
Kim Jong Un and the Nuclear Game-Boys

President Trump has taken a harder attitude toward North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un who has continued his family’s policy of developing nuclear weapons and delivery infrastructure. Clinton-Obama containment policies were demonstratively ineffective and stopping the increase of Dictator Kim’s nuclear arsenal. What can President Trump actually accomplish to change Kim’s policy short of war?

Without the prospect for war the Dictator probably hasn’t an incentive to quit developing nuclear weapons. Perhaps Dictator Kim has the goal of reaching a weapons abundance level that would create a mini-MAD policy of security. Modern dictators require external enemies and internal civil repression to stay in power in addition to a reign of terror on potential dissidents.

North Career isn’t in the Cold War criterion as it formerly was though. China that has moved further towards a mixed capitalist economy has less reason to support a hard core communist dictatorship in the region that indirectly threatens its own economic security. China would probably profit from a regime change that would unify North and South Korea in a capitalist economy with an increase in trade.

During the transition that allowed foreign investment in Chinese business North Korea was a useful bad dog on a chain distracting western attention away from China, and it was non-threatening to the Chinese. All of that has changed though, and Dictator Kim is rather out there on his own and most appealing to Moslem terrorists seeking to end western world economic dominance through nuclear destruction of Euro-American economic security perhaps via attacking Washington, Moscow, Paris and London.

Chess is a game that can be learned from early childhood enabling one to attain grandmaster status in adulthood. Such individuals may be like idiot savants that have nothing besides chess on their minds. In the modern world gaming theory has become more important. Stock market computer trading scamming was developed with the tools of the Monte Carlo algorithm initially. Computer trading programs to automate profit extraction through quantitative trading, like chess gaming structures using real people as analog pieces, may be applied with sociopathic disregard for the reality of individuals in the real social world. Communist dictators following Marxist theory have traditionally risen to the level of being political sociopaths killing civil political foes. In the modern global communications environment it is practical for sociopathic gaming communications players also to extend their paradigms.

Military games theorist alone would know if it is militarily possible to successfully war with North Korea with minimal friendly casualties. Real world military gamers have pattern and composition analytic criteria designed to model reality. Chess and computer market model profit systems have no regard for the reality of individuals though. They are limited to sociopathic power perceptions of individuals of the real world as objects and externalities of no meaning.

The profusion of cruise missiles might be able to destroy North Korea’s ability to launch mass artillery attacks on the south. North Korean power centers might be destroyed with tactical nuclear weapons. It is quite difficult for non-specialist to guess what a one-day war would be like. Apparently, short of war, virtually nothing can be done to change North Korea’s nuclear weapons development. That is not an ideal ecological economic direction of reform/

In the aftermath of war whereat North Korea and south are unified, one would expect that the economic recovery would be comparable to that of the reunification of Germany after the Cold War. It seems likely that the emaciated, oppressed North Koreans would enjoy liberation from the Dictator and his insiders. The public is usually opposed to war-especially nuclear war. If given a choice many would prefer to be on a winning rather than a targeted side of such a conflict.

President Trump’s political timing might be another factor in the decision to put a regime change on North Korea. With the inability to replace Obamacare with a cost and service effective system such as expanding the V.A. Hospital system an treating civilians too that are poor, a nuclear conflict with North Korea might make it difficult to get the Trump agenda done in the remainder of his term yet the market should recover with increased Korean economic investment prospects. Harry Truman wasn’t re-elected one recalls. For grandmasters scaling up their analog targets from individuals to nations, controlling global war economics might be a daunting task.

Feminism of the New World Order

In the age of the machine and advanced technology (comparatively) women became empowered with birth control and automation. While men had learned for generations that political and economic differences in leaders and movements were independent of gender, with the Clintons that lesson seemed to be lost as feminists believed to a certain extent, such as former Sect. of State Madeleine Albright, that gender was all important and a political-economic mode in-itself.

Feminism politically has been led to support a global economic war against men. First world feminist leaders have failed to realize that the enhanced status of first world females requires first world economic and technological infrastructure that isn’t present in second and third world economies generally. Though feminists have supported outsourcing male manufacturing and production jobs to second and third world nations having the effect of increasing their economic status the lead time is slow. Second and third world nations lack the general negotiating positions that existed in the United States for workers seeking enhanced status in the 20th century before the end of the Cold War.

