
Lakers Should Draft a Big with Pick Seventeen

 The Lakers haven't had a reliable big center since Dwight Howard left. Anthony Davis is a power forward- maybe the best in the game, yet he is forced to play center far too often. That reduces his ability to take outside shots and rebound too, and rebounding is as important as scoring. Team shooting averages are usually less than 50%, so second shots with a rebound can make the effect shooting average 75% if half of the second shots go in. They need someone with a good attitude, athleticism, speed and endurance.

If the Lakers draft a solid young center with strong shooting and rebounding skill he can liberate Davis to play his preferred position all the time. There are ten large centers in the 2024 college draft and not every team will pick a center who is drafting before the Lakers. There should be one available, and he could restore the balance the Lakers had during their last championship year. It is apparently possible that recently retired Rajon Rondo may be the new Lakers coach.

With two bigs in the game (Davis and the new center), and Lebron James, a forward and another guard the Lakers stay with anyone. They also have reliever Jackson Hayes, Jarred Vanderbilt, Taurean Prince, Cam Reddish, Max Christie and Austin Reeves. That team is good enough.



Leaving Russia Out of Peace Conference is Biden's Biggest Blunder

 Not inviting Russia to a peace conference concerning the Ukraine conflict is consistent with the Democrat Party’s one-party approach to politics in the U.S.A. Combat lawyers lead the party and exploit every possible lever within and without their party’s power to force matters their own way. Meanwhile they don’t cut taxes n the rich and the Biden administration has conveniently lost any mention of a comprehensive plan to end global warming that several presidential candidates advanced in the 2020 primary contests. Joe Biden low-bid that season with a three trillion dollar plan eventually reduced to 1.5 trillion and much of that went to buy diapers for democrats or some similar program.

The Biden administration has done everything it possibly could to progressively move the nation forward to a nuclear third world war and eliminating half of the nations of the world from the U.S.A.’s friendly economic relations camp. When the Biden administration green lighted Ukraine to use U.S. weapons to attack Russia, possibly with N.A.T.O. officers orchestrating attacks, the nuclear war prospects improved. Russia responded by seeking help from central Asians militarily and even approached the Taliban for permission to let Russian allies use a trans-national road. So it is possible that Chinese P.L.A. veterans and Muslim fighters possibly including Taliban, Khazahks, Tadzhiks and others will be fighting in Ukraine in the effort to retain territorial integrity for Russia over it’s historic lands.

One might wonder why central Asian nations and China would reinforce Russia with arms and personnel. The west is perceived as a colonizing power historically, and a somewhat old one at that. While the U.S.A. claims to be the heart of fair democratic government much of the more youthful nations of Asia experience capitalism as exploitative and reflect on America’s history of the past 50 years of investing in wars against poor nations. Russia is regarded as one of the two most strong nations of the non-capitalist world even though it was of course well on the road to capitalism before the Ukraine war sponsored by the west. If Russia were to lose the war then all of Asia would become more vulnerable to the western push eastward. France and the United States lost direct control of Indochina, and the United States and UN allies were just able to contain North Korean communists. The United States waged war in Afghanistan for two decades as well as venturing into middle eastern conflicts. Some of the Asian and BRIC nations have been stimulated by the war into relying on their own economic resources rather than those of elites of western capitalism that support the Ukraine war.

The Biden administration evidently has a very obsolete view of world economics and complete ignorance or amnesia about Russian historical ownership of the Crimea and much of Ukraine. In seeking to expand Ukraine into former historically Russian lands at the end of the cold war I the early 1990s and feeling far more militarily and economically powerful the Democrat Party set the stage for war rather than peace. The only way for the United States and the west to restore peace and economic ties as they were before the Ukraine conflict is to negotiate with Russia and cede the presently held lands in Russian military control permanently. Then the sanctions against Russia should be ended. Russia would need to accept the new borders and promise not to attack Ukraine further in the future. The U.S.A. and especially Europe as well as Russia need swiftly begin deescalating militarily.

