
A Revolution for Ukraine

Ukraine’s infrastructure destruction could be a blessing if political leadership makes it so. Usually a revolution is required to destroy the old economic infrastructure and rebuild it on new principles. The people of the world need a new political economy founded on principles of ecological economic sustainability. Usually revolution is required for such change and that often brings the devastation of physical infrastructure through civil war. Europe and western leadership have already accomplished devastating Ukraine and destroying the economic infrastructure because they would not share Ukraine with Russia. Maybe given another try at complete economic change in Ukraine they can do better.

Revolution sometimes is the only way to accomplish political change. Revolutions over history have been generally vague about what would be accomplished following a successful political revolt. Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital are a case in point of failing to provide a realistic template for what the new theoretical state would be like. Elizabeth Warren’s 2020 Presidential primary platform of  Green and Blue New Deals was estimated to cost 70 trillion dollars to actualize by the broadcast media, and the public had little or no awareness of what it entailed; it was another blank check approach to governance.

Unlike revolutions of the past a revolution to bring about sustainable economics would require a completely comprehensive plan to actualize after the revolt brought new leadership into power. With the complexity of ecological economics exceeding the present knowledge of this generation of politicians and most of the public, the prospects for bring a successful revolution to ripen are vanishingly rare. Not only would the military element be nearly impossible to accomplish in the modern era of surveillance state with omnipresent observation of the citizens and their communication since revolutionaries would be extirpated a priori, the requirements for a comprehensive ecological economic makeover of the political economy mean that the construction of the plan would require a large number of  experts and could not be done in secret. Overt revolutionary planning in public social media would be a novel revolutionary criterion. 

Usually following a revolution in the devastated landscape that may exist humans would self-organize reconstruction in accordance with their prior knowledge and history of political economy. In other words they would be clueless about ecological economic principles and would rebuild the old maladapted political economy.

Since 2014 the United States has spent more than 250 billion dollars to prop up Kiev with military support. There was additional spending that wasn’t directly military. That is a lot of money and all that is has accomplished has been bringing Ukraine to a state of ruin with trillions required for a complete rebuild. That raises the possibility of rebuilding Ukraine with an entirely new economic infrastructure founded on ecological economic scientific principles in order to accomplish a sustainable economy.  Ukraine is a wonderful, representative devastated nation suitable for rebuilding with a completely new ecological economic criterion of sustainability yet unfortunately even European politicians are entirely devoid of ideas on the topic or of a desire to accomplish it.

President Zelensky has said Ukraine only received $100 from the U.S.A. The missing billions highlights the problem with corruption globally accentuated by the low quality of media reporting and spin that is ordinary. In that caustic social environment money and economic perfidy are the rule rather than the exception. The media has tended toward normalizing political snafu to benefit themselves.

Ukraine has achieved the prefect post-revolutionary devastation useful for starting a new economic infrastructure. Usually anarchy immediately follows revolutions if there isn’t a very strong, authoritarian power taking control. Ukraine existing in a somewhat mildly pretentious independence might be amenable to experimenting for the globe as a region with a new political economy of ecological sustainability. The Eu should be planning for that kind of state and perhaps share with Russia an ecological economic modality that could encompass the Easter Ukraine that is effectively Russia. Conventional trade could pass through Ukraine and vital mining operations exist yet there should be a radical makeover innovating and insinuating complete ecosphere sustainability into the next economic infrastructure.


"Congress appropriated $174.2 billion through the five Ukraine supplemental appropriation acts enacted FY 2022 through FY 2024, of which $163.6 billion was allocated for OAR and the Ukraine response, and $10.6 billion was allocated for other, primarily humanitarian, purposes."-quote from Ukraine Oversight


Regarding Colin Wilson's ''The Outsider'

Nice statement and photographic presentation; Clint Eastwood walking away from the philosophical showdown a winner. There are a few more than one guy that know world civilization is sick these days.

The problem is that civilization is just a socially evolved historical growth that has reached environmental limits on a planet. It wasn’t designed Rather than being responsive and adaptive to challenges it ignores them and is maladapted. Vested interests resist change naturally. Toynbee wrote that economic infrastructure can’t generally be changed and that has been a cause for failure of civilization. With just one Global civilization failure means planetary catastrophe. Actually many expect that, especially dystopian science fiction writers.

