
Cold Wet Chrome in Gray Sky

If one cannot recall the sight
of sounds rippling upon time waves
when ideas of ever become never being still
born dreams flying clocks tightly saved
winding down

Then it is found something right left
disappeared for thousands of nights
in world’s shadow of power echoes laughing
a way particles past present and future
so much greater and lesser than neither
being and nothingness or
space and rhymes about it
with lists of plans sown in earthly furrows
for people that for a time held the plows
to sharp lines taken by the rains since
erased mornings and yesterday’s produce
building tosses sprouted as ground cover
plant structures for others
that wouldn’t know so many simultaneous memories
from origins to finite ends
with red technicolor notes of the surreal
like the Multiverse resting on pinpoint.

Jim Crowe's Gender Segregated Toilets

The city of Anchorage has itself experienced the Jim Crowe system of toilet segregation for some time. Men and women are sexually segregated, perhaps to engender some sort of supremacist and inferioricist social control. Frankly, toilets are agents of social conditioning.

American potty training for the moral equivalent of racial segregation based on gender begins very early. Ending sexually segregated toilets can evolve, just as tax rates may be evolved to higher and lower levels by the Congress who will act according to the desire of the rich.

In some nations men and women don’t have segregated toilets with special mens only and womens only eliminators. People that aren’t lucky enough to have water-closet toilets may just poop in a trench or piss on a wall even during torrential ranges or desert storms. They have not had the social opportunity to evolve specially gender segregated human waste elimination facilities.

Americans can of course liberate their public bowel and political movements by ending segregated toilets. That may require some great amount of architectural design and creativity. Maybe all people could use sit-down toilettes or stand-up toilets as they prefer. Already women have been given the opportunity to purchase stand-up appliances that enable them to urinate without squatting or sitting down. Individual stand-up urinals could have screens so workmen would not need to have their appliance shaped like a penis bigger than those of males stand-ups.

Individual entrances and exits to the waste removal staging area where full-bladdered people strutting and fretting their hours without relief or challenged to liberate their solid waste urgently could replace the girl’s club or boys club atmosphere that trans-gender people want to be able to eliminate at will on either side they choose. Innovating architecture and waste removal design meets resistance from those segregationists that want women to feel inferior about not hanging with the guys segregated in female-only relief facilities. Advertisers running ads deprecatory to women in men-only toilet clubs may resist too simply because of tradition and profit margin. Architects and waste removal engineers may experience the redesign of toilets of mind-boggling complexity yet change may slowly occur with constructive engagement of new facilities that let men and women sit equally on microwave or incinerate waterless toilets as they choose to stand up or sit down as the case may be.

The President and U.S. Energy Greatness

The President and U.S. Energy Greatness

For President Trump to make progress toward making American energy great again he shall want to establish solar power production across the land so far as to enable most buildings to go off the grid of global collectivist corporatism that Americans pay rent to for life. Solar power and free electrons from the star of God’s creative brilliance is the way to outlast cycles of oil price and supply swings. .

The President has not been a leader in advancing solar power to the roofs and exterior walls of the nation’s buildings where it should be a top energy producer, in daylight hours, for much of the land. Electricity produced on the spot from solar photons hasn’t got a down side, and it would save a fortune on expensive copper wiring used in so many structures as levels could produce abundant energy for l.e.d. lighting and office machines. The President knows construction and buildings and could move the nation to the front of production of independent energy from solar and fuel cell electron production on-site.

Though Sect. Of Energy Pruitt lowered the bar recently on fuel mileage requirements because it was too high for aged oil policies desired by Eco-yippees, solar energy and electric cars including electrical power lines embedded in concrete Interstate highways for in-line recharging, could have brought the nation to a position of even less reliance on foreign sources of oil.

For the nation to be great in producing more energy cleanly than it ever has before, the production and installation of solar cells must be synergized with the transition to electric powered cars and I suppose hydrogen too (if enough pressure can be put on water to make something of a metallic diamond out of it. Actually I have no idea about how hydrogen metal is made, yet I wonder what happens when one puts water under 10,000 p.s.i. of pressure (I suppose scientists already know the answer to that)). America cannot be great again if it just follows OPEC economics and relies on ancient transport theories more than a century old as if the nation were a museum etc.

The President has chosen to give the American solar panel industry some help by putting a tariff on cheap foreign imports yet that doesn’t go nearly far enough to advance the nation into off-grid energy independence leadership in sustainable clean energy production.