Plainly the U.S. national economy of post-WWII growth is over. In that economy with fewer than 140 million citizens initially white men were fully employed and the differences between rich and poor weren’t nearly so great. The tax rate was progressive and the rich paid more than 70% income tax. The population steadily increased and life was good for that class. Segregation still existed in the south though, and women were resentful to a certain extent of their role as self-regarded social economic inferiors (to a certain extent). Unionization also decayed with the union remnant being strongest in government comprising an insulating layer of common people for the rich who pay for politicians. Government union workers in effect work for and are loyal to the rich, largely mirroring global corporate wishes.

After the cold war ended most industrial jobs for men were outsourced to China or elsewhere with an abundance of cheap labor. Technological efficiency increases also undermined the value of male labor and there were additional factors. Women didn’t want men to have greater pay and sought and egalitarian earnings environment. Feminists tended to support illegal alien migrant labor too that also contributed to the devaluation of male labor domestically.

For many Americans the Clinton-Obama economy seemed to be one designed to enrich the 1% and concentrate wealth rather than to better the middle class and poor. Taxes by the second Obama term were made incredibly low and wealth had concentrated through Wall Street networking and zero-interest loans to big banks. Hillary Clinton planned to continue Obamanomics and much of the electorate didn’t care for that including 45% of female voters.

Nevertheless the changes brought by technology comprise a new economy albeit one not at all designed along sustainable economic lines. Feminists in the new economy have made power of equal value with economic progress for women. Yet like chess grandmasters that learn the game from childhood and never work at physical labor, sharing criticism of the white male economic infrastructure (that hasn’t made real economic progress since the mid 1970s) and resisting individuals in the game of inter-social communication, wealth has continued to concentrate and the middle class overall has been in decline though women have a bigger piece of the economic pie within the class.

Chess is a highly skilled game wherein game-boys grown up may function with economic blinders on. They produce nothing consumable except perhaps entertainment and are as highly paid as similarly non-productive commercial athletes that profess nothing and manufacture nothing consumable 9except entertainment). Chess is a good retirement skill that keeps the mind active, and a relaxation tool for intellectuals. Real economics require particular attention to particular national goals and relationships however. A nation enthralled with gaming may find it difficult to discern the woods or the trees.

Donald Trump the candidate promised to benefit the nation and restore a sense of great nationhood to the U.S.A. Replacing the corporatist Obamacare with an expanded V.A. Hospital system serving the civilian public too that are poor, and coordinating that structure with community clinics for the poor would be the most cost effective way. The de facto one-party system in Congress probably wouldn’t produce anything practical like that.

Female voters have in effect signed aboard the globalist agenda forwarded by the Clinton-Obama-Harvard axis of economic evil designed to create a global village of idiots owned largely by a plutocracy of 1%ers working with communist party elites to keep the village idiots happy in a non-sustainable economy. An eleatic social moral renormalization where the village idiots are amoral and doped appears to be the basic policy in order to have all people treated equally as no more than plankton. Religious ideas regardless of being Christian or Moslem are undesirable for the godless plutocratic atheist world order.

Feminists like the idea of a non-physical labor work force with a heavily governed social order dominated by biggest bitch political bosses lording it over drone male and female worker-doped-pacified village citizenry permitted sex like swine that by homes with veritable lifetime mortgages. With the left being so supportive of a bifurcated immoral citizenry under capitalist, globalist plutocrats, the need to persuade business leaders like President trump of the economic value of the ecosphere for the sustainable goods and services that it supplies to all like receives little support.

President Trump is a businessman. Business leaders don’t let highly placed executives like Vice President Pence sit around and cut blue ribbons. While pure politicians might pick symbolic Vice Presidents and keep them out of the way lest they be rivals for attention and glory, business minded Presidents want to get some work out of them. President Trump recently sent V.P. Pence on an Asian mission perhaps to coordinate a response to North Korean nuclear weapons and missile delivery expansion.

President Trump is probably not only for sovereignty for the U.S.A., he also has a habit of making a profit. Ecological economist could show trump the advantage and potential profits of ecological economics and if he were convinced he likely would support it; especially if it is synergistic with existing economic structures and amenable to evolutionary transformation from old to new without radical displacement. If the profit is there, capitalists and business will follow.