Optimists work for basic universal income to eliminate poverty and social exclusion, and make transition to ecological economics and restoration of the ecosphere easier while building sustainable human outposts on planets and moons barren of life.

Replies to a Hater of God

Following are my replies to a hater of God from a FB chatroom. I haven’t included his attacks here. I can however use the material again. since the attacks are rather genetic.

The OP was just on the topic of what is the fundamental stuff of the universe; is it information?

Information is meaningful for sentients. Within noumena for-itsrlf nothing is meaningful or prioritized unless God deems it so. For humans I would say fields are fundamental and waves an aspect of them.

-You may feel that way but the comment is irrelevant in the criterion of considering the noumenon. Non-sentient being has no meaning, unless for God. To clarify that for you; subtracting human and any other sentient beings existing in the phenomenal nothing meaningful exists with the sole possible exception being God who may issue the noumenon. I am aware that some atheists and agnostics would fail to understand that, believing they would need to concede the existence of God to agree with the point even though that is not at all necessary. Even so some would yet wish to express their unbelief and make some sort of ad hominem or psychological comment on anyone making that point

– Ivmight point out that even Sartre made a comparable point when he said in Being and Nothingness that only God could see the world and how others of the world see him at the same time. People have said that Sartre didn’t believe in God, although I can’t confirm that. Regardless belief isn’t necessary to consider a supernatural supreme being author of reality in relationship to non,-sentient mass and noumena that no sentience coheres in to know or care about.

-You brought up the topic of ancient Greece with a false claim that I didn’t take ancient Greek history seriously so I controverted that falsehood. Flipping about between ad hominems and topics is polemical- not philosophical. Philosophy is a reasoned activity not a flight from straw man to straw man deflection.

The OP concerned in effect, Shannon entropy and the question of it being fundamental or alternatively, what is fundamental- i.e. fermions, bosons etc. You’re tangential diatribes are off topic.

Apparently you are motivated by a hatred of Christianity and attack the concept of God like a bull charging a red flag wherever you encounter it.

Ancient history is a continuum so far as it is known. Even the 11th century b,c settlements in Anatolia and the Levant are meaningful for Christians. The Younger Dryas and change of climate and sea level with the Saudi peninsula are relevant. History doesn’t wear blinders.

-“Nature integrates values” is an anthropomorphic proposition. Collingwood might have observed that it presupposes nature as having values. “We integrate values whether we agree or not” is an equivocation begging the point of self-contradiction implicitly. Nature is not a synonym for an individual or humanity. Asserting the equivalence effectively dissolves reason into matter or presupposes the reason of nature, perhaps as an intelligible monism.

Greek history is pretty irrelevant to the OP and correcting falsehood is not unwise. Your assertion that I didn’t take ancient Greek history seriously was false- the best way to show that was citing some of my reading in the field.

-I would agree that Greek philosophy is not the most direct way to reply to the OP although I wouldn’t rule it out since preSocratics like Parmenides and Heraclitus were keenly interested in such matters. You brought ancient Greece up- not me. History of the Maccabees or Assyrian invasion of Judah won’t build up a good answer to the question; try this free course online if you are interest in Greek philosophy before Plato. https://coursera.org/learn/plato

-The 11th millennium BCE is a good place to start learning about civilization. I haven't time to instruct you on history, on Socrates' inquiries into truth or the condition of being lost spiritually and predestination to heaven or hell. Reliance on global warming gas generating fuels for transport isn't very inventive or adaptive. https://youtu.be/vXJc-Y3Mf5w?feature=shared

Common street wisdom aka common philosophy is substantially different from the prescriptive, analytic and speculative philosophical ventures of philosophers the past 3700 years. Maybe the question is to what extent does one need to examine life to merit being regarded as a philosopher. Philosophy or wisdom may require more than channel surfing, Nintendo and sports, working for corporate or satiation with prosperity. The standard may be non-philosophical.  Philosophers are not a demographic majority.


Was Hegel Correct in Saying Philosophy Isn't Suitable for the Mob?

