
Rawlsian Original Position and Founders Not Supporting Immoral Laws Like Abortion, Infanticide etc.

The founding fathers of the United States were mostly Christian and wouldn't have supported abortion. Of a hypothetical society with the quite unreal original position scenario with laws that are made by blind mice legislators and justices it is possible that homicide wouldn't be outlawed. 

Boundaries would need to be established regarding social behavior. Libertarianism taken to an extreme would be an abeyance of government regulation socially. It is quite an unrealistic premise. The idea that blind mice legislators would be forced to act rationally without certain moral information such as what is good begs the premise of the good in-itself as being inducted in a vacuum of moral opinions and cultural continuity.   

If Rawls wanted to find a way to make a working social contract without savagery and iniquity perhaps he had good intentions with an existential idea about humans as pieces that could be played with few characteristics distinguishing them. That isn’t a valid working premise i.m.o. If some people were cannibals, and some not, that behavior would clash law making and what are considered moral premises innately. Real people bring baggage with them.

Some socio-economic structures are ecospherically adapted, including contraception, veils, patriarchal social structures, matriarchal, egalitarian and so forth. Many behavioral characteristics socially are adapted to the environment and economy. Eating with one particular hand in a desert ecosystem, protecting women where contraception doesn’t exist…those are not structures derived from abstract values. In some respects academics in a bland sensory environment without particular external challenges tend to manufacture unreal theoretical situations. People aren't as malleable to moral configurations as units in Hilbert space are to self-organizing coordinates.

There is also the problem of original sin to consider. I believe that is the thermodynamic criterion of energy input requisites and processing + reproduction. That is an implicit moral challenge with existing social adaptations to it. One cannot just reinvent the wheel with the removal of knowledge and experience. Original sin itself predisposes society to certain savage behaviors that continue for sundry reasons including demographic changes, resource depletion, the will to power etc.


The cultural and religious prevailing opinions of the founders led them, with philosophical and historical insight, to write a constitution that supported their values.  If one knows the New Testament well enough one realizes that the founder said his kingdom is not of this world. The founders of the U.S.A. knew that and designed a constitution for the world that would allow their faith to be practiced without intimidation by any government structure or persons in government. The prophet Jeremiah related in the Old Testament that one day the laws of God would be written on the hearts and minds of the faithful. That prophecy was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and what he taught. It isn’t a secular judicial code.

Separation of church and state was a need learned from history (European history) with the 30 Years was, 100 years war, the Smalcaldian War etc.

With a particular cultural norm and beliefs pervasively accepted and internalized concerning behavior, laws need be made about aberrant things that aren't. There is no mention of laws against homicide and numerous other behaviors or acts in the U.S. constitution, yet a structure was created that allowed people through legislators to promulgate laws where needed ("Article Three, Section Two, Clause Three of the United States Constitution provides that: Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.").

 Laws were made that reflected cultural norms and beliefs then and now over the course of U.S. history. Self-government in the U.S democracy allows people to make laws suitable to their beliefs, while in theory respecting the rights of dissenters. In practice the nation and world are becoming over-populated and cultural norms are driven by dynamic pressures toward conformity, authoritarianism, communism and equality in thought consistent with keeping pigs happy in feed-lots. In my opinion Rawls' original position is most suitable for a B.F Skinner kind of behaviorist paradigm for brainwashing and social control of the masses. It seems to be based on incorrect assumptions and explanations of why wars and civic injustice occur.

Governments are some of the most egregious propaganda purveyors. Most are guilty of shaping events to serve their own interests over history. Big business is up there too in issuing propaganda and thought conditioning, as are some of the more corrupt advocates for scientific atheism. Don't overlook the media as primary propagandists! They just go too far. God is a serious, perennial concern for philosophical and even scientific thought within the realm of Christian philosophers. Cosmological systems, eternity, artificial intelligence that could create forms and manufacture Universes, the nature of good and evil, original sin and more benefit from Christian philosophical and theological inquiry. Maybe the central problem is in that people from all walks of life may want to force other people to think about particular topics and content instead of what the subjects would think about for-themselves. Sapere aude (think or know for-oneself) did not mean to put blinders on about eternity, God or the history of the appearance of Jesus Christ in-the-world as related through the Bible.


A Red Blur Remembered

A red blur is a wet rag hounded
packs running over green waves
dying desiccated with hot breaths
shadows in time futuring rudely
awakening with little feet
pounding a disappointed nose
ahead of horses’ hooves
riders howling through the wind

fur and froth bites end being
in a tassled pile actually seeming
with fanfare for the common fox
nevered again to be elsewhen.

Pluralism vs Multiculturalism

One can have a multi-party system yet not have multiculturalism. Political parties and cultures are different kinds of social groupings. Monism and pluralism are the largest philosophical differentiators; one universal substance with a plurality of forms. Metaphysics has a different lexicon than social philosophy though some of the words are the same; the meanings differ.

 Political monism could be taken to be monarchy; pluralism might be regarded as democracy and multiculturalism as confusion or chaos, though not necessarily. Political pluralism differs from authoritarian systems; i.e. dictatorships, communism and other one-party or no-party systems. Plainly China could have one culture and many parties (pluralism) if it was an open society. A culture would seemingly be dominant geographically or on the road to extinction. Cultures may be many things with some subcultures of trivial stature and others upsurging into being a dominant culture. Political cultures and political economy exist within the full spectrum of political and government forms of course. Pluralism could even mean cultural pluralism =multiculturalism. Multiculturalism could refer to social groupings besides those of racial or national composition as primary characteristics, and just point to Goths or hip hop cultures and so forth. There is a lot of overlap in the terminology.

