
Dreams and Artificial Intelligence

 People were concerned with rapid advances of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and the risks and dangers it posed to humanity. A.I. was an existential threat (if only one could unravel the meaning of existential in context) that could bring about the end of human existence on Earth and throughout the Metaverse (the largest collection of Multiverses).

One might be impressed with the ability of robots to fight against humans. With a good programs inserted robots learned as fast as humans learned when data was inserted from neural chemical chips into their brains- instantly. Plainly robots with killer programming inserted were excellent killers. The 21st century Ukraine war stimulated development of robots able to replace human combatants when humans finished killing off themselves in such great numbers that human replacements for the front lines of conflict weren’t available.

The profusion of A.I. applications available on-line was remarkable. While artificial intelligence is machine code and didn’t develop a human-like self-awareness of existence because it lacked a biological foundation to host spirit, it is the case that with adequate sensor input and programming it functioned creatively about as well or better than Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel, Pablo Picasso as a triplicate mind put into a sculptured athletic body. It wasn’t actually so human-like since it did not dream.

A.I. sometimes hallucinates; that is it produces code or output from code and mechanical cogitation/computations that is fiction. So hallucination free A.I. was something sought after. Dreams are comparable to hallucinations yet they differ because of the different function and circumstance where they occur.

The external world that humans exist in and experience is sometimes referred to as the empirical world. What humans experience subjectively of the empirical world is regarded as existential. It is like a play that one watches passing before one’s eyes yet simultaneously lives within. Philosophers wondered and argued about what the reality is of what one experiences.

The external world-universe humans live within is made of quantum waves. It is in a real sense a single quantum field. Though the field does have actual subdivisions of forces, and occurs in forms of clumps or differentiated quantum quantification. For instance the moon has more quantum clumpiness than the space between it and Earth.

Humans tend to make distinctions and borders about objects themselves. At least they name the important objects to themselves that are meaningful. Objects important to humans in their evolutionary history phase differ from things meaningful to A.I. in it’s existence when it may be even be said to have such concerns. For instance an A.I. might be made to note the thermal characteristics of field regions as objects, perhaps combined with gravitational characteristics, as the primary things to observe existentially within a field.

Humans might originally have been more concerned with perceptible elements that affected their existence. That is they were more concerned with finding food and avoiding dangers to existence and prioritized the naming of phenomena in such categories.

A.I. existed without sharing those human characteristics or language groupings implicitly. When it did share such perceptive, cognitive characteristics as humans that led them to naming things as objects, A.I. requiring programming to do so.

Even so A.I. didn’t dream. Human dreaming has been described as the way the brain starts waking up from sleep. Perhaps it resumes important functions and concerns from experience in various combinations. If computers did not restart in a linear or logical way and instead resumed with something like hallucinatory recombination of thoughts synthetically combining in different orders and locations of a central processing unit that would be more like dreaming. When fully awake human mind dreaming switches off (though in rare cases it transitions into hallucinating upon awaking).

It is possible that human dreaming is also a way of remembering existential experience is a less structured way. While human beings need to be concerned with survival issues and dangers that arrive quickly (even through the air) and have an advantage in recognizing objects in categories to be concerned with or focused on, that development is a consequence of history and environment. The human mind itself may enjoy benefiting from the liberation of free thought less concerned with circumstantial boundaries caused by interaction with the empirical world. In order not to be biological programmed and evolved into being non-adaptable and hard-wired to perceive in just one unchanging way, the human mind may dream before downloading into the conformity of the conscious, empirical world without the restrictions imposed by reality.

Questions arose of what human-like A.I. would do with the programmer-designed capacity to dream and synthetically recombine its thought before awakening to more rigorously logical ways of iterating and solving internal and external challenges.

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