
President Biden Surrendered Afghanistan and Russia to Chinese Communist Party Economics

In a real sense President Biden's policy to alienate Russia surrender that piece of central Eurasia to the Chinese economic sphere of interest. Russia had been friendly to the west and capitalism before the decade of Democrat Party sanctions were applied. Surrendering economic interests to antipathetic forces seems routine for the Biden administration. Of course in 2023 the President surrendered Afghanistan,

Surrender is o.k. for Democrat Party political theorists that popularly believe reality is subjectively defined. In fact they are equivalent to red state's global warming deniers in blocking unpleasant aspects of reality from their thought.

There is a good movie portraying a famous battle in the Korean war from the Chinese point of view. The Chinese revolution occurred in 1949 and the Korean War in 1950. The two were causally connected. China felt it needed to defend against capitalist forces in South Korea when the Northern communists were losing. Russia t that time was the other vast communist state in Eurasia and had China's back although the two nations had friction along the Amur River occasionally.

When the Soviet Communists through in the towell and opted in for free enterprise and democracy China of course was concerned. Yet they had already taken steps toward a mixed capitalist and socialist economy. The Clinton administration amputated the legs of Russia in taken the Ukraine away and the lesson provided for China was that if they let their guard down and fully trusted the west as Russia had they would be screwed. Probably they would infer that if China abandoned communism entirely their nation would be partitioned as Russia had with significant loss of territory.

If Democrat Party lawyer-leaders could think with their brains instead of their Corpus Juris Secundum focusing on American law and precedents they would have valued making a settlement with Russia on Ukraine and ceded land back to Russia, that Russia presently occupies instead of simply surrendering all of Russia to the other emerging global economic block on Earth (including the BRIC nations).

Ukraine wasn't historically independent and the Soviet Union was almost a ditto of historical Russia in area. Democrats reduced it during the peaceful transition from communism to a fraction of what historical Russia was. Historians predicted the conflict of the Russian Federation with the west over the Ukraine defended by the west. Recently President placed a Communist economist in the office of Mister of Defense perhaps in order to gain more support from the Chinese Communist Party that has everything to gain in supporting Russia militarily and integrating with Russia economically.

As it is Ukrainians are draft dodging to avoid being dragooned and sent to the front lines. The senseless war that could easily be settled could instead go on for years to no purpose if Democrats continue to finance it. In fact is seems as if the war may be more popular presently with European elites and inside the beltway D.C. elites than with the people of Ukraine because the rich make money on the war and present profit means everything to them.

Even if the war is ended with a negotiated peace there probably will be some hard feeling in Russia toward the U.S.A. and that may make restoring full economic relations challenging. Winning the peace a second time and moving immediately toward a negotiated and stable peace settlement ought to be a priority for the next U,.S. President in January 2025. It is a shame that death probably will continue to scythe Ukrainians and Russians until the lunatic regime is ended.

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