A healthy U.S. economy with strong border control and stable immigration policies that won’t disrupt American lives should be the foundation for an America policy able to guide other nations toward similar ecological economic business free enterprise structures that are sustainable. That is a concern that American feminist should develop before the next election rather than playing social reality as some sort of chess game they can win with incessant attacks on their fellow citizens that just need to earn a living too.

It may be that abstract business zoning criteria should be devised and made into law to which any new business would need to cohere in order to exist. There might be a cap on employee total such as 5000 to prevent monopoly. Taxation on individuals earning more than a million dollars annually might be set at 51% in order to defend the sovereignty of democracy from the power of plutocracy. Business should have responsibility for environmental externalities and have taxation in relation to their environmental efficiency at low entropy. Patents should be limited to 7 years with 10% royalties to inventors after that from any business using the patented idea. None should be allowed to own stock shares in more than three corporations.

Because one year in prison at $40,000 for a convict could have paid for food stamps for 20 people for a year, and for other reasons in a similar way, it is desirable to provide minimum income and physical storage facilities for the poor to lower economic pressure for crime. Crime has numerous indirect social costs that should be reduced in a fully democratic, environmentally sustainable free enterprise economy in the United States.

Numerous factors work against employment for U.S. individuals that are out of the work force for any length of time. Women as men should be given the real opportunity and have the social expectation to be independent citizens able to earn a living without being exploited or experiencing onerous conditions. Relationship should be consensual rather than circumstantially coercive. Illegal migration, environmental exploitation, a too powerful broadcast media, concentration of wealth and more reinforce social anomie and degradation rather than a good national equilibrium. It doesn’t take a village; it takes a nation.


Patterns of Quantum Waves (poem)

Overlapping waves breaking present symmetries
juxtaposing möbius dimensions of space-time
like golden means of non-Euclidean geometry
-particles of zero dimensions
increasing in patterns
subtle structures
of dimensions
mandlebroting möbius surfaces
paint like Pollock’d depositions of mass-energy
digital fields entirely subject to the will of God
extrapolating from a finite mass at t=0 singularity; a singularity of no dimensions; time, mass and energy initially too of zero dimension & size-
reducible to infinities of scale without size
an emanated scalar field from zero dimensions emerges
the entire Universe
replete with future history
convergent waves implicitly pre-determined

dimensional patterns from T=0 to omega.


Pride of Phytoplankton (poem)

Those phytoplankton not on a human scale
lacking a spiritual dimension
simply consume
fighting to intake others
mandibles of war
evolving from some zero-point mnembrane
growing hair of the dog
unthinking enough to even be lost
time's flying while Satan sifts
larger structures built in the night
as all life was
called unto God
in the soul’s morning light

is the Lord Jesus Christ.


Eight Volumes of 'A Philosophical Approach' Published

Recently I published eight volumes of my brief, philosophically relevant essays sorted into general categories. They are named 'A Philosophical Approach - Theoretical' for example.

I also viewed a painting recently that I would have bought if I had any place to keep one out of the rain. The painter had several pleasing to look at, and I suppose that's what a painting is supposed to be. I believe she ought to have naed the painting 'The Candidate'. The artist has several at a reasonable price, probably under-valued.

I took a photo a while ago that I have named 'Higher Education'.










ISIS, Kim and Sanctuary Cities Infrastructure Upgrades (humor)

Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and other sanctuary cities are scheduled for infrastructure upgrades in order to provide better sanctuary services to their constituents.

Seattle is at the top of the list of U.S. cities needing improvement in their shabby sanctuary treatment of illegal aliens, foreign drug suppliers, ISIS terrorists and nuclear weapons developers from profiled axis of evil states that have chosen or might choose to make Seattle, Portland and San Francisco their home.

When atheist Americans of the left coast drove Christian occupiers of churches out with litigation and protest and filled the with homosexual leadership so far as possible, rectifying the problem of cake makers refusing to provide pastries to homosexual weddings en passant, entire cities needed to be invented as sanctuaries to replace those previously restricted to churches. In the new world order atheism is a big yurt drawing in the illegal, the criminal, smugglers and terrorists yerking the left to breed free.

