrupt zeitgeist of the times. Youth may be conditioned to purge those recognized to be unconformed to the governing evil. Illegal aliens that are loyal to the moneyed will share contempt for off-the-grid Americans. So it is useful to know some of the basic minimalist survival facts of life (outside of the morally corrupt swingy-doper niche classes) of tenting. People in impoverished circumstance need no help from Russian propagandists to lack confidence in U.S. politicians or the value of the election system at fixing things.

A bicycle is very helpful for the broke. It is reasonable to trek across the nation looking for a job, perhaps temporary if in a politically shunned class. That is where a practical trade that allows direct service is especially useful for survival. Sadly, the smaller the tent the better. Low tent profile means easy concealment in a semi-urban and suburban environment. Any tent can be weatherproofed with a disposable dollar-plastic tarp placed atop it- leave plenty of room for air circulation of course.

Put the tent on level or slightly sloped ground with good cover. Stay out of direct sunshine unless its winter because the tent will heat up very quickly in warmer seasons.

Never leave trash around a tent. Pick it up and covertly dispose of it in public trash containers. Urinate in a bottle if male and empty that far away from the tent because it attracts flies and renders the tent location too smelly in a couple of days. Females usually coach surf I should say, and don’t suffer the inconveniences of independent tent survival long-term.

It is easy to use a bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol for washing armpits and groin to stay clean and odor free. A dollar bottle lasts about seven days. Always wear some sort of sleeping clothes in a sleeping bag because that bag will be as uncomfortable as a pair of underwear that is worn unwashed for five days in a month or less. It is easier to wash underwear than a sleeping bag.

It is possible to buy semi-medicated powder to add to underwear to further reduce any itching caused by not bathing for 6 months to 7 years. Really though one should use soap and water at least every two weeks.

Tents that are entirely pattern camouflaged may be ordered from e-Bay for fewer than 25 dollars that work fairly well for people not more than 6 feet in height. Taller souls will find it challenged to stretch out legs.

With notebook computers and TP-Link wireless antenna (that do need a windows operating system to be installed realistically) it is possible to connect to the Internet from twice the usual distance. However if one has charged batteries and doesn’t need the Internet it is practical to spend long winter months rather inactively working in a tent on a computer.

The experience is rather like living in an ancient Irish pennants hut that were small and made of stone piled up to resemble a small tent, though the media and government should be the penitents for being so daft about ecological economics.

If living in a colder winter climate such as Anchorage a larger tent is needed. In 2010-11 I spent five months in a tent well below freezing without heat. Frost crystals from breath exhalations grew n the ceiling to four inches in size and occasional broke and dropped to the tent floor. In too small of a tent that is acceptable in warmer climates there just isn’t enough room to move.

Fire ants make southern tenting unreasonable. It is possible to place ant powder on a plastic tarp under the tent. Yet because ants smell meat and can make a hole in a tent in minutes southern tenting should be a worst case alternative. When a security guard in Texas trying to get a couple of hours of sleep on weekends the ants would make that very difficult. Later, when camping in east Texas the air temperature was 117 degrees and inside the tent, higher. Good intellectual work slows down with that sort of temperature.

In a time when some community colleges are facing budget and enrollment shortfalls they still spend tens of thousands of dollars on greenhouse gassing emitting vast lawn mowing instead of training students to raise and process goats for potted meat delicacies synergizing with business, biology, anatomy, manufacturing and culinary classes. Students could use practical as well as classroom, abstract experience raising and caring for goats, slaughtering and dissecting them, creating business models for processing the meat on campus for end-of-semester barbeque, feeding hungry students and sales or export. 

Students need good examples of land use on campus to change their values and the way they see land use. They have vast greenhouse gassing parking lots full of cars that don’t pay for parking, absorb sunshine that is released after dark and mechanics courses to train students to service them until Mark Zuckerberg finds a way to connect their brains to computers in cars whence Americans can get rid of their biological shells and reproduce cars with more pleasure and eleatic cosmogasmic infinitude.

 The good tenter only uses a self-igniting propane torch for cooking being sure to ventilate adequately and not blow up free gas in the tent with a spark. Wasted gas becomes methane; a vicious greenhouse gas.

Oregon tenting winter 2016-17

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