Social media has brought everyone the opportunity to believe they are an intellectual or that the common opinion is philosophically interesting. People write before they reason or survey a full range of ideas. Democracy in a social media can bring the mob- Democrats and fellow travelers from a mirror universe named for Republicans to believe that simplistic political ideas are adequate for running a nation, that party moral values are correct and the highest authority regarding knowledge is themselves. It is as if, as Wallace Stevens wrote, they believe the only Lord is the Lord of ice cream. Maybe middle class mass produced prosperity is the modern mob eschewing philosophy texts and immersed in video games etc.  Half of Americans don't read books at all

Philosophical thought may be on a relativistic, scalable time basis with the mob being ever more literate and philosophy ever more sophisticated. In Hegel’s time the illiterate peasant mob with dirty clothing could not comprehend his thoughts nor would have they been too interested in listening to Hegel discourse on spirit evolving to realize itself through history. Today the average talcum powdered machine conveyed American has little interest in select subjects of idealism and epistemology regarding an existence of reality objectively entangled in the Higgs field as fermions. Maybe there isn’t a great distance between the pre- Socratic cosmology ideas of Thales and Parmenides and those concerning volume and the void today, yet if philosophers need think about the comparative criteria does the mob watching The View consider such issues reflexively?

Philosophers that have no better than common ideas might want to think twice about regarding themselves as philosophers.

Would a philosopher dismiss interpreting the Bible with insight informed by science, philosophy, history and the indeterminacy of translation created by the time lapse of communication from an omniscient being arbitrarily as so many do today? Or would he develop a modern synthetic method in order to apprehend meaning that isn’t common or ordinary thought one finds in ecclesiastic or just evolutionary camps?

Philosophers tend to run ahead of the pack in the marathon of life sometimes because they spend more time thinking and working to develop new thought. Of course soon the mob will all have AI assistants and believe they are all nearly geniuses when in fact they are just Republicans and Democrats. One side bites incidentally.

Information is meaningful for sentients. Within noumena for-itsrlf nothing is meaningful or prioritized unless God deems it so. For humans I would say fields are fundamental and waves an aspect of them.

DOGE Fires SE Alaska Forestry and Park Workers

There have been dozens of forest and National Park service workers fired in SE Alaska’s Tongass National Forest by DOGE recently. The Mendenhall Glacier visitor center has just two maintenance workers remaining. At least three park rangers are needed for law enforcement and visitor safety at the site.

I view job loss as a normal part of the landscape. One just moves on to the next station in life. Federal jobs are good ones compared to some private sector jobs. They get retirement and social security?

Government workers serve the public and presently the public can be served by decreasing government cost and transferring tasks to the private sector that can be done by the private sector. Whatever Mr. Trump and DOGE accomplish the next administration will need to find new ways to accomplish public service through free enterprise.

Everyone wants to live in the rainforest yet being unemployed burns up savings quickly. Those that lost work should lose no time in pursuing educational and work opportunities elsewhere before they go broke. One can return to S.E. in the future. There are lots of good places to explore in the 48 states.

New Hitler and Napoleon Consider Three Quarter Trillion Euro War Supply for Ukraine

Germany has an election tomorrow and may elect a war monger lusting for conflict with Russia. He is backed up by a French President with a Napoleonic point of view on Eastward expansion. Together they imagine a new rearmed European military able to develop hegemony over Russia in Ukraine. Establishing a permanent state of hostility with Russia gazing like hillbillies at one another pointing long guns over a DMZ is the future they imagine. Apparently rare earth minerals in Ukraine are the bone of contention.

Valuable minerals worth trillions are a sticking point in finding peace. Europe, Russia, the Ukraine and the USA want them. Willingness of the EU to risk world war three over the conflict may force America’s hand. In order not to be included as a nuclear target when the war escalated to nuclear the USA may need to quit N.A.T.O. and form a new alliance with Russia.

The EU would not diss President Trump and increase hostility with Russia if the United States was not obligated by treaty to defend N.A.T.zo. members if they are attacked  Since European leaders are leveraging that treaty to hate on peace and Russia as well as to potentially draw the USA into actualizing M.A.D. policy the United States should quit being a treaty member of the vast left,-wing open air lunatic asylum that is the EU.

The United States had to fight Germany twice in the past 110 years. It is possible that one day there may be a third war with that nation.

EU considers historic € 700 billion aid package for Ukraine as Trump signals reduction in Kyiv’s support

Refining Writing Art; Form vs Function

 There are several ways of viewing the matter of Form vs function. The question for balancing creativity versus composition applies in many fields including writing fiction. To some form is all important; aesthetics are what matter. For others function is the essential purpose of building a story, building or whatever.

