
Rep Schiff's Verizon-AT&T Quid Pro Quo Was the Most Impeachment Worthy Act of 2019

California Representative Adam Schiff who has been a leader in the start-a-firing of President Trump impeachment movement committed the most impeachment worthy act of the year. The Representative had no legal right to get phone records from the two telecom giants that he hoped would provide fuel to the fire-the-President movement of partisan Democrats.

 The Congress has the purse of government and if the telecom giants Verizon and AT&T might have wanted more government contracts so apparently they felt they needed to quid pro quo, kow tow and brown nose the influential chairman of the House Ersatz Intelligence Committee and submit the call logs of the President and other insider officials to Rep Schiff.

Using the James Comey F.B.I. as a tool for political spying and hegemony on a rival Presidential campaign seems to be the new Democrat Party method for what used to be accomplished with burglary. The F.B.I. and F.I.S.A. court appear to have been used in the pursuit of political power by the Democrat Party.

Ungodly atheist crud seeks to divide the nation to get rid of a President tolerant to friendly toward the faith community, in the week before Christmas. What unbrotherly hate.

After the release of I.G. Horowitz's report on the unprecedented violations of the Trump campaign driven by Democrats there are several reports that the F.B.I. and others took possibly illegal steps to get inside the Trump campaign. Recently Rep Schiff was found to have perhaps illegally obtained phone records of calls between the President and his personal attorney. One might infer that Democrats have made serious upgrades to the comparatively clumsy Nixon era methods of getting inside information on political opponents.

The dog and pony show trial prep seems an example of average idiots that want to run everything without the competence or learning to know exactly what everything is- even for the nation.




A.G. Barr said the 2016 Trump campaign " was clearly spied on". https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/12/10/ag_barr_president_trumps_2016_campaign_was_clearly_spied_on.html

With the House scheduled to vote on impeachment this week one must be very amused at the silliness of the vague paradigm for impeachment that is entirely partisan. Obstruction of Congress- Democrat majority interests in getting rid of the President is one of two points. 

The other point for impeachment is an even more vague abuse of power pretext that the Democrats are perpetrators of themselves. They also speak about national security failures of the President, and in fact quite the opposite is true with the Democrat Party agenda of homosexualizing the military, corrupting heterosexual marriage to throw in homosexual marriage as a kind of blackface mooning of marriage, flooding the nation with illegal aliens, forcing bad relations with Russia to increase the threat of nuclear holocaust , legalizing dope, running up vast public spending debts and so forth all leading to security weaknesses.








Dictator Kim Promises Big Changes in Nuclear Program if U.S. Doesn't Concede

North Korean dictator Kim Un has warned the United States of substantial changes if the U.S. doesn't give sanctions relief before year's end (2019). The Dictator's nuclear weapons and rocket program may be making ICBMs able to hit D.C., so the glimmer of more leverage on decadent Democrats seeking to impeach the President may have emboldened the N.K. Rocket Man.

President Trump hasn't too many stronger negotiating points available to induce North Korea to quit with the nuclear war development and just get rid of the big bangers. He might try a quid pro quo with nuclear upgrades in South Korea to match the North's on a 3 to 1 basis. Hardened short range nuclear missile silos on the DMZ pointed North might convey a message to the Dictator. Perhaps hardened nuclear bomb carrying drone bases could be made underground to assure complete geographic nuclear det coverage. Maybe a nuclear weapons fast boat port with magnetohydrodynamic engines able to launch along the North Korean littoral; there must be dozens of new missile launching designs that could be built around North Korea to assure that communist dictatorships hasn't a good chance of taking over the South.  

It would of course be better if the Dictator was Christlike and a man of faith with a good plan for upgrading the standard of living of North Koreans through free enterprise; even V.I. Lenin had a five year plan for mixed free enterprise called the N.E.P. plan that he  put into effect before dying to clear the way for the Dictator Stalin to take over and end N.E.P. Dictator Kim could go the way of Lenin or Stalin. One leads toward prosperity and the other complete destruction of his people (probably). 

There is another alternative of course- sudden transition to liberal free enterprise economics with a surge of South Koreans into the North bring swift prosperity comparable to the liberation of East Germany from communist dictatorship. For sure though, arms manufacturers would like the nuclear weapons and missile silos and perhaps an underground mobile missle launching track as well.


F.B.I. Spying on Trump Campaign was an Upgrade on Watergate Political Burglary Tech

Using the James Comey F.B.I. as a tool for political spying and hegemony on a rival Presidential campaign seems to be the new Democrat Party method for what used to be accomplished with burglary. The F.B.I. and F.I.S.A. court appear to have been used in the pursuit of political power by the Democrat Party.