The Biden administrations total obsolescence in global political strategizing is quite damaging the United States. It will lose market advantages to the newly emerging BRIC-plus economic bloc. That BRIC economic block is adding new bricks to what could be a rival and more populous economic group dwarfing demographically even the G-20 when one subtracts China from memberships and moves it to the heart f the new economic block. In order to have the pride of power and diminish Russia globally Democrat Presidents since Bill Clinton have converted Russia from a nation looking with admiration to the U.S. economic and political system seeking to establish free enterprise to one regarded as an enemy compelled to fight to recover some of its lost historical land and reorient its economic foundation to one more compatible with Chinese hybrid socialism-capitalism. If the lunacy of the Biden approach continues the world will be lucky to avoid a third world war or complete division into an Orwellian Oceana vs US perennial conflict. Even now China has used the Ukraine conflict as an opportunity to try to conquer Taiwan; and that circumstance would never have occurred if Democrat combat lawyers hadn’t removed Russia from merging into the western camp.

Wealthy global capitalists of Western Europe and the United States may not mind fomenting and financing entirely avoidable wars and refusing to take negotiated action to conclude them swiftly. They may create peace conferences to drum up miltary and economic war to benefit their entry in a conflict like Ukraine and ignore not only history yet clear and present peace prospects too. China may end up adding a tax on Wal-mart products created in China to help finance the Ukraine war for their Russian allies. Western capitalists invested so much in China and are looking to India now (and India has adjusted its Russian trade from 4% before the war to 46% ) that the cessation of trade from China might create skyrocketing inflation for the poor in the United States and the elderly living on fixed incomes, perhaps increasing prices 50% or more. Of course that doesn’t matter much to the rich paying low taxes in the U.S.A. who would find the cost of groceries trivial and could live at their other mansions in other nations anyway.

Cosmology and Word Processing

 Words including the meaning and function of words differ from that of arithmetic in interesting respects. If one wants to add or subtract characters from a story the author need merely describe the new character to explain to the reader why a character disappeared. For a phrase in arithmetic one just needs to + add or -subtract a quantity. That is a kind of direct description itself.

Te find and replace function in word processors is more like arithmetic. One may universally (when the story file is the Universe) add or subtract an exact phrase or name from the story. The author writes into the find box a name like ‘Big-news’ and for example, one hundred uses show up. Then the author types in the replace box a word or phrase like ‘Newer news’ and the one hundred uses of Big-news are immediately replaced with the phrase ‘Newer news’. There is a protocol or hierarchy of different levels of meaning and coded instruction in computers and word processors, and in arithmetic as well as with ordinary language. Words written at the ordinary language level of say, common English have implicit values, and writing instructions with them in MS or Libre Office Word to ‘multiply 10 times ten’ won’t do anything at all. That is no mathematical operation will follow. For that the author would need to be in a calculator program.

I mention this because the idea or paradigm of hierarchical levels is of pervasive interest and application in several fields including cosmology. Cosmology like word processing software has observable, high-level or ordinary level content as well as other levels of content with more fundamental values. Perhaps subatomic particles are comparable to machine and assembler languages in computer codes that are more fundamental that higher level programming languages that support ordinary human language processing (English, Spanish, Tlingit, Chinese, Russian etc). Of most interest is the quantum entanglement phenomena that allows faster than light, simultaneous information sharing between separate entangled particles. That is comparable to the find and replace entanglement that can view the entire document vary quickly, not by reading through it in ordinary English as would a human reader living in the human level of experiencing the Universe and computer’s word processor, but by giving the word phrase a numerical values and search for that unique structure below the ordinary language level. The entire document containing the story may be given numerical values to represent numbers and those numbers structured with 0s an 1s of binary code.

In cosmology the below the surface way that quantum information exists presently isn’t fully understood. Why quantum information may be entangled and share information as if there were no distance between an entangled particle pair, when there is a substantial distance such that faster than light conveyance of information would seem to be required for simultaneous change in the bound quanta, can just be speculated about. The answers may fundamental alter human understanding of how the Universe, Multiverse or Meta-verse is structured.