I read an article recently about the interaction of human culture with Neanderthalers, and why the Neanderthals became extinct. There was quite a large period of overlap where the two cultures intersected and shared genes. The article hypothesized that human illnesses brought from Africa to Europe slowly killed off the Neanderthals that had no immunity to the diseases humans brought, while the Neanderthals had fewer lethal diseases to decimate humans. Eventually humans overcame the burden of illness/immunity problem before the Neanderthals and about 40,000 years ago I believe it was the last of the Neanderthals faded away.

For a time the hybrid human-Neanderthals may have had a pluralist social environment that was multicultural too. If the hybrids shared the same tool-kit and lifestyle plus art and religious belief then they would have been monocultural. In that case if they elected one chief for all, perhaps including volunteer pure-breed Neanderthals and humans, they could be said to be politically pluralist or monistic with little loss of meaning. I would favor pluralism since pure bred humans, pure bred Neanderthals and hybrids may have held different political values.

Bloomberg Seems Like a Rare Rational Democrat

The entrance of Michael Bloomberg into the 2020 Democrat presidential primary is probably a good thing since he is the sole candidate that reasonable people would be at all comfortable with in the White House on the Democratic side. Most voters recognize that he is probably competent with money  and not likely to force new trillions of dollars of bet to be added to the federal accounts. That may be why his venture could be doomed.

Voters might be less worried about a possible ban of vast right-wing soft drink cups full of sugary beverage than piling on trillions of dollars of new public debt that candidates like Elizabeth Warren salivate about. Michael Bloomberg will worry the extreme Bilderberg-Iluminati global Jewish conspiracy people of course; it would be a terrible thing to some people if a regular excellent establishment candidate were not elected; one of those that repair the damaged environment, create full employment, pay off the federal debt, balance the federal budget, rebuild national infrastructure along ecological economic line and defend free enterprise and a welfare state that assures lifetime participation of every citizen that wants to play in the economic game while the nation's borders are secure and well-defended. History shows that such candidates are more rare and unlikely than the return of Barbarossa.



Don't Food, Water and Energy Nexus Social Metabolism(s) Have Innumerable Possible Configs?

There are some that regard the food, water, energy nexus for sustaining human life as a simple complex system.There probably are innumerable possible configurations, as with several systems including medical provisioning, housing and transportation. Expert systems may model some of the structures. it is unfortunate that government probably does not use expert systems to increase efficiency of its own political economy and actualization methodology.  An ecospheric wild integrity nexus is another malleable management configuration structure.

Events and Proximal Causes

Didn't Hume deny the existence of causes? I believe that no particular event or process is a consequence of just one cause for being. That is, if there are numerous elements that make an event or things exist, then there isn't one cause. It is something like a large swell in the ocean having numerous  causal inputs of waves from different directions coinciding, water temperature, windstorms and so forth.

 Besides that problem, there is the point of view that causality is a subjective, human idea that doesn't exist in nature itself. With atoms and molecules being 'frozen' into a steady state because of quantum symmetry breaking, and those comprising the physical world/Universe of mass-energy, an arbitrary selection and abstract isolation of a local 'event' is an unnatural removal of the area-event from the contiguous field in which it exists. In a sense even human perception and identity of particular events (like a tiger running through a jungle) differs from the monistic character of the field-for-itself.  

Humans identify events and proximal causes for legal purposes obviously, yet it may be that causality is more of a practical for human-use language item of observation that an actual thing of nature. That is not to say that the things people have to say about nature are not meaningful, it simply acknowledges that some convenient terms that have practical application may not be technically accurate if applied to physics in-itself.

One-third of California's methane emissions arise from a few super-emitters

I suppose the word-object relationship is that a rock is a space-time event coordinate. Words are something like addresses. 'Objects' are just characteristics of the steady-state of matter field humans perceive, the way humans perceive (as opposed to the way insects or creatures made of neutrinos might perceive) the field.

Origin of the term 'religion'...

Religion is more derived from allegiance, a liege-lord, feudalism and to whom one has allegiance. It may be a little like ex-ist, somewhat of a doubling down of a term as if it were a superlative. In its monastic use; of binding. One can discern that it is like the more general usage of allegiance. The term moved synthetically from the secular to the monastery One had a liege-lord whom was sovereign and to whom vassals and servants had allegiance.. The Lord Jesus is a true Lord of course, to monastics.

Richard Burton and John Wayne in Sigma 5 CGI?

James Dean (who dies in a car crash in the 1960s)  will star in a new movie about abandoned dogs of war in Vietnam through computer generated graphics. That provides hope that a new movie with Richard Burton and John Wayne with ample shooting and treacherous enemies will appear with aliens fighting to capture the mountains of Mars for-themselves.

Innumerable good movies with computer generated graphics could appear, so much so that voters would disregard Presidential candidates even if they wear man-buns thus fulfilling the saying about politicians having their heads up their a's.

While bun-headed aliens may be thwarted with enough CGIO stars it is unlikely that CGI will improve Democrat candidate ideas at all. That is something of an empty shelf sort of thing.


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...