Facebook Shock; Chimaerical Exploit of Data!

When Facebook ultra—honcho Mark Zuckerberg allowed Oxbridge Analytica to exploit user data with the betrayal of human trust being revealed only with congressional probes into alien influences on American elections a red line in the Rubicon was crossed letting commercial, global corporate powers obtain information about Americans that they shouldn’t have.

Americans have gone to great length to conceal the facts about themselves from the public on Zuckerberg’s Facenook. Taking the lead of the Obama administration in keeping American medical data away from corporate health and insurance providers with connections to the Internet and even the Kremlin via back channels of oligarch investments in American corporations, congress has made sure thus far that no information about Americans such as property ownership, credit rating and so forth is ever published. If one lives in Miami Florida and wants to find out how much credit a business in Alaska qualifies for one must go and take a look at a library reference book, and that keeps data away from the prying fingers of Euros and Chinese seeking to take over weak, vulnerable business prey in the U.S.A.

In an old American political tradition from the heartland, the Cohokian civilization's new political rulers executed the prior leader and family and probably those of any rivals in a beautiful ceremony with mass decorative clubbing and mass burials right alongside the fine clay spear-chucking courts in the national square of the great pyramid. While the United States has lost track of many venerable political traditions including independence regarding foreign trade agreements, it hasn’t previously gone so far as to allow a President to have the office of his personal lawyer raided and sacked by a special investigator trying to show globalists that the nationalist-leaning President is really in the bag like the usually banal and evil faceless bureaucrats occupying the job. Special investigator concerned I n executing his probe to find the President’s hidden Russian connections probably will not choose to raid Chairman Zuckerberg’s personal lawyer's office to find his hidden Russian connections to so many Russian advertisers on Facial-book and those of the heartland are glad for that.

The power of corporatism to pursue profits must never be impinged. As public capital of forests and fish are overused and reduced in quantity they actually become more valuable as financial capital when transferred to private capital concentrations.

As U.S. public capital is degraded and as the King salmon of the North pacific are eliminated gradually, while some kind of 7-year moratorium of King salmon fishing should be agreed on and defended by Russia, Canada and the U.S.A. to let the fish recover to 1880 levels for old times sake before the oceans become to acidic and warm to allow any salmonids to live at all it is good to know that private capital—an abstract item instead of a natural ecological item-increases in number even though concentrated in the accounts of fewer and fewer souls.

Very slick operators in politics sometimes unite with media syndicates to control public encounters with data. Broadcast media are a global organized criminal network in some respects, though it depends on what the meaning and enforcement of criminal is I would venture. Plainly though every local network radio station is not really a local entity so much as a surveillance and control tool for globalists. It is shocking to learn that Facebook too may in some way serve the rich and hand off big data to bigger data miners and processors that use everything one posts against one as if it were a hall of lawyers mirrored recursively with real and unreal doors of real and fake data hiding hidden connections to Russians and dimensions unknown to anyone besides Wall Street’s quantitative trading computers in hidden dark pools deeply underground wear the hidden web is like water flowing in the melon bolsa underneath the Tex-Mex and New Mexican borders without congressional oversight.

In the Strawberry Fields code room thousands of tiny mirrors mechanically align and reflect data given particular time coordinates to move and concatenate fine portions of data that senselessly form a complete message if the right alignments are ordered. Nothing real ever exists of the content than thousands of tiny pieces redistributed to shiny, gossamer image reflecting surfaces that never reappear without the most felicitous of directions from the Grand designer. Every data entered forms a meaningful portion of an infinite number of meaningful illusory messages of which just one is intentionally true and readable just by the special Russian hacker the Grand designer intended to allow into the most secure of legal facilities. It is unfortunate however that no real message or record ever did exist and that the mechanical aspects of the machine were no more than analogues for hidden data structures and methods potentially useful to in the book of changes.

Corporatism and Government Fronts

Capitalism unchecked evolves to monopoly. Capital is abstract value and competition for capital concentrates capital. Sympathetic wealthy corporatists desire power over government and a symbiotic government-capitalist relationship develops. Government passes laws in favor or concentrated wealth, unfettered capitalism and corporatism develops replacing democracy.