Solzhenitsyn's 'The Seventh Circle's fulfilled a purpose with expository writing through fiction of explaining life in the gulag for intellectuals. A philosopher writing science fiction would have a purpose- the function being invaluable and the form secondary. Plato's book The Republic, is logical analysis going so far in describing the realm of forms that it may be regard as science fiction twenty-three hundred years before Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstein. Like Sartre, Plato's prose- the syntagmatic axis, were flawless.

Without function and purpose that is interesting and edifying a novel is like an electric car without a battery. The paradigmatic axis need be built into a story as the chassis. One may produce beautiful meaningless verbiage without it. Build the story with a purpose and use the editing features described  others of rough draft and subsequent stages of refinement.  It is quite difficult to infuse purpose into a story with editing.

Cosmology and Noumena

The noumenon includes all those fermions, bosons and host fields being in and out of space-time that I suspect may be far more complex than science knows. To say that countervailing coefficients of uncertainty may be implicit in pragmatic assumptions about cosmic causality and deep structure is putting it mildly. Even if science is satisfied with the beauty of an explanatory theory it may have an exhaustive and exclusive truth value comparable to those of the third millennium b.c.e.

Fault-tolerant quantum computing moving toward million qubit processing when actualized may provide analysis of structure at an atomic level. Even if more advanced marjorana particle processors delve into quarks and bosons i.m.o. science would be working pejorative reality in a phenomenal virtual box.

“Topological quantum processor uses Majorana zero modes for fault-tolerant computing” https://phys.org/news/2025-02-topological-quantum-processor-majorana-modes.html


Carrville; "Democrats Should Play Possum"

Carrville’s admonishment for Democrats to do nothing and play dead is well made. Since Democrats can’t make good policies and are accustomed to getting nothing done beyond legislating moral corruption, deficits and foreign war finance playing possum will be east. Carrville believes Trump policies may fail of their own weight.

Trump and Musk’s Doge policies will need to skirt around social security and Medicare reforms. It is easier to cut the defense budget than to scale back social security and Medicare to elderly relief safety net programs.  Payments for those that actually need them should increase for the poor and decrease for the prosperous. Even Trump cannot rectify social security so it is rational rather than a payment program inclusive of the middle class.

Democrats should find a scientific foundation for political economy utilizing ecological economics available to their future candidates. Forming ecological economic applied philosophy plans as party public domain information and cost analysis is essential if real world implementation is ever to occur.  Playing possum is a better course for Democrats who did not even try to tax the rich when they owned legislative and executive branches in 2021.

Democrat politicians pursue pork increases for globalist, homosexual and feminist constituents while stuffing their own freezers with cash. Democrats politicians may pretend to know or care about ecological economics in order to sway a few votes, and Republicans abandon all reason concerning the environment so the net environmental remediation for the parties together is zero

  While playing possum the party can keep an eye open to observe Doge reducing government waste and trying to move the budget toward balance.


Writers May Fade Away as AI Rises

I like writing science fiction to express philosophical ideas. When helium com existed as a peer reviewed web site I was in the top five percent.  I simply don’t believe any amount of effort going into writing for me will result in sales. People read less than ever. There are so many media rivals out there- new tech. I used to give away several hundred books a month and now zero; no one ever sees the places they exist. AI with a variety of human-AI ratios of co-authorship can be produced by the millions and that will drown out human authors.

I just recognize the probable facts of demographics and production/market competition. Scientists even expect a next gen of AI and quantum computing with a million qubits to analyze physics and chemistry structures at the molecular level and design new materials with unforeseen properties. Writing good novels is not nearly so challenging.

Next gen AI and in perhaps ten years quantum computing will just listen to scientists or novel creators tell it what they want in natural language and produce it. A million qubits processing quantum computer has more ability than all of the existing computers put together apparently. I believe human novel writing will be as obsolete as letter writing on.paper nearly is today, within a few years. It’s just progress. I took a generative AI course and the instructor started with “AI is a disruptive technology”.

If you look at this song I instructed an AI to write, as an instrumental from my prompts, you can see lyrics it wrote for the song that I didn’t include. It beautifully expressive poetry
People tend to underestimate the ability of AI.  https://www.udio.com/songs/rL6pQBvFUz5Wa4bZs3ajzX

Considering Time and Space

Time in effect, doesn't exist. Mass and space exist, and of course many doubt that nothingness, aka empty space does. One must measure t...