The apparent Universe of massless two-dimensional quanta entangeled within the Higgs Field and given the appearance of a third dimension, gravity and other fundamental forces acting upon the apparent three-dimensional mass may be compared with an internet web page written with plain english. Consider the web page as a Universe with laws that regulate the speed that light can travel on it. Yet sharing the ordinary language of the web page are button-links connected to dimensions besides those of the web page, and with different physical laws. Maybe mass is like the hyperlinks, as well as entangled particles such that they exist on the observable universe of the web page yet have below the surface, extra-dimensional functions that transcend the physical laws of the web page as-itself.

One tends to consider a dimensional hierarchy as an explanation, with more dimensions than the three of space of one of time that the apparent world is made of. Yet even the singularity at the big bang and hyper-inflation in the first second of the expansion of the Universe are brought into question when one introduces extra dimensions into the conjecture. If the singularity of everything that makes up a Universe in compact form also contains an infinite number of potential dimensions it is possible that the Universe humans presently live in used just three of those dimensions in the expansion and the singularity remains where it was, as it was, from the beginning, before the beginning actually.

Einstein’s equations for general relativity and astrophysical observations suggest that there was an expansion from a singularity and yet the equations and observations perish before presenting complete accounts and terminate into at best, infinities near the beginning. One should expect that obviously, for the singularity would be every possible infinity in-itself, and yet be perfectly balanced and without energy, for energy is a relationship between monism and pluralism arising from infinity. It goes without saying that in true infinity the emanation or subtraction of a finite quantity of pluralism that becomes energy would be a non sequitur or have a negligible effect on the truly infinite singularity- especially as the pluralism and the force fields within it seek to return the the monistic condition of the true singularity.

The emanation of four dimensions of pluralism is comparable to holographic emanations somewhere on or within the infinite phenomenon of the singularity, or a hyper-dimensional black hole star’s event horizon as has been written about by theoretical physicists is itself a temporal phenomenon within the eternal. While the singularity in balance is phenomenal and without force paradoxically, while in balance; pluralist Universes arising from it maintain ties to the hyper-dimensional host. The dimensions, distances, energy and forms of the emanated Universe are transparent in relation to the monism of the singularity, and while in the pluralistic state of being a Universe, the Universe remains part of the One that is the singularity. It is therefor not surprising that phenomena like gravity, quantum entanglement and a Higgs Field, Dark energy and dark matter phenomena persist and are challenging to explain.

Dreams and Artificial Intelligence

 People were concerned with rapid advances of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and the risks and dangers it posed to humanity. A.I. was an existential threat (if only one could unravel the meaning of existential in context) that could bring about the end of human existence on Earth and throughout the Metaverse (the largest collection of Multiverses).

One might be impressed with the ability of robots to fight against humans. With a good programs inserted robots learned as fast as humans learned when data was inserted from neural chemical chips into their brains- instantly. Plainly robots with killer programming inserted were excellent killers. The 21st century Ukraine war stimulated development of robots able to replace human combatants when humans finished killing off themselves in such great numbers that human replacements for the front lines of conflict weren’t available.

The profusion of A.I. applications available on-line was remarkable. While artificial intelligence is machine code and didn’t develop a human-like self-awareness of existence because it lacked a biological foundation to host spirit, it is the case that with adequate sensor input and programming it functioned creatively about as well or better than Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel, Pablo Picasso as a triplicate mind put into a sculptured athletic body. It wasn’t actually so human-like since it did not dream.

A.I. sometimes hallucinates; that is it produces code or output from code and mechanical cogitation/computations that is fiction. So hallucination free A.I. was something sought after. Dreams are comparable to hallucinations yet they differ because of the different function and circumstance where they occur.

The external world that humans exist in and experience is sometimes referred to as the empirical world. What humans experience subjectively of the empirical world is regarded as existential. It is like a play that one watches passing before one’s eyes yet simultaneously lives within. Philosophers wondered and argued about what the reality is of what one experiences.

