
My Ideas About Biblical Creation

I have a different point of view about creation. I learned Christianity and science together from youth, so I have never been conflicted about it. The reformation pioneer John Calvin believed people should interpret the Bible for-themselves, and that the Holy Spirit would lead them to the truth. So with that in mind my interpretation of the book of Genesis is that it is consistent generally with evolution parameters.

 It is traditional to interpret the Bible in a mostly pre-scientific era paradigm and that had nothing about modern cosmological paradigms in it, however the Bible wasn't structured such that it has parameters that are not generally permissive of an evolution paradigm under God. 

That being said, God is omnipotent, so he can 'evolve' the entire world in a second. For God, time is as a material object of no resistance. Remember that God is omniscient and omnipotent- all things including Universes exist in his mind and are actualized for-others including humans in ways that are ponderable for others yet foreknown to God. He could create an entire Universe in virtually no spatial area that would seem as vast as this one does. I wrote about some of that and made a free to download book about it.

 My ideas about the topic. http://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-clifford-gibson/god-cosmology-and-nothingness-theory-and-theology-in-a-scientific-era/ebook/product-23976366.html

Yes Good Manners are Important

Good manners are behavior patterns that respect social boundaries similar to private property and the advantages and opportunities afforded by ownership. Respecting the private space of others allows individual pursuit of self-interests including business, invention and personal affairs.
On the other hand loutish, rude, brutal oafishness including but not limited to body slamming, verbal abuse, spitting on carpets, leaning on people in elevators, talking at a very loud volume on boring or offensive topics in public spaces where quiet is valued, taking the last five packages of sugar for a coffee in a work break room instead of just one, etc, tend to trim private pursuits of others.

An Interesting Hyperloop Video Primer

U.S. Public Debt and Economic Expansion

My thoughts on the question of U.S. public debt being a driver of national economic growth are philosophical rather than economic-technical. A trillion dollar infrastructure program here and there added to debt and economic growth together. Highway bills and defense spending that together add up to trillions drive growth- perhaps in the wrong direction partly. Meanwhile jobs were outsourced to China negating national economic growth. Taxes were cut on the rich to let them have more money to invest overseas. Some unskilled jobs were created domestically- or semi-skilled as a national sop an alibi for the tax cuts.

Student loans added to national debt yet added more college graduates with vast debt so they could pay interest to the big banks and borrow money for first homes helping the most rich to have more money to invest in China and stimulate the economy of China. That enables increased Chinese defense spending enabling increased U.S. defense spending and economic expansion in U.S. weapons manufacturing states.

Lower national unemployment attracts millions of illegal aliens (maybe 2 million annually) to surge into low-paying U.S. helping keep wages down while enabling increased economic expansion of dirty industries ecologically speaking. That is all good for corporate profits and income for the most rich. Externalities included environmental costs and mass extinction of wildlife, decayed habitat and deferred restoration and clean-up costs of trillions and trillions.

So I guess U.S. public debt helps and harms economic development simultaneously (sometimes inflation of costs and deflation of wages need occur to assure increased income for the most rich).

States Abortion Laws Concern States

Citizens of any given state theoretically should be right to make state laws that aren't in contradiction of federal laws.  Sometimes federal laws are reformed by state's challenges to federal law such that federal law moves to agreement with a particular state's law.

 The United States was formed with a large measure of the Protestant reformation sentiments about reading the Bible for oneself and the right to interpret it for-oneself instead of a government sanctioned or religious authority. There has since been a dynamic tension between those that prioritize individual liberty over autocratic government or religious power that monopolizes politics or religious matters. Alabama and other states have the right to be free from the monopolistic power of a global broadcast media that disapproves of the free choices of states and state's legislatures.


There are of course some transcendent human principles that need be defended universally- such as individual freedom from being enslaved, yet the right to privacy permits abortion, the free for individuals in a free government to ban abortion is a universal public right that need be tolerated. Those that seek abortions and live in a state that has banned that are free to relocate to a godless atheist state where murdering the unborn is swell. The freedom for individuals to move from political conditions they regard as intolerable is another universal right.

States have the right to prevent citizens from murdering one another or the unborn. The presumption of a right to exist for the born and unborn is a logical and moral requisite.

The dynamic tension between individual rights and universal rights sometimes is eclipsed when the vast majority of individuals support the universal principle. They are then in agreement with the Kantian categorical imperative which is something like the golden rule. States right are an expression of individual rights at the public level. They are a defense against the automatic oppression of universal monopoly of power over individuals by corrupt forms of government such as are expressed in communism, socialism and monarchy.

Concerning the Lost

If anyone believed the Bible to be an 'absolute' lie, or a simple lie, it would be necessary to discover why they believed that and what that meant to them, for if false belief has no logical basis then one is conversing with someone that is logic challenged. Even so John Calvin believed that the conscience is provided by God to everyone and is a reminder of what God wants people to be; perfected as He intended. 

Jesus Christ helps with that. It may be though that some are destined to be lost and other saved (the elect), so though know one except God knows who those people are (Paul might have appeared to be lost to some Christians before conversion - although the Jewish dispensation in the Christian era is not too easy to understand always)), the challenges of explaining to the lost why they should be saved would be accomplished with scripture from memory and the Holy Spirit.


Democrat's Impeachment Chat is Just War-Through-Other-Means Politics

The Democrats since the Obama administration have been playing Clauswitzian politics regarding that trade as war through other means. That is, they have tried to force their will upon others to the maximum extent of their ability to do so. They war on Republicans and the President so far as they can. So the impeachment chat is just the next available step after the failure of the Mueller Inquiry to find anything substantive.


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...