
U.S. Not Politically Adjusting to the Future These Days

 The United States has always been surrounded by international influences seeking to reduce it to servitude, prey, tool-hood or simply erase it. During the revolutionary era Spain, France, Portugal and England vied for power in the Americas. France in its war with England found common cause with American patriots (the revolutionaries) and were instrumental in overcoming British military power. Not even the addition of German mercenaries or coinciding native warriors attacking the Carolinas was sufficient to defeat revolutionary military forces.

In the late 18th century aristocrats were the essential belligerents driving conflict forward against their own kind, with all seeking to suppress revolutionaries and native resistance to colonization. American patriots had to war against the loyalists to royalty. Some of those loyalists, such as New York Governor Henry Clinton, were military geniuses with common sense allocation of military resources. Clinton won the battle for the southern colonies and General Cornwallis bypassing Clinton lost them. England had numerous tools useful for undermining the integrity and war-fighting powers of the revolutionaries. That circumstantial power continued to exist into the modern era though subtle perfidy may be better suited now.

Perennial American interests such as border security, equal protection of the law for all citizens, free enterprise, national independence and a vibrant healthy ecosphere are undermined by foreign and domestic forces with no concern for any of the above. The United States is regarded as a kind of golden goose to have for dinner or at least to extract value from. Plainly negating the political power of ordinary citizens is vital to those seeking to concentrate wealth and power in foreign and elite domestic hands.

What is of interest is the number of means of control of mass political opinion that exist and those that are continuing to develop. Wealth is concentrating in the U.S.A. which is now made the U.S.A. a peer of Mexico in that regard. The media is largely owned by the rich and a sycophant of interests of the rich economically. Corporatocracy forces allegiance on its minions.

So the nation elected Bill Clinton in 1992 to replace the former C.I.A. Director and Phi Beta Kappa in economics George W. Bush. Clinton was a British groomed Oxford Rhodes Scholar lawyer and southern governor. As President he was loquacious and over-confident. With unknown advice he wrested the Ukraine from Russia during the break-up of the Soviet Union. He should have instead insisted that Russia keep Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, for war would inevitably follow when Russia grew strong enough to attempt recovery of its lost land.

When the European Community evolved into the E.U. and N.A.T.O. began expanding its membership allow the Soviet Union no longer existed to present a threat, Russia became concerned in time with the growing threat of the west. Select European elites probably wanted all of Eastern Europe to become part of the European Union. With an American ally and suggestible presidents unable to think independently for themselves or for the benefit of Americans Europe was bold in militarizing Ukraine and increasing E.U. size while reducing military budgets letting the United States foot the bill for defense.

Globalization through telecommunications upgrades and the internet allowed a brief period of actual free expression for the masses. Then the rich began buying up internet control and corporations began filtering out and censoring free speech. Media were largely sycophants of the control by the rich, and had the reliable premise that anyone in opposition to concentrating wealth was necessarily communist. The ghost of the Soviet Union and specter of latent Chinese Communism seeking to devour was the basic argument in support of control of the world by wealthy elites.

Artificial had not yet been invented or applied broadly as at present. A.I. can filter and censor the entire Internet, and A.I services for editing may be exclusively structured to censor or refuse to process material with use of political incorrect terms. ChatGPT will not process writing with politically incorrect terminology. Because the little work available for free at Open permits just politically correct speech, and since there is a 24 dollar a month charge for unlimited use of its writing capacity, the poor of the world will have quite reduced opportunities to express political dissent in the brave new world of A.I. Yet like buried search engine listings new age censorship will be subtle and indirect with plausible deniability rather than blatant, and glaring methods of the past.

Those willing to submit to the criteria of Artificial Intelligence programmers able to afford the monthly fee for unlimited use will be able to generate unlimited quantities of politically inoffensive verbiage to post on the Internet. A.I. can simply out-write humans, and marginalize the value of liberal arts and humanities education so far as writing goes. There may be an era of A.I. spam ahead with hundreds of millions of users posting A.I. products on social media as if it were their own. Initially the material will be advantaged left because fewer conservatives have been programmers creating A.I. Therefore conservative A.I. products will be slower to appear at the few conservative social media sites that exist such as Truth Social. Conservative leaning A.I. will also have implicit bias against free speech and select political philosophical approaches because original thought isn’t mass produced. Yet they will at least have a different banned language list than A.. programmed from the left and hegemonist corporatococrats.

Billions of poor people on Earth including the U.S.A. won’t be able to afford Starlink or pay ChatGPT and its writing A.I. triumvirate for unlimited access to put out inhumanly written screeds with their name on it as author. They will fall farther behind the rich and their minions. There will be no advances in political philosophy or opinions concerning the dangers concentrated wealth and power present to democracy and the benefits of egalitarianism in economics such that democracy can thrive rather than choices from the de facto one-party state. The nearly illiterate human with A.I. skills able to give verbal prompts to A.I. can produce material quantities of the same ideas at grade levels suitable for any reader from elementary to college graduate. Capital increase faster than wages. Apple Corp and queer leadership can buy up A.I. and set its lexical values. Perhaps Mt. Suribachi will be proscribed as hate speech; who can say?

One wonders about the impact of A.I. writing on European politics. In the U.S.A. the Democrat party support war in Ukraine to consolidate N.A.T.O. post-Soviet expansion. Will the rise of the right in Europe bring more support for war on Russia or less? Maybe the left and right will be unified on war with Russia with the main difference being that the right oppose mass illegal migration to Europe. Alternatively the right may be opposed to war in preference for peace and good Russian relations, content to leave war to national socialist party’s of Europe such as preceded the Second World War.

Bill Clinton helped the quality of U.S. Presidential leadership with importunate personal conduct while in office, burning alive American civilians at Waco, snipe shooting citizens at Ruby Ridge and so forth. Imperial British education may confer a degree of arrogance on a leader. That was good for the International community trying to gain leverage over the United States to make it serve foreign rather than American interests. Foreign entities like the U.N. prefer sympathetic, compliant tools in the White House with a certain disregard for equal protection of laws.

It isn’t known what hidden leverage Ukraine has over President Biden to bring him to render full financial service to the unjust foreign war on Russia. Russia is trying to recover Ukraine when no other way is possible. Biden’s determination to alienate Russia for good, divide the world economically, risk nuclear war through endless escalation and increase European and N.A.T.O. power is not beneficial to Americans. Peace with Russia ceding Eastern Ukraine and Crimea with full restoration of normal economic relations is best for global stability. It is as if intelligent thought of Democrat Presidents has been governed by an alien species in recent years such that Demo-Prezes are incapable of rational thought about the urgency to restore peace and good relations while that is possible. It is as if the Ceth HQ is underground below the U.N. (from the game CRISIS).

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