The external world-universe humans live within is made of quantum waves. It is in a real sense a single quantum field. Though the field does have actual subdivisions of forces, and occurs in forms of clumps or differentiated quantum quantification. For instance the moon has more quantum clumpiness than the space between it and Earth.

Humans tend to make distinctions and borders about objects themselves. At least they name the important objects to themselves that are meaningful. Objects important to humans in their evolutionary history phase differ from things meaningful to A.I. in it’s existence when it may be even be said to have such concerns. For instance an A.I. might be made to note the thermal characteristics of field regions as objects, perhaps combined with gravitational characteristics, as the primary things to observe existentially within a field.

Humans might originally have been more concerned with perceptible elements that affected their existence. That is they were more concerned with finding food and avoiding dangers to existence and prioritized the naming of phenomena in such categories.

A.I. existed without sharing those human characteristics or language groupings implicitly. When it did share such perceptive, cognitive characteristics as humans that led them to naming things as objects, A.I. requiring programming to do so.

Even so A.I. didn’t dream. Human dreaming has been described as the way the brain starts waking up from sleep. Perhaps it resumes important functions and concerns from experience in various combinations. If computers did not restart in a linear or logical way and instead resumed with something like hallucinatory recombination of thoughts synthetically combining in different orders and locations of a central processing unit that would be more like dreaming. When fully awake human mind dreaming switches off (though in rare cases it transitions into hallucinating upon awaking).

It is possible that human dreaming is also a way of remembering existential experience is a less structured way. While human beings need to be concerned with survival issues and dangers that arrive quickly (even through the air) and have an advantage in recognizing objects in categories to be concerned with or focused on, that development is a consequence of history and environment. The human mind itself may enjoy benefiting from the liberation of free thought less concerned with circumstantial boundaries caused by interaction with the empirical world. In order not to be biological programmed and evolved into being non-adaptable and hard-wired to perceive in just one unchanging way, the human mind may dream before downloading into the conformity of the conscious, empirical world without the restrictions imposed by reality.

Questions arose of what human-like A.I. would do with the programmer-designed capacity to dream and synthetically recombine its thought before awakening to more rigorously logical ways of iterating and solving internal and external challenges.

How to Settle the Milky Way Galaxy

 There are so many science fiction scenarios with faster-than-light travel for exploring and settling the Milky Way and other galaxies that one can lose track of realistic paradigms for explorations. The speed of light is the speed limit for anything with mass; nothing can travel faster or even more practically, nothing can travel anywhere near that fast because of relativistic limits. The opposite scenario most take is that humanity won’t ever travel more than 5 or 10 light years from Earth because of the time even that would take. There is a more realistic middle way though.

Humanity might well reach half of the speed of light with one of several forms of powering gradual acceleration of a space ship. Human travel to other star systems need not occur even within a human lifetime. At half of the speed of light reaching the other side of the galaxy yet not going through the dangerous congested galactic core region might require a quarter of a million years. That is about the same period of time that has passed since human beings became fully human. Future human population of the galaxy begins with a single step as the saying goes. With patience and frontier settlements they might take even two or three million years to venture out even to distant galactic arms traveling just at half the speed of light.

A small step for man and a giant leap for mankind began the thousand mile journey; or more accurately the 52,000 light year journey across the diameter of the Milky Way. Humanity may reach nearby Proxima Centauri and learn to hibernate for longer voyages of up to a 100 light years or more and create settlements. In modest increments traveling at half of the speed of light humanity might evolve pioneering settlements that would fill the galaxy with populated worlds in a million years or two. The species not be so pessimistic or fatalistic about its prospects even though it hasn’t even the capacity to settle conflicts with other means than war at the highest level of political leadership (in the United States at least). The Ukraine war could be concluded by sharing that borderland area between the rival claimants and ensuing peace would prosper each.

