
Capitalism is Misunderstood

Capital is nothing more than material goods of value. A horse is capital, for example. A building is capital- even the fish in the oceans are capital. The primary difference in kinds of capital are those existing in nature such as trees, fresh water, land, ice, air and those natural products with value added by human manufacturing.

Since even atoms are the electro-magnetic field and forces of nature are capital, it becomes rather silly to talk about capital-ism as if there is just one means of exploiting or producing capital. In the Bible book of Genesis God manufactures, issues or emanates all of the capital of the Universe in a few days or movements. Then mankind appeared and eventually Cain killed his brother Abel. 

Cain is regarded as the first metal-worker and Abel the first tiller of soil (farmer). Each were capitalists. I suppose even Gilligan enjoying the natural capital of a south sea island was a capitalist enjoying the fruits of God’s labor.

The individuals working manufacturing goods from atoms and etc such as computers (with silicone and other items including minerals) are the primary way that mankind manufactures products from natural materials increasing man-made capital. It is ironic that some of the manufacturing processes destroy or corrupt natural capital, or simply use it up to extinction.

Government is necessary in some cases to keep some powerful people or groups from building enough power to ‘own’ everything in the world. Even governments may try to own everything in the world. Individuals are the best inventors of idea-capital and manufacturable ideas and methods yet are usually weak at governance; there assertion to govern other people would be regarded as tyrannical and resisted by others. Governments too may be tyrannical, ineffective or corrupt as the case may be.

Government purpose in an efficient mode is to defend individual rights to own ideas and processes to manufacture. Government must also defend the ecosphere health and natural capital so individuals may continue to exist with health. Today the planet’s atmospheric carbon dioxide rate is more than 415 parts per million- that is worse than in has been since human beings came down from the trees and Adam and Eve’s kids merged in with them. The dynamic tension is fascinating; nations full of people that don’t understand basic political philosophy and regard libertarian versus socialism as dialectical approaches to capital. Even communist governments such as the former Soviet Union had capital and were capitalists plus socialists, in effect making the citizens slaves of the communist party leadership.

The real context is between free individuals within democracy with political and economic egalitarianism, socialist slave owners and oligarchs and plutocrats hiding behind ‘capitalism’.


USA Can Never Guard Mexico's Southern Border

If Mexico asked the U.S. Government to guard its southern border, that would be about the sole legal circumstance that could be justified for placing U.S. troops there, unless Mexico first attacked the United States, and the United States went to war with Mexico and sought to stop Guatemala, Belize, Venezuela etc. from sending troops to fight on the Mexican side.

If aggressive, hostile, human flesh-eating aliens debarked from ufo landing craft south of Mexico such as Martians in The War of the Worlds, and began slaughtering their way north, and were in sufficient numbers to be a concern for the United States, Democrats of Congress would debate for a few months sending special investigators and inhuman rights specialists to determine if the illegal Martian aliens were being treated properly and if the Trump administration should be impeached for showing a rude and disrespectful attitude toward the aliens.
A better choice for any U.S. administration that would like to guard Mexico’s southern border might be to cut a deal with Guatemala and Belize to provide free border protection for those nations in exchange for a couple of billion dollars worth of solar panels, agricultural tools, water purification, desalinization devices and so forth annually. Guatemala and Belize may wish to have border control and keep track of who goes north on an entirely legal basis. Coordinating with Mexican immigration officials, non-Mexicans might need an o.k. from Mexico to enter, and Mexico in turn would be accountable if the people they admitted continued on north to attempt illegal entry into the U.S.A.


Why There Isn't Really a Capitalist System

Capital may be regarded as material and intellectual goods of value. They are objects of a sort. There is no system of objects, nor capital. Capital objects just exist.
Some capital was manufactured by nature; the sun, the moon, the stars, oceans, land etc. People have added value to some natural capital, *manufacturing* things.
Manufacturing items for most of human history in Earth has been done best by individuals rather than bureaucracies. Individuals invent rather than collectives. Human collectives that are government tend to repress individualism and individual invention. Socialist governments tend toward expropriating all capital and objects for themselves, rather than inventing new manufactured items or inventions. They imagine employing and ossifying the private sector inventors and producers for themselves too. All of the capital both natural and manufactured are regarded as the property of bureaucrats in government who in theory allocate such as the masses need, to the masses.
Free enterprise is a good way of manufacturing capital. it is not such a good way at conserving, enhancing, defending or restoring natural capital. Authoritarian governments, if such existed, that understood what ecological economics are and were motivated to bring such into existence, might accomplish that better than a democracy. In fact they might restore the environment as quickly as an absolute monarch or dictator. That would be simply an exercise of power rather than the enactment of an ideal political system.
An ideal political system would protect and restore the world ecosphere to health or national parts of the world while simultaneously implementing an ecologically sustainable for the long run economy, within free enterprise democracy parameters. The paradox of a disciplined political economy protecting individual civil rights and ecological sustainability together is in practical terms difficult to get done.
Free enterprise invention creates new goods, products and services best. Government can protect and direct respiration of the environment best. Healthy and adequate manufactured and natural capital is what are requisite for a moderately egalitarian society with liberty and justice for all.

