
Biden is Nurturing Growth of War Prospects Everywhere

 President Biden probably would follow British P.M. om making a settlement with Russia on Ukraine if the British leader was disposed toward ending the war directly. Unfortunately England is quite pro-war so old Joe basks in pro-war, anti-Soviet political fervor. There are other concerns militarily speaking to consider.

China is ramming ships in the Philippines in water it claims and the U.S. has said it will defend. Taiwan is another potential area for war to repel a Chinese invasion, while Russian nuclear subs have been within 200 miles of Miami recently.

If Hezbollah and Israel go to war the U.S. may need to send marines if Israel need defend against Hamas and Iran as well. The N.A.T.O. head wants to deploy more nuclear missiles in Europe- better to attack Russia with and create a better holocaust.

Russia has said it may provide weapons to countries that would like to attack the U.S.A.- perhaps various terror groups, communists and drug traffickers in South America and elsewhere, in response to the US giving weapons to Ukraine in order to attack inside old Russia.

The inventory of areas of potential war this year has more possible entries. The Pope has Biden's head touch his recently so the President believes he has God on his side. Overall the President has done a great job of developing the chances for war everywhere instead of peaceful development. I suppose there may be a need for a draft at some point in the next Biden term if he is re-elected in order to be able to train enough soldiers before the start of large scale deployment of U.S. forces around the world where Biden era wars require. Skills training for modern soldiers require several months if they are to be more than canon fodder.

It may seem as if the President should have adult supervision and be recalled from military escalation play time yet those are just people that don't appreciate the glory of war when there are better, rational, peaceful opportunities. Promoting goons, thugs, murderers, idiots and thieves in politics seems the President's way of doing things. The environment doesn't need to be fixed when war prospects abound.

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