There are of course numerous potential challenges to exploring and settling the Milky Way even as there were in the evolutions of the human race out of Africa and to the western hemisphere of Earth. Alien species making their own journey may contact and clash with humanity at some point of the journey. Religious cults of war-like disposition may appear to war upon humanity in order to bring the race under political totality. Artificial Intelligence projects may arise to search and destroy sentient biological life. Loss of faith in God could generate a terrible species malaise and despair in a chasm of existential meaninglessness. Scientific discoveries could accidentally bring about the end of a galaxy or universe in one quantum exploding or disintegrating event. Maladaptive political economy on Earth may render the world ecosphere uninhabitable before exploration gets beyond the solar system. Racial conflicts may divide demographics on Earth and stimulate war even though the comparatively minor racial yet valuable difference between human races will pale to insignificance in comparison to unimaginable variegated human adaptations in forms in micro-gravity, in artificial habitats and on new worlds with different stellar distances, gravity strengths, atmospheric mixtures and so forth. The different human racial adaptations to environmental challenges are more of a strength than a weakness as the human race advances through billions of star systems. Yet with many risks and challenges humanity will trudge on.

After the fact is realized of creating faster-than-light travel, if ever that occurs, at that point, and only then would it be practical to plan explorations missions on a grander scale. The likeliest means would be to discover how quantum entanglement and information super-positioning works. Perhaps the entire universe of mass occurs in four dimensions (including time) that ‘floats’ on a fathomless hyper-dimensional sea where distance does not exist at the same scale as it does in the four dimension universe and humans may learns to use its no-distance dimension as a shortcut amid galaxies of the universe. That age of faster than light travel may be very far away. It may take as much time for humanity to settle the galaxy at half light speed as it did for the first humans to migrate from Africa to America. Perseverance and steady philosophical reason are required for the voyage of progress.


Will Donald Trump Win the 20 Million Convicted Felons of the USA Vote in November 2024?

 When Donald Trump, former President of the United States and the presumed Republican nominee for President in the 2024 presidential race was convicted of thirty four felony counts that was a small step toward a one-party state and a giant advance to banana republic politics. Democracy seems to have died yesterday in New York City, or at least to confirm the corrupted, fallen state of U.S. political leadership. At the national political level such legal victories can be Pyrrhic victories.

On the face of it one would think that Trump will become a two-time loser running for President due to the loss of support from older Americans voting for Trump because they want a law and order candidate wiling to reinforce their personal security. A convicted felon usually isn’t considered to be in that category.

Yet voting restoration of those convicted of felony crimes is a just movement that helps prevent a class segregated social, economic and political order from continuing, and Donald Trump-felon convict at large who may be rehabilitated with felon conversion therapy to become a productive, law-abiding citizen, just could be the symbol of rehabilitation able to draw in millions of convicted felon voters to the Republican Party- and the United States has tens of millions of former convicted felons within it (more than 20 million I recall).

So as counterintuitive as it may appear, the conviction of Donald Trump could be like the watershed political moment when Richard Nixon realized that he could capture the evangelical vote to provide a winning edge in the 1968 Presidential race (in addition to Democrat students subject to the draft were tired of the Democrat Party led Vietnam War). In fact there may be as many convicted felon potential voters in America as there are evangelical voters- a forgiving group- that may be drawn to vote for the next Felon-in-Chief.

Donald Trump might be able to catalyze and energize a new block of voters-convicted felons and lead national prison reform. Mass incarceration and prison reform haven’t drawn serious enough attention from the well-to-do in government. The Angola Prison is a kind of American Mamartine, and prisons turn out to be training facilities for repeat offenders as one would think they logically should be. Maybe Mr. Trump will learn how to hot-wire cars, crack safes and write computer viruses when not pumping iron up the river.

Donald Trump is the Richard Nixon punching bag that Democrats never had the chance to beat up enough to be satisfied. The Donald is also a peace candidate paradoxically who would end the Ukraine War and therefore unpopular with the Hollywood-military-industrial complex that manufacturers weapons and global warming gasses for breakfast.

