
How to Reduce Draws in Chess

Adding a new piece named 'The Doctor' in place of a pawn could make the game less inclined to draws. Alternatively a pawn promotion could become a Doctor. The Doctor could sacrifice itself at any time to return three pawns or two minor pieces to the battle that were taken captive. 

The Doctor could move two squares in any non-diagonal direction. Chess captives should have some hope of being liberated from the p.o.w. camp. The spec-ops Doc could at least mitigate that loss of freedom when pieces are p.o.w.s. returning a few good pawns or pieces to the battle.

Every few centuries adding a new piece for pawn promotion could make the game more contemporary. In ancient battle casualties were usually fatal. Today though, Doctors can return soldiers to fight another day, and combat docs are an important part of the fight.

A Note on the Berkeley Pit

The Berkeley Pit in Butte Montana has a water problem. Though the EPA is involved in treating the water for heavy metals and other pollutants the water increases more than the rate of treatment, and might reach the Clark Fork someday. The Berkeley Pit was at one time perhaps the largest open copper mine in the world.  Finding a long-term solution to the problem of treating mining wastewater needs to be found for not just that particular pit- it is a mining problem for communities around the nation and world.

If the polluted water reaches the Clark Fork and Snake, Columbia Rivers drinking and agricultural irrigation water- not to mention fishing, would be adversely impacted. Mining should really be accountable for the lasting damage to aquifers. 

If President Trump wants to improve his damaged environmental protection reputation it might be worthwhile fixing the Berkeley Pit problem. I wonder if evaporation with geothermal heat with the vapors absorbed by some substance that could be embedded in concrete at some safe place- such as building a concrete border security wall, would be a cost effective environmental remedy. Of course toxic metals could be removed from the vapor where possible, or the water could flow through a powerful electromagnetic field in pvc pipes with the metals segregated from the water.

https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/berkeley-pit  images

Experts Testify Political Rivals Have Immunity from Foreign Investigation

It is not at all clear why a sovereign foreign government conducting an investigation within its own borders comprises an interference in democratic elections in another nation. Innumerable times Democrats and their experts have made the claim that when President Trump asked a foreign president to conduct an investigation in his own country, with his own resources, that was a proximal or even vague interference by Ukraine (or President Trump) in the 2020 Presidential campaign. Probably no sovereign right the Ukraine takes in its own borders (excluding true or fair boundary issues) meeting with international law comprises an interference in U.S. elections- the paradigm that it does is stupid.

Even so, partisan experts testifying about what is an impeachable offense before the House Judiciary Committee made the point in so many words that a presidential candidate running against the incumbent is immune from investigation abroad, and if an incumbent asks for an investigation that comprises interference by that government in U.S. elections. That is, if Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis had run for the White House in 1860 President Lincoln could not have made any investigation about their connection to the British or any other foreign power in 1861-especially if they had announced new campaigns for the 1864 election during the Civil War (the Ukraine was part of Russia then so thankfully Ukraine wouldn't have been an issue.

A Prof. Feldman said numerous times that the President called the President of Ukraine to ask directly for interference in a U.S. election. That is a complete false statement in-itself. The President asked for an investigation of Joe Biden, and that is not synonymous with interference in a U.S. election. It is surprising to have several disingenuous academics in one setting. When I attended college the PhDs, MFAs, MAs and MSs were all of good character stating what seemed like unbiased facts, and just the facts. What went wrong in academia?

Any member of a prior administration that wants to conceal secret foreign bribes or benefits directly or indirectly needs to run for the White House to assure that he or she is a political rival and off limits to requests to foreign leaders  for investigations by the President.  It is interesting that there is no quid pro quo regarding limits on investigations abroad given to the incumbent. The Mueller investigation was proof of that. 

If Vice President Biden had made secret insider deals with Ukraine or weapons dealers in Ukraine it is an impeachable offense to investigate. If a Democrat wants to commit treason with a foreign power or sedition with a terrorist drug cartel they need to run for the White House too if they want to be safe. Hillary Clinton for example, could run anytime to update her immunity status abroad if anyone wanted to look into anything that could appear criminal (in the United States?) her foreign activities.

 How can Presidential candidates be adequately vetted without the help of foreign governments in some cases? If some candidate x is a sleeper agent or a Manchurian candidate, wouldn't it be useful to request investigations into the candidate where there are sufficient causes for concern?  If a former candidate like Sen. Ted Cruz runs again in 2024 and allegations appear, though vague, about his activities that might be illegal in Canada (this is a fiction scenario using a fellow of good character because he is sort of above this sort of thing), such as running a hidden prostitution business that pays less than union wages, or his membership in a hidden Cuban communist cell that seeks to take over the U.S. Government and transform it into a Leninst-Marxist government, when not counting profits from the prostitution money laundering business, shouldn't a request to PM Truedeau be made to look into the matter?

The policy would appear to inhibit alliances with friendly governments helping out with investigations into suspect foreign activities by anyone nominally running for the Presidency. A presidential campaign of any stature appears to be a good screen if conducting dark pool activities in Russia, South America and elsewhere.


Their Nightmares of the Dark (poem)

A partial, phenomenological poem about abortion.

Ended the blob of life
an inconvenient truth
like protoplasm salted with mindless time
destined for destruction
nothing morally speaking
the second hand spun

Cash value of consumption
better forms to wonder
of grown brains
set on a tee
golfed to neverwas
mistaken logic

Flesh in cars wrapped bags
never driven to delivery
of herniated politics
sugared and spiced
Ivy league lives
where hives wor e-winds

Darkness is all around
a hydrogen-helium star
shelves of dimension’s
mentions lost in depth
shapes, forces, atomized structures
blobs of death
conveyed to never was

Being Elected in 2016 was the Impeachable Offense

Democrats have sought to impeach the President for being elected to the Presidency in 2016. Impeachment is a good reversal of elections results tool that the Democrat Party hasn't failed to employ against President Donald Trump.