It should be possible to build a dam in the ecologically dying Puget Sound and convert Trident nuclear submarine reactors into hot water makers that can make Puget Sound waters warm and productive enough to provide sanctuary to endangered shark species from around the globe. Seattle and Portland mayors will provide jobs and sensitivity training and high school diplomas for anyone arriving illegally seeking sanctuary and refuge from U.S. Federal law, standing up with battalions of lawyers to any Federal Executive oppressors trying to enforce laws on the people’s land owned by global political action committees.


A Minute of Vlog Humor v4

Neil Gorsuch's In; Revolt Against High Court Unnecessary?

After forcing Republicans to use the nuclear option to place a less than extremist Harvard/Oxford appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, democrats may have inadvertently forestalled the need for the Republic to revolt against the Supreme Court that forced homosexual marriage upon the nation.


When a high coourt is corrupt I guess it is theoretically possible for the public to work a coup and cancel the court's existence if support from the Executive and Legislative branches arise. With another Harvard grad on the court compounded by the foreign Oxford University training of Mr. Gorsuch the propblem of rule by Harvard corporatism has increased toward the worst end of the spectrum. That provides food for thought.



Trump/Syria Joining Demos on Global Imperialism?

President Trump choose a 'massive bombing' of a Syrian airfield recently. Bombing first and thinking later seems a common policy of U.S. Presidents since Bill Clinton. To establish a Sunni belt from Libya to Pakistan and Indonesia should not really be a goal of U.S. foreign policy.president Obama said that too regarding homosexual marriage before he gave it full public support. The language 'evolve' from politicians appears to mean they are about to work up some baloney policy.



Chemical war is bad. All sorts of ways of killing people in war are unpleasant to experience. The U.S. and Germany invented nerve agents VX, GB and GA. The U.S. and Germany used tons of it in WWI. In a tough fight against an enemy the Obama administration and Hillary heloped to create Syria has apparently used the stuff. Kinder, gentler ways of legal murder are preferred by compassionate conservatives of course, yet it should be remembered that the left sometimes name the U.S. as war mongers for even fighting the Nazis and japanese in WWII. Incidently the reason the Nazis didn't use chemicals was because they remembered it from WWI so the U.S. didn't either.

Democrats and the Pentagon tend to support the Gulf Sunni royals for financial reasons. Democrats support global imperialism because they believe in error that it is possible to force homosexual marriage and feminism upon the Moslem world through Sunni royals as well as democracy. Wall Street likes globalism and the more decadent Sunni gulf states and like the late Roman Empire prefer foreign investment to maintaining their own solid national infrastructure.

U.S. politicians like Wall Street and so bombing to expand markets seems good. In time though the vast numbers of Moslems and Chinese will expropriate U.S. commercial elites that have separated themselves from ordinary American economic interests. Like pure materialists in chess that can't resist taking a pawn and fail to look a move or two ahead at what the opposition will do, losing is becoming an American tradition. Moslems too will want to revolt against their royals one day leaving the restoration of a vast conservative caliphate as the basic popular course.


Pres. Trump Needs Caution Regarding the Dirty Hands on Syria

President Trump should be conservative with Syria; keeping the present Alawite Government is the sole practical option though the leadership may need to change if it perps illegal war disproportionate to the opposition too much.

Civil war is nasty business especially when stimulated by so much Saudi and American help for the opposition. Its worth remembering that the U.S.A. has very dirty hands as far as non-involvement in Syria goes. The situation is rather treacherous.

A Sunni Syria would be a victory for a caliphate for practical purposes. It would destabilize the Middle East further and present future threats to the west, if anyone remains to care.

The United States is often too quick to desire to intervene in affairs it does not well understand because it profits defense contractors and the careers of generals. The United States in the past had a no first use of chemical weapons policy before changing it recently to no use. That does not mean however that very vulnerable and endangered nations may not choose to use chemical weapons invented by Germany and the United States (VX) for self-defense. If advantaged nuclear-empowered nations have no use for chemical weapons and can kill at their pleasure without them, and if they own the world court, it is not too surprising that they may find the use of chemical weapons by small nations heavily attacked as a cause for condemnation. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Universal Basic Income Should be a Doge Priority

It might prevent a lot of crimes and costs of incarceration. It could replace unemployment compensation, food stamps, etc and enhance effici...