Former President Trump is a free enterprise Eugene McCarthy politician for peace convicted of having a convicted perjuring lawyer pay for suppression of unpopular news stories during the 2016 Presidential race and falsely claim the payments were campaign expenses (though they actually were). If Mr. Trump was not in a Presidential election campaign it isn’t likely that he would have paid to suppress the allegations that he had engaged in sex with a porn star. Maybe the Democrat Governor of New York Kathy Sokel will pardon the Republican Presidential candidate and let the nation swiftly step out of the trap it seem to be determined to put its feet into though its unlikely, since Democrats hate Donald Trump for defeating Hillary Clinton in 2016

The Democrat Party have moved the nation further toward its goal of being a one-party political system where wealth is concentrated and political incompetents being political nominees are the rule rater than the exception. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was easily and obviously the best available choice for Republicans who should yet choose him to be their nominee at the Republican convention, yet are more likely to stay with Donald Trump even though he may receive a sentence of 34 minutes or even 34 months in Sing Sing where he can conduct his campaign from and serve as President from if he gets the harsh sentence of 34 months confirming unequal treatment of the law for rich and poor in the U.S.A.

Republicans needed to run a lawyer for President able to battle and win in legal arenas where partisan politics throws every sort of bull-crap imaginable in order to disqualify rival party candidates from office. Like the dishonesty of the reasoning of the historical evolution of the Ukraine War that is the favorite pastime of the current Democrat Party lawyer-President, Democrats have undermined trust in the fairness of legal justice in the the U.S.A. for the public that already had little respect for the politicians that are elected by public. The Biden administration has at least liberalized marijuana laws to help let a dopey political mileau accept the way things are in the politics of Sodom and Gomorrah supervised by an elite three stooges beekeeper shadow government.

New York would sentence a poor citizen convicted of 34 felony counts to thirty four years or more in jail yet the billionaire Presidential candidate may not serve much more than 34 minutes. Regardless of the lunatic developments of specious and possibly a few true legal proceedings against the former President the American public are the losers in reducing the political system to a banana republic sort of shit-hole political system with a convicted felon vs an octogenarian war monger for abortion, homosexual marriage, decriminalized marijuana, open borders and apparently deceived the electorate about getting real global warming gas reduction legislation or a tax increase on the rich passed when his party had both houses of congress in control.

When Mrs Trump drives a gray Chevy Camaro with a stick shift and 454 hemi to park outside the gate of Sing Sing waiting on the hood of the car for the release of her husband from 34 minutes of hard time breaking rocks insides so they can drive off into the night across America the former President should have already withdrawn from the 2024 Presidential race and thrown his support to Gov Ron DeSantis who probably would have a better chance of defeating the perennial ego candidate incumbent Joe Biden. DeSantis might pardon Trump from future convictions at the federal level that could occur if Mr. Biden is re-elected to his Golden Pond waging interminable war on Russia and Donald Trump from the White House. Republicans seem to be trying to throw in the towel on winning the battle for the White House this year by in effect running a convicted felon to represent the scofflaw party.

It will be challenging for Republicans to be a law and order party if they run a convicted felon for President even though he would do a better job than Joe Biden- that is a very low bar to cross. Republicans shouldn’t be a war monger party too advancing the prospects for global thermonuclear war by letting Joe Biden take another term. Under the influence of the administration’s Rasputin, Joe Biden has ‘adapted and adjusted’ this policy to allow Ukraine to use U.S. supplied weapons including missiles to attack Russia. Joe Biden’s Rasputin (Sect. Blinken) may believe there is sufficient legal distinction between the U.S. attacking Russia itself and Ukraine using U.S. weapons and training to attack inside Russia to keep Russia from retaliating in some way directly on the United States.

