
More Than a Million Illegal Entries to U.S.A. Annually Would Change Things

People may have forgotten about 9-11 that view illegal entrants to the U.S.A. through rose-colored glasses. With the present illegal entry rate at more than one-hundred thousand monthly the border security people are maxed out, and many Democrats call for abandoning border security altogether and to make it an open border.


With an open border the population of the U.S.A. probably would rise to one-billion within a decade. A semblance of democracy and ecospheric restoration in the nation would be lost. Taxation to create new infrastructure would take a great leap forward. The overall intellect of the boy politic would decrease amidst the chaos, confusion, crime and a myriad of stresses to the system and individuals.

Democrats may be living in a 19th century though paradigm on borders such that they should be open and open ranges able to absorb the teaming masses are unlimited. There is something unrealistic in their desire that makes some wonder if they are disingenuous in referencing anti-global warming measures as a Democrat legislative goal, since the New Green Deal had a minimum income and medicare for all measure that would attract maybe two billion people to utilize that opportunity.

President Trump should use the military to secure the border until a good security barrier using solar-pumped up saltwater can be desalinated in a security canal with berms and fence. The canals would have thin-film lids that would capture evaporation and condense it making millions of gallons of fresh water for local agriculture on both sides of the border.

Direct Gov Health Care for the Poor Eliminates Fraud, Overruns

A US Gov direct provisioning of health care for the poor and uninsurable would eliminate the fraud and superfluous charges permeating Obamacare and Medicaid. When a dull, insipid government imagine that corporate insurance for all is an efficient or cost effective way to provide health insurance to the poor and uninsurable they are quite spaced.

President Trump should take seriously the idea of a constellation of V.A. and poor person's community clinics as well as volunteer hospitals networked and connected by Musk hypertubes from rural areas (those getting a V.A. sticker validated would ride free) as a replacement for Obamacare. A pure government non-profit treating patients screened by a government status verification and referral agency is simply the best way to cover people realistically. It would also create a large networked system for emergency mass disaster services.

Double and triple billing, addition of unneeded services, hypochondria; there are many ways the middleman private insurance to hospitals and physicians runs up the cost of Obamacare and Medicaid. The idea may be that socialism is avoided by using inefficient means of delivering healthcare, and that is not correct. In fact even the Congress fails to understand the economic philosophy of Adam Smith or capitalism very well, and neither do they understand democracy well enough to know that it is perfectly fine to set reasonable tax rates upon the very rich to prevent them from owning everything through shared financial networks and stocks.

The Congress is remarkably daft these days, although that's the fault of Democrats principally. People are concerned about them.

Create a Sex Accusations 2020 Campaign Review Structure

Former VP Biden's recent accusations of inappropriate sex contacts by two women show the need for a formal review process for sex accusations made during a Presidential campaign--a standing board for investigation, that can be applied whenever those things arise should be established. The committee should wrap up its work two months before the election.


The Investigations group could have a scoreboard for each candidate to keep track of the number and kind of incidents that are reported. Actually it might serve as a way to compare candidates in various ways, including false accusations.


Accusations true and false and fake news are credited with influencing elections. With the regards so great the temptations arise. Ad hoc processing of accusations are sometimes slow or untimely and are feed for media frenzy that sways elections even when candidates are completely innocent. Accusations that Russians are taking out too many Facebook ads reinforcing trends favorable to there interests, or believed to be favorable are another issue that has been used to influence elections even if they are unimportant instances of influence. The elections investigation committee should perhaps look at that sort of thing too, although not exclusively, simply to determine if it has substance to it in a timely manner.

Combine College Logic and Scientifc Engineering Intro Course

Colleges and Universities might benefit from establishing critical reasoning and applications of ideas courses that combine logic, scientific method and engineering within an introductory course intended to provide college graduates a realistic way of evaluating their own ideas including political ideas before applying them, or trying to apply them to the real world.

The recent Green New Deal fiasco is an example of a half-baked idea that may have had good intentions (or not if it was a Trojan horse for establishing authoritarian socialism). It should have been written up in a book (there are numerous free publishing methods on line) and peer and publicly reviewed, criticized, improved and of course examined to determine its effects upon society; before ever becoming legislation in Congress. A logic and scientific method course for macro-engineering social projects might be useful.

Something does need to be done to rectify capitalism to the ecospheric degradation challenges of the contemporary planetary condition. Modular, synergetic improvement and upgrades using free enterprise are a preferred course for that. Those seeking to repair the world ecosphere also need to find ways to adapt capitalism and free enterprise to democracy better; that is democracy in-itself irrespective of the ecospheric degradation traditionally has problem with over-concentration of wealth, despotism, oligarchy and so forth. Aristotle wrote about that nearly 2500 years ago. People forget history. Adam Smith's ideas about capitalism were liberating in their day, reducing the royal monopoly on trade, today preventing global corporatism and plutocracy that degrades individual democratic power in nations is one challenge. The other challenge is preventing the rise of a global socialist autocratic power of an ostensible egalitarian political environment that in fact is nothing more than authoritarianism by and for an elite inner circle.


Mueller Report Should be Published as a Book

The Trump Administration should try to defrappe the cost of the Mueller Report by selling the report as a paperback for $11.95 and as an ebook for $1.99.  The government cannot continue to just pile up debt for everything the Democrat Party or others want to add on as if there were no tomorrow.

Avocado Party May Be Required to Overthrow Illegal Immigration

Like the Boston Tea Party, Americans may need to throw their foreign sourced avocados overboard when the boarder is shut down with Mexico to stop the emergency level illegal entry into the United States. Mexico is supplying most American avocados this time of year.


The avocado party will require austerity from Americans during the harsh spring time of year. Burritos will suffer. Yet Americans will persevere like the revolutionaries did long ago.


If the border closure goes on for several months F.E.M.A. may enter the dragon's lair and input South American avocados for emergency relief to afflicted communities. National guard units could be activated to help distribute avocados during the national crisis. President Trump will guide the ship of state through troubled waters and avoid a public panic.

Like F.D.R. the President may stimulate the nearly untapped power of American industry to grow the domestic avocado industry several times. Not only California avocados available in May, synthetic guacamole created from soy beans may appear during the crisis.

Sliced avocado with the pit in front of whole avocados
Image credit; U.S.D.A.

Converting to Christ

I haven't encountered much discourse with metaphor or analogy for converting to Christ in terms of electricity. Voltage, amps, current, quantity, quality are familiar ideas. God is omnipotent and omniscient. He has created people. Say they are small electrical units or technology that runs on electricity. God is eternal and people aren't. Like tiny mp3 or mp4 players they run down or die, the electrical power exhausted.

So people need a recharge, yet the entire Universe and hardware in it is temporal. It doesn't last and the people have original sin making them implicitly prone to breaking down. To live eternally, and the only acceptable way to do so, is with God. God has a much higher power rating though- infinite in fact. For human salvation a conversion is required for people to be acceptable to God. Jesus Christ is the converter and adapter for humanity.

Through the Lord Jesus Christ human beings have a relationship to God. God in the Lord Jesus is able to scale to human voltage and amp requirements without burning them up.

One may step up 12 volt battery power with an 18 volt converter adapter to recharge a laptop computer. Human beings have no sustainable energy for-themselves and require that God through the Lord and Holy Spirit provides their own being, the energy of it, and the conversion and adaption to the Lord in order to experience eternal life with God.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...