After the release of I.G. Horowitz's report on the unprecedented violations of the Trump campaign driven by Democrats there are several reports that the F.B.I. and others took possibly illegal steps to get inside the Trump campaign. Recently Rep Schiff was found to have perhaps illegally obtained phone records of calls between the President and his personal attorney. One might infer that Democrats have made serious upgrades to the comparatively clumsy Nixon era methods of getting inside information on political opponents.




With the House scheduled to vote on impeachment this week one must be very amused at the silliness of the vague paradigm for impeachment that is entirely partisan. Obstruction of Congress- Democrat majority interests in getting rid of the President is one of two points. The other point for impeachment is an even more vague abuse of power pretext that the Democrats are perpetrators of themselves. They also speak about national security failures of the President, and in fact quite the opposite is true with the Democrat Party agenda of homosexualizing the military, corrupting heterosexual marriage to throw in homosexual marriage as a kind of blackface mooning of marriage, flooding the nation with illegal aliens, forcing bad relations with Russia to increase the threat of nuclear holocaust , legalizing dope, running up vast public spending debts and so forth all leading to security weaknesses.







It seems as if the actual impeachment worthy offense and abuse of power was done by Representative  Schiff of California in getting phone record illicitly by levering AT&T and Verizon because Congress has the money. Records of calls by the President and his personal attorney and others were submitted to Rep. Schiff at his command. and AT&T certainly didn't care about defending the constitution so much as brown nosing Rep c.


Global Lag in Transition to Ecological Economic Policy

Ecological economics don't appear like Haley's comet for extra light whenever you need it. Empires and nations evolved into being for sundry reasons along common economic and geographical principals; live near water sources, build farm to market roads, aggregate populations at commercial sales centers, advance technology, consume environmental resources to progress the quality of life. That basic pattern continues to this day when the limits to demographic growth and exploitation of environmental resources have been reached. The end in sight for human civilization might be viewed as a fork in the course without adoption of ecological economic infrastructure.

The boomer generation was the first in human history to formalize the study of environmental economics aka ecological economics. Besides being a generation that implemented mass human and civil rights legislation and actualized advanced computer and software technology bringing knowledge and data from all of human history to anyone, a core formed amidst the traditional economics social reality that recognized the fact that human economics needs to transition to economic production that minimizes loss of natural resources, conserves the ecosphere's health and supports the continuing advance of quality of life for the masses.

That core tech-science of ecological economics is the generational hand off that need be taken up and run with a Walter Payton-like determination, growing to large scale to energize an economic transition of traditional methods into ecologically efficient ones through free enterprise, the fountainhead of creativity and adaptation. Reforming the national and global political economies with clever and fair legislation to encourage free enterprise to act within ecologically synergistic ways will be quite challenging, since mass changes need be financed with traditional economic methods and tax revenue support. It is like burning the planks of a wooden ship to fuel the ship steam engine while constructing a magnetohydrodynamic drive to power a hydrofoil trimaran with carrying capacity of all the passengers. 


It is a good idea to act where possible to respond to point environmental challenges (i.e. global warming) on a pay-as-you-go basis. It would be unwise to tie up the political economy with such pursuits that spend trillions of dollars added to public debt while neglecting the foundation problem of non-ecologically sustainable economic infrastructure, ecologically destructive legal paradigms and as a mass extinction of wildlife and ecosphere progresses actively. An ecological economic political economy should meet the challenges of global warming, habitat loss, mass extinction and support free enterprise within  ecologically and economically sustainable criteria.

Logically there are two basic options. One is to ignore global ecosphere degradation and count on space science and technology to build new mansions in micro gravity for humanity to occupy as the Earth is lost to life. The second is to restore the ecosphere with ecological economics while developing micro gravity habitats to expand to. The first option is a loss of natural life leader and has no return to Earth option if micro gravity or extra terrestrial housing flops because human life cannot adapt evolutionary speaking, to the different gravity and extra-terrestrial conditions. The second option keeps the Earth as a viable ecosphere for human and all forms of Earth life for millions of years while space colonization is slowly evolved along ecological economic lines.

Machiavelli vs Nietzsche

Machiavelli is the better realist regarding politics. He is on the short list of political philosophers of history that were most influential.'The Prince' is basic and easy to read.  Politicians have read him over the course of history. 

Nietzsche hadn't much to say that was useful regarding philosophy. He actually taught a course in philology and just a couple of people ever attended including a college janitor. Nietzsche has been revered by atheists and Nazi symps. His primary interesting point is the eternal recurrence at the core of Thus Spake Zarathustra where he is an advocate for being beyond good and evil as a superman. 

