
Radio X-Text

Isn't radio an underutilized medium for transmitting data at no cost to consumers? Digital radio could transmit text data as well as sound, or data for pictures and books as well as noise that can be reconverted into music at some later time. Instead of regular am-fm radios that immediately convert digital bits into sound, a new technology should be mass produced that captures digital data from radio waves and stores that in a device that can convert the data into text files, images files, epub files and so forth.

It would be good to be able to read books and newspapers via radio waves on a personal device in remote locations. Radio can travel far, and with the right technology free and subscription data could be 'downloaded' virtually anywhere on Earth as it is. Wouldn't extra-terrestrials listening to Earth broadcasts in a few hundred thousand years want book and other text as well as the noise of NPR?

Newspapers and bookstores could transmit books on radio that could be decoded by subscribers or those that have on-line store credits. Public domain and free books could accelerate the distribution of e-books to the underprivileged around the world. Radio receivers could store data downloaded overnight when the radio is in just-receive and store data mode.

It seems as if there would be some potential for sales and public service with digital data radio transmitter-receivers. While conventional radio runs ads and notes sponsorship of wealth management businesses, digital text radio could provide agricultural and medical information to the starving and sick. Christians could actually broadcast Bibles and evolutionists Machiavelli's 'The Prince'.


Why 2018 Elections Don't Matter to Republicans Much

Republicans being trounced in two elections for Governor Tuesday wasn’t a referendum on President Trump. It was nothing more than the lack of good Republican candidates or anyone else that cared to run. Democrats are happy as suburbanites living the dream with easy money and depravity OK for all (even if it needs to be forced). The Governor elect of Virginia said that Democrats want to overcome hate and beat it down perhaps meaning concentration camps or marginalization for anyone that doesn’t support a godless nation without Christian values- and of course New York City Mayor re-elect Blah-ceo would be in harmony with that.

The Republican Party is one of support for Wall Street and all things China and against those troublesome Americans that want a strong, ecospherically healthy U.S.A. with no illegal immigration from Mexico. Democrats and Republicans want the U.S.A. to be a globalist landing strip in the darkness that invests itself abroad and floods the nation with global cultural values instead of developing an American cultural set of values. Really it doesn’t matter to Republicans who wins in 2018 elections so long as they are one with secular Wall Street, for annexation of Russia so far as possible etc.

President Trump won’t get any support of consideration for re-election from his base in 2020 if he doesn’t complete the border control object in his first term. Today in China it seems as if he were undergoing the usual political Jurgasia and trans-neuterization procedures required of U.S. politicians since George W. Bush had a navy spy plane shot down after taking office. Eventually the U.S.A. may be required by the Chinese to buy its nuclear missiles from North Korea. Business is good in the meanwhile.

Alaska Gov May Have Signed Gas Deal WIth China's Biggest State-Owned Enterprise- Sinochem

Alaska Governor Walker is expected to announce within a couple of hours that he has signed off on Alaskan natural gas with one of the Chinese Communist Paty's biggest energy producers. "Sinochem Group is the key state-owned enterprise under the supervision of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). Sinochem’s headquarter is located in Beijing."-wikipedia

He may also have cut a deal with a South Korean corporation, Kogas.


A natural gas pipeline constructed to Cook Inlet would allow Alaska to become a large supplier of energy to the growing Chinese super-powered economy and let Alaska legislators go back to sleep dreaming happy fossil fuel stories of power with ample pork all around..

Priesthood of Believers and Spiritual War (vlog)


Blitz Chess (3M) King's Gambit Declined

                    I played white in this game.

A Priesthood of Believers for a Troubled Era

While the early church had its faults it did bring the gospel forward through history. The great commission advanced. It would require a future, technologically advanced time for millions of souls to gather into a priesthood of believers paradigm with simple beginner, intermediate and elder ranks in one networked church. The church would share membership, attendance, participation, sharing and welfare networks, share traveler's lodging and even monastic retreats and continuing adult instruction in the word of God.

Franchise church outlets with a commercial priest sustaining himself and family cannot serve as many as a priesthood of believers Christian meeting on Saturday or Sunday with a catechism and worship training all Christians for the priesthood. Standardizing catechism and worship forms with some element of elective liturgical modules recognizing select preferences for eschatological beliefs (i.e. pre-tribulation, amillenial and post-tribulation) supported with social support networking nationally would engender better professing, believing Christian church members than the present bench-sitter with an upper class Christian supervisor.


Timothy as Paul’s ‘spiritual son’ and leader of the church at Ephesus would have been reassured by what is in effect Paul’s living will with instruction on how to proceed without the presence of the Apostle. It is not certain that the immediate development of particular forms of the church were to be taken as immutable for all time. Like Paul’s criticisms of particular errorists the most suitable structure for providing the gospel and practical Christian organization for the time and foreseeable future would have been the intention. Church organization probably should adapt to vast changes in methods of social organization and innovate better priesthood of believers’ structure.