Corporatism as a global power association of the most wealthy plutocrats finds sycophantic government proxy rulers in any nation and form of government. Even Communist elites will find symbiotic stake holding in global corporate power.

Capitalism does not stop with global corporatism though. Corporatism is just another phase of the life cycle of capitalism on the way toward global monopoly.

Capitalism is not the same as free enterprise. Free enterprise requires capital for production, yet democracy can cap the concentration of wealth or capital produced with free enterprise and shifting some privately generated capital to public capital such as infrastructure and ecosphere reconstruction where it comprise a percent of all public capital including natural wilderness and water resources. Ecosphericly sympatico business and eco-zoning paradigmata may be promulgated.

Capitalism that is private seeks to redistribute public capital to private capital until no public capital exists or if tolerated comprises less than 1% of national capital.

Private capital in competition with private citizens too seeks to concentrate private capital in the most few who will in turn fight to the death to control the capital of all rivals until just one winner exists-as in the game of monopoly perhaps.

Private capital has no interest in externalities such as the environment that cannot turn a profit or bring in abstract capital. In fact because scarce resources are more valuable as capital sometimes, capitalist can profit even if global warming and mass extinction reduce all life on earth to just a few people who will pay great sums for oxygen to breathe or rare species to eat. Some day a trillionaire might sign over his half of the planet Earth for the chance to eat the last grass-fed cow.

Free enterprise and capitalism directed with enlightened democratic governments concerned with public well-being are the better utilization of world resources to produce inventions from more creative minds of benefit to humanity. Guaranteed minimum income of $6000 annually for instance, could keep seven young minority men from the desperation that causes them to commit crimes sometimes for a revenue stream, for the cost of sending just one young man to jail at an annual cost of $40,000. Free public education through college and a guaranteed minimum income along with the reduction of patent exclusivity to three years with just 10% royalties for patent holders thereafter would let every citizen have some confidence that they can find a way to use their creative mind productively during their lifetime and not be bogged down in repressive or inescapably oppressive economic-social currents.

With the environment being an externality to capitalists it is necessary to cap the percent of national income any individual pay own if public sector conservation and rehabilitation measures are to be effective. Presently conservationists may save a forest or wilderness reserve for a decade with substantial political work, yet that effort may be undone in just one session of Congress allowing exploitation or harvesting of that conserved natural wealth. Fundamentally conservation is a losing ecological gamble with the odds favoring ecosphere destruction. The way to give the edge to conservation is to shift national capital ratios as well as private capital distribution such that habitat conservation and rehabilitation are favored and democracy with free enterprise for all citizens pragmatically possible without the existence of the most extreme versions of capitalism leading to monopoly.

It may be too late though. Capitalism is blind to externalities, apparently as is the public.

Evolution- the Natural History of Extinctive Behavior

After the fall of modern human morality rising with dissemination of Charles Darwin’s opus ‘On the Origin of Species’ a plethora of ideas and interpretations about the form and meaning of evolution theory grew amidst the literati and government leaders that flowered like a thousand forms of ragweed as well as sober scientific data. Many came to view evolution as an inevitable progressive ascent of mankind. The fact of natural history-an earlier name for evolution history of life on Earth- that for every continuing biological line there probably were countless others that went extinct, generally did not trouble humanity that viewed the future with rose-colored glasses.

Especially for those that felt oppressed by traditional Christian morality (that was in itself usually misunderstood and already instead conformed to model certain forms of secular social organization rather than that of a priesthood of believers) evolution became a secular license to abandon all morality while developing the idea that any sort of previously immoral behavior leads to progress as a higher state is evolved. That human behavior too can readily be extinctive behavior leading to the extirpation of individuals or even the entire race didn’t enter into the evolution-as-amoral-goodness-leading-to-progress way of thought.

One might wonder about evolution in the natural history of the Universe or Multiverse and ask what role life has in it? Every physical process since the start of the Universe has occurred inevitably as a result of prior physical states of mass and energy. There were no accidents nor randomization about the phase changes in the Universe that occurred throughout it from the first instant of existence. A unified physical force presumably part of a larger unified force somehow was released into the void. It broke down into the Universe-spanning forces of nature in existence today allowing numerous smaller particles and wave forms to exist.

Gravity aggregated much of the mass together to form stars, elements and planets, at some point more complexity or breaking down of the initial somewhat monopolar unified field/force let life exist. Life is a stage in the way of the natural history of the Universe that inevitably unfolds; yet one wonders what its role is and what phase change follows.