The late Sen Edward Kennedy transformed the Democrat Party into a party led by combat lawyers. Like the evolution from peace time to war time military fighter aircraft regulations that allow more radical turns in time of war, Democrat lawyer politicians have jettisoned any regulatory norm for democracy and politics in order to press for present political victories regardless of the consequences to the nation in the future. Republicans never adjusted to the Combat lawyer approach to legislation or Executive action. They did not advance the nuclear option to win votes in Congress. They can count on the fact that some Americans just won’t vote for a convicted felon to lead the nation; even if the conviction was made in a blue state where Hillary Clinton lives-loser of the 2016 Presidential race and Bill Clinton live- a founding father of the theft of Ukraine from Russia. Combat lawyers have an amoral evolutionist ethic and value winning at any price. The west is militarily stronger than Russia in their opinion and therefore can continue to defend the post Cold War redistribution of Russian land to Ukraine as the new normal with the majority of voters being ignorant, like themselves, of world history except as it is useful for increasing their wealth and power. In the modern world that is a Mister McGoo worldview.

One need play by the rules, even when the rules suck, when there are no viable alternatives. If Republicans want to present a no-contest election like they did in Barrack Obama’s Illinois Senate campaign they are well on the way. It is as if Wall Street is happy enough with the Ukraine war and the no tax increases on the rich history of Joe Biden that they don’t want to rock the boat with a Republican President against war in Ukraine and for a negotiated, fair and just peace and direct resumption of normal relations with Russia.

Hill Scars (poem)


Saw-toothed edges and rat tail files
mountain sands sloping steeper to ledges
washed out spares dry dreaming miles
to a universe of rusting metal hedges

  Radio winterference receiving deception
summer solstice through vulturing conception
plants greened in cyclic reprieve
dried and burned with desiccated leaves

  Radiators leaking water to dust
insured by metal cans made with Beijing beans busted
chemicals in a clay river bed leached leaded life
packaged plain like simpler things rife

World spun hot with magnetic-electrical currents
blame cold brine goals
become Hell’s Gate coals
hot core marathon for invention.


Biden Cosidering Letting Ukraine Attack Russia with U.S. Weapons

 The policy release of weapons free to attack Russia considered by U.S. President Biden is a dangerous escalation. One never knows where such attacks can lead. One must infer that the President must be prepared to attack Russia in conventional war with U.S. troops if Russia retaliates on U.S. economic targets like oil refineries if Ukraine escalates attacks on Russian oil refineries.


Destroying economic targets could boomerang on U.S. economic interests. Curlie, Mo and Larry as White House advisors don't understand the risks. Congress should be concerned about the President's willingness to enter into a conventional war with Russia in Ukraine; that could easily escalate to nuclear conflict;. Maybe it isn't. Perhaps they are more interested in fights against bear.

Sect of War Blinken urges  President to let Ukraine escalate the Ukraine war by using high-tech U.S. weapons to attack Russia...



U.S. Should Leave N.A.T.O and Israel Consider Renouncing the Oslo Accord of 1993

 Norway and Spain; two N.A.T.O members-possibly Neo Nazi members (the U.S.A. should ditch N.A.T.O. in order not to swell a few unnamed somewhat runty nations) have decided to formally recognize a Palestinian state that exists only because Israel agreed to make it so at the Oslo in 1993. Hamas of course does not recognize the state of Israel and is presently at war on Israel after having launched a terrorist sneak attack.

The accord was needed to try to get the Palestinian Terrorist Organization (the P.L.O.) to stop blowing up airports and taking hostages wherever it could such as at the Munich Massacre at the Munich Olympics). Palestinians were stateless because they rejected U.N. Resolution 242 that gave them a state and Israel and state and sought interminable war against Israel instead. With a host of Arab nations that warred on Israel yet tired of that eventually because Israel kept winning and gaining land in war that it gave back a little at a time (or a lot), Palestinians because a people of professional forever terrorism. Hamas took over from the P.L.O. that became the government of Palestinian on the West Bank and Gaza until fell to the power of Hamas.

