
Topic; US Global Domination

Some of us have been trying for some time to persuade politicians to stop dominating foreign entities. Yet bad habits are hard to break without willpower. As you may see from listening to AOC and Speaker Nancy, there is no willpower not to dominate.
Even so, if the United States loses its domination over foreign dominions it may be able once again to find it. Russia, China, Canada and North Korea have been asking the U.S. to quit with the domination however we still install coke machines wherever that’s practical.
Cheeseburgers, coke and ketchup have been tools for global domination for the better part of a century. Ketchup won the Cold War with Soviet Uninionists. Chinese communist leaders tremble at the notion of double cheeseburgers unleashed upon the masses without Chinese partners. Mass tonnage of quality soy beans decimate opposition to vegetarianism in so many nations it is pitiful. India may one day look at cattle as equivalent to so many acres of soy if and only if sanctions cut off their supply and they become socially decadent.
Nationalism is being supplanted by global oligarchs through corporatism with its pecentage of socialism built-in to appease and induct hapless masses into dominion. Until oligarchs let global warming extirpate most of the world population while they wait out the storm on Mars; until the desertified Earth is re-watered with comets and ice brought in from space, it is likely the United States will dominate global pizza production to the chagrin of the enemies of Mozzarella and pepperoni.

The Murkowski Machination

Alaska Republican Senator (nominally) has declared she will vote to allow illegal aliens to surge upward along the west coast to Alaska in taking a stand against an emergency to reinforce national security with a better fence on the Mexican border. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul exercised a penny-wise pound foolish option to oppose the security fence, yet what Senator Lisa Murkowski's real thinking about working to scuttle national sovereignty is, is difficult to discern.

In my opinion their may be a Murkowski replicant machination to replace aboriginal Americans of Alaska- their are more than 300,000, with vaguely resembling Mexicans. All or in part Mexicanization of aboriginal Americans would be a slowly evolving method of reducing aboriginal land power in the state with all of the vast natural resources so valuable to global extraction redistributors.

There is another cause for the Murkowski Mexican allegiance; Democrats would disapprove of signing up to support the President. AOC and Speaker Pelosi recently warned they were making a list and checking it twice, and going to remember who's naughty or nice. Senator Murkowski knows which side her bread is buttered on.


China Policy, Technology Transfer and Joint Ventures

Forced technology transfer through a Chinese policy requirement that foreign companies that want to establish themselves in select restricted sectors have a Chinese partner in a joint venture diffuses technology to China’s benefit. Those corporations cannot keep proprietary technology secrets from their partners.

Is China’s International Joint Venture Policy Effective in Diffusing Technology? -

Until recently Chinese policy required that the Chinese partner owned 51% of the business. Investing in that climate would actually be selling the corporation or business to China who could do whatever they like with it.

Karl Marx did write that capitalists would sell communists the rope they will be hanged by. Foreign investors realizing profits from Chinese mass market sales dump their technological knowledge to Chinese partners.

It is interesting to consider the Chinese historical background in the deeper sense of thousands of years of virtual public slavery to royals vs the American background of freedom to start with (except for African slaves). The Chinese public sector in control has great distrust of the concentrated wealth of the private sector from which they emerged only through great struggle and the chaotic technological advances of state of the art early 20th century military weapons and struggle.

Because the United States has failed to capitalize on better post-Cold War relations with Russia, a more complex economic neo-isolationism and populist weapons development is developing. Perhaps American leadership is in a race with Russia of a kind for business with the Chinese production medium.

Video of a new, affordible Kamakaze drone by Kalashnikov

The United States grew without royal establishment once it was overthrown so a new nation could begin. Slave importation was quickly outlawed and 43 years later the government was able to eliminate the historical vestigial slave owners from owning people. Today though the concentration of wealth in the United States is about the same as the notorious condition of Mexico though at a higher average level of prosperity. From an initial good fortune of having no upper class of established wealth to repress ordinary pepole in the beginning of the nation besides the British aristocrats, because the people were from so many nations among other reasons, to the present is quite a social devolution.

In theory a nation that starts without an oppressive upper class given enough time will evolve one. They will be self-reinforcing and justifying and forget all about the benefits of egalitarianism within a democratic system and create de facto aristocracy and social stratification statistically.

Probably there are really just three forms of government.
  1. Royal
  2. Democratic
  3. Chaos
A combination of the three to various degrees usually prevails in the real world. The world can use the maximum amount of invention today to overcome empirical challenges of population and ecospheric decay, so limiting patent exclusivity to three years with 10% royalties from users to the inventor after after exclusivity expires would help field good product ideas. President Trump should press the Chinese to agree to a reformed patent system, and if not the Chinese should lead to establish that paradigm of just three years of exclusivity.

The Chinese idea of public safety differs from that of most Americans. There is an interesting ten-minute video on the subject one may make inferences from.

New Kamakaze Drones Offer Hope of War for Leaders with Limited Budgets

New Kamakaze drones made by the tried and true manufacturer of the AK-47 combat assault rifle are ready to hit the market and provide affordable told-you-so attacks on neighbor nations that don't mind their p and q's. Thank goodness. Three-pound, high-speed military explosive packages delivered with precision at low cost-per-pound. With luck they'll be ready for holiday pay-back.