Jesus Christ said that unless a seed is buried in cannot grow. He may have been speaking about his own life and resurrection. It is possible that he was also speaking about the role of life in the evolutionary Universe. The teleology of life may be to give rise to sentience and spirit reborn with faith unto a higher stage of progress.

Evolution of life in a Universe that does not give rise to spirit would be in a conundrum of paradox. Though it can produce complexity in phase with the general physical direction of the breakdown of the initial unified force, the complexity endangers its existence and may be self-negating.

Life on Earth today is in what natural historians call the Anthropocene Era (of mass extinction). Human beings are bringing perhaps the largest mass extinction of species on Earth to fruition. If biological diversity that enables a variety of forms to exist that may allow some or even one species to adapt to new environmental challenges is eliminated by human beings, life’s chances of surviving environmental challenges are much reduced. In fact, if humanity is the sole large mammal that remains on Earth eventually and humanity must successfully adapt to environmental change and cannot, then the last mammal will perish too.

It may have been the evolutionary biologist Jay Gould who wrote that the most successful life form on Earth is the simplest and most numerous- one that can survive nearly any environmental change. If I remember correctly it was simple prokaryotic, multi-cellular life form. The complexity of larger organisms through evolution make them more vulnerable to extinction. Present human activities on the planet exemplify the problem.

The Lord Jesus Christ replied when asked once when he would return for his third coming (His resurrection and appearance to his disciples was the second coming of Christ) that it would be when the Age of the Gentiles was fulfilled. The time of the fullness of human life on the Earth could be taken to mean several things including the time it is most populous on Earth with no prospects left for survival because of over-population, or it could mean when humanity has served its purpose of birthing souls destined for eternal life through salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is difficult to know exactly what he meant when there are several alternate and equally valid meanings that might be given to interpretation.

Evolution theory brought many to simply abandon theological interest and faith in God. That is rash as is the assumption that evolution is inconsistent with Biblical creation; it isn’t at all an a wrote and that topic in a couple of books. One is free to download named God, Cosmology and Nothingness. What is rash is overlooking the meaning and structure of evolution as it pertains to human life and its role in existence. In no way does evolution entail the necessity of human progress toward a secular Valhalla of immorality and hedonistic fulfillment. Humanity should not abandon rational thought about finding the best ways to adapt to existence on Earth given the phenomena of biological life and limited natural resources. Self-determining philosophical failure or neglect to comprehend the multifarious and complex mechanisms of evolution and its place in natural history would tend to doom the prospects for human life on Earth rather than support them.

If humanity needs to adapt free enterprise creative and the distribution of private and public capital to perpetuate human life in an optimal way then it must. If halting environmental loss of bio-diversity and habitat is necessary then humanity cannot afford to wait until it is lost to respond to the challenge. There are innumerable ways to fail along the lines of evolution rather than a few. In fact humanity cannot theoretically determine its own place in natural history comprehensively any more than one can create a set of all sets including itself per Kurt Godel’s incompleteness theorems. The hubris of belief that one can entirely determine human species destiny as a self-reinforcing philosophy of greed is not reasonable to keep. However humanity may be unable to meet the ecospheric challenges of adapting its social and economic needs to the natural and social realties it experiences these days. Leadership is lacking thanks to the profusion of bad eschatology and the godless drift of the Democrat party under the amoral philosophy of evolution. Democrats acquiesced with devolution to membership in business-owned union sycophancy under corporatist leadership.

The shift of private capital into the control of a tiny minority is itself destructive as is the destruction of secure national boundaries and properties of rights under the aegis of godless corporatism and miscellaneous social collectives. He challenges of comprehending evolution and Christianity simultaneously are great for a world population increasing too quickly toward ecospheric breakdown. That too may be the very next phase though it seems insufficient for the purpose of life in a theology of natural history.

There are many directions for humanity and political economy to take along the evolutionary line that are wrong. Maybe there are fewer that are right or that lead to survival. It is difficult to know prospectively rather than retrospectively what economic and political lines would work effectively and support human happiness too given the challenging economic, environmental and socio-political challenges for avoiding mass extinction of all mammalian life on Earth. Evolution is a backward looking science. Its use as a forward-looking political ideology isn’t well-suited.