Original political sin to a degree that requires complete expurgation is the Apple of the eye for Democrats and the Main Stream Media. Select Democrat Party friendly or partisan internet organs have implemented expurgation since the Obama administration when non-leftist and homo-takeover unfriendly writers and even C.E.O.s were removed as far as possible from the public broadcast media mainstream and internet; that trend continues all the way to the White House occupant so offensive; virtually an abomination of desolation for communists and leftists of the homosexual and billionaire political axis of evil.

When Republicans impeached President Clinton for lying to the Congress in direct testimony, Democrat Party appetites for pay-back were whetted that could not be satiated without a blood-letting destruction of President Trump.  When Democrats attacked the President and instigated the Mueller investigation the President responded early on that the opposition force Democrats should be investigated themselves; plainly that included former Vice President Biden. 
Democrats also use a post hoc ergo propter hoc argument that the President withheld military aid to Ukraine as a lever to compel the Biden investigation. There is however thus far no direct evidence that the two events were at all related. If they so happened to be, most Americans might not care. Perhaps those subject to investigation would be the primary indignants.

Some apparently feel that providing $300 million of free military aid to Ukraine is automatic and the time frame in which the President released it Ukraine was unnaturally protracted. For the President to have done right one might infer, that is right enough to satisfy Democrats, he would have been safer to cancel the military aid and then ask the President of Ukraine if he would investigate the infamous Hunter Biden corruption or nepotism quid pro quo issue. 

Alternatively he should have given the military aid first, and the asked about the investigation getting started, yet that would have appeared to be an expectation of reciprocation in some Democrat eyes so the President was da_med if he did and da_med if he didn't. A better policy would be to cancel military aid automatically in any foreign nation where the son or daughter or wife of a President (or other close family members) is publicly perceived to be receiving unnatural products or exchanges of financial value from that foreign nation expecting to receive military aid for free.

The Democrats strategy involved using insiders in the Government to accuse the President of collusion with Russia, and of course the 5th column of deplorable Americans that voted for the President in a virtually treasonous betrayal of the nation- that is in their point of view, one that should be a sycophant of Democrat Party organs.

The Ukrainian government is a lineal descendant of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. That government expropriated Ukraine from Russia during the Bolshevik revolution. The Democrat Party of the United States cannot tolerate a Russian nationalist government seeking recovery of some of its Ukraine land lost to communism. Therefore the President is nominally being impeached for asking the Ukraine government to investigate the alleged corruption of the Biden family in the Ukraine and needing leverage to get an inquiry going- as if the Ukraine government would have strongly resisted President Trump's request ordinarily. One could infer the Democrat Party believes the Ukraine is an associated leftist government that hates capitalists such as Donald Trump.

China Has More to Lose in Repressing Hong Kong, than it Could WIn

Hong Kong has been an entrepreneurial entrepot to China for more than a century. Freedom of thought, freedom of speech and security from repression by bureaucrats, corporations and organized crime are necessary for individuals to develop and present new ideas to the marketplace of ideas that is the driving force behind free enterprise in a demographically heavily populated world. China is not being useful in exerting jack-booted organized crime force upon the citizens of Hong Kong that have for several months been protesting onerous legal measures from the Communist government that would undermine personal and social liberty.


China has nothing to fear from the small population (comparatively) of Hong Kong having more civil liberty to determine their own economic, personal and spiritual life preferences than those of the vast mainland realm of the Middle Commundom. Instead of looking backward to the past history of imperial subjugation of the masses and fearing warlords or worrying about Marxist concerns of a commercial class oppressing the rights and well being of the communist, Chinese leaders should be more forward looking and support civil liberties for Hong Kong with the hope that a glasnost and perestroika evolution could germinate and flow forward with better ideas and efficiencies for the challenges of the mainland economic and social situation.

Marxism was not the end of economic evolution nor the final state of the philosophy of government. It is wrong for political theorists to mire themselves in the past instead of improving real conditions for the people presently. Goals of any government should be modest egalitarianism with a fair distribution of opportunities for building wealth, creation and ownership of productive ideas, security and well being of all citizens and so forth. The people should not be oppressed or repressed by onerous bureaucrats nor corrupt, wealthy and powerful elites who control political destiny to benefit themselves and a fractional minority foremost.

China could learn from the successes and failures of the Soviet and Russian post-cold war evolution and build and infrastructure a priori for letting a normalized liberalization occur in China. It would need to set laws that would limit the amount of wealth any individual could have as a percent of the national income and create progressive tax laws to assure that concentrated wealth does not lead to concentrated power that leads to oligarchy or tyranny.

Western responses to Russia following up the end of the Cold War have tended toward being self-serving more than mutually beneficial and practical thereby limiting the potential for bi-lateral progress in addressing the host of environmental and economic challenges the entire world unavoidably experiences and need to deal with. China can create transitional and lasting foundations for a transition toward as free of a society as possible for individuals within the real paradigm of demographic, social and security challenges. The freedom of Hong Kong as an associate entity within the Chinese mainland society is not any sort of threat to Chinese state security.


A Casual Video on Reconciliation of Genesis with Modern Cosmology

I made this video reading from my free ebook- God, Cosmology and Nothingness- with photos from a visit to Alaska in October 2018. Thanks to N.A.S.A. for the use of a couple of Hubble photographs.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...