Travelling Faster-Than-Light Around the Earth, Or Straightaway?

Usually people speculate about special relativity with people travelling in a straight line. There are fairly simple calculations about that, such as explain time dilation, and mass increasing to infinity as one nears light speed.

Consider for a minute the apparent centrifugal force quantity of solid state mass travelling at the speed of light around the Earth. It’s awesome, and probably would require an external force acting upon the object to keep it in orbit around the Earth as it accelerates to light speed. It might even require an infinite force to contain the infinite mass pushing against it.

Light particles (photons) have no mass (or very low) and can travel as fast as 186,000 miles per second therefor, since with no mass they have nothing to increase. So far as I know photons can’t be added together in some sort of photon-molecule, and they travel within the electro-magnetic field as emergent phenomena.

Mass is different then photons that travel so fast. One might wonder if photons can have differential velocities travelling through curves of space-time fields. If there is a strong electro-magnetic field around the Earth that would allow photons to travel in a circle, there is also a gravitational ‘circle’ associated with the mass of the Earth-planet.

In examples given to illustrate special relativity, people catch an off-planet space-elevator or electro-magnetic mass driver from West Texas beyond the Earth moon system. A special Streetcar Named Desire accelerates nearly to light-speed after the people inside the streetcar are changed into Bose-Einstein condensate held frozen photons. Photons have been slowed experimentally to zero in very cold Bose-Einstein stuff.

The idea would be to convert straphangers into stationary photons, then encase information of the passengers in photon-quantum computer configuration and embed the photon q-bits in the light accelerating Streetcar Named Desire particle beam so the information can travel at the speed of light.

The cold quantum data would be allowed to travel for a few years toward a nearby black hole (the one at the center of the galaxy is 26,000 light years away so information about nearer ones would be necessary) and would be curved back toward Earth in a carefully calculated pass near the event horizon of the black hole. Sure that would be a whipsaw of a turnaround, yet photons may be tough.

When the Streetcar Named Desire slows to a stop in Earth orbit (it received instructions from a particle beam from the moon in its direction ), the people of Earth would be much older, as time slows near the speed of light and also if one is converted into photons within a Bose-Einstein condensate), and the passengers return to an Earth that has aged a lot in comparison to their awareness of time passage, they would be in the future of the Earth; an Earth with most people extirpated in the democide of global atmospheric fossil fuel-greenhouse gassing heating.

On the Topic of Choosing Your Own Determinsim

My thoughts on the topic of choosing one's own determinism, outside yet not exclusive of,  a Christian criterion are... 

A theoria of determinism may be constructed with several criteria from which to choose for whatever purpose is apropos for the goal in making the selection. The OP might be illuminated with the analogy of a quantum field of all possible world-lines wherewith an intelligent particle-wave (e.g. a sentient monad or one-dimensional point) could choose its own waveform collapse location, in the Universe, with quantum decoherence ossifying it down into being and becoming a  solid state amongst-others.

I guess another paradigm would be that of a philosopher getting off of a boat in Le Havre France who has a choice before debarking, a priori, of what and where he chooses to go. His will is pre-determined, perhaps to walk to the library and see the books that Sartre's self-educated man might have gone over to choose what to read first and last.

The philosopher might wonder about the determinism of the Universe or Universes with metaphysical, speculative thought. He might inquiry with mind-dialectics and induction levering synthetic progress with a posteriori cosmological data about his own phenomenal incarnation as being in-the-Universe if he could have free will or even sentience if all of the Universe is physically pre-determined. He might wonder if he could not have sentience as a 20th order branch location of a large tree of life, perhaps as a sentient leaf growing contempletively old.


House Demos Should Do Something Useful; Pass Carbon Tax on Cars

One gallon of gasoline burned in a car creates twenty pounds of carbon dioxide. House Democrats should try something useful and practical for a change and simply pass a reasonable carbon tax on cars that burn gasoline or diesel. In my opinion Tesla deserves some sort of advantage for its clean cars and even GM should get some small break for developing tailgates that run L.E.D. advertisements (isn't that what the new GM tailgate does?).

Tesla is a great new American car company that should get some advantage for being a catalyst for positive change. It is a catalytic converter that brings people away from death-to-the-Earth fossil fuels to pure electronic logic areas.


While President Trump is solid at working for a good economy, he seems a bit off on appointing a coal lobbiest to head the E.P.A. Probably he has cancelled federal tax breaks for Tesla's too in order to help China's electronic auto industry.


In theory the President cars about the United States and restoring a clean environment. He is not another first generation native born carpet-bagger plundering anything he can to have better golden and emerald bejeweled toilet seats.


Much of the public like his willingness to avoid immoral Democrat policies such as infanticide and late term abortion. It is too bad he wasn't elected instead of Clinton and Obama to halt homosexual marriage enabled by a corrupt Supreme Court with Democrat appointees. It is not possible for a President to keep all of the people happy all of the time, Yet the President should not go out of his way to offend scientific reason to prove he hasn't much scientific ecospheric intelligence. It isn't too difficult.


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...