Trump has taken a harder attitude toward North Korea’s dictator Kim
Jong Un who has continued his family’s policy of developing nuclear
weapons and delivery infrastructure. Clinton-Obama containment
policies were demonstratively ineffective and stopping the increase
of Dictator Kim’s nuclear arsenal. What can President Trump
actually accomplish to change Kim’s policy short of war?
the prospect for war the Dictator probably hasn’t an incentive to
quit developing nuclear weapons. Perhaps Dictator Kim has the goal of
reaching a weapons abundance level that would create a mini-MAD
policy of security. Modern dictators require external enemies and
internal civil repression to stay in power in addition to a reign of
terror on potential dissidents.
Career isn’t in the Cold War criterion as it formerly was though.
China that has moved further towards a mixed capitalist economy has
less reason to support a hard core communist dictatorship in the
region that indirectly threatens its own economic security. China
would probably profit from a regime change that would unify North and
South Korea in a capitalist economy with an increase in trade.
the transition that allowed foreign investment in Chinese business
North Korea was a useful bad dog on a chain distracting western
attention away from China, and it was non-threatening to the Chinese.
All of that has changed though, and Dictator Kim is rather out there
on his own and most appealing to Moslem terrorists seeking to end
western world economic dominance through nuclear destruction of
Euro-American economic security perhaps via attacking Washington,
Moscow, Paris and London.
is a game that can be learned from early childhood enabling one to
attain grandmaster status in adulthood. Such individuals may be like
idiot savants that have nothing besides chess on their minds. In the
modern world gaming theory has become more important. Stock market
computer trading scamming was developed with the tools of the Monte
Carlo algorithm initially. Computer trading programs to automate
profit extraction through quantitative trading, like chess gaming
structures using real people as analog pieces, may be applied with
sociopathic disregard for the reality of individuals in the real
social world. Communist dictators following Marxist theory have
traditionally risen to the level of being political sociopaths
killing civil political foes. In the modern global communications
environment it is practical for sociopathic gaming communications
players also to extend their paradigms.
games theorist alone would know if it is militarily possible to
successfully war with North Korea with minimal friendly casualties.
Real world military gamers have pattern and composition analytic
criteria designed to model reality. Chess and computer market model
profit systems have no regard for the reality of individuals though.
They are limited to sociopathic power perceptions of individuals of
the real world as objects and externalities of no meaning.
profusion of cruise missiles might be able to destroy North Korea’s
ability to launch mass artillery attacks on the south. North Korean
power centers might be destroyed with tactical nuclear weapons. It is
quite difficult for non-specialist to guess what a one-day war would
be like. Apparently, short of war, virtually nothing can be done to
change North Korea’s nuclear weapons development. That is not an
ideal ecological economic direction of reform/
the aftermath of war whereat North Korea and south are unified, one
would expect that the economic recovery would be comparable to that
of the reunification of Germany after the Cold War. It seems likely
that the emaciated, oppressed North Koreans would enjoy liberation
from the Dictator and his insiders. The public is usually opposed to
war-especially nuclear war. If given a choice many would prefer to be
on a winning rather than a targeted side of such a conflict.
Trump’s political timing might be another factor in the decision to
put a regime change on North Korea. With the inability to replace
Obamacare with a cost and service effective system such as expanding
the V.A. Hospital system an treating civilians too that are poor, a
nuclear conflict with North Korea might make it difficult to get the
Trump agenda done in the remainder of his term yet the market should
recover with increased Korean economic investment prospects. Harry
Truman wasn’t re-elected one recalls. For grandmasters scaling up
their analog targets from individuals to nations, controlling global
war economics might be a daunting task.