Nietzsche was more of a philosophically minded romantic political anarchist social commentator than actual philosopher; I like metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, truth theories and social philosophy concerning government more than weird ontological theories that appear prima facie wrong. It is useful to know what Nietzsche had to say in order to reply to  dopers that venerate him, should one encounter them circumstantially on the road of being


A Description of Truth Theory Parameters

There are numerous truth theories. Some people assume that truth is an objective thing-in-itself, as if it were an object. 'Is truth out there?" Tom asked Jane. 
"Yes Tom, Jane said, "Truth is sitting at a cafe table across the bay having an espresso." 
"So Jane, I must go for myself and talk with truth, what does he or she look like?" 
Truth is something more like a correspondence of an answer to a statement, or a relation of descriptive words that are consistent and verifiable.
 "Is it raining outside Jane" asked Tom."
"Yes Tom, it is raining outside this house". 
"Well Jane, I trust you, if you say it is then it must be true." Is 1 + 1, 2? Yes. "Is that answer true?". "No" "Then there is an inconsistency between the question and answer."
 - x- = +. A statement that is true and false regarding the existence and non-existence of a single item, that it exists or doesn't exist in one moment in time is apparent contradiction. Quantum uncertainty is like that sometimes, supposedly some quanta can be at all places in theory yet at just one place when observed. Most statements concerning truth do not involve quantum uncertainty and trying to juxtapose the same conditions of being in two different realms, that of quantum particles and solid-state, decoherent mass.

 Most statements using the word true or false are simply attempting to express the existence or non existence of select, designated states of affairs. Christians and Plato may describe some Supreme Being as truth-in-itself (realism and the Lord), yet that is like the problem of conflating different realms of being into one system using one lexicon for both instead of appropriate and different lexicons for each. People should agree to use a particular lexicon and then determine the existence or non existence of particular states of affairs or relation among objects, being and non-being. Sometimes the lexicon is tacitly accepted. Use-truth and social agreement, and convenient social truths aka big lies (some believe the Democrat impeachment effort is a big lie and like a Soviet show trial) can blind people with truth paradigm relativism of course. I believe Sartre called that false consciousness, although he was generally referring to self-deceit rather than a social paradigm of one class with operative lies that are regarded as truths as he described in The Critique of Dialectical Reason.

One might ask; "Should electric Yeti and Sasquatch be added as Christmas lawn decorations to reflect contemporary American ideals, to compliment the  the nativity scene." -Where is the truth in that?

 I like disquotation theory a little more than correspondence theory although they are similar. Coherence theory is often exemplified with religions.Maybe Democrats have a coherence theory based on hate of President Trump (so all attacks on him are true). I.M.O truth theories have a basic premise of saying what exists and what doesn't. Without that language is fairly meaningless, or rather, the meaning would be confused with the meaningless.

Truth theories were made by philosophers as a tool for examining how various propositions were determined to be true. That is a particular truth theory is a method-a logically, structured method, for determining the truth or falsehood of something expressed in words. I like coherence theory because of its Christian applications. It is important to remember though that the a given truth theory method paradigm can be applied to sundry applications. Disquotation theory has other names for it.


Syllogistic logic has its own implicit truth determining structure, yet it is well known that categorically or wrongly defined premises may invalidate the logical truth structure of a syllogism. Truth theories may be complimentary rather than in opposition sometimes. Stanford's encyclopedia has a lot of content about truth theory. Logicians and linguistic philosophers have made a great investment in structuring truth theories. Deontological and coherence theories tend to go together. One may have a lexicon or universe to drop into a truth testing paradigm or modal logic structure. Boolean algebra truth tables are a good place to learn about logical structures for truth. Here is a description of the correspondence theory of truth. 


Articles of Impeachment for No High Crimes or Misdemeanors

The Democrat lynch mob in Congress brought articles of impeachment for 'high crimes and misdemeanors' without naming a single crime or misdemeanor. The lynch leading theme is that the President abused power and obstructed congress (the Democrat Congress' political agenda as the majority since 2018). Apparently making no crimes or misdemeanors is an impeachable offense to Democrats.

That's really about it except for all of the tech stories for support that ignore exculpatory material, political history or dissenting opinion. The most humorous point is the fake news point that the President has weakened national security in comparison to Democrats that flood the nation with illegal alien support policy, legal dope and so forth.

After the Space Odyssey (a poem)

  The blob do’ozed its way over the black lagoon battling zilla the brain that wouldn’t die a lost world was lost   An invasion of the carro...