Berkhof writes that Paul wasn’t sure that Timothy would reach Rome before he was executed and so made the letter such that it would comprise adequate final words in leu.

In theory, church offices that were exclusive and limited during the early church before common literacy and when books were rare and communication difficult, can be greatly increased in the contemporary world. If in the first century one learned elder was needed, if there are 100 learned elders in a church there isn't a reason they should be excluded from holding the office of elder. It is as if an army battalion could have just one corporal, one sergeant and perhaps two officers and everyone else were privates. It is far better if all are trained as active spiritual warriors and share church offices of beginner, intermediate and elder with helpful standardized theology formats. If all know the words to the gospel song then all should sing; instead of just a soloist performing for an audience.

It may be that John Bunyan’s book provides a kind of systems analysis perspective upon the methods of operation that Satan employs to corrupt the human soul. There is a sort of synoptic view of God’s relationship to mankind provided in the ‘Holy War’ in allegorical form. I think it quite useful to have a synoptic view on God’s relationship to mankind especially concerning the assaults and methods of operation used by the exteriority of evil implicit in the works of the devil. Forewarned is forearmed. Defense is simpler when one understands the reasons why the conflict is happening especially as direct attack is made upon oneself and even one’s own thought. As Bunyan wrote; the gunpowder of pride is an effective tool among Satan’s repertoire of dirty tricks for subverting the human soul to his advantage. I suppose the Evil one would line his pit with trophies of souls in jars packed in and sealed with eternal doom.

God alone can save mankind.


Weaponized Wall Street and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and U.S. Labor

Robots that are life-like with artificial intelligence making them brighter than the average human is at most semi-skilled and even skilled tasks may appear in the job place within a decade. If one considers the intelligence multi-tasking ans subconscious memory depths and lexicons of humans and compares that to artificial intelligence plainly the challenge for computer scientists in modeling algorithms that perform job tasks equally well or better than human beings isn’t too great. Robots with good AI will have the edge in the brave new world of corporate business and finance.

A.I. can be far more multi-lingual than human beings and plugged in to network resources. Face recognitions scanners and vast d-base resources along with advanced martial arts and weapons training will permit safe arrests of anyone wanted. Judgment bots would have the entire legal historical database of the world to draw on to make good decisions, and never again would a wise-cracking store checker have the opportunity to dis a customer processing through the line. In the brave new world of A.I when humans are free to abuse opioids and smoke marijuana all day on communist party paychecks, when work is better expedited by artificial intelligence the last people to be working outside government may be in the radio and broadcast news business where it is nearly impossible to make A.I. systems with use-truths, half-truths and untruth word spice to pack a little true news content in.

Some believe that quantitative trading programs have brought Wall Street to be used as a weaponized economic tool for global conquest. Gone are the days of nice capitalism when making things better and faster than rivals was the main activity. In the days when individuals patented new items (A.I. inventing will drive the rich to invent their own inventing artificial intelligence system golden gooses to provide golden eggs from an inexhaustible cornucopia) the entire free market and corporate world was not yet networked and opened by a tight group of investors. The media and politicians were not yet generals seeking economic conquest of the world through financial perfidy. Media pressure and sundry forms of sanctions, subterfuge and actual military war. Governments have always had leadership seeking expansion and conquest of new lands for natural resource acquisition. Today though when the cold war has ended, and with the world and markets networking and reducing to plutonomy, the actual global output is just one total number that can’t actually be increased by conquest of itself.

One regional set of actors may be able to conquer another region with violence and intimidation of course, yet that might actually reduce global output of wealth and total wealth. Thus war through weaponized syncretistic market finance seems to be a preferred application for the most greedy M.B.A. types without a clue about the fundamental problems that arise with one global market, little social communications isolation and a demographic equilibrium moving to end inequality geographically and reduce it to rational levels regarding classes. A sort of universal economic suffrage being recognized as an essential attribute of a human society, the idea is yet regarded as one f the important pan-human planks (along with global warming remediation and the stop-loss of eco-diversity, bio-diversity and eco-habitat). Those exploiting Wall Street and other global markets as a weaponized tool for conquest fundamentally expedite abstract redistributionist goals of the communist party of Trotsky,Lenin , Mao and others. With China owning at least 51% of foreign investments and so much of the world population being subject to it, along with investments in other nations, China logically should end up owning most of Wall Street too through its entanglements with the corporate elite.

Communist China will have world rule thrust upon it by the greed of those weaponizing Wall Street ironically, instead of through any desire of its own. Human-like robots with artificial intelligence at low cost to producers; even public domain A.I. regarded as safe to co-exist with, will become ubiquitous globally and of course off-world even as various cliques with material fetishes seek to enslave humanity to the clock to compel rent paying, and while propaganda is mass produced to prevent politically independent thought amidst humans.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...