Israel is a smaller nation that Spain or Norway. Norway is rather comparable in size to Israel and yet neither of those smallish nations care more than the average Nazi about first securing Israel security before recognizing a terrorist led Gaza under Hamas as some kind of state. Israel could consider renouncing the Oslo accord in part (the West Bank Palestinian Authority seems to have honored the agreement enough to deserve to remain in power there) so far as to restructure the Gaza as a formal protectorate that will be held in trust while Israel grows a non-belligerent government there led by ordinary honest peace loving people of there are enough Palestinians to fill the need of a few thousand government workers. General Douglas MacArthur got Japan directly converted into a self governing democracy; maybe Japanese are just better, more intelligent people than Palestinians who will forever fail at living peacefully and moving into the 21st century before it becomes the 22nd.

The U.S. should leave N.A.T.O. and let Europe defend itself since it is wearing the big boy pants now and denying the small state of Israel a modicum of security support and is reverting to its Neo-Nazi, Arian supremacy, anti-Semitic roots.

Maybe Spain has too many fascists in politics that had families loyal to the Spanish fascist regime and they look nostalgically to their own war crimes history when looking on those of Hamas. Norway of course had Nazi sympathizers and still has the malodorous institution of monarchy that is the next best thing to fascist.

Pablo Picasso Guernica 1937


President Biden Surrendered Afghanistan and Russia to Chinese Communist Party Economics

In a real sense President Biden's policy to alienate Russia surrender that piece of central Eurasia to the Chinese economic sphere of interest. Russia had been friendly to the west and capitalism before the decade of Democrat Party sanctions were applied. Surrendering economic interests to antipathetic forces seems routine for the Biden administration. Of course in 2023 the President surrendered Afghanistan,

Surrender is o.k. for Democrat Party political theorists that popularly believe reality is subjectively defined. In fact they are equivalent to red state's global warming deniers in blocking unpleasant aspects of reality from their thought.

There is a good movie portraying a famous battle in the Korean war from the Chinese point of view. The Chinese revolution occurred in 1949 and the Korean War in 1950. The two were causally connected. China felt it needed to defend against capitalist forces in South Korea when the Northern communists were losing. Russia t that time was the other vast communist state in Eurasia and had China's back although the two nations had friction along the Amur River occasionally.

When the Soviet Communists through in the towell and opted in for free enterprise and democracy China of course was concerned. Yet they had already taken steps toward a mixed capitalist and socialist economy. The Clinton administration amputated the legs of Russia in taken the Ukraine away and the lesson provided for China was that if they let their guard down and fully trusted the west as Russia had they would be screwed. Probably they would infer that if China abandoned communism entirely their nation would be partitioned as Russia had with significant loss of territory.

If Democrat Party lawyer-leaders could think with their brains instead of their Corpus Juris Secundum focusing on American law and precedents they would have valued making a settlement with Russia on Ukraine and ceded land back to Russia, that Russia presently occupies instead of simply surrendering all of Russia to the other emerging global economic block on Earth (including the BRIC nations).

Ukraine wasn't historically independent and the Soviet Union was almost a ditto of historical Russia in area. Democrats reduced it during the peaceful transition from communism to a fraction of what historical Russia was. Historians predicted the conflict of the Russian Federation with the west over the Ukraine defended by the west. Recently President placed a Communist economist in the office of Mister of Defense perhaps in order to gain more support from the Chinese Communist Party that has everything to gain in supporting Russia militarily and integrating with Russia economically.

As it is Ukrainians are draft dodging to avoid being dragooned and sent to the front lines. The senseless war that could easily be settled could instead go on for years to no purpose if Democrats continue to finance it. In fact is seems as if the war may be more popular presently with European elites and inside the beltway D.C. elites than with the people of Ukraine because the rich make money on the war and present profit means everything to them.

Even if the war is ended with a negotiated peace there probably will be some hard feeling in Russia toward the U.S.A. and that may make restoring full economic relations challenging. Winning the peace a second time and moving immediately toward a negotiated and stable peace settlement ought to be a priority for the next U,.S. President in January 2025. It is a shame that death probably will continue to scythe Ukrainians and Russians until the lunatic regime is ended.

Trump May Defeat European Russophobia

The rapid progress with the Trump administration toward renormalizing relations with Russia and ending the Ukraine War occurs in an interest...