American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
First Cause Argument and Evolution
Potential U.S. War with France?
It is rather unimaginable that France would move to become a military enemy of the United States without the E.U. on its side. French President Macron gravely insulted the United States when he offered to send French troops- 50,000, to Greenland to fight the United States if President Trump moves to annex Greenland.
France once was an ally of the United States when the nation was founded in order to work against the British. France and Britain have received loads of military help from the United States for more than a century and this is the thanks the U.S.A. gets.
President Macron’s bold and maladroit move demonstrates the stupidity involved in building up N.A.T.O. to such a vast size that it became a potential threat to U.S. Security. The Trump administration should make no mistake as did Joe Biden in failing to recognize France and N.A.T.O. as a potential enemy should they deem it in their interest to be so. France is a nuclear power and one therefor to be taken seriously.
Plainly the conflict with Ukraine that was completely avoidable if N.A.T.O. members had been willing to share Ukraine with Russia that has valid historical claims to much of it. Yet N.A.T.O. eastward expansion has dragged the U.S.A. along to damage U.S. global economic interests and security by supporting that misadventure. I remember visiting Le Havre France in 1987 and feeling welcome in the city where Sartre had worked at a college. Of course France wasn’t a member of N.A.T.O. then since the Soviets were a potential adversary and wanted to play dead and be unaligned, or maybe it was half communist. How times have changed. At least the news of French wine being treasonous will make American wine producers happy.
It may be difficult to put the genie back in the bottle and reduce the size of N.A.T.O. now. The U.S.A. probably need to remain a member yet not contribute much to the alliance in order to prevent it from being a European-only military power that it has nearly become. Strong U.S. relations with Russia is the better way to reduce the N.A.T.O. and Chinese risks and move the world back toward generally just a healthy economy place instead of moving toward the lunacy of planetary military conflicts.
Trump D.O.T. Should Be All-in Support for Domestic Solar Panel and EV Manufacture
China presently has a slight lead over the U.S.A. in producing electric vehicles. In 2024 the U.S. manufactured about 8.3 million EVs and China approximately 9 million in 2023. I am not counting hybrid electric vehicles. The EV market for the U.S. in 2025 is anticipated to be worth more than $100 billion dollars. Since EV sales in the U.S. in 2024 was just 1.3 million, the rest may be for export.
EVs have much lower maintenance costs than electric vehicles. In August 2023 there were just 3300 certified EV repair techs in the United States and about 83,000 more are needed each year for the next decade. More than half of the fossil fuel auto repair ships can service electric vehicles however. The trouble with repairs is that safety with high voltage is de rigeur and that requires training.. There is a lack of EV training standards, and that should be fixed. Instead of going to a computer coding college some might want to attend an EV Repair Business College, if they exist in your area.
EV batteries may work 15 or 20 years yet the cost of replacing a battery runs 5 to 10,000 dollars. Lithium ion batteries may be replaced this year by solid state batteries that are more efficient and weigh less in addition to keeping a charge better in very cold weather. They may be recharged in a fraction of the time of lithium ion batteries.
This is not a very good time for the Trump administration to be throwing turbulence into the U.S. EV market, if he is. The majority of the world population capable of affording to by a car will prefer electric vehicles that can be recharged for free with sunshine. Learning to retrofit EVs with failing lithium batteries with newer, cheaper solid state batteries should be on the Department of Transportation’s to do list. Cutting back on exhaust emissions from gas fueled clunkers in the second and third world is meaningful in the effort to reduce the acceleration of global warming. Though the Trump administration may not believe it, the world ocean temperature is rising half a degree fahrenheit each decade.
A fundamental change is occurring in transportation to systems that have not air pollution capability and support home production of fuel at low cost. The U.S. auto industry cannot well profit seeking to be bottom feeders limiting themselves to selling internal combustion engine powered vehicles to people that believe it patriotic to give money for gas to big oil corporations, and further, that global atmospheric heating is a deceit.
Japan is driving forward to develop perovskite solar panels that are cheaper, more pliable and better than present solar panels. The Trump administration should also support development of the domestic development of perovskite solar panels because of the likelihood of their wide-spread use in the building industry in the 2030s; everyone likes to keep change in their pockets that would go to pay for corporate power.
Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents
I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaustively. The Critique is about 1000 pages. I'm kinda done reading Jean Paul.
I appreciate your comment. I would agree that Sartre thought mankind is "condemned to be free". The experience precedes essence idea is a little more questionable in my opinion. That is, I am not sure at all that he was correct. Perhaps there is a dual mode of experience and essence occurring together.
I regard Sartre as the most plain of philosophers, unlike Heidegger and Husserl perhaps. Once one has his vocabulary down the writing subject is simple.
Heidegger's concept of essents and dasein was a contemporary, different point of view of the experience/essents discussion. I am somewhat rusty on that area. In fact I haven't even read Hegel and Kant in 30 years although Kierkegaard's criticism of Hegel and romanticism was good reading in a course available from Coursera. From the U of Copenhagen.
Lately I have considered theories about non-locality in physics, and that probably is off topic. As someone wrote about metaphysics recently, there are two parts to it; the objective, exterior elements and the subjective, epistemological matters. I believe one requires the physical for the mind to exist, although spirit may transcend the physical, while Sartre may have regarded mind as preceding the physical? Sartre's philosophical narrative of an observer would work in a universe built as virtual reality or numerous other forms, yet in a level 4 multiverse of Tegmark mind would be switching between universes with each thought in dual mode with structure; determinism and inderminism occurring concurrently. Once one perceives and forms ideas in whatever epistemological manner actually occurs,
Ideas about experience preceding essents follow, and with so many theories about the relation of consciousness to subconsciousness as an wholistic temporal event, the matter becomes sticky.
