
Cosmology and Word Processing

 Words including the meaning and function of words differ from that of arithmetic in interesting respects. If one wants to add or subtract characters from a story the author need merely describe the new character to explain to the reader why a character disappeared. For a phrase in arithmetic one just needs to + add or -subtract a quantity. That is a kind of direct description itself.

Te find and replace function in word processors is more like arithmetic. One may universally (when the story file is the Universe) add or subtract an exact phrase or name from the story. The author writes into the find box a name like ‘Big-news’ and for example, one hundred uses show up. Then the author types in the replace box a word or phrase like ‘Newer news’ and the one hundred uses of Big-news are immediately replaced with the phrase ‘Newer news’. There is a protocol or hierarchy of different levels of meaning and coded instruction in computers and word processors, and in arithmetic as well as with ordinary language. Words written at the ordinary language level of say, common English have implicit values, and writing instructions with them in MS or Libre Office Word to ‘multiply 10 times ten’ won’t do anything at all. That is no mathematical operation will follow. For that the author would need to be in a calculator program.

I mention this because the idea or paradigm of hierarchical levels is of pervasive interest and application in several fields including cosmology. Cosmology like word processing software has observable, high-level or ordinary level content as well as other levels of content with more fundamental values. Perhaps subatomic particles are comparable to machine and assembler languages in computer codes that are more fundamental that higher level programming languages that support ordinary human language processing (English, Spanish, Tlingit, Chinese, Russian etc). Of most interest is the quantum entanglement phenomena that allows faster than light, simultaneous information sharing between separate entangled particles. That is comparable to the find and replace entanglement that can view the entire document vary quickly, not by reading through it in ordinary English as would a human reader living in the human level of experiencing the Universe and computer’s word processor, but by giving the word phrase a numerical values and search for that unique structure below the ordinary language level. The entire document containing the story may be given numerical values to represent numbers and those numbers structured with 0s an 1s of binary code.

In cosmology the below the surface way that quantum information exists presently isn’t fully understood. Why quantum information may be entangled and share information as if there were no distance between an entangled particle pair, when there is a substantial distance such that faster than light conveyance of information would seem to be required for simultaneous change in the bound quanta, can just be speculated about. The answers may fundamental alter human understanding of how the Universe, Multiverse or Meta-verse is structured.

The apparent Universe of massless two-dimensional quanta entangeled within the Higgs Field and given the appearance of a third dimension, gravity and other fundamental forces acting upon the apparent three-dimensional mass may be compared with an internet web page written with plain english. Consider the web page as a Universe with laws that regulate the speed that light can travel on it. Yet sharing the ordinary language of the web page are button-links connected to dimensions besides those of the web page, and with different physical laws. Maybe mass is like the hyperlinks, as well as entangled particles such that they exist on the observable universe of the web page yet have below the surface, extra-dimensional functions that transcend the physical laws of the web page as-itself.

One tends to consider a dimensional hierarchy as an explanation, with more dimensions than the three of space of one of time that the apparent world is made of. Yet even the singularity at the big bang and hyper-inflation in the first second of the expansion of the Universe are brought into question when one introduces extra dimensions into the conjecture. If the singularity of everything that makes up a Universe in compact form also contains an infinite number of potential dimensions it is possible that the Universe humans presently live in used just three of those dimensions in the expansion and the singularity remains where it was, as it was, from the beginning, before the beginning actually.

Einstein’s equations for general relativity and astrophysical observations suggest that there was an expansion from a singularity and yet the equations and observations perish before presenting complete accounts and terminate into at best, infinities near the beginning. One should expect that obviously, for the singularity would be every possible infinity in-itself, and yet be perfectly balanced and without energy, for energy is a relationship between monism and pluralism arising from infinity. It goes without saying that in true infinity the emanation or subtraction of a finite quantity of pluralism that becomes energy would be a non sequitur or have a negligible effect on the truly infinite singularity- especially as the pluralism and the force fields within it seek to return the the monistic condition of the true singularity.

The emanation of four dimensions of pluralism is comparable to holographic emanations somewhere on or within the infinite phenomenon of the singularity, or a hyper-dimensional black hole star’s event horizon as has been written about by theoretical physicists is itself a temporal phenomenon within the eternal. While the singularity in balance is phenomenal and without force paradoxically, while in balance; pluralist Universes arising from it maintain ties to the hyper-dimensional host. The dimensions, distances, energy and forms of the emanated Universe are transparent in relation to the monism of the singularity, and while in the pluralistic state of being a Universe, the Universe remains part of the One that is the singularity. It is therefor not surprising that phenomena like gravity, quantum entanglement and a Higgs Field, Dark energy and dark matter phenomena persist and are challenging to explain.

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