If Brits Told Pres Trump Demo Candidates Embezzled Money Is That Wrong?

If the British Government MI-5 agency told President Trump about criminal activities and American Presidential candidate perpetrated abroad, would that be wrong? Apparently several Democrat Party leaders and media think so.


If foreign governments or individuals have information about Democrat Party criminal activities who are they supposed to tell in the U.S. Government?  The President is the Executive branch of government so telling the F.B.I. or President is telling the President's chain of command. In fact the President is the right guy to tell about any criminal activities of Democratic Presidential candidates including foreign deposits to hidden bank accounts.

I suppose it would make no difference if the foreign intelligence source was from a friendly or usually adverse government except as regards the credibility of the account. If Dictator Kim Un reports that some Democratic candidate has unusually bad breath and conceals it with a foreign breath mint containing opium for instance, the report might need more scrutiny and special F.B.I. investigation for verification. Don't trust, yet verify.

If some Democrat Party candidates are members of dark web child exploitation sites and the news was discovered by foreign intelligence agencies should they send the pictures to wikileaks or President Trump. My guess is that the President is the right guy for the job of apprehending the perpetrators.

What is a Reformation of Capitalism?

Capitalism isn’t anything more than property that is owned; even if by a socialist government. It is possible to build capital and capital infrastructure in as many ways as human or natural processes exist. When stars burn and go nova they produce different capital elements. When it rains water capital flows on the land’s surface and produces rivers. When an individual imagines up an invention he or she has created intellectual capital that may be converted into material capital or an intellectual product such as an algorithm. Capital need not be reformed so much as human approaches to utilizing and creating capital do.
Government is supposed to protect public interests in a democracy. Government is an expression of concatenated individual self-interests. The public has an interest in protecting the common environment rather than degrading or destroying it. The public has an interest in protecting individual self-interests and the right of individuals to build their own capital; government should serve those interests. The government also has an interest in defending itself against powers and persons that would end its effective public functions.
It can sometimes become necessary to tax rich individuals punitively to destroy their acquisition of too much political power through concentration of capital that democracy and functions of government in carrying out its primary duties are undermined. Presently the over-acquisition of capital and political power that follows economic hegemony adversely impacts environmental defense and recovery. The over-concentration of wealthy has created an implicit economic bias against all of the citizens that are not in the very small minority of super-rich networked plutocrats; they have an uneven economic field to work in to try to build up their own capital quantitatively and qualitatively. It is even possible that developing political plans and economic modalities that are better suited to the ambient ecospheric and demographic elements is prevented for the majority as concentrated wealth networks pursue their narrow self-interest in building their own capital.
I would tax the upper 5 % of income earners in the nation at 70% and the upper 1% at 90%. It would be a good idea to reduce patent exclusivity to three years and allocate 10% of royalties to the inventor-patent holder thereafter. In order to develop a sustainable ecological economic infrastructure there should be incentives for creating low-entropy, sustainable economic developments.
Ecological zoning should be made to develop a no net loss of surface biota construction ethic.
In times past it was recognized that the state has an interest in assuring that its citizens can defend themselves and compete with state-of-the-art universal literacy and education. Public education at all levels should be free for citizens though private educational establishments should continue for-profit as well as non-profit. A basic universal right of citizens to have some sort of a minimum income and private storage and living unit to keep citizens from being caught in roiling abject poverty currents should exist in a demography saturated with surveillance, law enforcement and urban risks for the homeless. In the American past the wild frontier and cheap property values made basic existence simpler. Today the simple legal right to exist someplace and sleep may be so exclusive as to render otherwise law abiding citizens criminals simply for being alive.



Ideas- such a platonic realism has- don't exist IMO- just nominalism in lexical ontologies- atoms have forms though, as does math, that are ideal.

God has all ideas and forms possible- and for God perhaps everything is possible except the finitude of possibility.

On World Leadership

What is global leadership? Because of European history at waging war upon itself it has eschewed further military adventures generally. The United States, Russia and China were more or less on the same anti-fascist side during W.W. II and each has carved out a sphere of influence or formed trans-national alliances and ad hoc networks. Each has used military power abroad on a few occasions. Europe has provided some military forces to joint American or U.N. ventures yet not made the sort of commitment to defending freedom militarily that the United States has.
Global leadership may be defined in several ways; technology, military, human rights, environmental restoration to health, space exploration, standard of living for ordinary people and so forth. In my opinion world leadership is a kind of mixed bag. It might even be possible to recognize African Christian increase as a form of world leadership.
It is possible that the world leadership appellation is vain. Those that make the world a better place for ordinary people are from virtually every nation. Those that keep it free and those that would oppress individuals for elitist governments also are found across the globe. Plainly not enough is being done by any government leadership to say that anyone is leading effectively in a good direction such that people would overwhelmingly want to follow.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...