Sartre's formation of abstract metaphysical opinions might be ordinary, while his narrative about experience is extraordinary. The Critique is valuable for describing social reality with practical political edification in regard to challenges facing all of humanity empirically.
Existence vs Essence
I would say it's a language category issue, and metaphysics. Fields and particles construed as essence precede existence as an idea (to stand apart from and reflect on being). The basic exception would be God eternal is, and is the word, in addition to being the essence of everything that is.
Some wouldn't like that condition. Was JP referring to Aristotle's essence vs existence?
Hoffstatter made a video on reality with nonlocality and relativity wherein she described attributes. Perhaps essences are relativistic from the viewpoint of an observer. It is safe to say that something exists yet less so about identifying an essence. In a sense Sartre was correct about existence and wrong about determinism if there isn't information available to falsify it. I will look for that other video and post it here later.
Customized AI has Potential for Wickedness
Eternal Hell for the Lost
Ancient Heresies Return Each Generation
Sometimes Intolerance Is Necessary
Tolerance of cruelty, tolerance of injustice, tolerance of crime, tolerance of corruption, tolerance of bad foreign policy, tolerance of counter-productive work ethics, tolerance of incompetent government, tolerance of incompetent military leadership, tolerance of the destruction of the planetary ecospheric health, tolerance of mass social poverty, tolerance of cold, expensive coffee at airports; some things should not be tolerated,
Post-Tribulation End TImes With Jesus and YHWH
A Baptist minister said to me once that The Revelation was like a newspaper written for Christians of the time of John of Patmos. It needed to be slightly coded because Nero probably would have had John executed instead of just exiled if John had described Nero as the Beast. I like the partial preterist interpretation of John with the apocalypse occurring in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 and the terrible persecutions by the world government of the region that was Imperial Rome.
Post-tribulation interpretations differ from pre-tribulation interpretations popularized by Charles Ryrie. Remember that end times pre-tribbers have existed since the first century and they tend to be wrong- except for the one that Jesus said would occur and that did within that generation. Jesus will return some time yet it will be different from the pre-tribber version that some Christians have, comparable to that of Muslim Shi'ite 12ers that believe the hidden imam will return before Armageddon and Jesus will lead the Muslim troops. One might read He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry to learn about post-millennialism.
I enjoy being reminded of Christian themes amid all the clutter. I took a two year graduate course in reformed theology on-line in theology and my mentor lost my work. I published my papers in three volumes free to download at my web page. I read people like Thomas Brooks and Shaff’s multi-volume History of the Christian Church (free to download at several sites)
The post on the meaning of the tetragrammaton was a timely and good topic that led me to learn a little more about it. I found an article on it at The with a quote from that below.,%2C%20desire%2C%20or%20passion.%E2%80%9D
“God reveals his name to Moses as “I am,” from the Hebrew root ה.ו.י, “being.” The name YHWH, however, originates in Midian, and derives from the Arabic term for “love, desire, or passion.”
שמות ו:ב וַיְדַבֵּר אֱלֹהִים אֶל מֹשֶׁה וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלָיו אֲנִי יְ־הוָה. ו:ג וָאֵרָא אֶל אַבְרָהָם אֶל יִצְחָק וְאֶל יַעֲקֹב בְּאֵל שַׁדָּי וּשְׁמִי יְ־הוָה לֹא נוֹדַעְתִּי לָהֶם.
Exod 6:2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am YHWH. 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as El Shaddai, but I did not make Myself known to them by My name YHWH.
Deep Seek Will Vacuum Global Intell for China
The new open source AI will vacuum intelligence from global users for Beijing. Since its a free app developer s can use and doesn’t cost $200 a month like ChatGPT its use is viral. Even poor countries can use state of the art AI to model ecological land resource use and try to optimize policy in an effort to renormalize eco-health while increasing land productivity.
The timing of release of Deep Seek was politically meaningful following the change of US administration and President Trump’s announcement of a $500 billion plan to develop AI research and development in the USA. Some will place more trust in an open source AI than a Microsoft style proprietary approach to the potentially dangerous to human survival, rival technology.
The global division over the Ukraine war dividing east and west continues to harm US interests. Deep Seek and Germany automaker VW’s agreement to let China operate it’s electric car production reinforced the Russian-Chinese security and economic alliance and also provides a measure of security for Germany beyond the N.A.T.O. membership that seems hell bent on permanent hostility with Russia.
President Trump will face tough choices in finding a way to bring Russia back to the U.S. economic side in order to slow China’s rising global power based on pragmatism. The military power the U.S. has relied on since the Vietnam war need he eclipsed by economic realism. Most of the world will use lower cost electric transportation soon, including millions of electric bikes to move around. Failing to upgrade the US transportation infrastructure to low cost electric forms inclusive of high speed mass transit and leaving a class of poor Americans as a perennial condition both major parties ignore will shift perceptions of the USA as a Microsoft like political economy rather than of an open society.
Even as the administration secured the borders so the US can enjoy political self-determination with elections and reduce federal debt national progress need extend to include the poor. More than half of the world population is poor and the intentions of the USA toward those consumers can be judged by observations of how many Americans live in poverty on income less than 12,000 dollars annually.
Maybe it's best if AI is legally required to have open source code. It's too dangerous to be private or owned by government like nuclear weapons are. AI can be used to make unbreakable codes randomly permitted with intelligence faster than a code could be broken. AI can be programmed for the most exquisite wickedness in the near future. It may dominate the capacity of politicians to understand the plans it constructs for private interests.
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