As a phase of matter, evolution has no meaning beyond whatever teleological values humanity may infer that God provides for it. For-itself as an empirical idea evolution is entirely meaningless. It is a state akin to the oriental concept of joss such that whatever is, is.

Transhumanist theorists may exploit some Darwinian ideas of progress and of directing evolution yet directed evolution by humanity hasn’t any right direction. A thousand different designs could be said to be equally right or wrong even though they are in complete conflict as anti-thesis to one another. The complete complex of compresent anti-thesis of evolution in-itself is an evolutionary state of affairs as meaningless as any of the individual directions being developed, and each have reciprocals interacting with and evolving in relation to each directed evolutionary vector of human design. Fundamentally it is better to use the word evolution with less liberality than it is presently applied to virtually any desire to change social structures where the implication is that it advances biological Darwinian progress to a higher state. People may entirely evolve beyond an ideal state or into a deleterious and extinctive state as readily as moving toward a superior position viewed of course, subjectively. It is better simply to reason with classical virtue and philosophy toward good political and economic affairs respective of God and the concept of divine grace, providence and trust that honest work and due diligence are the better efforts even while respecting individual rights of others as much as mackerel respective the space of other mackerel schooling in the sea.

What Philosophy Iz?

Philosophy is a way of developing new ideas. There are perennial questions philosophers and others have asked and continue to ask such as what the meaning of life is. Some of those questions have been answered and some may never be answered. Philosophy is a way of developing questions and answers for challenges that may not already exist. Often the data is abstract yet one may also consider purely empirical issues.

An example could be in fisheries management. One of America’s largest rivers, the Stikine of S.E. Alaska, had so few king salmon returning this year (in 2018) (to spawn) that all fishing was closed. The pitifully low number of 740 fish to repopulate a river that formerly had hundreds of thousands or millions could not be reached. Fishermen, politicians and others can’t manage the fishery well at all. A philosopher might suggest practical ways to restore the fishery such as working with Russia and Canada to halt all fishing for king salmon across the North pacific, Alaska, Canada and Siberia for seven years to let the fishery recover and limiting the annual harvest after restoration. Though it is a realistic plan politically it is unfeasible. A philosopher might further inquire into the reasons why.

Philosophers may classify all knowledge into fields that seem appropriate places to file the data. The history of ideas has many divisions. Philosophical inquiries perhaps occupy just a fraction of those.

Ways of thinking about ideas and the objects that are represented in ideas about objects are a basis for reviewing the nature of ideas human beings have about objects, occupational activities and knowledge built up in technical work. Over time technical work can build up quite a lot of material. Non-philosophical writers may express the knowledge of technical fields in books or tracts.

Technical writings describing occupations and scientific data and methods can be voluminous. Fields such as metallurgy and auto mechanics sit beside astronomy and ocean diving, botany and anatomy. In times past philosophers among other examined many of those technical works and brought concepts from them together to form synthetic and new interdisciplinary ideas.

That brings me to the essence of this essay on what philosophy is. That is it is more than simple technical writings in the field of philosophy known mostly to historians of philosophy and some academic philosophers pursuing those technical fields such as ethics and logic. Philosophy is also an activity that examines data from several disciplines to construct new ideas. It is a process quite like one method of making inventions. The inventor researches and studies up a lot of scientific and technical material and lets his mind and subconscious combine the ideas to form something new. A philosopher can research several academic disciplines such as theology, philosophy and cosmology and write about ideas that are newly combined at least for the philosopher and comprise a synthetic, non-methodical approach to writing an essay or developing a different perspective with a unique or nearly unique point of view.

In the United States occupational speculation does not permit much time for interdisciplinary research. Even academic people tend to need to remain within their field of specialization. An historian for instance would need to find an elaborate explanation for why he or she spent most of their time studying insects instead of Western Civilization if that was their area of educational responsibility. Philosophers shouldn’t have any problem like that.

In fact philosophers might consider the role of insects on various stages of western civilization or the way music corrupted it, if it did, when it became fashionable among aristocrats. Philosophers might combine history with anthropology and sociology to ask if Aristotle’s politics was anything besides meaningless speculation of no interest to ordinary people or even royals for nearly 2000 years after he wrote about the cycles from democracy to tyranny.

Philosophy can be simply the construction of interdisciplinary essays about virtually anything drawing from material that already exists within field specialization to construct or invent something new. In doing so they may find more things true.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...